Papers by Ioan Popa-Bota
Astra Salvensis - revista de istorie si cultura, 2018
Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educa... more Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educat, elevul, cât şi din perspectiva educatorului. De aceea, din punct de vedere al evoluţiei psihice, acest interval al preadolescenţei mai este numit şi „vârsta neliniştilor pubertare”. Prezenta lucrare urmăreşte să propună câteva direcţii orientative de praxis misionar-educaţional în ceea ce priveşte predarea religiei la clasele de gimnaziu, urmărindu-se formarea elevilor în acord cu cea de a treia competenţă specifică propusă de programa de religie pentru clasele a V-a – a VIII-a, anume manifestarea valorilor şi a cunoştinţelor religioase în propriile atitudini şi comportamente.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2019
Late childhood or adolescency represents a difficult age both for the educated one, the pupil, as... more Late childhood or adolescency represents a difficult age both for the educated one, the pupil, as for the one who educates. Therefore, from the point of view of phsychical evolution, this interval of "pre-adolescency" it is also called "theage of the unquiets of the puberty." This work follows to offer a few orientative direction of missionar-educational praxis in what concerns the teaching of religion in gymnasium classes, following the education of publis according to the 3rd competence proposed by the curricula of religion for the 5th to 8th years of study, namely "the manifestation of the values and religious knowledge in the own attitudes and behaviour."
Astra Salvensis - revista de istorie si cultura, 2018
Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educa... more Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educat, elevul, cât şi din perspectiva educatorului. De aceea, din punct de vedere al evoluţiei psihice, acest interval al preadolescenţei mai este numit şi „vârsta neliniştilor pubertare”. Prezenta lucrare urmăreşte să propună câteva direcţii orientative de praxis misionar-educaţional în ceea ce priveşte predarea religiei la clasele de gimnaziu, urmărindu-se formarea elevilor în acord cu cea de a treia competenţă specifică propusă de programa de religie pentru clasele a V-a – a VIII-a, anume manifestarea valorilor şi a cunoştinţelor religioase în propriile atitudini şi comportamente.
Astra Salvensis, 2019
Late childhood or adolescency represents a difficult age both for the educated one, the pupil, as... more Late childhood or adolescency represents a difficult age both for the educated one, the pupil, as for the one who educates. Therefore, from the point of view of phsychical evolution, this interval of "pre-adolescency" it is also called "theage of the unquiets of the puberty." This work follows to offer a few orientative direction of missionar-educational praxis in what concerns the teaching of religion in gymnasium classes, following the education of publis according to the 3rd competence proposed by the curricula of religion for the 5th to 8th years of study, namely "the manifestation of the values and religious knowledge in the own attitudes and behaviour."
Astra Salvensis, 2019
In this research, we propose to approach a topic of iconography from a patristic perspective. In ... more In this research, we propose to approach a topic of iconography from a patristic perspective. In other words, we want to investigate and see how the iconic morphology of cherubims respects the details mentioned or debated in the texts of Holy Fathers and assumes the theological message transmitted by them. Although Holy Fathers texts represent the main inspiration source for iconography, it is possible that the icon painters inspire also from other sources in their realisation of artistic representation There we will try to analize especially the tetramorph morphology, one that challenged very much the creativity of icon painters. We will use the contextualisation and the method of linguistic analyse, but the main method will be specific to the Christian East, where the most important aspects are the unity of text and integrity of theological message.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
Research valorization is a challenging topic for Romanian academic community, as Romania'... more Research valorization is a challenging topic for Romanian academic community, as Romania's research projects' results rarely succeed to be transformed into products, services or knowledge in general. The present paper considers an important topic of this valorization process, namely promoting research projects' results. Having as a reference the traditional requirements mentioned in literature concerning the promotion of research projects' results, in this study we analyze the promotion strategy developed for the GO4life project. One conclusion is that though the project is related to a very recent technological issue as is graphene, its promotion strategy is traditional. Based on these findings, several proposals are made for improving GO4life's promotion strategy.

