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"[Winner of the 2010 “Critics Choice Award” from the American Educational Studies Association] "No topic sparks an argument faster among the American public, even with relatively apolitical people, than how their children are taught.... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationCurriculum Studies
Defending Public Schools addresses the historical, current, and future context of public education in the United States. While the essays provide an overview of education and schooling issues, the overarching concern is that public... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationAssessmentAcademic curriculum
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      Curriculum StudiesAccountabilityAssessment in Higher EducationEducational reform
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      History of EducationCurriculum StudiesControversial issues in teaching
Accountability of schools is a relatively contemporary concern, dating probably to James Coleman's 1966 report Equality of Educational Opportunity. This report examined achievement of children of different races and shifted the attention... more
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      AccountabilityEducation PolicyEducational reformTesting
Assessment-driven accountability has altered the way schools deliver their services to children, and their relations with parents. Listening to how parents talk about their experiences with testing fosters an understanding of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesTeaching and LearningAssessment
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    • Critical Education
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      Teacher EducationPedagogyTeachingReflective Teaching
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      Education PolicyEducational reformStandardized Testing
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      Education PolicyEducational reformStandardized Testing
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      Research EthicsQualitative methodologyQualitative Research
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: t/k ISBN: 0-275-98295-5 (set) 0-275-98296-3 (vol.... more
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      AssessmentEducational AdministrationCritical PedagogyStudent Achievement Motivation
Social studies have a contentious history as a school subject and this article begins with an overview of the historically competing viewpoints on the nature and purposes of social studies education in the North American context. Next, we... more
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      AssessmentSocial Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesAccountability
What is the current crossroad for critical university studies? First, we need to act on the economic imperative of faculty alliances with a radically charged student movement in response to a decimated job market, incapacitating debt... more
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      E-learningAcademic FreedomHigher EducationEducation and Labor Markets
Winner of the 2010 “Critics Choice Award” from the American Educational Studies Association "No topic sparks an argument faster among the American public, even with relatively apolitical people, than how their children are taught. In... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationAssessmentCurriculum Studies
"Defending Public Schools addresses the historical, current, and future context of public schools in the United States. While the essays provide an overview of education and schooling issues, the overarching concern is that public schools... more
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      AssessmentLearning and TeachingStudent Motivation And EngagementMeasurement and Evaluation
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      Research EthicsQualitative Research
As for a picture, if it isn’t worth a thousand words, to hell with it.
                                            —Ad Rheinhardt, minimalist American painter
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      Program EvaluationEvaluationQualitative ResearchPhotovoice
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      Evaluation ResearchEducational evaluationEvaluation
Using Paul Feyerabend's notion of epistemological anarchism within evaluation theory and practice.
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      EpistemologyMeasurement and Evaluation