Papers by Mbarawa Kofia Ibrahim

Medicinal plants have been reported as high risk of kidney failure among consumers. Around 80% in... more Medicinal plants have been reported as high risk of kidney failure among consumers. Around 80% in sub-Saharan population consume medicinal plants. This present study aimed to evaluate the influence of everyday life consumption of anti-diabetic plants among diabetic patients. We performed an analytical study in 54 participants. In diabetic population, we included 27 consumers of anti-diabetic plants and 27 non-consumers. We made the kidney screening with the measurement of the serum creatinine, urine creatinine, serum urea and fasting blood glucose. We estimated the GFR with the creatinine clearance of 24h. We used questionnaire to collect socio-demographic and personal history data. We identified 4 anti-diabetic plants used by our participants which are Leptadenie hastata, Detarium microcarpum, Boswellia dalzielii and Moringa oleifera. The average value of fasting blood glucose was low in patient consumers of plants (166 ± 43 mg/dl) than in non-consumers (229±53 mg/dl). We noted that consumers of Moringa oleifera (148.14±42 mg/dl) and Leptadenia hastata (148.25±46 mg/dl) presented best values of fasting blood glucose. We noted high prevalence of stage 3 and 4 of CKD in consumers of plant extracts (15%) than non-consumers (7%). Patient consumers of Detarium microcarpum and Boswellia dalzielii presented average value of eGFR in stage 2 of CKD. Though, consumers of Moringa oleifera and Leptadenia hastata presented healthy status of kidney function (116 ml/min/1.73m 2 and 115 ml/min/1.73m 2) followed by non-consumers group (102 ml/min/1.73m 2). These results showed that Moringa oleifera and Leptadenia hastate are better anti-diabetic plants for management of diabetes and they could have nephron-protection effect among diabetics.

Medicinal plants have been reported as high risk of kidney failure among consumers. Around 80% in... more Medicinal plants have been reported as high risk of kidney failure among consumers. Around 80% in sub-Saharan population consume medicinal plants. This present study aimed to evaluate the influence of everyday life consumption of anti-diabetic plants among diabetic patients. We performed an analytical study in 54 participants. In diabetic population, we included 27 consumers of anti-diabetic plants and 27 non-consumers. We made the kidney screening with the measurement of the serum creatinine, urine creatinine, serum urea and fasting blood glucose. We estimated the GFR with the creatinine clearance of 24h. We used questionnaire to collect socio-demographic and personal history data. We identified 4 anti-diabetic plants used by our participants which are Leptadenie hastata, Detarium microcarpum, Boswellia dalzielii and Moringa oleifera. The average value of fasting blood glucose was low in patient consumers of plants (166 ± 43 mg/dl) than in non-consumers (229±53 mg/dl). We noted that consumers of Moringa oleifera (148.14±42 mg/dl) and Leptadenia hastata (148.25±46 mg/dl) presented best values of fasting blood glucose. We noted high prevalence of stage 3 and 4 of CKD in consumers of plant extracts (15%) than non-consumers (7%). Patient consumers of Detarium microcarpum and Boswellia dalzielii presented average value of eGFR in stage 2 of CKD. Though, consumers of Moringa oleifera and Leptadenia hastata presented healthy status of kidney function (116 ml/min/1.73m 2 and 115 ml/min/1.73m 2) followed by non-consumers group (102 ml/min/1.73m 2). These results showed that Moringa oleifera and Leptadenia hastate are better anti-diabetic plants for management of diabetes and they could have nephron-protection effect among diabetics.

