Papers by Silas O . Emovwodo

Komunikator, 2024
This study examines the influence of digital communication transparency and public trust on crisi... more This study examines the influence of digital communication transparency and public trust on crisis communication effectiveness in local governments in the MENA region, with public engagement as a mediator. Using a quantitative approach and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with data from 228 respondents, findings indicate that while transparency enhances public engagement significantly, trust alone does not directly boost engagement. Public engagement plays a vital mediating role, strengthening the effects of both transparency and trust on communication effectiveness. These results suggest that MENA governments should prioritize strategies fostering public participation alongside transparency to improve crisis communication outcomes. By actively engaging citizens, governments can enhance crisis management, strengthen public trust, and achieve more effective communication. This study contributes to the literature by underscoring the critical role of public engagement in crisis communication strategies.

Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
The study reviewed the development of the digital era in the legal field, especially The Electron... more The study reviewed the development of the digital era in the legal field, especially The Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), which is ruled by law. The problem formulation was how the electronic GMS, according to positive law in Indonesia, and how the impact on the notarial deed related to its implementation. The method used by the researcher was normative and library study based on the primary material (legislation), secondary material (scientific works, journals, books, documents, and other literature), and tertiary legal materials (legal dictionaries). The study results were that E-GMS is effective today, then regulated in Art 77 UUPT and PJOK Number 16/Pojk.04/2020, so that the Limited Liability Company members can carry out the GMS as usual without being physically present to break the chain of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the e-GMS arrangements have been regulated in the legislation, the lex specialist derogat lex generalist principle cannot be ignored; articl...
Re-centering Cultural Performance and Orange Economy in Post-colonial Africa, 2022

The study reviewed the development of the digital era in the legal field, especially The Electron... more The study reviewed the development of the digital era in the legal field, especially The Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), which is ruled by law. The problem formulation was how the electronic GMS, according to positive law in Indonesia, and how the impact on the notarial deed related to its implementation. The method used by the researcher was normative and library study based on the primary material (legislation), secondary material (scientific works, journals, books, documents, and other literature), and tertiary legal materials (legal dictionaries). The study results were that E-GMS is effective today, then regulated in Art 77 UUPT and PJOK Number 16/Pojk.04/2020, so that the Limited Liability Company members can carry out the GMS as usual without being physically present to break the chain of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the e-GMS arrangements have been regulated in the legislation, the lex specialist derogat lex generalist principle cannot be ignored; article 16 paragraph (1) letter (m) and Article 18 UUJN are still prioritized so that the electronic deed of the GMS cannot be carried out or will resulting in the legal force of the proof being a private deed.

Journal of Public Health in Africa
As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pa... more As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), “infodemics” – an excessive amount of (mostly untrue) information about the pandemic that makes it difficult to discern essential information – has been identified by the health body as one of the major obstacles to be tackled to win the war against the raging pandemic. In a bid to control spread of the virus, the WHO published a guideline on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) to COVID-19, noting these responses are vital for containment. The COVID-19 pandemic is testing and stretching health systems and their ability to effectively communicate with their populations. Failure to communicate accurate public health facts could lead to losses of trust, reputation, economy, and lives. This paper turns its searchlight on nongovernmental and community-based organizations (NGOs and CBOs) in Africa, and how they handle infodemics in ...

Journal of Public Health in Africa, 2022
As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pa... more As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), “infodemics” – an excessive amount of (mostly untrue) information about the pandemic that makes it difficult to discern essential information – has been identified by the health body as one of the major obstacles to be tackled to win the war against the raging pandemic. In a bid to control spread of the virus, the WHO published a guideline on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) to COVID-19, noting these responses are vital for containment. The COVID-19 pandemic is testing and stretching health systems and their ability to effectively communicate with their populations. Failure to communicate accurate public health facts could lead to losses of trust, reputation, economy, and lives. This paper turns its searchlight on nongovernmental and community-based organizations (NGOs and CBOs) in Africa, and how they handle infodemics in an information environment battling not just a health pandemic, but a hoax pandemic too. Methods: The study employed mixed method, with data drawn from Africanbased NGOs and CBOs via online questionnaire and interviews against the backdrop of the Situational Theory of Publics. Findings reveal, based on what NGO/CBO survey respondents report their local clients think, that many at the grassroots still do not believe COVID-19 is real, while others view it as the government’s scheme to embezzle funds. NGO/CBOs, therefore, look to WHO and Health Ministries for accurate information. It concludes that RCCE with the public and at risk populations help reduce confusion and builds trust in the public health guidance community members can take thereby restricting the disease spread as an outcome of the RCCE approach.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyo... more The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Art- film, music, painting, dance- can be a way to approach peace and reconciliation. Whether it be a way of expressing the emotions created by conflict, a piece of public art which commands attention or a community project bringing together affected and even warring participants, the arts can offer a creative and non-political means to engage communities in projects of peace and reconciliation. Peace building cuts across disciplines; however the field of the arts often receives less attention. Given the complexities of conflict and violence there is need to adopt diverse tactics that meet the challenges posed during peace building. Because there is little documentation of how art creates social and personal change, this paper will highl...

