Papers by Daniel Kartawiguna
Positron emission tomography is a nuclear medicine medical imaging modality that is able to image... more Positron emission tomography is a nuclear medicine medical imaging modality that is able to image physiological activities in the body so that important diagnostic information that is not available from ordinary high-resolution anatomical images can be obtained. All PET tomography uses photon coincident detection, annihilation or positron-electron annihilation to obtain the projection data necessary to produce tomography im
ages. Due to the high energy of annihilation radiation, radiation protection requirements in the design of PET or PET/CT imaging facilities are an important consideration. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the requirements of radiation protection shields for PET-CT that will be installed in the radiology and nuclear medicine service installation of the Government General Hospital at Jakarta in 2023.
Kajian Penentuan Aktivitas F-18 FDG untuk Pengukuran Kebocoran Pajanan Radiasi Ruang Suntik dan R... more Kajian Penentuan Aktivitas F-18 FDG untuk Pengukuran Kebocoran Pajanan Radiasi Ruang Suntik dan Ruang Pemeriksaan PET-CT
ComTech, Dec 1, 2011
Cell phones are now a cheap means of wide-ranged wireless communication. One feature widely used ... more Cell phones are now a cheap means of wide-ranged wireless communication. One feature widely used is the short message service (SMS). The cellular communication system is more appropriate for long-distanced applications than high speed data transfer. This study aims to develop a GSM modem interface with AVR microcontroller using C programming language. The tools controlled by the microcontroller system can gain more benefit if it is linked with GSM mobile communication system. The results of this study can be applied whether in a remote monitoring system, remote control system, or communication between the microcontroller via SMS. Many additional benefits can be obtained for the tools controlled by the microcontroller when connected to a GSM system.

Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak penerapan sistem perdagangan s... more Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak penerapan sistem perdagangan saham tanpa warkat di Pasar Modal Indonesia terhadap perusahaan efek dan investor. Penerapan sistem perdagangan efek tanpa warkat diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam proses perdagangan dan penyelesaian transaksi efek (settlement). Dengan sistem ini maka diharapkan proses transaksi saham dan penyelesaian transaksinya menjadi lebih aman, murah, dan cepat. Tesis ini meneliti efektifitas dan efisiensi penerapan scripless trading di Pasar Modal Indonesia dengan menganalisa pengaruh sistem perdagangan tanpa warkat terhadap: keamanan transaksi, kecepatan transaksi serta penyelesaian transaksi, dan biaya transaksi yang dipandang dari sudut Perusahaan Efek dan Investor. Sebagai responden dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan Efek anggota Bursa Efek Jakarta dan para nasabahnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan kuesioner serta wawancara langsung pada staf Perusahaan Efek. Hipotesis akan diuji dengan metode statistik parametrik uji-t satu arah (one tailed) untuk dua sampel yang berpasangan.

2022 5th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI), 2023
Results-based social interactions indicate that people who are affected with Autism Spectrum Diso... more Results-based social interactions indicate that people who are affected with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often encounter problems during the transition towards adulthood. However, the latest study indicates the viability of utilizing virtual reality technology to build up social skills in autism sufferers. The result of the study manifests that there is a remarkable increase in various social cognitive measures. This discovery implies that virtual reality might be a promising social learning instrument to help improve social cognition and skills for autistic individuals. Forty ASD participants ranging from the age of 7 to 26 will be divided into two groups of age, which are children and young adults. In total there will be 10 sessions of virtual-based intervention in which the ASD participants will be guided by a coach and a researcher. Each of session has its own social objectives that need to be accomplished by the participants. There will be a pre-test and post-test to measure the progress of each of the participants' social skills and cognition. This research will be conducted for approximately three months in the hope that virtual reality can be deemed a useful therapy for ASD individuals.

Implementation of data warehouse in the field of business has been profitable for the company. Ne... more Implementation of data warehouse in the field of business has been profitable for the company. Nevertheless, the data warehouse implementation has not been widely applied in the field of healthcare. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of radiological data warehouse implementation in the fields of education, research, and guarantee the quality of radiology services in the hospital. Evaluation was carried out to the radiology data warehouse dashboard that had been previously developed. Specific targets to be achieved were to get input from the radiologist for the development of radiology data warehouse implemented in the hospital or radiology clinic. The methods used were data collection through literature study and questionnaires as well as radiology data warehouse evaluation in accordance with Inmon (2005). The results obtained from this study were to know the degree of interest and radiologists perception about the radiology data warehouse dashboard. It was concluded that the most important report for radiologist was the dashboard of patient demographics and the non-volatile characteristics required special attention because it was quite important for all dashboards.
Teori Medan mengenai Hukum-hukum Coulomb Ampere, Biot Savart dan Faraday, menurunkan rumus-rumus ... more Teori Medan mengenai Hukum-hukum Coulomb Ampere, Biot Savart dan Faraday, menurunkan rumus-rumus Maxwell, Persamaan-persamaan Radiasi (Antena) dan gelombang, Poynting sistem, rumus-rumus syarat-syarat batas medan E, H, D dan B.
This paper describes the implementation procedure and parameters of the Siemens Biograph Vision 4... more This paper describes the implementation procedure and parameters of the Siemens Biograph Vision 450 PET/CT acceptance test.
Paper ini menjelaskan prosedur pelaksanaan dan parameter-parameter uji keberterimaan PET/CT Siemens Biograph Vision 450.