This cross-sectional study, carried out on a cohort of 568 HIV-infected patients followed at the ... more This cross-sectional study, carried out on a cohort of 568 HIV-infected patients followed at the Bertoua Day Hospital, aimed at assessing interventions used in the biomedical management of lipodystrophy and metabolic syndrome related to Antiretroviral therapy through the determination of their prevalence within this hospital. Patients had a minimum age of 18years old, a minimum duration of 2years antiretroviral therapy and all had given their informed consent to participate in the study. The mean duration of treatment for HIV patients with lipodystrophy cases was 68±9.2 months ranged from 24 to 136months and that for patients with metabolic syndrome cases was 46±8.5 months ranged from 24 to 151months (P value = 0.005). Lipodystrophy was observed with all the therapeutic protocols prescribed to HIV-infected patients in our study site. Lipodystrophy cases seen among HIV-infected patients using the d4T in their therapeutic protocol accounted for 41.11%, while those seen among HIV-infected patients using the AZT in their therapeutic protocol accounted for 51.57% (P <0.0001). Among HIV-infected patients using the NVP in their therapeutic protocol, we found 40.41% of lipodystrophy cases versus 28.23% of lipodystrophy cases among HIV-infected patients using the EFV in their therapeutic protocol (P value=0.01). Lipodystrophy cases related to the use of protease inhibitors in the therapeutic protocol accounted for 31.36%. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome cases was greatest among HIV-infected patients using protease inhibitors boosted by the ritonavir in their therapeutic protocol with 72.6% of cases (P value = 0.0003). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome cases determined in this study using the definition of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) was 21.83% and that of lipodystrophy cases was 50.52% with 27.64% for lipoatrophy cases, 20.95% for lipohypertrophy cases and 1.93% for mixed syndrome cases (P value = 0.01). We also found 16.9% for lipodystrophy cases strongly associated with the metabolic syndrome among our HIV infected patients under HAART, with an Odds Ratio of 4.54 which was statistically significant with a confidence interval (CI) between 3.45 and 6.87 to 95% (P value = 0.03). In other words, these HIV infected patients were 4.54 times more likely to have a metabolic syndrome in the presence of lipodystrophy than in its absence.

This study provides a confirmation of the need to adopt the HACCP method (Hazard Analysis Critica... more This study provides a confirmation of the need to adopt the HACCP method (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) in slaughterhouses as a tool to eradicate the Human Brucellosis. Indeed this assessment made in our study is an indirect indicator for the presence of the disease in a country on one hand, but also about the transmission risk of the disease from animals to humans in a professional context at high risk, and secondarily to the general population by food consumption. Slaughterhouses are the most propitious places for the
transmission of this disease to humans and also the point spread of this zoonosis seen as a biological danger to the population. The general objective of this study made at the Slaughterhouse of the Bertoua city (East Region of Cameroon) was to evaluate the errors related to the professional activity of slaughterhouse workers with regard of the Human Brucellosis, in a context where the application of the HACCP method is not respected. Its specific objectives were to detect the presence of the Human brucellosis in that slaughterhouse, to determine its prevalence among slaughterhouse workers and to make them more aware about the existence of this zoonosis. We included in our study, all
slaughterhouse workers from the city of Bertoua, who signed the informed consent form for the participation in the study, and also the absent staff due to illness. We excluded from our study any slaughterhouse workers absent at the time of data collection and reported to be in good health by their colleagues. At the end of this study, we found a prevalence of 31.4% for human brucellosis cases due to a bad slaughtering system which did not comply with the safety
and hygiene measures in force. Professional exposure was related to the failure to use individual protection equipments (boots, aprons, goggles, bibs, gloves and helmet) and collective protection equipments (disinfectants/antiseptic and slaughterhouse toilets). The Biological signs related to the Human Brucellosis found among sick slaughterhouse workers hospitalized in different health care structures from the city were: neutropenia ass

The present study was aimed at optimizing the biomedical handling of the hepatotoxicity caused by... more The present study was aimed at optimizing the biomedical handling of the hepatotoxicity caused by the HAART accentuated in case of coinfection with the hepatitis viruses among the patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We performed a prospective transversal survey from 18th March 2014 to 30thOctober 2014, on patients infected with HIV followed at the Bertoua day hospital with the general objective to evaluate the impact of the viral coinfection (HIV-Hepatitis Virus) on the incidence of hepatotoxicity cases caused by the HAART. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients, eligible to the antiretroviral treatment, registered in our survey place for the follow-up of this treatment and having accepted to participate in the survey. We excluded in our survey, all patients who were not registered at the Bertoua day hospital for the follow-up of the antiretroviral treatment, all patients presenting a hepatic affection other that the infection with hepatitis virus, all patients having a bad observance of the antiretroviral treatment. We made the screening of the hepatitis B and C infections with the help of two tests: a fast screening test with the small strips to hepatitis B and C (DIASPOT type) and a confirmation test with the fast diagnosis cassettes (BIOLINE type). We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), Biological parameters (HIV, HCV, HBV, Transaminases) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol). Two hundred and sixty one (261) HIV positive patients have been included in our survey, among which we counted 197 women and 64 men with a sex ratio of 0.32 in favor of women. We noted the presence of 53 coinfection cases with HIV-HBV (20.3%) and 30 coinfection cases with HIV-HCV (11.5%), that is a total of 83 coinfection cases (31.8%). The prevalence’s of hepatotoxicity cases among the coinfected and monoinfected patients were 85.54% and 5.05% respectively and their incidence rates were also of 22.6% and 6.1% respectively. The time limit of the hepatotoxicity appearance among our patients, varied from 4 to 6 months.
