Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Professional Communication and the Media
The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions of the world led to the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). At inception, NAM's actions were important... more
The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and... more
This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes in Osun State, Nigeria, with Osun State Broiler Outgrower Production Scheme (OBOPS) And Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Programme (O-REAP)... more
Diasporas are transnational actors that could be involved in playing a key role to amplify sustainable development in developing countries like Nigeria and Ethiopia. The present study was conducted to explore the potential role of the... more
The present study discussed the ECOWAS common trade in member countries indicates greater optimism in adoption of single currency. ECOWAS Common Trade Policy is an essential tool for the member countries to eliminate all forms of trade... more
In this age, lifestyle, within the context of consumer culture, places a premium on individuality, self-expression, and a stylistic self-consciousness that is expressed in fashion styles, leisure pastimes, eating or drinking preference,... more
This research attempts to study the role of radio programming on agricultural development schemes in Osun State, Nigeria, with Osun State Broiler Outgrower Production Scheme (OBOPS) And Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Programme (O-REAP)... more
The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 27, Part 1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and... more
The study reviewed the development of the digital era in the legal field, especially The Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), which is ruled by law. The problem formulation was how the electronic GMS, according to positive... more
The COVID-19 pandemic tested health systems around the world, governments agreed that their ability to effectively communicate with their populations was also tested as poor communication led to the loss of not only lives, but trust,... more
This study examines the influence of digital communication transparency and public trust on crisis communication effectiveness in local governments in the MENA region, with public engagement as a mediator. Using a quantitative approach... more