God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through ima... more God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through image. In other words, the divine message was addressed to the hearing and seeing of man. In the second case, revelation was achieved in a complete form. Man was part of a theophanic act, he was enveloped by the divine light and with the help of his spiritual eyes he was able to see, as much as it was permitted, God who is light. This light was not completely strange to man, even though he could not see it with his physical eyes. The uncreated light that God made even from the first day of creation did not disappear when the great light were put in the sky. It had the purpose to arrange creation and to be the environment within which man could meet God and talk to Him face to face. Even though the fall took man out of sight, God established that from time to time this bright environment should be revealed to man in order to call him back to the life within light. These presentations of the ...

Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa
The aim of this study is to tackle a subject of iconography from a Scriptural perspective. In oth... more The aim of this study is to tackle a subject of iconography from a Scriptural perspective. In other words, we wish to study the extent to which the iconic morphology of the cherubim abides by the details mentioned in the Holy Book and assumes the theological message it conveys. We are aware that the Holy Scripture is not the only source for iconography. Icon painters can also use other sources when creating their artistic representations. However, if the morphology they represent originates in the Holy Scripture, then it is compulsory that the elements taken from the biblical texts should be correct and not at all distorted. In our research, we shall focus especially on the Tetramorph, a morphology that has greatly challenged the creativity of icon painters, in order to clarify the mystery of its origin. Contrary to the general view, some terminologists and icon painters considered this morphology proper to the group of the seraphim and not to that of the cherubim. In our endeavour, we shall also use the method of contextualisation and linguistic analysis, but the main working method is specific to the Christian East and places primacy on the unity of the text and the integrity of the theological message.

Light – icon/stained glass – illumination, 2018
God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through ima... more God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through image. In other words, the divine message was addressed to the hearing and seeing of man. In the second case, revelation was achieved in a complete form. Man was part of a theophanic act, he was enveloped by the divine light and with the help of his spiritual eyes he was able to see, as much as it was permitted, God who is light. This light was not completely strange to man, even though he could not see it with his physical eyes. The uncreated light that God made even from the first day of creation did not disappear when the great light were put in the sky. It had the purpose to arrange creation and to be the environment within which man could meet God and talk to Him face to face. Even though the fall took man out of sight, God established that from time to time this bright environment should be revealed to man in order to call him back to the life within light. These presentations of the Lord in the light of His glory continued after His incarnation. The mystical experiences of the Fathers of the Church (Saint Symeon the New Theologian or Gregory Palamas) constitute a testimony to this respect. But seeing this divine light is not reserved exclusively to the mystics, but may be experienced, partly, by the faithful nowadays. The present study endeavours to provide contemporary man with the necessary premises to experience the sight of the deifying light by means of religious imagery. Whether we have in view (in a proper sense of the expression) icons painted on wood or walls or stained glass imagery, they all contain, hidden within, the kind of light which, once experienced, illuminates man and fills him with light.

Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai – Theologia Orthodox , 2019
The aim of this study is to tackle a subject of iconography from a Scriptural perspective. In oth... more The aim of this study is to tackle a subject of iconography from a Scriptural perspective. In other words, we wish to study the extent to which the iconic morphology of the cherubim abides by the details mentioned in the Holy Book and assumes the theological message it conveys. We are aware that the Holy Scripture is not the only source for iconography. Icon painters can also use other sources when creating their artistic representations. However, if the morphology they represent originates in the Holy Scripture, then it is compulsory that the elements taken from the biblical texts should be correct and not at all distorted. In our research, we shall focus especially on the Tetramorph, a morphology that has greatly challenged the creativity of icon painters, in order to clarify the mystery of its origin. Contrary to the general view, some terminologists and icon painters considered this morphology proper to the group of the seraphim and not to that of the cherubim. In our endeavour, we shall also use the method of contextualisation and linguistic analysis, but the main working method is specific to the Christian East and places primacy on the unity of the text and the integrity of the theological message.

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2018
God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through ima... more God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through image. in other words, the divine message was addressed to the hearing and seeing of man. in the second case, revelation was achieved in a complete form. Man was part of a theophanic act, he was enveloped by the divine light and with the help of his spiritual eyes he was able to see, as much as it was permitted, God who is light. this light was not completely strange to man, even though he could not see it with his physical eyes. The uncreated light that God made even from the first day of creation did not disappear when the great light were put in the sky. It had the purpose to arrange creation and to be the environment within which man could meet God and talk to Him face to face. Even though the fall took man out of sight, God established that from time to time this bright environment should be revealed to man in order to call him back to the life within light. these presentations of the Lord in the light of His glory continued after His incarnation. the mystical experiences of the Fathers of the Church (Saint Symeon the New Theologian or Gregory Palamas) constitute a testimony to this respect. but seeing this divine light is not reserved exclusively to the mystics, but may be experienced, partly, by the faithful nowadays. The present study endeavours to provide contemporary man with the necessary premises to experience the sight of the deifying light by means of religious imagery. Whether we have in view (in a proper sense of the expression) icons painted on wood or walls or stained glass imagery, they all contain, hidden within, the kind of light which, once experienced, illuminates man and fills him with light.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2019
Research valorization is a challenging topic for Romanian academic community, as Romania's resear... more Research valorization is a challenging topic for Romanian academic community, as Romania's research projects' results rarely succeed to be transformed into products, services or knowledge in general. The present paper considers an important topic of this valorization process, namely promoting research projects' results. Having as a reference the traditional requirements mentioned in literature concerning the promotion of research projects' results, in this study we analyze the promotion strategy developed for the GO4life project. One conclusion is that though the project is related to a very recent technological issue as is graphene, its promotion strategy is traditional. Based on these findings, several proposals are made for improving GO4life's promotion strategy.
Astra Salvensis, 2019
In this research, we propose to approach a topic of iconography from a patristic perspective. In ... more In this research, we propose to approach a topic of iconography from a patristic perspective. In other words, we want to investigate and see how the iconic morphology of cherubims respects the details mentioned or debated in the texts of Holy Fathers and assumes the theological message transmitted by them. Although Holy Fathers texts represent the main inspiration source for iconography, it is possible that the icon painters inspire also from other sources in their realisation of artistic representation There we will try to analize especially the tetramorph morphology, one that challenged very much the creativity of icon painters. We will use the contextualisation and the method of linguistic analyse, but the main method will be specific to the Christian East, where the most important aspects are the unity of text and integrity of theological message.
In honorem pr. prof. univ. dr. Vasile Stanciu, 2018
Dintru începuturile creaţiei, până în străveziul eshatologic, istoria mânturirii este parcursă de... more Dintru începuturile creaţiei, până în străveziul eshatologic, istoria mânturirii este parcursă de un fir roşu al cântării, al muzicii, atât ca mijloc doxologic cât şi ca modalitate de manifestare a revelaţiei divine, sub inspiraţia Sfântului Duh. muzica interpretată în comun de către primii creştini în cadrul adunărilor de cult a reprezentat un important element de coeziune comunitară, având un important rol misionar.
Astra Salvensis, 2018
Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educa... more Copilăria târzie sau preadolescenţa reprezintă o vârstă dificilă atât din perspectiva celui educat, elevul, cât şi din perspectiva educatorului. De aceea, din punct de vedere al evoluţiei psihice, acest interval al preadolescenţei mai este numit şi „vârsta neliniştilor pubertare”. Prezenta lucrare urmăreşte să propună câteva direcţii orientative de praxis misionar-educaţional în ceea ce priveşte predarea religiei la clasele de gimnaziu, urmărindu-se formarea elevilor în acord cu cea de a treia competenţă specifică propusă de programa de religie pentru clasele a V-a – a VIII-a, anume manifestarea valorilor şi a cunoştinţelor religioase în propriile atitudini şi comportamente.
Anuarul Facultăţii de Teologie Ortodoxă Cluj-Napoca, 2014
This study is meant to analyse the actual status of the presence of religious education within th... more This study is meant to analyse the actual status of the presence of religious education within the Romanian preschool curriculum, as well as the correlation of its level with the psychological and intellectual capabilities of internalizing information specific to this age group (3-6 years old).
At the same time, the study also makes several alternative suggestions, missionary-educational praxis directions: recommendations through which the religious components could be integrated within the five curriculum areas in the curriculum dedicated to preschool education, optional religious education courses, according to the school’s decision (school-based curriculum), development of own network of Christian Orthodox kindergartens and the development of partnerships between kindergartens, the Church and the local community.

God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through ima... more God revealed to man during the history of his salvation in two ways: through word and through image. In other words, the divine message was addressed to the hearing and seeing of man. In the second case, revelation was achieved in a complete form. Man was part of a theophanic act, he was enveloped by the divine light and with the help of his spiritual eyes he was able to see, as much as it was permitted, God who is light. This light was not completely strange to man, even though he could not see it with his physical eyes. The uncreated light that God made even from the first day of creation did not disappear when the great light were put in the sky. It had the purpose to arrange creation and to be the environment within which man could meet God and talk to Him face to face. Even though the fall took man out of sight, God established that from time to time this bright environment should be revealed to man in order to call him back to the life within light. These presentations of the Lord in the light of His glory continued after His incarnation. The mystical experiences of the Fathers of the Church (Saint Symeon the New Theologian or Gregory Palamas) constitute a testimony to this respect. But seeing this divine light is not reserved exclusively to the mystics, but may be experienced, partly, by the faithful nowadays. The present study endeavours to provide contemporary man with the necessary premises to experience the sight of the deifying light by means of religious imagery. Whether we have in view (in a proper sense of the expression) icons painted on wood or walls or stained glass imagery, they all contain, hidden within, the kind of light which, once experienced, illuminates man and fills him with light.
Books by Ioan Popa-Bota

Misiunea pe care o are educația religioasă este într-o primă etapă aceea de „a face prezentările”... more Misiunea pe care o are educația religioasă este într-o primă etapă aceea de „a face prezentările” , de a prilejui întâlnirea elevilor cu Dumnezeu. Această primă etapă are un rol definitoriu: ideea unui Dumnezeu personal poate fi acceptată sau nu. În sfera cunoașterii elevului trebuie să îi fie adus și acest aspect al transcendenței. Este necesară cunoașterea (măcar la nivel teoretic) a unor noțiuni elementare despre
Dumnezeu și despre relația Sa cu lumea. Punând răul înainte, chiar dacă mai târziu elevul va alege să nu creadă, măcar să aibă conștiința că a ales în cunoștință de cauză. Cel de-al doilea obiectiv al lucrării de față este acela de a arăta „suprapunerea” planurilor de acțiune ale educației religioase și ale misiunii Bisericii, prin complementaritate. Premisele misiunii Bisericii își găsesc în mod firesc loc în palierul de acțiune al educației religioase începând cu actualizarea misiunii de predicare a
Evangheliei și culminând cu punerea în practică a învățămintelor desprinse prin participarea la viața liturgică a Bisericii. Obiectivul al treilea al cercetării este acela de a arăta că actul educativ în sine este
unul de origine divină. Atât scrierile din Vechiul Testament, cele din Noul Testament cât și cele ale Sfinților Părinți au ca scop educativ evoluția omului de la chip spre asemănarea cu Dumnezeu. Religia poate și trebuie să fie predată ținând cont de principiile pedagogiei moderne, utilizând metodele didactice moderne, activizante, precum și mijloacele de învățământ de ultimă generație. O analiză atentă a principiilor pedagogiei moderne ne dezvăluie adevărate filoane de legătură cu principiile învățăturii creștine, universal valabile și mereu actuale.
Majoritatea principiilor pedagogiei moderne le regăsim într-o formă mult simplificată și fără actualele denumiri în izvoarele revelației divine, în scrierile scripturistice și în cele patristice. Cel de-al cincilea obiectiv urmărit de cercetarea de față este acela de a aduce unele sugestii privitoare la adaptarea demersului didactic-misionar la nivelul de asimilare caracteristic diferitelor stadii de dezvoltare psiho-genetică, sugestii desprinse din cercetarea critică a curriculumului școlar, începând cu învățământul instituționalizat de nivel preșcolar, continuând cu cel primar și gimnazial și culminând cu cel de nivel liceal. Ultimul obiectiv propus este acela de a scoate la lumină, de a face vizibile acțiunile coordonate de Biserică la nivel național în ceea ce privește implicarea în social a Bisericii. Începând cu activitățile desfășurate în cadrul parteneriatelor stipulate prin protocolul de colaborare dintre școli și parohii, continuând cu acțiunile misionar-filantropice organizate de elevii din grupele de catehizare parohiale, cu programele culturale ce vizează conservarea și perpetuarea tradițiilor creștine strămoșești sau
cu programul național de prevenire a abandonului școlar, Biserica reprezintă un factor social activ, permanent conectat la nevoile actuale și reale ale societății românești.

Credinţă şi (îm)plinire : simbolul de credinţă şi plinirea organizatorică a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române : doctrină, istorie, actualitate, mărturisire, 2012
In Romania, until the promulgation of the Public instruction law, in 1864, the educational system... more In Romania, until the promulgation of the Public instruction law, in 1864, the educational system had been almost exclusively based in the religious institution of Church. The first schools and printed books in Romania were financially sustained by the Church and for a long period of time, school was associated with religious institutions, as the priests and the parish clerk were the teachers at that time.
Beginning with the emergence of the Romanian educational system, the orthodox symbol of faith has occupied a central position in the initiation of children and young people in the sacrament of faith. Thusly, in the first know Romanian primer (Abecedar), Bucoavna de la Bălgrad (Alba-Iulia, 1699), the orthodox symbol of faith appears named as The Confession (Mărturisirea). But Bucoavna edited at Alba-Iulia in 1699 was not a simple primer as the primer of our days, in which letters and the learning of writing and reading are separated from the religious aspect of life. But Bucoavna represents an incipient primer followed by a real Religion book, having the intention of initiating primary school students regarding the truths of the orthodox faith.
In the first part of this article I will succintly present the definition of the orthodox symbol of faith followed by explaining the formation of „confessions of faith” and „creeds” in the ancient Church, of which two assessed themselves: The Old Roman Creed and The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
In the second part I will concentrate upon the current problems regarding the confessing of faith through intercession of the orthodox creed within romanian religious education, by an analyse of the official syllabus (curriculum) for the Orthodox Religion speciality.
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed will be analised trough a double perspective: first, as a foundation of faith learnings and second, as freestanding, self-sustaining lesson. The present article contains also a synthesis of the religious learnings based on The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, organised by the educational cycles: primary, secondary and high school.
Conference Presentations by Ioan Popa-Bota

Unitate și identitate. Ortodoxia românilor între comuniunea răsăriteană și dialogul cu Apusul, vol. II, 2018
Icon glass painting is one of the most original Romanian traditional crafts, dated nearly two hun... more Icon glass painting is one of the most original Romanian traditional crafts, dated nearly two hundreds of years ago. This craft was particularly common in Transylvania, both in rural and urban areas. Historians decided that it was in the first half of the 18th century that glass painting reached the territory of Transylvania. It was brought from Western parts of Central Europe (such as Bavaria, Bohemia, Upper Austria, Silesia, Moravia, Galicia, and Slovakia) by street merchants who sold Catholic worship objects created of the glass painting centers in the regions forementioned. The Romanian icon on glass was born at Nicula – it was a miracle driven by faith. Nicula was the host of the miracle from 1699, when the Mother of God’s icon, painted by father Luca from Iclod (a small village near Gherla), is said to have wept and thus became a reason for pilgrimage for believers from across the country. This paper aims at presenting the icon on glass as an element of unity, regarding romanian cultural identity, by analizing representations that characterised the Orthodox iconography, which were most frequent in the South of the region, highly more influenced by the Byzantium due to its strong ties with Wallachia and Moldavia.
Papers by Ioan Popa-Bota
At the same time, the study also makes several alternative suggestions, missionary-educational praxis directions: recommendations through which the religious components could be integrated within the five curriculum areas in the curriculum dedicated to preschool education, optional religious education courses, according to the school’s decision (school-based curriculum), development of own network of Christian Orthodox kindergartens and the development of partnerships between kindergartens, the Church and the local community.
