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212 W.-P. Fung-Leung,VA Wallace, D. Gray et al. ... Wai-Ping Fung-LeungOO, Valerie A. Wallaceo, Dawn Grayo, William C. Sha*, Hanspeter Pircher A , Hung-Sia Teh+, DennisY. Lohn and Tak W. MakO ... Ontario Cancer Instituteo, Toronto, The RW... more
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      ImmunologyCytotoxicityT cell receptorTransgenic Mice
Naive T cells require costimulation for robust Ag-driven differentiation and survival. Members of the TNFR family have been shown to provide costimulatory signals conferring survival at distinct phases of the T cell response. In this... more
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      ImmunologyImmunology of the GutTransgenic MiceCell Differentiation
Ag encounter by naive CD8 T cells initiates a developmental program consisting of cellular proliferation, changes in gene expression, and the formation of effector and memory T cells. The strength and duration of TCR signaling are known... more
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      ImmunologyBiologyCell BiologyImmunology of the Gut
erate signaling results in positive selection and differentiation into either mature CD4 ϩ CD8 Ϫ or CD4 Ϫ CD8 ϩ (SP) T cells. However, the molecular mechanism for distinguishing signals that lead to positive and negative selection remains... more
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      ImmunologyBiologyCell BiologyMedicine
Caulobacters are biofilm-forming members of the natural flora of soil and aquatic environments, which exhibit several characteristics that make them attractive for development of high surface area microbial bioreactors or biosensors.... more
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      MicrobiologyBiofilmsMedical MicrobiologyFluorescence Microscopy
ABSTRACTInnovative methods of prevention are needed to stop the more than two million new HIV-1 infections annually, particularly in women. Local application of anti-HIV antibodies has been shown to be effective at preventing infection in... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyHIVGenetic Engineering
The immunoglobulin G (IgG)-binding streptococcal protein G is often used for immunoprecipitation or immunoadsorption-based assays, as it exhibits binding to a broader spectrum of host species IgG and IgG subclasses than the alternative,... more
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      Gene expressionMultidisciplinaryMiceApplied
ABSTRACTThis report describes a previously unrecognized role for bacterial surface layers as barriers that confer protection against antimicrobial peptides. As antimicrobial peptides exist in natural environments, S-layers may provide a... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryApplied Environmental MicrobiologyBiological evolution
Immobilized biocatalysts, including particulate enzymes, represent an attractive tool for research and industrial applications because they combine the specificity of native enzymes with the advantage that they can be readily separated... more
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      TechnologyKineticsCellulaseBiological Sciences
There is a growing class of elementary particle detectors, large-water Cerenkov detectors, that have a body of water (thousands of tons) as a sensitive medium. Particles are detected when they interact with the water and produce Cerenkov... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLight ScatteringApplied OpticsOptical physics
Caulobacter crescentus is used to display foreign peptides at high density as insertions into the surface (S)-layer protein (RsaA). Many recombinant RsaA proteins, however, are cleaved by SapA, a 71-kDa metalloprotease, suggesting a role... more
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      MicrobiologyMass SpectrometryMedical MicrobiologyMutation
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringNanotechnology
Our freshwater caulobacter collection contains about 40 strains that are morphologically similar to Caulobacter crescentus. All elaborate a crystalline protein surface (S) layer made up of protein monomers 100–193 kDa in size. We... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyCanadianSequence alignment
Caulobacter crescentus exhibits a hexagonally arranged protein layer on its outermost surface. RsaA, the sole protein of this “S-layer”, is secreted by a type I (ABC) transporter. Few type I transporters show high-level secretion, and few... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyWestern blottingCanadian
The secreted endoglucanase (CenA) from the Gram-positive bacterium Cellulomonas fimi and a deletion derivative (ΔCenA) lacking the N-terminal leader peptide of native CenA were used to explore the potential of ΔCenA as a reporter molecule... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyMembrane ProteinsCellulase
Using a gene fusion approach, hybrid proteins were created by linking alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) or a cellulase reporter (ΔCenA) to four large N-terminal portions of the Caulobacter crescentus surface (S)-layer protein (RsaA; 1026 amino... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyGene expressionCellulase
The entire nucleotide sequence of the rsaA gene, encoding the paracrystalline surface (S) layer protein (RsaA) of Caulobacter crescentus CB15A, was determined. The rsaA gene encoded a protein of 1026 amino acids, with a predicted... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyCanadianVeterinary Sciences
The paracrystalline surface layer (S-layer) of Caulobacter crescentus is composed of a single protein (RsaA, 1026 amino acids) that associates noncovalently with the lipopolysaccharide of the outer membrane. Like many other extracellular... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVeterinary Sciences
Abstract: This project was focussed on issues related to tne adhesion device used by marine and freshwater biofouling Caulobacter bacteria. The longterm goal of these studies was to improve our understanding of how fouling bacteria attach... more
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      GeneticsStructural AnalysisGenetic EngineeringFilms
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      Developmental BiologyCell CycleMembrane ProteinsBiological Sciences