Papers by Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars

This paper proposed a model system for unstructured mining data in social media for natural disas... more This paper proposed a model system for unstructured mining data in social media for natural disaster management in Indonesia. The model system of natural disaster management will be tested using real data where the application will be run from the stage crawl social media, tokenization, filtering, stemming, similarity measure, and Name Entity Recognizer so as to ascertain whether the software is built is in conformity with the rules of data collection events natural disasters that can be reliable. The proposed model system of natural disaster management can help the Indonesian government to calculate the impact of floods, landslides, and tornados that it could decide to focus fixes in the correct fields. If the government has made improvements by the mapping of disaster impact it will automatically proclamation of floods, landslides, and tornados in social media and news websites will decrease, and the value graph will change impacts linkages so that the government can focus subsequent repair.

Jurnal teknologi, Nov 2, 2017
AOI-HEP (Attribute Oriented Induction High Emerging Pattern) as new data mining technique has bee... more AOI-HEP (Attribute Oriented Induction High Emerging Pattern) as new data mining technique has been success to mine frequent pattern and is extended to mine similar patterns. AOI-HEP is success to mine 3 and 1 similar patterns from IPUMS and breast cancer UCI machine learning datasets respectively. Meanwhile, the experiments showed that there was no finding similar patterns on adult and census UCI machine learning datasets. The experiments showed that finding AOI-HEP similar pattern in dataset is influenced by learning on chosen high level concept attribute in concept hierarchy and it is applied to AOI-HEP frequent pattern in previous research as well. The experiments chosed high level concept attributes such as workclass, clump thickness, means and marts for adult, breast cancer, census and IPUMS datasets respectively. In order to proof that the chosen high level concept attribute will influences the AOI-HEP similar pattern in dataset, then extended experiments were carried on and the finding were census dataset which had been none AOI-HEP similar pattern, had AOI-HEP similar pattern when learned on high level concept in marital attribute. Meanwhile, Breast cancer which had been had 1 AOI-HEP similar pattern, had none AOI-HEP similar pattern when learned on high level concept in attributes such as cell size, cell shape and bare nuclei. The 2 of 3 finding Similar patterns in IPUMS dataset have strong discriminant rule since having large growth rates such as 1.53% and 3.47%, and having large supports in target dataset such as 4.54% and 5.45 respectively. Moreover, there have small supports in contrasting dataset such as 2.96% and 1.57% respectively.

2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference (INAPR)
Progress in the complexity of large cities, highly complex systems, and intelligence science, in ... more Progress in the complexity of large cities, highly complex systems, and intelligence science, in particular, smart city technology, has shown great ability in helping to reduce traffic congestion in developing cities. All ideas from the development of intelligent transportation to a town that wants to build and want to change into a smart city, especially in the field of ACP (system created, computing developed), based on parallel management and control system (PTMS). PTMS is considered to be enlarged to a new generation of an intelligent transportation system, and its essential component of architecture then make the hardware and software that will support a new architecture in a developing city to a smart city. The case in a lift is a communication system on a car that uses peer to peer networks and smart cards, with a communication system in a vehicle is expected to control congestion in a developing city through an original town with a connected system. This paper proposed four aspects of surveillance such as Traffic surveillance, vehicle Surveillance, passenger surveillance and driver surveillance. The combination of these surveillances will create best applied Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) or can be called as Smart Transportation Systems(STS).

Background: While deepfake technology is still relatively new, concerns are increasing as they ar... more Background: While deepfake technology is still relatively new, concerns are increasing as they are getting harder to spot. The first question we need to ask is how good humans are at recognizing deepfakes - realistic-looking videos or images that show people doing or saying things that they never actually did or said generated by an artificial intelligence-based technology. Research has shown that an individual’s self-efficacy correlates with their ability to detect deepfakes. Previous studies suggest that one of the most fundamental predictors of self-efficacy are personality traits. In this study, we ask the question: how can people’s personality traits influence their efficacy in recognizing deepfakes? Methods: Predictive correlational design with a multiple linear regression data analysis technique was used in this study. The participants of this study were 200 Indonesian young adults. Results: The results showed that only traits of Honesty-humility and Agreeableness were able ...