Today almost all of the data in the radiology department is already in digital form because it is... more Today almost all of the data in the radiology department is already in digital form because it is one of the hospital departments that use many computerized systems. The data contains information that is essential for the development of health care. Data warehouse (DW) development has been widely used in business, but it also can be used in health care. The objective of this study is design a model of data warehouse that can be implemented in radiology department so it can be a source of knowledge of radiology science. The research method used on this study are 1) data collection through literature review, forum group discussion with radiologist, and observations; 2) design method of data warehouse using the fourth stages of data warehouse design methodology Kimball and Ross (2013). Through this research we will design a radiology data warehouse so the radiologist or researcher can analyze report requirement from case study of patient historical record and assess the accuracy of diagnosis by comparing the results of radiological diagnosis with laboratory test results and other medical record from anamneses, medical procedure, medical treatment, or patient questionnaire.
Dalam buku ini dibahas tentang asal usul radionuklida, nuklir molekuler, radio aktivitas. Bangkit... more Dalam buku ini dibahas tentang asal usul radionuklida, nuklir molekuler, radio aktivitas. Bangkitnya partikel nuklir, radiasi gamma, interaksi partikel dengan bahan, waktu paruh. Selain itu penulis juga menjelaskan tentang teknologi penggunaan dan akibat yang ditimbulkan dari Brachy terapi, Afterloading terapi, Telegamma, Gamma Camera, SPECT, PET dalam upaya memperkenalkan kepada khalayak agar masyarakat terhindar dari bahaya atau terkontaminasi akibat adanya radiasi pengio

ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 2012
The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to support supplier selection p... more The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to support supplier selection process in PT Guna Elektro and also to develop a system that could provide alternatives to the selection of the best suppliers. The methodologies used in this study are analysis, design, and literature study. Analysis will be done by conducting a survey about the current company system, conducting interviews with system users, and then analyzing the survey results. The literature study is conducted by searching reference sources related to the study while the design is conducted by designing a data management subsystem, model, knowledge base, and user interface. The result on the development of the decision support system application can be used to select the most appropriate supplier which are suitable with the criteria required. The developed decision support system helps support the decision making process for supplier selection.
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 2011
Cell phones are now a cheap means of wide-ranged wireless communication. One feature widely used ... more Cell phones are now a cheap means of wide-ranged wireless communication. One feature widely used is the short message service (SMS). The cellular communication system is more appropriate for long-distanced applications than high speed data transfer. This study aims to develop a GSM modem interface with AVR microcontroller using C programming language. The tools controlled by the microcontroller system can gain more benefit if it is linked with GSM mobile communication system. The results of this study can be applied whether in a remote monitoring system, remote control system, or communication between the microcontroller via SMS. Many additional benefits can be obtained for the tools controlled by the microcontroller when connected to a GSM system.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 2014
Currently, the information and communication technology is developing very rapidly. A lot of hosp... more Currently, the information and communication technology is developing very rapidly. A lot of hospitals have digital radio diagnostic modality that supports the DICOM protocol. However, the implementation of integrated radiology information system with medical imaging equipment is still very limited until now, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. One of the obstacles is high prices for radiology information system. Whereas the radiology information systems can be widely used by radiologists to provide many benefit for patient, hospitals, and the doctors themselves. This study aims to develop a system that integrates the radiology administration information system with radio diagnostic imaging modalities. Such a system would give some benefits that the information obtained is more accurate, timely, relevant, and accelerate the workflow of healthcare workers. This research used direct observation method to some hospital radiology unit. Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, and surveys directly to some of the hospital's radiology department in Jakarta, and supported by the literature study. Based on the observations, the prototype of integrated patient registration systems in radiology unit is developed and interfaced to imaging equipment radio diagnostic using standard DICOM communications. The prototype of radiology patient registration system is tested with the modality MRI and CT scan.

Today almost all of the data in the radiology department is already in digital form because it is... more Today almost all of the data in the radiology department is already in digital form because it is one of the hospital departments that use many computerized systems. The data contains information that is essential for the development of health care. Data warehouse (DW) development has been widely used in business, but it also can be used in health care. The objective of this study is design a model of data warehouse that can be implemented in radiology department so it can be a source of knowledge of radiology science. The research method used on this study are 1) data collection through literature review, forum group discussion with radiologist, and observations; 2) design method of data warehouse using the fourth stages of data warehouse design methodology Kimball and Ross (2013). Through this research we will design a radiology data warehouse so the radiologist or researcher can analyze report requirement from case study of patient historical record and assess the accuracy of dia...