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, 2019
This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes... more This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes in Osun State, Nigeria, with Osun State Broiler Outgrower Production Scheme (OBOPS) And Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Programme (O-REAP) as case study as well as radio’s involvement in agriculture, with a review of an indigenous agricultural program, Aroko Bodunde, broadcast on the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation, Orisun FM, 89.5, Ile-Ife, a community radio station. Powerful-Effect Model and Agenda Setting Theory served as the framework for this study while adopting the descriptive survey of research. Findings revealed that radio programming role in the development of agriculture cannot be overemphasized, as the messages conveyed via the radio wave has helped to increase awareness, inform, enlighten, educate as well as encourage and mobilize listeners to embrace agriculture. Furthermore, findings showed that Orisun FM, 89.5, had a positive influence on listeners which enhanced t...

Routledge/CRC Press, 2020
In this age, lifestyle, within the context of consumer culture, places a premium on individuality... more In this age, lifestyle, within the context of consumer culture, places a premium on individuality, self-expression, and a stylistic self-consciousness that is expressed in fashion styles, leisure pastimes, eating or drinking preference, etc., especially among the middle class (petite bourgeoisie). For this class, a commodity ordinarily meant to be consumed has become a symbol signifying taste, status, and luxury. This study aimed to highlight the impact of industry 4.0 in defining identity, lifestyle, and consumer culture. The study confirmed an unprecedented rise of a new petite bourgeoisie in today’s postmodern society, as well as the consumption of commodities as a sign. It concludes that industry 4.0 shares the same characteristics with postmodernism, which is an attempt by the new petite bourgeoisie to change the whole game using technology to disruptively challenge traditional institutions, distinctions, and hierarchies; acknowledge polyculturalism and the popular; and celebrate differences.

The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, La... more The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions of the world led to the formation of the NonAligned Movement (NAM). At inception, NAM's actions were important in the decolonization process, leading to the attainment of independence by many countries. History reveals the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries has played a vital role in the preservation of world peace and security. The Bandung Asian-African Conference is seen by historians as the most immediate antecedent to the creation of Non-Aligned Movement. In its over 50 years of existence, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries brought together of a growing number of states and liberation movements which, in spite of their diversity ideologically, politically, economically and otherwise, have accepted its founding principles and primary objectives and shown their readiness to realize them. Historically, non-aligned countries have shown resilience to ov...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS 2019), 2020
The present study discussed the ECOWAS common trade in member countries indicates greater optimis... more The present study discussed the ECOWAS common trade in member countries indicates greater optimism in adoption of single currency. ECOWAS Common Trade Policy is an essential tool for the member countries to eliminate all forms of trade barriers to foster growth and development. This paper took the form of review of the Common Trade Policy in the perspective of trade liberalization, governance and tariff and non-tariff measure in eliminating trade barrier in the region. Intra-states trade is the answer to growth and sustainable development. Single currency proposal and adoption should not be lip service but pragmatic because this will enhance consolidation and strengthening economies of the nation sates in term of business. Flexibility in tariff and non-tariff measure should be encouraged and custom barriers be removed. In conclusion, all efforts must be directed to realization of single currency in ECOWAS region by 2020 to ease business and trade.
Migration and Development
Diasporas are transnational actors that could be involved in playing a key role to amplify sustai... more Diasporas are transnational actors that could be involved in playing a key role to amplify sustainable development in developing countries like Nigeria and Ethiopia. The present study was conducted...
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, Dec 23, 2019

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 7 No. 2, 2019
This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes... more This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes in Osun State, Nigeria, with Osun State Broiler Outgrower Production Scheme (OBOPS) And Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Programme (O-REAP) as a case study as well as radio's involvement in agriculture, with a review of an indigenous agricultural programme, Aroko Bodunde, broadcast on the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation, Orisun FM, 89.5, Ile-Ife, a community radio station. Powerful-Effect Model and Agenda Setting Theory served as the framework for this study while adopting the descriptive survey of research. Findings revealed that radio programming role in the development of agriculture cannot be overemphasized, as the messages conveyed via the radio wave has helped to increase awareness, inform, enlighten, educate as well as encourage and mobilize listeners to embrace agriculture. Furthermore, findings showed that Orisun FM, 89.5 had a positive influence on listeners which enh...