Keywords: Hepatotoxicity; HIV; Hepatitis C; Hepatitis B; HAART.

The biochemical parameters are part of the follow-up care for patients with malaria bout as gravi... more The biochemical parameters are part of the follow-up care for patients with malaria bout as gravity markers allowing the biologist to inform the doctor about the progressive stage of the malaria bout. Among these markers, we have on the one hand; the ions Sodium, Potassium and Chloride and on the other hand; the blood sugar, the bilirubin and the proteins, which represent the biochemical parameters more used during the biological check-up of the malaria. Indeed a non negligible fraction of deaths occurring during the malaria among patients infected with HIV under HAART is associated to biochemical disorders, from where the interest of this transversal survey carried out at the Regional hospital of Bertoua, aimed at evaluating the variations of biochemical parameters associated to the malaria bouts, due to P. falciparum among these patients. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients under HAART since at least one year and presenting a malaria bout. We excluded from our survey, all HIV positive patients, unregistered in our study place for the follow-up care for antiretroviral therapy; all HIV positive patients presenting a preexisting hepatic, renal or cardiovascular pathology before the intake of the HAART; and the pregnant women. We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), the Biological parameters (parasitic charge, Blood sugar, ions potassium, sodium and chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, protein, HIV serology, rate of hemoglobin and level of CD4) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol, length of hospitalization and treatment evolution). During this survey, we noticed that the ionic disorders as the decrease of sodium ion and the increase of the potassium ion and chloride ion in the blood were more frequent during the malaria bouts among our patients infected with HIV under HAART. The blood sugar was also decreased in the blood. The bilirubin and protein were increased in the blood and also present in the urine. The increase of the creatinine and urea had the incidence rates of 100% among these patients. The frequency of these biochemical disorders varied with a meaningful manner according to the gravity stage of illness (simple or serious malaria bout) and was also influenced by the intake of the HAART.
Keywords: Malaria; HIV; HAART; Biochemical Disorders

The biochemical parameters are part of the follow-up care for patients with malaria bout as gravi... more The biochemical parameters are part of the follow-up care for patients with malaria bout as gravity markers allowing the biologist to inform the doctor about the progressive stage of the malaria bout. Among these markers, we have on the
one hand; the ions Sodium, Potassium and Chloride and onthe other hand; the blood sugar, the bilirubin and theproteins, which represent the biochemical parameters more used during the biological check-up of the malaria. Indeed a non negligible fraction of deaths occurring during the malaria among patients infected with HIV under HAART is associated to biochemical disorders, from where the interest of this transversal survey carried out at the Regional hospital of Bertoua, aimed at evaluating the variations of biochemical parameters associated to the malaria bouts, due to P. falciparumamong these patients. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients under HAART since at least one year and presenting a malaria bout. We excluded from our survey, all HIV positive patients, unregistered in our study place for the follow-up care for antiretroviral therapy; all HIV positive patients presenting a preexisting hepatic, renal or cardiovascular pathology before the intake of the HAART; and the pregnant women. We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), the Biological parameters (parasitic charge, Blood sugar, ions potassium, sodium and chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, protein, HIV serology, rate of hemoglobin and level of CD4) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol, length of hospitalization