Implementation of data warehouse in the field of business has been profitable for the company. Ne... more Implementation of data warehouse in the field of business has been profitable for the company. Nevertheless, the data warehouse implementation has not been widely applied in the field of healthcare. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of radiological data warehouse implementation in the fields of education, research, and guarantee the quality of radiology services in the hospital. Evaluation was carried out to the radiology data warehouse dashboard that had been previously developed. Specific targets to be achieved were to get input from the radiologist for the development of radiology data warehouse implemented in the hospital or radiology clinic. The methods used were data collection through literature study and questionnaires as well as radiology data warehouse evaluation in accordance with Inmon (2005). The results obtained from this study were to know the degree of interest and radiologists perception about the radiology data warehouse dashboard. It ...

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Dec 15, 2019
Healthcare is an extremely important sector of theeconomy, as it involves the improvement and mai... more Healthcare is an extremely important sector of theeconomy, as it involves the improvement and maintenance of human health. Despite its importance, many healthcare challenges exist, as a result of increased costs that are not associated with the quality of healthcare. Consequently, the primary purpose of this investigation is to examine the role of information technology (IT) in mediating the effect of medical resources on clinical performance. Medical resources were measured using human resource and medical technology dimensions. The research capability is referred to as IT and knowledge management capabilities. An empirical survey was conducted at 34 accredited hospitals located in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. A multivariate statistical analysis, applying structural equation modeling-partial least squares, revealed that the role of IT capabilities were statistically significant in mediating the effect of medical human resources on clinical performance. No significant direct effect of medical resources on clinical performance was observed. The results imply the significant role of IT capabilities in healthcare industries, particularly in hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The utilization of information technology in health care information systems tends to be slower c... more The utilization of information technology in health care information systems tends to be slower compared with the other areas. Some of the reasons are because of these areas have special characteristics which are: 1) the data and information in the medical information systems consist of many data types, such as alphanumeric, graphics, images, and sounds; 2) health workers are always mobile in performing their duties; 3) the source data is not only coming from the physician or health worker but also could be obtained from high-tech medical equipment; 4) when an error occurs in any health care data processing could caused death to the patient. The main function of the medical information system is not only used for management purposes but it also used for managing clinical data that will be useful for the development of medical science. Radiology department is one of the hospital departments that use many computerized systems. Therefore, the implementation of information systems in ra...
Vektor, Diferensial Vektor Kalkulus, Gradien, Divergensi, Rotasi (Curl), Integral Vektor Kalkulus... more Vektor, Diferensial Vektor Kalkulus, Gradien, Divergensi, Rotasi (Curl), Integral Vektor Kalkulus, Integral Garis, Integral Permukaan, Integral Volume, Teorema Divergensi atau Teorema Gauss, Teorema Stokes, Teorema Green
Papers by Daniel Kartawiguna
ages. Due to the high energy of annihilation radiation, radiation protection requirements in the design of PET or PET/CT imaging facilities are an important consideration. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the requirements of radiation protection shields for PET-CT that will be installed in the radiology and nuclear medicine service installation of the Government General Hospital at Jakarta in 2023.
Paper ini menjelaskan prosedur pelaksanaan dan parameter-parameter uji keberterimaan PET/CT Siemens Biograph Vision 450.
ages. Due to the high energy of annihilation radiation, radiation protection requirements in the design of PET or PET/CT imaging facilities are an important consideration. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the requirements of radiation protection shields for PET-CT that will be installed in the radiology and nuclear medicine service installation of the Government General Hospital at Jakarta in 2023.
Paper ini menjelaskan prosedur pelaksanaan dan parameter-parameter uji keberterimaan PET/CT Siemens Biograph Vision 450.
Universitas Jendral Soedirman
Sebagai responden dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan Efek anggota Bursa Efek Jakarta dan para nasabahnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan kuesioner serta wawancara langsung pada staf Perusahaan Efek. Hipotesis akan diuji dengan metode statistik parametrik uji-t.
Kata kunci : Perdagangan Saham Tanpa Warkat (Scripless Trading) dan Teknologi Informasi (TI).
Keywords: resource-based view, medical human resource, advanced medical technology, knowledge management capability, IS/IT capability, clinical performance, health care service quality
Ditinjau dari teknologi dan cara kerjanya, Pesawat Röntgen dibagi menjadi 4 jenis yaitu: 1) Pesawat Röntgen Konvensional/Pesawat Röntgen Dasar; 2) Pesawat Röntgen Kondensator Discharge; 3) Pesawat Röntgen Frekuensi Tinggi; dan 4) Pesawat Röntgen Kondensator Discharge Berdaya Baterai.
Sedangkan ditinjau dari segi fisik pesawat ini dibedakan menjadi Pertama Pesawat Röntgen Mobil yaitu pesawat Röntgen yang bisa dibawa ke mana-mana sehingga bisa melayani pasien yang berada diruang perawatan dan Kedua Pesawat Röntgen Stasioner, yaitu Pesawat Röntgen yang dipasang menetap di ruang Unit Pelayanan Radiologi.
Khusus untuk pesawat Röntgen kondensator Discharge Berdaya Baterai, tegangan listrik bolak-balik dari PLN digunakan untuk mengisi baterai. Selanjutnya tegangan DC dari baterai berfungsi sebagai energi pembangkit sinar-X.