Papers by Francisco Baeza

Analytical Chemistry, 2000
An immunoassay has been developed for trichlorophenol analysis on the basis of theoretical chemis... more An immunoassay has been developed for trichlorophenol analysis on the basis of theoretical chemistry modeling studies. These data have allowed us to choose the optimum chemical structure of the immunizing hapten according to realistic similarities with the target analyte. The synthesis of this hapten and the subsequent application of an appropriate immunization protocol have lead to the production of polyclonal antibodies against the target analyte. A homologous direct competitive ELISA has been developed that can be carried out in about 1 h. It has a limit of detection of 0.2 +/- 0.06 microg/L (1.01 +/- 0.3 nM) and it has been proven to tolerate a wide range of ionic strengths and pH values. Thus, the assay has acceptable features in samples with ionic strength between 4 and 56 mS/cm and pH values between 5.5 and 9.5. Studies on the selectivity of this immunoassay have demonstrated a high recognition of the corresponding brominated analogues. Other phenolic compounds do not interfere significantly in the analysis of 2,4,6-trichorophenol using this immunochemical technique. The accuracy of the assay has been evaluated using certified and spiked samples.

Analytical Chemistry, 2003
An improved biomonitoring system for the analysis of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in urine samples... more An improved biomonitoring system for the analysis of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in urine samples has been developed. The principle of the biosensor device is the detection of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) in single microdroplets by a homogeneous quenching fluorescence immunoassay (QFIA). The competitive immunoassay occurs in microdroplets (d = 58,4 microm) produced by a piezoelectric generator system with 10-microm-diameter orifice. A continuous Ar ion laser (488 nm) excites the fluorescent tracer; its fluorescence is detected by a spectrometer attached to a 512 x 512 cooled, charge-coupled device camera. Fluorescence is quenched by specific binding of TCP polyclonal antibodies to the fluorescent tracer (hapten A-fluorescein); the quenching effect is diminished by the presence of the analyte. Thus, an increase in the signal is produced in a positive dose-dependent manner when TCP is present in the sample. In 10 mM PBS buffer, the IC50 of the LIF-microdroplet QFIA is 0.45 microg L(-1) reaching a LOD of 0.04 microg L(-1). The QFIA with the same reagents performed in microtiter plate format achieved a LOD of 0.36 microg L(-1) in buffer solution. Performance in human urine was similar to that observed in the buffer. A LOD of 1.6 ,g L(-1), with a dynamic range between 4 and 149.5 microg L(-1) in urine, was obtained without any sample treatment other than dilution with the assay buffer. The detectability achieved is sufficient for occupational exposure risk assessment.
Tetrahedron, 1991
Natural precocenes and related analogues react with dimethyldioxirane to give the corresponding 3... more Natural precocenes and related analogues react with dimethyldioxirane to give the corresponding 3.4-epoxy derivatives in very high yields. This procedure constitutes the first direct preparation of these highly reactive compounds.
Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2007
Impedance spectroscopy approaches combined with the immunosensor technology have been used for th... more Impedance spectroscopy approaches combined with the immunosensor technology have been used for the determination of trace amounts of ciprofloxacin antibiotic belonging to the fluoroquinolone family. The sensor electrode was based on the immobilization of anti-ciprofloxacin antibodies by chemical binding onto a poly(pyrrole-NHS) film electrogenerated on a solid gold substrate. The electrode surface was modified by electropolymerization of pyrrole-NHS, antibody grafting and ciprofloxacin immunoreaction. The sensitive steps of surface modification, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging have been used for electrode surface characterization.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1993
The potential of high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with thermospray interf... more The potential of high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with thermospray interface to identify and analyse ecdysteroids has been investigated. The response of eight different ecdysteroids and their acetonide derivatives is studied by positive-and negative-ion detection as well as with single-ion monitoring and scan mass detection modes. The usefulness of this technique for ecdysteroid identification and quantitation is discussed and, finally, the identification of a new phytoecdysteroid isolated from Polypodium vulgare is presented as an application of this technology. A fast and easy procedure for the extraction and purification of phytoecdysteroids is also described.

Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2008
A new transducer for biosensor applications has been developed based on a three-dimensional inter... more A new transducer for biosensor applications has been developed based on a three-dimensional interdigitated electrode array (IDEA) with electrode digits separated by an insulating barrier. Binding of molecules to a chemically modified surface of the transducer induces important changes in conductivity between the electrodes. Three-dimensional sensor shows considerable improvement compared with a standard planar IDEA design. The potential of the developed device as a sensor transducer to detect immunochemical and enzymatic reactions, as well as DNA hybridization events is demonstrated. The immunosensor allows direct detection of the antibiotic sulfapyridine and shows the IC(50) parameter value of 5.6 microgL(-1) in a buffer. Immunochemical determination occurs under competitive configurations and without the use of any label. Each modified sensor is of a single use. Nevertheless, biochemical reagents can be easily cleaned off the sensor surface for its reuse. Layer-by-layer method of used to deposit polyethyleneimine and glucose oxidase showed that the sensor is also highly effective for detecting single and multilayered molecular assemblies.

Planta, 1994
The characteristics of flavin excretion from iron-deficient sugar-beet roots have been studied. R... more The characteristics of flavin excretion from iron-deficient sugar-beet roots have been studied. Roots from iron-deficient sugar beet excreted flavins when plants were allowed to decrease the pH of the nutrient solution, but not when plants were grown in nutrient solutions buffered at high pH. As shown by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, the two major flavins whose excretion was induced by iron deficiency were different from riboflavin, FMN and FAD. These flavins have been identified as riboflavin 3′-sulfate and riboflavin 5′-sulfate by electrospray-mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, infrared spectrometry and1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. We have characterized the time courses of accumulation of the different flavins in the nutrient solution and considered several possible roles for flavin excretion in iron acquisition.
Tetrahedron, 1997
The reaction of heterocyclic aromatic amines, anilines and tertiary amines with dimethyldioxirane... more The reaction of heterocyclic aromatic amines, anilines and tertiary amines with dimethyldioxirane (DMD) was examined. Treatment of heterocyclic aromatic amines and anilines with a slight excess of DMD at 0 °C afforded the corresponding N-oxides in quantitative conversion yields. In addition, the oxidation was chemoselective in the presence of carbon-carbon double bonds. On the other hand, most of the tertiary amines assayed did afford also quantitative yields of the corresponding Noxides, although reaction conditions, in particular regarding the amount of DMD required, depended on each substrate. Additional studies carried out on selected substrates suggested that certain N-oxides derived from tertiary amines deactivate DMD. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Analytical Chemistry, 2006
The specificity of lysozyme determinations in human parotid and submandibular-sublingual salivas ... more The specificity of lysozyme determinations in human parotid and submandibular-sublingual salivas of two subjects was assessed by comparison of lysozyme concentrations in native acidified salivas with purified enzyme obtained by immunoadsorbent fractionation of the salivas. Lysozyme concentrations were measured by the turbidimetric catalytic method and by a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The validity of the assays was established by comparing assay results with enzyme concentration values determined from optical density-extinction coefficient calculations of the purified lysozyme peak. Values for purified enzyme were found to be similar, irrespective of the assay used to determine lysozyme concentrations, and were in agreement with extinction coefficient calculations. Based on the ELISA technique, recoveries of lysozyme from both parotid and submandibular-sublingual salivas were greater than 75 and 90%, respectively. Similar recoveries were noted for parotid saliva when determinations were based on the turbidimetric assay. However, the ELISA and turbidimetric assays differed with respect to lysozyme levels in submandibular-sublingual saliva because of the apparent presence of an enhancement factor which gave rise to higher lysozyme values in the catalytic assay and therefore resulted in low recoveries of purified enzyme. This catalytic enhancement factor was present in the nonadsorbed fraction of both subjects, as higher lysozyme activities were noted when nonadsorbed fractions were added to affinity-purified lysozymes. Lysozyme levels were also determined in the parotid and submandibular-sublingual salivas of caries-resistant and -susceptible adults. In general, levels of lysozyme in parotid saliva were lower in comparison to submandibular-sublingual saliva; however, significant differences in enzyme concentration were not evident between the caries-resistant and cariessusceptible subjects. Standard errors were within ±10% by the ELISA method.
Analytical Chemistry, 2005
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Papers by Francisco Baeza