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 390, 2020
The present study discussed the ECOWAS common trade in member countries indicates greater optimis... more The present study discussed the ECOWAS common trade in member countries indicates greater optimism in the adoption of a single currency. ECOWAS Common Trade Policy is an essential tool for the member countries to eliminate all forms of trade barriers to foster growth and development. This paper took the form of review of the Common Trade Policy in the perspective of trade liberalization, governance and tariff and non-tariff measure in eliminating trade barrier in the region. Intra-states trade is the answer to growth and sustainable development. Single currency proposal and adoption should not be lip service but pragmatic because this will enhance consolidation and strengthening economies of the nation-states in term of business. Flexibility in tariff and non-tariff measure should be encouraged and custom barriers are removed. In conclusion, all efforts must be directed to the realization of a single currency in the ECOWAS region by 2020 to ease business and trade.

Diasporas are transnational actors that could be involved in playing
a key role to amplify sustai... more Diasporas are transnational actors that could be involved in playing
a key role to amplify sustainable development in developing countries
like Nigeria and Ethiopia. The present study was conducted to explore
the potential role of the Nigerian and Ethiopian Diasporas in the
process of fostering ongoing economic development in their countries
of origin. The article is attempted to highlight: 1) the potential engagements of Nigerian and Ethiopian diasporas contribution to the economic progress and poverty reduction and the significant role of their
remittances to accelerate economic growth, (2) the major initiatives
taken by the Ethiopian government to attract and engage its diasporas,
(3) the government’s policy reforms to attract diaspora and (4) the
circumstances hampering diasporas potential involvement. The current
study opted mixed methodology and data collected through
secondary sources and questionnaire to evaluate Diasporas roles and
their remittances’ impacts on Nigerian and Ethiopian economies.
Moreover, the study concludes that institutional and structural weakness of both countries and diaspora identity politics tended to play
a great role in hindering the potential engagement of their diaspora to
their countries’ development. The study suggests some policy recommendations for the Nigerian and Ethiopian government.

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 7 No. 2 , 2019
This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes... more This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes in Osun State, Nigeria, with Osun State Broiler Outgrower Production Scheme (OBOPS) And Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Programme (O-REAP) as a case study as well as radio's involvement in agriculture, with a review of an indigenous agricultural programme, Aroko Bodunde, broadcast on the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation, Orisun FM, 89.5, Ile-Ife, a community radio station. Powerful-Effect Model and Agenda Setting Theory served as the framework for this study while adopting the descriptive survey of research. Findings revealed that radio programming role in the development of agriculture cannot be overemphasized, as the messages conveyed via the radio wave has helped to increase awareness, inform, enlighten, educate as well as encourage and mobilize listeners to embrace agriculture. Furthermore, findings showed that Orisun FM, 89.5 had a positive influence on listeners which enhanced the development of OBOPS and O-REAP agricultural schemes. It was therefore recommended that governments at all levels in Nigeria should employ community radios in quickening the pace of agricultural development and schemes as radio has proven to be adequately appropriate in giving impetus for the development of all kinds at any level.
ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mempelajari peran pemrograman radio pada skema pembangunan pertanian di Negara Bagian Osun, Nigeria, dengan Skema Produksi Brog Outgrower Broiler Negara Bagian (OBOPS) dan Program Pedesaan dan Pertanian (O-REAP) sebagai studi kasus serta keterlibatan radio dalam pertanian,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 279, 2019
The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, La... more The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions of the world led to the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). At inception, NAM's actions were important in the decolonization process, leading to the attainment of independence by many countries. History reveals the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries has played a vital role in the preservation of world peace and security. The Bandung Asian-African Conference is seen by historians as the most immediate antecedent to the creation of Non-Aligned Movement. In its over 50 years of existence, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries brought together of a growing number of states and liberation movements which, in spite of their diversity ideologically, politically, economically and otherwise, have accepted its founding principles and primary objectives and shown their readiness to realize them. Historically, non-aligned countries have shown resilience to overcome their differences and found a common ground for actions leading to mutual cooperation and upholding of shared values. However, studies find that though Asia and Africa share a not-so-tenuous historical, cultural, and linguistic relation, interaction/cooperation between the two largest continents as compared to between these continents and other parts of the world, is very limited. This paper aims to highlight the relations: history, culture, economy-between Asia and Africa, focusing on Indonesia and Nigeria and how stronger ties can be forged building on these common grounds. I draw from my experiences and observations during my time in Indonesia while corroborating with secondary data. It was discovered that the bond between Indonesia and Africa is deeply rooted in the shared historic solidarity against colonialism. Conclusions include the fact that the first step towards strengthening African-Asian relations is for Asians to adopt a global, rather than an East-West dichotomous, approach to world culture. Asians must see Africa in a new light in their minds. To do this, they must not see relations between them and the rest of the world as one of East and West alone.
Conference Presentations by Silas O . Emovwodo

Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture, 2017
The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyo... more The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Art-film, music, painting, dance-can be a way to approach peace and reconciliation. Whether it be a way of expressing the emotions created by conflict, a piece of public art which commands attention or a community project bringing together affected and even warring participants, the arts can offer a creative and non-political means to engage communities in projects of peace and reconciliation. Peace building cuts across disciplines; however the field of the arts often receives less attention. Given the complexities of conflict and violence there is need to adopt diverse tactics that meet the challenges posed during peace building. Because there is little documentation of how art creates social and personal change, this paper will highlight how media can harness art for peace building and sustenance to improve socio-cultural community life.
Books by Silas O . Emovwodo

Stylo-Semiosis of English Studies in Nigeria and Beyond , 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic tested health systems around the world, governments agreed that their abili... more The COVID-19 pandemic tested health systems around the world, governments agreed that their ability to effectively communicate with their populations was also tested as poor communication led to the loss of not only lives, but trust, reputation, and economy. Thus, Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) becomes a vital response to any outbreak. The media is a major stakeholder in RCCE as it provides the required platforms to disseminate information in real-time, as well as facilitate opinion exchange, consultation, and advice between all those on the frontline such as health workers, extension workers and community members. Hinged on the Elaboration Likelihood theoretical framework, this study assesses radio roles in RCCE, using the survey method with a focus on the perception of the public (radio audience) on radio reports of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Ilorin metropolis. Findings show that radio in the Ilorin metropolis has satisfied its role in RCCE. This study recommends that media outfits need to remain in business to carry out their connecting and feedback mechanism roles; hence funding in the form of soft loans or grants should be made available to help them stay up to date.
Keywords: COVID-19, Mass media, Radio, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Papers by Silas O . Emovwodo
a key role to amplify sustainable development in developing countries
like Nigeria and Ethiopia. The present study was conducted to explore
the potential role of the Nigerian and Ethiopian Diasporas in the
process of fostering ongoing economic development in their countries
of origin. The article is attempted to highlight: 1) the potential engagements of Nigerian and Ethiopian diasporas contribution to the economic progress and poverty reduction and the significant role of their
remittances to accelerate economic growth, (2) the major initiatives
taken by the Ethiopian government to attract and engage its diasporas,
(3) the government’s policy reforms to attract diaspora and (4) the
circumstances hampering diasporas potential involvement. The current
study opted mixed methodology and data collected through
secondary sources and questionnaire to evaluate Diasporas roles and
their remittances’ impacts on Nigerian and Ethiopian economies.
Moreover, the study concludes that institutional and structural weakness of both countries and diaspora identity politics tended to play
a great role in hindering the potential engagement of their diaspora to
their countries’ development. The study suggests some policy recommendations for the Nigerian and Ethiopian government.
ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mempelajari peran pemrograman radio pada skema pembangunan pertanian di Negara Bagian Osun, Nigeria, dengan Skema Produksi Brog Outgrower Broiler Negara Bagian (OBOPS) dan Program Pedesaan dan Pertanian (O-REAP) sebagai studi kasus serta keterlibatan radio dalam pertanian,
Conference Presentations by Silas O . Emovwodo
Books by Silas O . Emovwodo
Keywords: COVID-19, Mass media, Radio, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Ilorin, Nigeria.
a key role to amplify sustainable development in developing countries
like Nigeria and Ethiopia. The present study was conducted to explore
the potential role of the Nigerian and Ethiopian Diasporas in the
process of fostering ongoing economic development in their countries
of origin. The article is attempted to highlight: 1) the potential engagements of Nigerian and Ethiopian diasporas contribution to the economic progress and poverty reduction and the significant role of their
remittances to accelerate economic growth, (2) the major initiatives
taken by the Ethiopian government to attract and engage its diasporas,
(3) the government’s policy reforms to attract diaspora and (4) the
circumstances hampering diasporas potential involvement. The current
study opted mixed methodology and data collected through
secondary sources and questionnaire to evaluate Diasporas roles and
their remittances’ impacts on Nigerian and Ethiopian economies.
Moreover, the study concludes that institutional and structural weakness of both countries and diaspora identity politics tended to play
a great role in hindering the potential engagement of their diaspora to
their countries’ development. The study suggests some policy recommendations for the Nigerian and Ethiopian government.
ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mempelajari peran pemrograman radio pada skema pembangunan pertanian di Negara Bagian Osun, Nigeria, dengan Skema Produksi Brog Outgrower Broiler Negara Bagian (OBOPS) dan Program Pedesaan dan Pertanian (O-REAP) sebagai studi kasus serta keterlibatan radio dalam pertanian,
Keywords: COVID-19, Mass media, Radio, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Ilorin, Nigeria.