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
Network control system (NCS) approaches for distributed closed-loop control systems have been est... more Network control system (NCS) approaches for distributed closed-loop control systems have been established in industrial control. However, recent advancements in cloud computing provide scalable, elastic, and low-cost networked computing capabilities over the internet, which can be utilized as an extension of NCS, in this term, cloud-based control systems (CCS) with a potential replacement of the controller. The main objective of this research is to use bibliometric analysis to obtain insight into diachronic productivity, the significant effect of the published information on the research network, and research trends based on term co-occurrences of the CCS domain. The literature study employs the PRISMA method to construct necessary inclusion criteria such as keywords, databases, publication year, accessibility, and primary article, then Publish or Perish is used to generate RIS formatted file for network analysis of co-authorship and term co-occurrence with VOSviewer. The results showed that Yuanqing Xia was the most prolific author in terms of the total published article and total citations received, China was the country with the highest publication output, and Elsevier was the publisher with the most significant impact factor. CCS emerged in 2012, and current research trends include control system architecture, controller, algorithm, stability, and approach on intelligent manufacturing.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 9, 2010

DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election 2017 was phenomenal event which draws attention worldwide, whe... more DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election 2017 was phenomenal event which draws attention worldwide, where one of the defeated candidate Ahok or recognized as Basuki Tjahaja Purnama was charged with blasphemy, has double minority background in Indonesia as descendants of China and Christian and he was titled "Man of the Year" 2015 by Globe Asia magazine. However, in this paper we do not interested with political conversation, how one candidate couples can win or how one candidate couples could lose. We are interested to learn based on our science knowledge in Computer Science perspective particularly with the term of Data Mining with this 5 years DKI Jakarta event program. Hopefully, by reading this paper the students of Computer Science can understand their Computer Science knowledge in their surrounding life events. Obviously, voters' decisions are influenced by human nature characteristic which like to similarity preferences, where human like to choose someone who have full or frequent similarity in profile and/or program. Beforehand, voters should do learning by doing the characterization of their and candidate couples' profile and program. Afterwards, based on candidate couples' profile and program, the voters will do discrimination between candidate couples, classification, clustering or association among candidate couples. Admittedly, the voters will fill their ballot based on their preference similarity.
Ultima InfoSys : Jurnal Ilmu Sistem Informasi
Due to the prospects for financial gain, forex is always attractive to many people. However, beca... more Due to the prospects for financial gain, forex is always attractive to many people. However, because forex market analysis is not simple, a computer is needed to assist in creating predictions using features that are understandable to people. This study employs the Multilinear Regression technique to identify these kinds of features. The features and prediction target have a very strong correlation. With a very low RMSE and a very high R square, the prediction quality is quite outstanding. The outcome will help academics in the forex field use machine learning algorithms to make better predictions.

International journal emerging technology and advanced engineering, May 1, 2022
Typographical errors are common in written languages, including Indonesian. It will, however, lea... more Typographical errors are common in written languages, including Indonesian. It will, however, lead to a misunderstanding of the meaning of the words. Nevertheless, an Indonesian spell checker is still uncommon. Furthermore, no extensive literature review of spell checkers for the Indonesian language has been conducted. This study aimed to present extensive literature on spelling correction in the Indonesian language. The methods used were discovering any literature related to the study topic for the period 2017-2022, applying some keywords, and enforcing inclusion and exclusion criteria. According to the findings of this study, in the previous five years, research on spell checkers has increased, and many researchers from various provinces in Indonesia have used different methods or algorithms to evaluate word errors.

ICIC International, Dec 1, 2021
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) data contains a lot of measurement data, which co... more Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) data contains a lot of measurement data, which contains Rodent Tuber plant measurement. This paper aims to obtain frequent patterns on LCMS data utilizing the FP-Growth method, where frequent patterns will be used for interpretation and identification of chemical compound in a biological sample. For faster computation, it needed representative sampling data and linear systematic sampling was utilized for this purpose. In conclusion, FP-Growth can be applied successfully on Rodent Tuber's sample LC-MS data and generate an association rule of chemical compound formula. The result showed that C49H79O13P was the dominant compound in the LC-MS data with the highest support value of 41.67%. However, it depends on the other, namely [C43H49O23]+. It can be said that when [C43H49O23]+ appears, there is possibility that C49H79O13P will also appear. Also, there is a perfect rule that [C43H49O23]+ implies C49H79O13P but not conversely. These results can be utilized for rule-based machine learning.

