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ABSTRAK Salah satu analisa penting dalam sebuah perencanaan, pengembangan, maupun pengendalian insfrastruktur keairan adalah analisa hidrologi. Ketepatan analisa hidrologi bergantung pada kualitas data hidrologi yang didapatkan dari pos... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyPrecipitation
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In this research, the authors analyze the addition of bacterial producer of biological cement on sandy soil to increase its stability. Pseudomonas sp was injected into the soil to produce urease enzyme, which converts urea that reacted... more
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      Reinforced soil slopeGeotechnical EngineeringBiotechnologySandy soil
Untuk membawa air dari sumber air hingga ke petak-petak sawah diperlukan adanya saluran irigasi. Jika saluran irigasi yang telah ada belum memiliki tinggi muka air yang mencukupi untuk dialirkan ke saluran induk maka perlu adanya bangunan... more
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Spillway atau disebut dengan pelimpah merupakan bangunan air beserta instalasinya yang berfungsi untuk mengalirkan debit banjir yang masuk ke dalam waduk agar tidak membahayakan keamanaan bendungan terhadap overtopping dan gerusan di... more
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Perubahan alih fungsi lahan dari lahan hijau menjadi lahan pemukiman pada menyebabkan terjadinya limpasan permukaan di beberapa lokasi di Kota Sumenep. Kondisi eksisting saluran membutuhkan perubahan dimensi yang mampu menyalurkan... more
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    • Environmental Science
Land use changing in Sumenep city in recent years has caused runoff in several locations. Therefore, rehabilitations of existing channel to suit the surface runoff are needed. This paper presents capacity determination of existing... more
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    • Environmental Science
Dispersive clays have been identified as soils which highly erosive because they have a higher percentage of dissolve sodium in their pore water than ordinary clays. The dominant sodium ions increase the thickness of the diffused double... more
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      PipingEmbankment Dams
This study evaluated 100 raw milk samples for bacterial contamination. Milk samples were collected from 10 main regions of District Lahore and tested for total plate count (TPC), total coliforms and faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli,... more
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      Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureusRaw MilkTotal Coliform
Spyware is one of the biggest emerging threats that can target both home users and organisations simultaneously. Lots of Anti-Spyware products are available in the market which can protect from Spyware threat. Existing research shows that... more
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      Image ProcessingNetwork SecuritySoftware TestingInternet Security
Cough airflow dynamics have been previously studied using a variety of experimental methods. In this study, real-time, noninvasive shadowgraph imaging was applied to obtain additional analyses of cough airflows produced by healthy... more
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    • Water Resources engineering
Resistivitas listrik dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan parameter geoteknik seperti kadar air, batas cair, batas plastis dan berat volume tanah. Telah diketahui bahwa nilai konduktivitas hidrolik dapat diprediksi berdasarkan nilai... more
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    • Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Abstrak: Indikator gangguan keseimbangan siklus hidrologi di DAS ditandai dengan banyaknya kejadian banjir, tanah longsor, kekeringan dan pencemaran kualitas air. sub DAS Lesti merupakan bagian Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Brantas yang... more
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In Kemuning Lor village -Jember regency -East Java, The local site of geology and topographic on ground motion during earthquake induced landslide were investigated using Horizontal to Vertical Spectra Ratio (HVSR). The microtremor... more
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    • Geotechnical Engineering
Penentuan umur layanan bangunan air memerlukan keakuratan dalam memprediksi erosi dan sedimen. Ketidaktepatan dalam memprediksi erosi salah satunya diakibatkan oleh kesalahan dalam menentukan faktor erodibilitas tanah. Banyak model erosi... more
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