Papers by Helmy Mukti Himawan

JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering), May 31, 2020
Metal casting with investment casting method is metal casting which has the ability to produce ac... more Metal casting with investment casting method is metal casting which has the ability to produce accurate parts and has a controlled fineness. Current technological developments are very influential in the development of investment casting. One of them has been found mold-lay filament as a substitute for wax, which is now wax is one of the main components in investment casting process. Mold-lay filament is printed using a 3D Printer machine. In this study, the wax in the investment casting process was replaced by a mold-lay filament with the specifications 0.75kg / 0.55 lb of 1.75mm MOLDLAY filament, prints at temperatures of 170-180 ° C. The result show that mold-lay flutes are also able to come out well from slurry molds, but require more time than wax, this is because one of the plastic mold-lay compositions, which takes a long time for the moldlay fillment to come out of the mold. Further research suggestions are needed further testing in terms of roughness of the product with moldlay filament and compared with wax. This will also see if there are any remaining moldlay filaments from the mold.

IOP conference series, May 1, 2020
The investment casting method has several advantages, namely the ability to mold complex objects,... more The investment casting method has several advantages, namely the ability to mold complex objects, create products smooth surface and high precision. This is closely related to the wax pattern used, if the wax already has a precision geometry with a precise shrinkage estimation during the casting process, the product will be in accordance with the plan, and vice versa. This study compares the level of roughness and precision of wax molds made of Portland cement and Silicon Rubber. The first step was making a product design with CAD, the product pattern to be made was the origami crash box with a thickness of 3 mm. The second step, converting the CAD file to .stp/.step then printing the design with 3D Printing. The third step, duplicating the 3D printing results with Portland cement material on the first mold and silicone rubber on the second mold. The first mold was designed with the assembly method, the assembly will be carried out after the first part and the second part have been finished. The fourth step was pouring wax that has been mixed with dammar gum (Shorea javanica), onto each gate that has been designed. The study found that the percentage difference between design and cement was 14.7% while the difference between design and RTV Silicon Rubber was 2.7%. This proves that RTV Silicon Rubber can form more precise patterns than cement. RTV Silicon Rubber mold is able to form complex patterns. The surface roughness adjusts to the imitated pattern, if the pattern is smooth then the surface produced by RTV Silicon Rubber mold is smooth, and vice versa.

We present model simulation as reference and ARM STM32 microcontroller - based prototype buck con... more We present model simulation as reference and ARM STM32 microcontroller - based prototype buck converter. The inductor current and output voltage of the buck converter were controlled using Mamdani method - fuzzy logic in pulse width modulation switching mode. In this research, the prototypes were built based on fuzzy logic and also PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller. The system prototype without controller, controlled by fuzzy logic, and controlled by PID reached settling time of 31 ms, 24 ms, and 60 ms, respectively. Steady state error of the system prototype controlled by PID was the least, i.e. 0.34 %, meanwhile the prototype controlled by fuzzy logic showed 1.34 % However, controlling the system using fuzzy logic was able to eliminate the overshoot completely. These design and experiment results show that the system can be used for adjusting LED (Light Emitting Diode) driver.

IOP conference series, Mar 29, 2019
The origami pattern crash box has the advantage of producing a predictable mode collapse because ... more The origami pattern crash box has the advantage of producing a predictable mode collapse because it has a pre folded pattern. Investment casting method can be used in the manufacture process of an origami pattern crash box because it can make a complicated product and does not require a lot of machined processes. This study used traditional investment casting with several stages, the first stage was making the wax mold, the second stage was coating the wax mold with calcium bentonite and mixture of soil, husk ash and water. The third stage was heating, the fourth stage was pouring and the fifth stage was finishing. In this research, two metal casting products with origami pattern crash box model were made with the thicknesses of 2 mm and 3 mm. It can be concluded that the result of the 2 mm origami pattern crash box casting cannot be shaped like the design because the liquid metal is unable to enter the mold cavity since it is too narrow. The result of the 3 mm origami pattern crash box casting can be shaped like the design. The casting results have a lot of defects, one of the causes is that the slag has not been thoroughly cleaned before casting. The surface is not smooth evenly since the first coating material is too thin, resulting in direct contact of the liquid metal to the second material layer, which is rough. Future research requires a smooth refractory material to coat the wax mold and further research using investment casting method with high precision that has been developed in the industry.

JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering), Dec 31, 2018
Crash box serves as a kinetic energy absorber during collision. It has a tube shape, which is loc... more Crash box serves as a kinetic energy absorber during collision. It has a tube shape, which is located between bumper and chassis. The crash box design requires development in order to reduce buckling mode and obtain symmetry folding mechanism, so it will achieve greater energy absorption. The researchers find a method to reduce tension due to impact by providing dents in crash box geometry. This research observed origami pattern crash box design having dents functioned as pre-folded so that collapse mode can be predicted and stable. In this research, the crash box was modeled according to the size of bumper and chassis on the MPV car. Testing simulation was performed by modelling Impactor as rigid body and crash box as flexible. Fixed support was housted in the surface of rear side of the crash box. Simulation process was started from the impactor moving to suppress crash box. This Impactor collision led to deformation on the crash box. Crash box material was AA7004-T7, it was modelled as bilinear isotropic hardening. Based on the research result, the addition of pre folded pattern is able to reduce impact force at the first impact and has stable characteristic as well as predictable collapse mode.

Elposys: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan, Jul 2, 2021
Abstrak Dalam perkembangannya kebutuhan energi listrik menjadi suatu keharusan bagi masyarakat da... more Abstrak Dalam perkembangannya kebutuhan energi listrik menjadi suatu keharusan bagi masyarakat dan rasanya tanpa energi listrik masyarakat tidak dapat melakukan aktifitas sehari-hari termasuk dalam dunia pendidikan. Pada tiap gedung pendidikan pun dituntut untuk handal dan berkualitas, juga mencukupi kebutuhan energinya, selain itu hal yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah baga imana intensitas konsumsi energi listrik tersebut efisien, terkendali, dan tentunya hemat energi. Audit energi yang dilakukan pada PSDKU Kediri Politeknik Negeri Malang ini difokuskan ke tingkat konsumsi energi dan sistem pencahayaan bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terdapat beberapa kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu, penggunaan energi listrik di Gedung A lebih besar dibandingkan dengan penggunaan energi listrik pada gedung B dan C. Dikarenakan gedung A berfungsi sebagai pusat perkantoran yang jam kerjanya dan penggunaan ruangannya lebih banyak. Sistem pencahayaan bangunan tergolong kurang, karena terdapat beberapa ruangan yang masih belum memenuhi tingkat lux rata rata standart. Penentuan tingkat lux rata rata dilakukan dengan simulasi DIALux dan con toh ruangan yang digunakan adalah ruang direktur. Penghematan energi adalah dengan melakukan pergantian lampu menggunakan lampu berjenis LED sesuai kapasitas yang di butuhkan. Dengan menggunakan lampu led maka kebutuhan penggunaan energinya semakin rendah tetapi tetap memenuhi pada SNI.

Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2019
This paper study experiment by utilizing Polylactic Acid (PLA) which was printed with 3D Printing... more This paper study experiment by utilizing Polylactic Acid (PLA) which was printed with 3D Printing technology by taking the form of origami-shaped crash box pattern designed for MPV cars. The first step is to design crash box origami patterns with CAD software, and continue with the mold wax design. Then print the model in the Cura software. Then print the mold with approximately 56 hours 31 minutes and spend a 16.38 m long PLA filament weighing 128 g. Then pour wax, as for the wax used is carnauba wax with the temperature of pouring into the mold approximately 110 °C, let it chilled for 11 minutes then the mold is released from the wax. The final step is inspection. The result of this experiment is that the PLA-based mold is capable of printing the origami-shaped crash box pattern well, shown by clear printing of sharp indentations both inside and outside. Percentage of nonconformity with design area A of 0.52 %, area B of 0.43 %, area C of 0 %, area D of 10.8 %, area of E1-4 of 0% and area E5 of 3.2 % are obtained. A comparison of the overall size of the design with the experiment was 0.29 mm. PLA tends to show consistency of experimental results. This is shown in the consistency of experimental results 1 to 3 in areas A, B, C and E. But there are inconsistencies in the experimental results in area D which represents the thickness dimension. This is influenced by changes in mold patterns which are affected by temperature pour wax into the mold and trigger the change of mold due to heat received continuously.

