University of British Columbia
Language & Literacy
Q: Have we grown myopic in our research? Have we sealed our ears? Have we driven the heart out? Have we condemned the body? Have we venerated the economy over ecology, counting over accountability, objectivity over subjectivity, answers... more
- by Carl Leggo
Your Life, Your Way is not just a book for career counsellors. As Amundson notes,“metaphors play an important role in the process of meaning and knowledge construction in life and in career”(p. 8). Any reader will find immense benefits in... more
- by Carl Leggo
My views about evaluating writing are evolving views. Sometimes I think that I am caught in a revolving door, spinning around and around, not sure what I believe, not sure what I think is most beneficial, not sure what I think is going to... more
- by Carl Leggo
Abstract I want to compose the lined and layered art of (a) life. I seek to know the circular, circulatory, and curricular flowing of blood, life, and memory that constitutes the heart of the poet. To live well is to live rooted in the... more
- by Carl Leggo
I often write about family, always seeking to know who I am, to gain a clear sense of identity and positionality in the midst of memory, desire, heart, and imagination, especially in relation to others. One of the ongoing challenges I... more
- by Carl Leggo
Abstract As a poet and language educator, I am often asked, Is this a good poem?, as if I carry some kind of standard measuring device for assessing the value of poems. But, perhaps the important question is not, Is this a good poem?, but... more
- by Carl Leggo
Using the arts as integrative tools for knowledge generation and appraisal is nearly always viewed as standard practice within Canadian elementary schools and preferred practice within Canadian secondary schools. Research into curriculum... more
- by Carl Leggo
With this review, we explore the practices of arts-based educational research as documented in dissertations created and written over one decade in the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. We compile and describe more... more
- by Carl Leggo
At the Inkshed Working Conference 19 on Prince Edward Island in May (more information about it, its sessions, the inksheds from the conference, and pictures, is available on the Inkshed Web site), one of the discussions on Sunday morning... more
- by Carl Leggo
ABSTRACT As a poet I am always seeking ecological interconnections amidst body, brain, language, knowing, mind, consciousness, education, imagination, heart, cognition, and spirit. In language play I hope to find my way to a purposeful... more
- by Carl Leggo
Copyright© Whole Schooling Press. All rights reserved. Reproduction and further distribution by subscribers of this journal or individual articles contained within it are encouraged. Whole Schooling Press authorizes subscribing... more
- by Carl Leggo
Teachers must be careful with the stories they tell and write. Honourable teachers must be careful because stories can be dangerous in their teachings. Simple little stories aren't. Stories seduce: they build desire–to know what happened,... more
- by Carl Leggo
My participation in the Master of Education cohort in Kitimat has been a journey of the heart, an adventure with 20 energetic, wise, dedicated teacher researchers; a two-year exploration in off-campus graduate studies that has challenged... more
- by Carl Leggo
Workman Arts (WA) Company provides artistic opportunities to individuals who have received treatment for mental illness or addiction and attempts to combat social exclusion through the arts. This study explored quality of life and mental... more
- by Carl Leggo
Abstract At least once a year, I teach a graduate course titled Narrative Inquiry. At the beginning of the course I always inform students that they will not likely learn how to do narrative inquiry in the narrative inquiry course.... more
- by Carl Leggo
7 LEARNing Landscapes| Volume 1, Number 1, Autumn 2007 t is an honour and a privilege to have been invited to become the Editor of the new, online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal entitled LEARNing Landscapes. I was pleased to... more
- by Carl Leggo
Carl Leggo he first Newfoundlander to play in the NHL was Alex Faulkner, and one time I stood in line, a long time, outside the CBC in Corner Brook, for his autograph, sure the Detroit Red Wings were the greatest hockey team that ever... more
- by Carl Leggo
A doctoral student and his supervisor describe, conceptualize, and poeticize their mentoring process. Questions related to the distinction between a human being and the role and process of mentoring are explored. The intersubjective and... more
- by Carl Leggo
Abstract Our Terry Hermsen's Poetry of Place: Helping Students Write Their Worlds is a remarkable book—one of the most engaging and hopeful books about teaching poetry that I know. Hermsen offers: thoughtful discussions of practice... more
- by Carl Leggo