IEEE Access, 2022
Many studies have been conducted in the field of face aging, from approaches that use pure image-... more Many studies have been conducted in the field of face aging, from approaches that use pure image-processing algorithms, to those that use generative adversarial networks. In this study, we review a classic approach that uses a generative adversarial network. The structure, formulation, learning algorithm, challenges, advantages, and disadvantages of the algorithms contained in each proposed algorithm are discussed systematically. Generative Adversarial Networks are an approach that obtains the status of the art in the field of face aging by adding an aging module, paying special attention to the face part, and using an identity-preserving module to preserve identity. In this paper, we also discuss the database used for facial aging, along with its characteristics. The dataset used in the face aging process must have the following criteria: (1) a sufficiently large age group in the dataset, each age group must have a small range, (2) a balanced distribution of each age group, and (3) has enough number of face images. INDEX TERMS Face recognition, image generation, image database, face aging dataset, deep generative approach, generative adversarial network.

One of the supply chain and exchange of material information from suppliers to final consumers is... more One of the supply chain and exchange of material information from suppliers to final consumers is the supply chain idea. Customer needs fluctuate or go unnoticed as a result of the increase, decrease, and cancellation of consumer interest, and supply chains play a role in market competition. The thorough literature review aims to find a more accurate and efficient application of genetic algorithms in the manufacturing industry for supply chain optimization. from the journal search results, 171 journals were found for the period 2016-2021, after review, 118 journals that were relevant to the research were selected, from these relevant journals there were 23 selected journals. Of these 23 journals, there are still gaps in the criteria for research questions, based on search strings, process criteria, so that further research on supply chain optimization using genetic algorithms can still be done.

2017 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 2017
Designing data warehouse of genomic plant is different compared to business data warehouse. Due t... more Designing data warehouse of genomic plant is different compared to business data warehouse. Due to the development of biological science today that leads to other scientific field such as biotechnology , biochemistry , bio-science and bio-informatics. For that required framework design in accordance with the development of scientific genomic plants. This paper uses a literature review approach to research published in 2002-2017. The reference chosen for the systematic literature review are EBSCO, Science Direct, Emerald Insight and Proquest. Through literature research has been tested as many as 77 papers from all sources related to the criteria, then obtained as study candidate of 30 papers based on title and abstract relevance based on research questions. After further investigation, there are only 19 papers that can be used in this paper. The result shows that the variable of framework for the genome data warehouse plant are Construction & Content and Search, that component consisting of Data
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (CyberneticsCom), 2017
Employee Application (EA) is a system information for realizing the latest personal data and inte... more Employee Application (EA) is a system information for realizing the latest personal data and integrated, provide accurate employee information for planning, development, welfare and control of employees. EA in STT-PLN began to be published since 2013. The software size of the EA STT-PLN will be measured with use case point method. Measurement of the software size of EA STT-PLN will be measured with Use Case Point upon use case diagram for EA STT-PLN as shown in the project has small software size where score Use Case Point (UCP) = 70.34. UCP is another alternative implementation method which can be applied to measure application software size whenever needed to deal with time, money and people.

This paper shows the improvement of current characteristic rule learning in Attribute Oriented In... more This paper shows the improvement of current characteristic rule learning in Attribute Oriented Induction (AOI) data mining technique. The proposed algorithm was applied with improvement upon current algorithm with 3 steps where the first step is elimination for checking condition if there is no higher level concept in concept hierarchy for attribute. The second step is elimination of attribute removal if fulfill for checking condition if there is no higher level concept. The third step is elimination of attributes in input dataset which no higher level concept in concept hierarchy. The development of these data mining algorithm applied Knowledge Data Discovery (KDD) methodology which consist 7 steps. Current and proposed AOI characteristic rule learning were implemented with server programming such as PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and using 4 input datasets such as adult, breast cancer, census and IPUMS from University of California, Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository. The ...