Books by Ioan Popa-Bota
Dumnezeu și despre relația Sa cu lumea. Punând răul înainte, chiar dacă mai târziu elevul va alege să nu creadă, măcar să aibă conștiința că a ales în cunoștință de cauză. Cel de-al doilea obiectiv al lucrării de față este acela de a arăta „suprapunerea” planurilor de acțiune ale educației religioase și ale misiunii Bisericii, prin complementaritate. Premisele misiunii Bisericii își găsesc în mod firesc loc în palierul de acțiune al educației religioase începând cu actualizarea misiunii de predicare a
Evangheliei și culminând cu punerea în practică a învățămintelor desprinse prin participarea la viața liturgică a Bisericii. Obiectivul al treilea al cercetării este acela de a arăta că actul educativ în sine este
unul de origine divină. Atât scrierile din Vechiul Testament, cele din Noul Testament cât și cele ale Sfinților Părinți au ca scop educativ evoluția omului de la chip spre asemănarea cu Dumnezeu. Religia poate și trebuie să fie predată ținând cont de principiile pedagogiei moderne, utilizând metodele didactice moderne, activizante, precum și mijloacele de învățământ de ultimă generație. O analiză atentă a principiilor pedagogiei moderne ne dezvăluie adevărate filoane de legătură cu principiile învățăturii creștine, universal valabile și mereu actuale.
Majoritatea principiilor pedagogiei moderne le regăsim într-o formă mult simplificată și fără actualele denumiri în izvoarele revelației divine, în scrierile scripturistice și în cele patristice. Cel de-al cincilea obiectiv urmărit de cercetarea de față este acela de a aduce unele sugestii privitoare la adaptarea demersului didactic-misionar la nivelul de asimilare caracteristic diferitelor stadii de dezvoltare psiho-genetică, sugestii desprinse din cercetarea critică a curriculumului școlar, începând cu învățământul instituționalizat de nivel preșcolar, continuând cu cel primar și gimnazial și culminând cu cel de nivel liceal. Ultimul obiectiv propus este acela de a scoate la lumină, de a face vizibile acțiunile coordonate de Biserică la nivel național în ceea ce privește implicarea în social a Bisericii. Începând cu activitățile desfășurate în cadrul parteneriatelor stipulate prin protocolul de colaborare dintre școli și parohii, continuând cu acțiunile misionar-filantropice organizate de elevii din grupele de catehizare parohiale, cu programele culturale ce vizează conservarea și perpetuarea tradițiilor creștine strămoșești sau
cu programul național de prevenire a abandonului școlar, Biserica reprezintă un factor social activ, permanent conectat la nevoile actuale și reale ale societății românești.
Beginning with the emergence of the Romanian educational system, the orthodox symbol of faith has occupied a central position in the initiation of children and young people in the sacrament of faith. Thusly, in the first know Romanian primer (Abecedar), Bucoavna de la Bălgrad (Alba-Iulia, 1699), the orthodox symbol of faith appears named as The Confession (Mărturisirea). But Bucoavna edited at Alba-Iulia in 1699 was not a simple primer as the primer of our days, in which letters and the learning of writing and reading are separated from the religious aspect of life. But Bucoavna represents an incipient primer followed by a real Religion book, having the intention of initiating primary school students regarding the truths of the orthodox faith.
In the first part of this article I will succintly present the definition of the orthodox symbol of faith followed by explaining the formation of „confessions of faith” and „creeds” in the ancient Church, of which two assessed themselves: The Old Roman Creed and The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
In the second part I will concentrate upon the current problems regarding the confessing of faith through intercession of the orthodox creed within romanian religious education, by an analyse of the official syllabus (curriculum) for the Orthodox Religion speciality.
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed will be analised trough a double perspective: first, as a foundation of faith learnings and second, as freestanding, self-sustaining lesson. The present article contains also a synthesis of the religious learnings based on The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, organised by the educational cycles: primary, secondary and high school.