Журнал інженерних наук, 2019
This paper study experiment by utilizing Polylactic Acid (PLA) which was printed with 3D Printing... more This paper study experiment by utilizing Polylactic Acid (PLA) which was printed with 3D Printing technology by taking the form of origami-shaped crash box pattern designed for MPV cars. The first step is to design crash box origami patterns with CAD software, and continue with the mold wax design. Then print the model in the Cura software. Then print the mold with approximately 56 hours 31 minutes and spend a 16.38 m long PLA filament weighing 128 g. Then pour wax, as for the wax used is carnauba wax with the temperature of pouring into the mold approximately 110 °C, let it chilled for 11 minutes then the mold is released from the wax. The final step is inspection. The result of this experiment is that the PLA-based mold is capable of printing the origami-shaped crash box pattern well, shown by clear printing of sharp indentations both inside and outside. Percentage of nonconformity with design area A of 0.52 %, area B of 0.43 %, area C of 0 %, area D of 10.8 %, area of E1-4 of 0% and area E5 of 3.2 % are obtained. A comparison of the overall size of the design with the experiment was 0.29 mm. PLA tends to show consistency of experimental results. This is shown in the consistency of experimental results 1 to 3 in areas A, B, C and E. But there are inconsistencies in the experimental results in area D which represents the thickness dimension. This is influenced by changes in mold patterns which are affected by temperature pour wax into the mold and trigger the change of mold due to heat received continuously.
Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, Nov 30, 2018

ELPOSYS: Jurnal Sistem Kelistrikan, 2021
Dalam perkembangannya kebutuhan energi listrik menjadi suatu keharusan bagi masyarakat dan rasany... more Dalam perkembangannya kebutuhan energi listrik menjadi suatu keharusan bagi masyarakat dan rasanya tanpa energi listrik masyarakat tidak dapat melakukan aktifitas sehari-hari termasuk dalam dunia pendidikan. Pada tiap gedung pendidikan pun dituntut untuk handal dan berkualitas, juga mencukupi kebutuhan energinya, selain itu hal yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah bagaimana intensitas konsumsi energi listrik tersebut efisien, terkendali, dan tentunya hemat energi. Audit energi yang dilakukan pada PSDKU Kediri Politeknik Negeri Malang ini difokuskan ke tingkat konsumsi energi dan sistem pencahayaan bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terdapat beberapa kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu, penggunaan energi listrik di Gedung A lebih besar dibandingkan dengan penggunaan energi listrik pada gedung B dan C. Dikarenakan gedung A berfungsi sebagai pusat perkantoran yang jam kerjanya dan penggunaan ruangannya lebih banyak. Sistem pencahayaan bangunan tergolong kurang, karena terdapat...

2018 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 2018
We present model simulation as reference and ARM STM32 microcontroller - based prototype buck con... more We present model simulation as reference and ARM STM32 microcontroller - based prototype buck converter. The inductor current and output voltage of the buck converter were controlled using Mamdani method - fuzzy logic in pulse width modulation switching mode. In this research, the prototypes were built based on fuzzy logic and also PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller. The system prototype without controller, controlled by fuzzy logic, and controlled by PID reached settling time of 31 ms, 24 ms, and 60 ms, respectively. Steady state error of the system prototype controlled by PID was the least, i.e. 0.34 %, meanwhile the prototype controlled by fuzzy logic showed 1.34 % However, controlling the system using fuzzy logic was able to eliminate the overshoot completely. These design and experiment results show that the system can be used for adjusting LED (Light Emitting Diode) driver.
INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi, 2017
Tube piezoceramic used for the laying of a variety of sensors with a relatively small diameter to... more Tube piezoceramic used for the laying of a variety of sensors with a relatively small diameter to the size of a few micrometer to a few milli meters. Materials used in Piezoceramic Tube specially formulated standards for cylinders, so many different kinds of sensors which has a cylindrical shape for use as a place Piezoceramic. Use of Piezoceramic Tube one to measure ultrasonic flow. In the ultrasonic flow rate measurement distinction is made between two different measurement principles, namely the Doppler effect and timing analysis wave. In both cases Piezoceramic transducer placed on the walls of the tube produces ultrasonic waves, which are then transmitted into the liquid diagonal to the direction of flow.

Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 2016
Recently the switching mode used in a buck converter is controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM... more Recently the switching mode used in a buck converter is controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM) which has relatively higher efficiency compared to a linear power supply system. In general, there are two problems that often occur in the buck converter, First, the difficulties in controlling inductor current which has considerably large ripple, and second, a transient output voltage that appears at the start-up. By using fuzzy logic control in PWM switching mode, the inductor current and output voltage of the buck converter can be controlled. Using Mamdani method fuzzy logic with 2 inputs, i.e. Error and Change of Error, the system produces 1 output, which is duty ratio. The results showed that the fuzzy logic control decreased the error of the output voltage of buck converter by 3%, and decreased the ripple in the inductor current by 1.5% up to 3%. Intisari-Pada masa sekarang ini buck converter banyak yang menggunakan mode switching dengan pengaturan menggunakan pulse width modulation (PWM) yang memiliki efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding sistem catu daya linier. Secara umum ada dua permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada buck converter. Pertama, sulitnya pengendalian arus pada induktor yang memiliki ripple yang cukup besar. Kedua adalah transient tegangan keluaran yang muncul pada saat start up. Dengan menggunakan fuzzy logic control sebagai pengendali PWM, maka pengaturan arus pada induktor dan tegangan keluaran buck konverter dapat dibuat sesuai dengan keinginan. Fuzzy logic menggunakan metode mamdani dengan 2 input yaitu Error, Perubahan Error, dan 1 output berupa duty ratio. Dari uji coba yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil output tegangan memiliki error yang berkurang pada kurang lebih 3% jika ditambahkan dengan pengendalian fuzzy logic, dan pengaturan arus pada induktor lebih baik yaitu berkurangnya ripple sebesar 1,5% sampi 3%.

Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering, 2020
Metal casting with investment casting method is metal casting which has the ability to produce ac... more Metal casting with investment casting method is metal casting which has the ability to produce accurate parts and has a controlled fineness. Current technological developments are very influential in the development of investment casting. One of them has been found mold-lay filament as a substitute for wax, which is now wax is one of the main components in investment casting process. Mold-lay filament is printed using a 3D Printer machine. In this study, the wax in the investment casting process was replaced by a mold-lay filament with the specifications 0.75kg / 0.55 lb of 1.75mm MOLDLAY filament, prints at temperatures of 170-180 ° C. The result show that mold-lay flutes are also able to come out well from slurry molds, but require more time than wax, this is because one of the plastic mold-lay compositions, which takes a long time for the moldlay fillment to come out of the mold. Further research suggestions are needed further testing in terms of roughness of the product with mo...