Tanaman Keladi Tikus memiliki potensi medis tinggi dan bermanfaat dalam penyembuhan berbagai peny... more Tanaman Keladi Tikus memiliki potensi medis tinggi dan bermanfaat dalam penyembuhan berbagai penyakit, seperti kanker payudara, kanker rahim dan leukemia. Tanaman keladi tikus memiliki keragaman genetik rendah karena pada umumnya tanaman ini diperbanyak melalui pemisahan bonggol secara vegetatif. Salah satu metode peningkatan keragaman genetik antara lain mutasi iradiasi sinar gamma. Uji coba peningkatan keragaman genetik ini menghasilkan data karakter morfologi dari tiap klon tanaman Keladi Tikus. Untuk menemukan pola dari data karakteristik morfologi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan klasifikasi berdasarkan tingkat kesamaan dari data-data klon tersebut. Klasifikasi sebagai salah satu teknik data mining yang terukur, dapat dipercaya dan memenuhi suatu standar yang telah disepakati. CRISP-DM adalah standarisasi data mining yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Untuk mengembangkan aplikasi klasifikasi data Mining tersebut digunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Database Management System yai...

Sustainability, 2021
The clean water crisis, particularly drinking water, is an issue that is strongly tied to water s... more The clean water crisis, particularly drinking water, is an issue that is strongly tied to water sustainability. The availability of disruptive technology that is cheaper and easy to use, such as a water purifier, is one answer to the ongoing crisis. Unfortunately, a disparity exists in the attitudes of Indonesia’s society toward this technology. Five cultural orientations are set as predictors, each hypothesized as able to predict such attitudes as mediated by relevant personality traits. This study applied a correlational-predictive design toward 244 individuals (112 males and 132 females, Mage = 23.766 years old, SDage = 6.196 years) residing in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city. The main results were: (1) uncertainty avoidance can predict attitudes toward water purification technology through the conscientiousness trait; (2) power distance is unable to predict attitudes through neuroticism; (3) collectivism can predict attitudes through agreeableness; (4) masculinity is unable to...

Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 2021
The terminology of the memetic refers to "meme". The meme is a part of natural information of the... more The terminology of the memetic refers to "meme". The meme is a part of natural information of the individual population and this information can be transmitted among the individual of the population. The memetic algorithm (MA) uses the evolutionary concept based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and is combined with a local search feature. Thus, as in GA, MA employs the basic steps such as selection, crossover, and mutation with additional components a local search to improve the solution of candidates. The major challenge of this algorithm is how to develop a good local search operator that can do a good exploration of the entire population. Several methods have been proposed and we have studied several parallel methods implemented on MA (PMA) to increase the efficiency of processing time. The parallel method is included in cluster computing, and that is a part of high-performance computing systems. In this work, we proposed the two new models of the memetic algorithm that run in a high-3814 ASSIROJ, WARNARS, ABDURACHMAN, KISTIJANTORO, DOUCET performance computing system (HPCMA) environment by utilizing the multi-threads feature of processor, so-called HPCMA1 and HPCMA2 model, to process fingerprints image dataset. The result shows that the HPCMA1 model runs with high inconsistency data caused by its overlaps in the macro-process and to address the problem from the HPCMA1 model we use the HPCMA2 model.

2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), 2021
These days, Indonesia has entered the era of Industry 4.0 which is marked by the development of a... more These days, Indonesia has entered the era of Industry 4.0 which is marked by the development of all-digital technology and automation. With the increasing rate of technology development that changes people’s lives, people are becoming fond of anything fast and instant. With the help of these technological advancements, we create an application that makes it easier for users that are willing to hold events. This application connects 2 entities, which are users and an event organizer. The event organizer can easily find their market and other hands easy as well for the user for finding the market for event organization activities. The business processes in this application were designed with a use case diagram, and the tables in the database were designed with the class diagram and the menu of the application with User Interface (UI). However, this proposed application just only an introduction and needs to be explored for those who are interested to explore entrepreneurship in these areas.

2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020
The government in Indonesia and its staff work together to make tactical steps to prevent the spr... more The government in Indonesia and its staff work together to make tactical steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community. From the ministerial level to the heads of the provinces, regencies, and even the government. Therefore, this study aims to make a model decision support system to diagnose patients exposed to Covid-19, such as people in control, patients in oversight, and those who are positive for the Covid-19 Virus. Model decision support system development aims to provide information about the development of COVID-19 and help the community in diagnosing themselves related to COVID-19 infection. In this study, the authors use the forward chaining method in application to get conclusions from the symptoms of the Covid-19. This research resulted in an application that patients exposed to the Covid-19, and it's also provided a solution for healing from patients. And this could be a reference for patients before consulting further with the doctor.
Papers by Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars