Special Lectures and Media Interviews by Maureen Webb
2 hour lecture and Q & A, part of a series of special lecture series at UBC's Robson Square that ... more 2 hour lecture and Q & A, part of a series of special lecture series at UBC's Robson Square that included Marjorie Cohn (President, U.S. National Lawyers Guild), Claire L'Heureux-Dubé (former Supreme Court of Canada Justice), and Professor Michael Byers (UBC Faculty of Law)
Books by Maureen Webb
Papers by Maureen Webb

With Canada indefinitely engaged with other states in fighting a protracted "war on terrorisrn," ... more With Canada indefinitely engaged with other states in fighting a protracted "war on terrorisrn," the question of whether and how the Charter applies to Canadian officials when they operate extraterritorially is pressing. The author argues that the Supreme Court of Canada's doctrine on extraterritoriality, to date, fails to provide an answer that is fully consonant with existing Charter analysis or international law. Canvassing the Canadian cases a,)' well as recent international, American and British jurisprudence, the author argues a doctrine that looks to causation and c01itribution, and not location, is the only defensible one given the purpose of constitutional documents (to establish responsible government) and the principle of state responsibility that governs extraterritorial state action in international law. She demonstrates further the capacity of ordinary Charter analysis in its approach to the contents of rights, sensitivity to functional considerations, and proportionality tests under s. 1 to provide sophisticated solutions to the problems inherent in applying domestic constitutions and regional human rights instruments abroad. If the Supreme Court were to faithfully employ all the steps in this analysis to extraterritorial cases, she argues, rather than trying to frontload all of their concerns onto the interpretation of s. 32(1) (the Charter's application clause), Canadian jurisprudence could lead the way in this emerging area of the law. Puisque Ie Canada participe avec d'mltres Btats, pour une periode indefinie, a une lutle prolongee contre Ie terrorisme, la question a savoir si et comment la Charte s'applique aux re,sponsables canadiens en mission a l'etranger devient pressante. L'auteure soutient que le principe de l' extraterritorialite, tel qu'elabore par la Cour supreme du Canada, n'a pas reussi, il ce jour, a fournir une reponse qui soit conforme aux analyses actuelles fondees sur La Charte et au droit international. En recensant Les decisions canadiennes ainsi que la jurisprudence recente internationale, americaine et britannique, l'auteure soutient que seul un principe qui tient compte de la causalite et de la contribution plutat que du lieu pel.lt se defendre a la lumiere des documents constitutionnels (qui visent a promouvoir un gouvernement responsabLe) et du principe de la responsabilite etatique qui regit les actions extraterritoriales des Btats en droit interncltional. De plus, elle demontre qu'une analyse ordinaire fondee sur la Charte, par son approche quant a l'etendue des droits, a la prise en compte des considerations fonctionnelles et aux tests de proportionnalite en vertu de l'article 1, peut fournir des solutions sophistiquees aux proble,nes inherents a l'application des constitutions internes et des instru-
Teaching Documents by Maureen Webb
Book Reviews by Maureen Webb
"George Orwell and Michel Foucault together could not have imagined the future that Maureen Webb ... more "George Orwell and Michel Foucault together could not have imagined the future that Maureen Webb warns is already here – a state of global surveillance that challenges all of our most deep-seated expectations of privacy. Highly readable and critically important. Read it to see who's watching you."
- DAVID COLE, author of Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism
“Maureen Webb exposes deep and wide how the erosion and destruction of civil liberties and human ... more “Maureen Webb exposes deep and wide how the erosion and destruction of civil liberties and human rights on an international scale may well be the death knell for democracy. She issues a provocative challenge in these pages: can we roll back the emerging police state out of our constitution and imagine a world ruled human rights, law and mutual cooperation?”
- ARNOLDO GARCIA, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
“Tracking the myriad ways in which governments – aided by advanced technology and profit-hungry c... more “Tracking the myriad ways in which governments – aided by advanced technology and profit-hungry corporations – are monitoring and manipulating us, she reminds us that the only predictable consequence of it all is human suffering, with little or no increase in real security.”
- ROBERT JENSEN, University of Texas at Austin professor and author of The Heart of Whiteness and Citizens of the Empire
Special Lectures and Media Interviews by Maureen Webb
Books by Maureen Webb
Papers by Maureen Webb
Teaching Documents by Maureen Webb
Book Reviews by Maureen Webb
- DAVID COLE, author of Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism
- ARNOLDO GARCIA, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- ROBERT JENSEN, University of Texas at Austin professor and author of The Heart of Whiteness and Citizens of the Empire
- DAVID COLE, author of Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism
- ARNOLDO GARCIA, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- ROBERT JENSEN, University of Texas at Austin professor and author of The Heart of Whiteness and Citizens of the Empire
- MARK DANNER, author of Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror
ELLEN ULLMAN, author of "The Bug: A Novel" and "Close to the Machine"
CHRISTIAN PARENTI, author of "The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq," "The Soft Cage," and "Lockdown America"
-- JEREMY WALDRON, Professor of Philosophy, NYU and author of "The Dignity of Legislation" and "Law and Disagreement"