Yumary : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Purpose: This study aimed to increase partners' knowledge and skills regarding the use of var... more Purpose: This study aimed to increase partners' knowledge and skills regarding the use of various equipment for processing sugarcane into solid brown sugar so as to improve the economy of the farmers. Method: 5 steps were carried out in this activity; determining the location, determining a suitable place for the construction of a sugar factory, determining suitable business units, training on appropriate technology and brown sugar factory assembly and how to influence it & training on making units business ventures and marketing results, and sustainability evaluation of the program. Results: Processing raw sugarcane into brown sugar allows partners to directly improve their economic conditions by converting sugarcane into semi-finished products, namely brown sugar that is ready to sell to the industry, especially the soy sauce industry. Conclusion: The processing of raw sugarcane into brown sugar can directly improve its economic condition by converting sugarcane into semi-fini...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The investment casting method has several advantages, namely the ability to mold complex objects,... more The investment casting method has several advantages, namely the ability to mold complex objects, create products smooth surface and high precision. This is closely related to the wax pattern used, if the wax already has a precision geometry with a precise shrinkage estimation during the casting process, the product will be in accordance with the plan, and vice versa. This study compares the level of roughness and precision of wax molds made of Portland cement and Silicon Rubber. The first step was making a product design with CAD, the product pattern to be made was the origami crash box with a thickness of 3 mm. The second step, converting the CAD file to .stp/.step then printing the design with 3D Printing. The third step, duplicating the 3D printing results with Portland cement material on the first mold and silicone rubber on the second mold. The first mold was designed with the assembly method, the assembly will be carried out after the first part and the second part have been ...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The origami pattern crash box has the advantage of producing a predictable mode collapse because ... more The origami pattern crash box has the advantage of producing a predictable mode collapse because it has a pre folded pattern. Investment casting method can be used in the manufacture process of an origami pattern crash box because it can make a complicated product and does not require a lot of machined processes. This study used traditional investment casting with several stages, the first stage was making the wax mold, the second stage was coating the wax mold with calcium bentonite and mixture of soil, husk ash and water. The third stage was heating, the fourth stage was pouring and the fifth stage was finishing. In this research, two metal casting products with origami pattern crash box model were made with the thicknesses of 2 mm and 3 mm. It can be concluded that the result of the 2 mm origami pattern crash box casting cannot be shaped like the design because the liquid metal is unable to enter the mold cavity since it is too narrow. The result of the 3 mm origami pattern crash box casting can be shaped like the design. The casting results have a lot of defects, one of the causes is that the slag has not been thoroughly cleaned before casting. The surface is not smooth evenly since the first coating material is too thin, resulting in direct contact of the liquid metal to the second material layer, which is rough. Future research requires a smooth refractory material to coat the wax mold and further research using investment casting method with high precision that has been developed in the industry.

Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Engineering, 2018
Crash box serves as a kinetic energy absorber during collision. It has a tube shape, which is lo... more Crash box serves as a kinetic energy absorber during collision. It has a tube shape, which is located between bumper and chasis. The crash box design requires development in order to reduce buckling mode and obtain symmetry folding mechanism, so it will achieve greater energy absortion. The researchers find a method to reduce tension due to impact by providing dents in crash box geometry. This research observed origami pattern crash box design having dents functioned as pre-folded so that collapse mode can be predicted and stable. In this research, the crash box was modeled according to the size of bumper and chassis on the MPV car. Testing simulation was performed by modelling Impactor as rigid body and crash box as flexible. Fixed support was housted in the surface of rear side of the crash box. Simulation process was started from the impactor moving to supress crash box. This Impactor collision led to deformation on the crash box. Crash box material was AA7004-T7, it was modelle...

Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika
The main purpose of this research is to compare the response of a modeling and quadcopter impleme... more The main purpose of this research is to compare the response of a modeling and quadcopter implementation when it’s in normal position and given a yaw-lock mixer input with some PID control parameters. Yaw is one of the movable axis parallel to the axis of the earth magnet. The yaw interference comes from the rotor imbalance as the main inertia generator, thus causing a drift effect on yaw. The yaw-lock mixer input system is installed to keep the yaw in one quadcopter heading position as well as the setpoint tracking. One of the advantages of keeping yaw stability is when mounted dolphin 2 fpv camera axis (roll-pitch), with free-rudder image control generated will consist stable. The method used in this research are; the quadcopter is dynamically modeled so that hypotheses can be drawn about the quadcopter response. After obtained the quadcopter response formulation, then do the sampling of magnetometer data. Based on the formulation and the sampling data, a decision was made regard...
Papers by Helmy Mukti Himawan