and treatment evolution). During this survey, we noticed that the ionic disorders as the decrease of sodium ion and the increase of the potassium ion and chloride ion in the blood were more frequent during the malaria bouts among our patients infected with HIV under HAART. The blood sugar was also decreased in the blood. The bilirubin and protein were increased in the blood and also present in the urine. The increase of the creatinine and urea had the incidence rates of 100% among these patients. The frequency of these biochemical disorders varied with a meaningful manner according to the gravity stage of illness (simple or serious
malaria bout) and was also influenced by the intake of the HAART

The present study was aimed at optimizing the biomedical handling of the hepatotoxicity caused by... more The present study was aimed at optimizing the biomedical handling of the hepatotoxicity caused by the HAART accentuated in case of coinfection with the hepatitis viruses among the patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We performed a prospective transversal survey from 18 th March 2014 to 30 th October 2014, on patients infected with HIV followed at the Bertoua day hospital with the general objective to evaluate the impact of the viral coinfection (HIV-Hepatitis Virus) on the incidence of hepatotoxicity cases caused by the HAART. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients, eligible to the antiretroviral treatment, registered in our survey place for the follow-up of this treatment and having accepted to participate in the survey. We excluded in our survey, all patients who were not registered at the Bertoua day hospital for the follow-up of the antiretroviral treatment, all patients presenting a hepatic affection other that the infection with hepatitis virus, all patients having a bad observance of the antiretroviral treatment. We made the screening of the hepatitis B and C infections with the help of two tests: a fast screening test with the small strips to hepatitis B and C (DIASPOT type) and a confirmation test with the fast diagnosis cassettes (BIOLINE type). We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), Biological parameters (HIV, HCV, HBV, Transaminases) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol). Two hundred and sixty one (261) HIV positive patients have been included in our survey, among which we counted 197 women and 64 men with a sex ratio of 0.32 in favor of women. We noted the presence of 53 coinfection cases with HIV-HBV (20.3%) and 30 coinfection cases with HIV-HCV (11.5%), that is a total of 83 coinfection cases (31.8%). The prevalence's of hepatotoxicity cases among the coinfected and monoinfected patients were 85.54% and 5.05% respectively and their incidence rates were also of 22.6% and 6.1% respectively. The time limit of the hepatotoxicity appearance among our patients, varied from 4 to 6 months.
Papers by Mbarawa Kofia Ibrahim
transmission of this disease to humans and also the point spread of this zoonosis seen as a biological danger to the population. The general objective of this study made at the Slaughterhouse of the Bertoua city (East Region of Cameroon) was to evaluate the errors related to the professional activity of slaughterhouse workers with regard of the Human Brucellosis, in a context where the application of the HACCP method is not respected. Its specific objectives were to detect the presence of the Human brucellosis in that slaughterhouse, to determine its prevalence among slaughterhouse workers and to make them more aware about the existence of this zoonosis. We included in our study, all
slaughterhouse workers from the city of Bertoua, who signed the informed consent form for the participation in the study, and also the absent staff due to illness. We excluded from our study any slaughterhouse workers absent at the time of data collection and reported to be in good health by their colleagues. At the end of this study, we found a prevalence of 31.4% for human brucellosis cases due to a bad slaughtering system which did not comply with the safety
and hygiene measures in force. Professional exposure was related to the failure to use individual protection equipments (boots, aprons, goggles, bibs, gloves and helmet) and collective protection equipments (disinfectants/antiseptic and slaughterhouse toilets). The Biological signs related to the Human Brucellosis found among sick slaughterhouse workers hospitalized in different health care structures from the city were: neutropenia ass
Keywords: Hepatotoxicity; HIV; Hepatitis C; Hepatitis B; HAART.
Keywords: Malaria; HIV; HAART; Biochemical Disorders
one hand; the ions Sodium, Potassium and Chloride and onthe other hand; the blood sugar, the bilirubin and theproteins, which represent the biochemical parameters more used during the biological check-up of the malaria. Indeed a non negligible fraction of deaths occurring during the malaria among patients infected with HIV under HAART is associated to biochemical disorders, from where the interest of this transversal survey carried out at the Regional hospital of Bertoua, aimed at evaluating the variations of biochemical parameters associated to the malaria bouts, due to P. falciparumamong these patients. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients under HAART since at least one year and presenting a malaria bout. We excluded from our survey, all HIV positive patients, unregistered in our study place for the follow-up care for antiretroviral therapy; all HIV positive patients presenting a preexisting hepatic, renal or cardiovascular pathology before the intake of the HAART; and the pregnant women. We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), the Biological parameters (parasitic charge, Blood sugar, ions potassium, sodium and chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, protein, HIV serology, rate of hemoglobin and level of CD4) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol, length of hospitalization
and treatment evolution). During this survey, we noticed that the ionic disorders as the decrease of sodium ion and the increase of the potassium ion and chloride ion in the blood were more frequent during the malaria bouts among our patients infected with HIV under HAART. The blood sugar was also decreased in the blood. The bilirubin and protein were increased in the blood and also present in the urine. The increase of the creatinine and urea had the incidence rates of 100% among these patients. The frequency of these biochemical disorders varied with a meaningful manner according to the gravity stage of illness (simple or serious
malaria bout) and was also influenced by the intake of the HAART
transmission of this disease to humans and also the point spread of this zoonosis seen as a biological danger to the population. The general objective of this study made at the Slaughterhouse of the Bertoua city (East Region of Cameroon) was to evaluate the errors related to the professional activity of slaughterhouse workers with regard of the Human Brucellosis, in a context where the application of the HACCP method is not respected. Its specific objectives were to detect the presence of the Human brucellosis in that slaughterhouse, to determine its prevalence among slaughterhouse workers and to make them more aware about the existence of this zoonosis. We included in our study, all
slaughterhouse workers from the city of Bertoua, who signed the informed consent form for the participation in the study, and also the absent staff due to illness. We excluded from our study any slaughterhouse workers absent at the time of data collection and reported to be in good health by their colleagues. At the end of this study, we found a prevalence of 31.4% for human brucellosis cases due to a bad slaughtering system which did not comply with the safety
and hygiene measures in force. Professional exposure was related to the failure to use individual protection equipments (boots, aprons, goggles, bibs, gloves and helmet) and collective protection equipments (disinfectants/antiseptic and slaughterhouse toilets). The Biological signs related to the Human Brucellosis found among sick slaughterhouse workers hospitalized in different health care structures from the city were: neutropenia ass
Keywords: Hepatotoxicity; HIV; Hepatitis C; Hepatitis B; HAART.
Keywords: Malaria; HIV; HAART; Biochemical Disorders
one hand; the ions Sodium, Potassium and Chloride and onthe other hand; the blood sugar, the bilirubin and theproteins, which represent the biochemical parameters more used during the biological check-up of the malaria. Indeed a non negligible fraction of deaths occurring during the malaria among patients infected with HIV under HAART is associated to biochemical disorders, from where the interest of this transversal survey carried out at the Regional hospital of Bertoua, aimed at evaluating the variations of biochemical parameters associated to the malaria bouts, due to P. falciparumamong these patients. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients under HAART since at least one year and presenting a malaria bout. We excluded from our survey, all HIV positive patients, unregistered in our study place for the follow-up care for antiretroviral therapy; all HIV positive patients presenting a preexisting hepatic, renal or cardiovascular pathology before the intake of the HAART; and the pregnant women. We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), the Biological parameters (parasitic charge, Blood sugar, ions potassium, sodium and chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, protein, HIV serology, rate of hemoglobin and level of CD4) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol, length of hospitalization
and treatment evolution). During this survey, we noticed that the ionic disorders as the decrease of sodium ion and the increase of the potassium ion and chloride ion in the blood were more frequent during the malaria bouts among our patients infected with HIV under HAART. The blood sugar was also decreased in the blood. The bilirubin and protein were increased in the blood and also present in the urine. The increase of the creatinine and urea had the incidence rates of 100% among these patients. The frequency of these biochemical disorders varied with a meaningful manner according to the gravity stage of illness (simple or serious
malaria bout) and was also influenced by the intake of the HAART