Conference Presentations by Mónica Ramôa

Abstrat This present study is part of an ongoing doctoral research in Education, whose main objec... more Abstrat This present study is part of an ongoing doctoral research in Education, whose main objective is to analyse the changes in the professionalism of Portuguese teachers caused by the neoliberal policies implemented by past governments of Portugal. A total of 183 teachers participated in the study, aged between 30 and 65 years and with service time average of 22 years (SD=8.44). Among these, 68.9% are school board or group of schools' board teachers, 10.9% are educational zone board teachers, 18% are on a term contract and 2.2% are unemployed. A two parts questionnaire was designed for this study: one part concerns the socio-demographic data and the other consists of a set of items, in which teachers indicate, on a Likert scale, how the current conditions of the profession have changed or not, and which are the consequences of these changes in the way the professionalism is lived. Most teachers pointed out that the professional conditions have worsened in the past five years. However, accordingly to their opinion, the work commitment and effectiveness remained unaffected. It is concluded that the way the younger and older teachers view their profession is different, with less experienced teachers showing a more favourable opinion to the changes occurred in the professional conditions. The older teachers, more reflexive, reveal themselves more resistant to changes due to educational policies and, therefore, closer to the activist professional model while the younger teachers seem to be assuming for themselves the organizational professionalism model.
Papers by Mónica Ramôa
Currículo e cidadania: Contributos para pensar a educação do cidadão no mundo globalizado, 2015

This study intends to assess whether the perception that the teachers make by implementing measur... more This study intends to assess whether the perception that the teachers make by implementing measures which constitute the educational response to gifted students is positive, as well whether the measure which gathers the least positive perception is the anticipated admission in the first cycle. Another purpose was to assess whether the measure that teachers perceive more positively is the development plan. In addition to these objectives, it is intend to know if the perception of teachers to the implementation of educational measures for gifted students is less positive in the socio-emotional than in the academic domain. The fifth objective was to determine whether there are gender differences in the perception of the implementation of these educational measures. Knowing the teachers' perception of the implementation of educational measures in question is different depending on the geographical area where the school is located, was another purpose of this work. Finally, assess whether the perception of teachers with specific training in giftedness is more positive than of the teachers who have no training in this subject. To achieve these purposes a questionnaire was developed with two main parts: one for sociodemographic and professional data and the other part is divided, in turn, into two subparts: one to determine whether the participant ever had any contact with gifted students, the other is composed of 38 closed questions. The number of participants was 110 teachers. Of which 24.5% are males and 75.5% females. 64.5% teaches in an urban geographic area and 35.5% work in rural site. Of the participants, 20.9% have training in the area of giftedness students, and 79.1% did not. Most teachers in this study have shown to have a positive perception to implementing the special education measures. Of all the measures under study the one that has a less positive perception is the anticipated admission in the first Cycle and the one gathering more positive perception is the development plan. The perception of the implementation of the measures under study, shows no statistically significant differences regarding gender, or as to the geographical area where they teach. The perception regarding the application of measures is less positive in the socio-affective dimension than the academic one. No statistically significant differences were found in the difference in perception between teachers with and without training in the area of giftedness. It is therefore concluded that the reason or reasons underpinning the lack of monitoring of gifted students in Portuguese schools lies not in the kind of perception that teachers have of the implementation of special measures for attendance to the gifted, but possibly in the that there is no monitoring of students by multidisciplinary teams that can identify and build appropriate educational response to these children and youth.

O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as perceções dos professores face à implementação de diferen... more O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as perceções dos professores face à implementação de diferentes medidas educativas especiais para alunos sobredotados no sistema educativo português. Participaram no estudo 110 docentes (24,5% do sexo masculino), com idades entre os 26 e os 60 anos (M=44,2; dp=7,86) e com uma média de tempo de serviço de 19 anos. Construiu-se um questionário com duas partes: uma relativa a dados sociodemográficos e profissionais e outra constituída por um conjunto de itens, nos quais os professores deveriam indicar, numa escala de likert, o seu grau de acordo face ao impacto de cada medida (ingresso antecipado na escolaridade, salto de ano escolar, enriquecimento e agrupamento). A maioria dos docentes mostrou uma atitude favorável quanto à utilidade destas medidas. A entrada antecipada na escolaridade é a considerada mais prejudicial, sendo o enriquecimento a medida mais apoiada pelos professores. Os maiores receios quanto ao impacto das diferentes medidas prende...
Conference Presentations by Mónica Ramôa
Papers by Mónica Ramôa