Books by Alexander J Fisher
Editions by Alexander J Fisher
Articles by Alexander J Fisher

Sixteenth Century Journal, 2022
In the charged religious context of post-Reformation Germany, the power of consecrated bells to d... more In the charged religious context of post-Reformation Germany, the power of consecrated bells to disperse thunderstorms became the object of spirited debate. Were bell sounds heard by terrestrial auditors alone, or by supernatural auditors like demons and witches who were traditionally accorded the ability to generate storms? Catholics and Protestants alike inherited medieval notions of demonic agency in the atmosphere, but they differed on the appropriate remedy. Protestant critics ridiculed the consecration of bells as a corruption of baptism and rejected their sonic agency as a violation of God’s providence, retaining weather bells as a compulsion to the collective prayer that alone could assuage God’s wrath. Defenders of Catholic practice, however, rehearsed medieval arguments for bell apotropaism and continued to insist on their efficacy against storms, appealing variously to their consecration or to the prayer they compelled. If published Catholic opinion shifted markedly against apotropaic sound in the Enlightenment, local populations continued to hear weather bells in traditional ways, and to posit bells as powerful deterrents against demonic listeners.
Information: A Historical Companion, edited by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silva Goeing, and Anthony Grafton (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), 2021
Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis, 2014
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2016
Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben, 2017
Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, 2008
Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 2007
Essays by Alexander J Fisher
A Companion to Music at the Habsburg Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, edited by Andrew W. Weaver (Leiden: Brill), 2020
A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg, 2020
Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, 2019
Julius Echter, Patron der Künste. Konturen eines Fürsten und Bischofs der Renaissance, 2017
Listening to Early Modern Catholicism: Perspectives from Musicology, 2017
Visual Acuity and the Arts of Communication in Early Modern Germany, 2014
Books by Alexander J Fisher
Editions by Alexander J Fisher
Articles by Alexander J Fisher
Essays by Alexander J Fisher