Papers by Stelian Pașca-Tușa

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2020
In this study, we will speak about the priests from Spooru de Câmpie village between 1927-2019, u... more In this study, we will speak about the priests from Spooru de Câmpie village between 1927-2019, using especially the information found in the parish archive. In addition, we will refer to two manuscripts written by one of the parish priests (Virgil Pâslaru) and a local (Christmas Caucasian) who tried to capture aspects of the troubled life of his fellow citizens. We will find that the priests that we mention will have their origins in different territories of Romania, that some were college graduates, we will even find a doctor in theology and a missionary priest who carried out his missionary activity in Transnistria. Further, we will provide more details, specifying that we will reconstruct the history of the sacerdotums in this parish starting with 1927 and complete it with the last priest serving in the local church in 2019.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, 2011
Astra Salvensis - revista de istorie si cultura, 2020
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, 2011
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, 2013

Astra Salvensis, 2019
In the paper, the authors focused Gregory Palamas theology regarding the divine light which he ha... more In the paper, the authors focused Gregory Palamas theology regarding the divine light which he had developed during the hesychast controversy that occurred in the 14th century. Palamas entered in an intellectual debate with his adversary Barlaam with the purpose of explaining to him the fact that the man could experience a union with God and thus see the divine light, different form any other physical light or light source. This divine light represents the topic of the paper. Our research begun with reviewing theological literature of contemporary theologians like Dumitru Stãniloae, John Meyedorff, Patrícia Calvário or Florin T. Tomoioagã which had previously studied and spoked about Palamas theology. Throught the paper the authors show and explain what divine light is, its apophatic charachter and what are the means through which it could be seen. They concluded that the uncreated light is beyond words and transcend earthly realm being knowable and perceptible only in relation with...
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Jun 30, 2022

The present study aims to capitalise on Saint Sophrony Sakharov’s theological/mystical view of ex... more The present study aims to capitalise on Saint Sophrony Sakharov’s theological/mystical view of experiencing the divine Light, which the Essex Abbot construes as an aspiration to be pursued by any Christian, not only by spiritual elites. For this reason, the experience, and exhortations of Saint Silouan’s disciple as to the believer’s partaking in God’s uncreated Light can become for contemporary man a vade mecum adapted to the spiritual requirements and realities of our time. The drafting of these spiritual guidelines will be based on the writings of St. Sophrony (especially We Shall See Him as He Is) and the testimonies of his direct disciples and of those who assumed his way of life in the light of Jesus Christ (Zacharias Zacharou, Hierotheos Vlachos, Neacşu Nathanael, and Maxime Egger). We believe that our effort to capitalise on the mystical experience of St. Sophrony will enable the reader to access the knowledge required to understand how one may come to partake in the divine ...
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Theologia Orthodoxa, 2002

The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity
This chapter offers a general perspective on how the Anagignoskomena has been received in the Eas... more This chapter offers a general perspective on how the Anagignoskomena has been received in the Eastern Orthodox space. These additions, which accompany the canonical books of the Septuagint, have been accepted by the Church and used especially for their formative dimension. Even if some of the Church Fathers included parts of this category on the lists of canonical books, they were not viewed as Holy Scriptures. This research describes how the countries with an Orthodox majority accepted the Anagignoskomena and defined the line of understanding regarding their status in the Scripture. The following environments have been mostly considered: the Slavic, the Greek, and the Romanian. Scholars have analyzed the main translations/editions of the Holy Scripture in the languages of the environments and have indicated the positions of current biblical scholars toward this category. The use of fragments from the Anagignoskomena in worship is a peculiarity of Eastern Orthodoxy.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Theologia Orthodoxa, 1996

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai - Centrul de Studii Biblice, 2018
Пры марфемным аналізе вызначаюцца будова слова, якую яно мае ў сучаснай мове. Найменьшай структур... more Пры марфемным аналізе вызначаюцца будова слова, якую яно мае ў сучаснай мове. Найменьшай структурнай часткай слова, якая выражае пэўнае лексічнае ці граматычнае значэнне, з'яўляецца марфема (грэч. morphe 'форма'). Да марфем адносяць корань і афіксы (лац. affixus 'прымацаваны'). Сярод афіксаў вылучаюцца: прыстаўка (або прэфікс), суфікс, канчатак (або флексіюя, постфікс і інтэрфікс. Т ы п ы м а р ф е м Корань выражае агульнае для роднасных (адна-горад-гарадскі-прыкаранёвых) слоў значэнне гарад; лета-летніпа-летняму Прыстаўка служыць для ўтварэння новых слоў ці гра-пісаць-напісаць, чытаць матычных форм слова і знаходзіцца перад-прачытаць, дзедкоранем ці другой прыстаўкай прадзед, доля-нядоля Суфікс служыць для ўтварэння новых слоў ці гра-беларус-беларуска, рака матычных форм слова і знаходзіцца пасля-рэчка, каса-касец, кораня ці іншага суфікса чытаць-чыталі Канчатак зменная частка слова, якая служыць для халоднае лета-халодныя сувязі слоў у словазлучэнні або сказе дні, халоднымі вечарамі Постфікс афіксы-ся (-ца,-цца),-це,-сьці (-сь), распраніся, пішыце, ска-небудзь, якія знаходзіцца ў слове пасля жыце, дзесьці, чагосьці, канчатка ці словаўтваральнага суфікса кагось, што-небудзь Інтэрфікс афікс, што служыць для злучэння марфем часопіс, газабалон, у слове (звычайна гэта злучальная галос-сінякрылы, сенажаць ная)

Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, 2014
In this research paper, we intend to offer the reader the possibility of becoming more familiar w... more In this research paper, we intend to offer the reader the possibility of becoming more familiar with the main types of biblical commentaries through an exegetic exercise centred round Psalm 1. The choice of the supporting text is not at all random since, even from ancient times, the psalms have benefitted from the attention of an impressive number of interpreters and have been the beginning of both dialogue and controversy between religions (Christianity and Judaism) and Christian denominations. Throughout the exegetical analysis, we took into consideration the rigors of the school of criticism which we correlated with the rabbinic and patristic commentaries in order to accomplish a very ample interpretation. Even if these commentators were not entirely in agreement, rather than bringing to relief their interpretative differences, we tried to underline the common elements existing in the specific manner of interpretation of each exegetical school. Thus, the complexity of this isagogic, exegetical and theological study resides in the fact that it approaches the text of the psalm from a literary, allegorical and spiritual point of view and it can become a hermeneutical paradigm for those who wish to study the Holy Scriptures with scientific and spiritual accuracy. Verse 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water1, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. A blessed person has the moral verticality and the vertical intent of being in a permanent state of communion with God through thoughts and deeds which respect the law and the psalmist is thus bound to set this blessed man in a paradigmatic space where everything is perfectly placed, where everything prospers and becomes eternal. The comparison used by the author of the Psalms creates a paradisiacal image in which the abundance of waters makes everything grow and bear fruit at the right time. For this purpose, human happiness is compared to a tree2 which was taken from its place of growth and replanted near a water source, in a superior soil, more favourable to its development3. The imagery of the tree, which is transplanted to a place blessed by God with fertility and eternal life, is based upon the ל ּ ָתו ׁ ש principle which refers to pricking out rather than to planting (cf. Jer. 17: 8; Ez.

Astra Salvensis, 2019
The anniversary of centenary of Great Union of Romania makes many people to think to the ones who... more The anniversary of centenary of Great Union of Romania makes many people to think to the ones who, during the time have sacrificed their selves and made important efforts to keep our unity of nation and faith. Together with the great personalities who had decisive contributions at the accomplishment of this ancient ideal, they have also existed many unknown people who also were important. Unfortunately, for most of them, their memory ends in time. In this research, we have considered important to analyse the existent documents from the Parish archive of a village from Cluj County and to emphasize the important efforts of some people to build to the Lord a Church for his praise. Because of this reason, we will present there the history of the liturgical buildings from Soporu de Câmpie, using as sources a monograph and many documents from Parish's archive. Through this scientific enterprise, I want also to bring a sign of gratitude to the ones who have kept the faith of their ance...

Journal for The Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2017
Melchizedek's meeting with Abraham in the King?s Valley (Genesis 14) would mark the history o... more Melchizedek's meeting with Abraham in the King?s Valley (Genesis 14) would mark the history of the chosen people. As king of Salem and priest of the Almighty God, Melchizedek meets the patriarch with bread and wine and then blesses him in the name of the God they both served. Assuming this liturgical ritual Abraham offers Melchizedek a tenth of everything, by this acknowledging and accepting his sacerdotal service. Even though at a first sight their gestures are somewhat natural, we will understand going through our study that the attitude of each character implies a deeper significance. This is emphasized firstly in psalms, in the context of several Messianic sentences, which refer to an eternal priesthood that finds its origins not in the service of Aaron, but in that of Melchizedek. This text would generate and fundament later the Pauline discourse on the priesthood of Jesus Christ and implicitly of the Christians. The resemblance of Melchizedek with Jesus Christ is maximized...

In this research paper, we intend to offer the reader the possibility of becoming more familiar w... more In this research paper, we intend to offer the reader the possibility of becoming more familiar with the main types of biblical commentaries through an exegetic exercise centered round Psalm 4. The choice of the supporting text is not at all random since, even from ancient times, the psalms have benefitted from the attention of an impressive number of scholars and have been the beginning of both dialogue and controversy between religions (Christianity and Judaism) and Christian denominations. Throughout the exegetical analysis, we took into consideration a few rigors of the Critical approach which we correlated with the rabbinic and patristic commentaries in order to accomplish a very ample interpretation. Even if these commentators were not entirely in agreement, rather than bringing to relief their interpretative differences, we tried to underline the common elements existing in the specific manner of interpretation of each exegetical school. Thus, the complexity of this isagogic,...
Papers by Stelian Pașca-Tușa