Conference Presentations by Ioan Popa-Bota
At the same time, the study also makes several alternative suggestions, missionary-educational praxis directions: recommendations through which the religious components could be integrated within the five curriculum areas in the curriculum dedicated to preschool education, optional religious education courses, according to the school’s decision (school-based curriculum), development of own network of Christian Orthodox kindergartens and the development of partnerships between kindergartens, the Church and the local community.
Dumnezeu și despre relația Sa cu lumea. Punând răul înainte, chiar dacă mai târziu elevul va alege să nu creadă, măcar să aibă conștiința că a ales în cunoștință de cauză. Cel de-al doilea obiectiv al lucrării de față este acela de a arăta „suprapunerea” planurilor de acțiune ale educației religioase și ale misiunii Bisericii, prin complementaritate. Premisele misiunii Bisericii își găsesc în mod firesc loc în palierul de acțiune al educației religioase începând cu actualizarea misiunii de predicare a
Evangheliei și culminând cu punerea în practică a învățămintelor desprinse prin participarea la viața liturgică a Bisericii. Obiectivul al treilea al cercetării este acela de a arăta că actul educativ în sine este
unul de origine divină. Atât scrierile din Vechiul Testament, cele din Noul Testament cât și cele ale Sfinților Părinți au ca scop educativ evoluția omului de la chip spre asemănarea cu Dumnezeu. Religia poate și trebuie să fie predată ținând cont de principiile pedagogiei moderne, utilizând metodele didactice moderne, activizante, precum și mijloacele de învățământ de ultimă generație. O analiză atentă a principiilor pedagogiei moderne ne dezvăluie adevărate filoane de legătură cu principiile învățăturii creștine, universal valabile și mereu actuale.
Majoritatea principiilor pedagogiei moderne le regăsim într-o formă mult simplificată și fără actualele denumiri în izvoarele revelației divine, în scrierile scripturistice și în cele patristice. Cel de-al cincilea obiectiv urmărit de cercetarea de față este acela de a aduce unele sugestii privitoare la adaptarea demersului didactic-misionar la nivelul de asimilare caracteristic diferitelor stadii de dezvoltare psiho-genetică, sugestii desprinse din cercetarea critică a curriculumului școlar, începând cu învățământul instituționalizat de nivel preșcolar, continuând cu cel primar și gimnazial și culminând cu cel de nivel liceal. Ultimul obiectiv propus este acela de a scoate la lumină, de a face vizibile acțiunile coordonate de Biserică la nivel național în ceea ce privește implicarea în social a Bisericii. Începând cu activitățile desfășurate în cadrul parteneriatelor stipulate prin protocolul de colaborare dintre școli și parohii, continuând cu acțiunile misionar-filantropice organizate de elevii din grupele de catehizare parohiale, cu programele culturale ce vizează conservarea și perpetuarea tradițiilor creștine strămoșești sau
cu programul național de prevenire a abandonului școlar, Biserica reprezintă un factor social activ, permanent conectat la nevoile actuale și reale ale societății românești.
Beginning with the emergence of the Romanian educational system, the orthodox symbol of faith has occupied a central position in the initiation of children and young people in the sacrament of faith. Thusly, in the first know Romanian primer (Abecedar), Bucoavna de la Bălgrad (Alba-Iulia, 1699), the orthodox symbol of faith appears named as The Confession (Mărturisirea). But Bucoavna edited at Alba-Iulia in 1699 was not a simple primer as the primer of our days, in which letters and the learning of writing and reading are separated from the religious aspect of life. But Bucoavna represents an incipient primer followed by a real Religion book, having the intention of initiating primary school students regarding the truths of the orthodox faith.
In the first part of this article I will succintly present the definition of the orthodox symbol of faith followed by explaining the formation of „confessions of faith” and „creeds” in the ancient Church, of which two assessed themselves: The Old Roman Creed and The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
In the second part I will concentrate upon the current problems regarding the confessing of faith through intercession of the orthodox creed within romanian religious education, by an analyse of the official syllabus (curriculum) for the Orthodox Religion speciality.
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed will be analised trough a double perspective: first, as a foundation of faith learnings and second, as freestanding, self-sustaining lesson. The present article contains also a synthesis of the religious learnings based on The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, organised by the educational cycles: primary, secondary and high school.