Books by Groza Mihai-Octavian

Known by the richness, beauty and kindness of its inhabitants, Sebeş area, one of the most import... more Known by the richness, beauty and kindness of its inhabitants, Sebeş area, one of the most important of Transylvania, gave a series of political, economic, cultural, ecclesiastical personalities who made this area famous both inside and outside the country. The idea of publishing this small dictionary started from the premise that each community needs memory, examples, which is why we will try on the following pages, through those 100 biographies, to offer small frames from the past of Sebeş, as well as a number of patterns of involvement in community life and beyond. Why 100 personalities from Sebeş? For a simple reason. Because we were given a special year, the year of Great Union Centenary, and that’s why we intended to mark this moment through this original work. Thus, the first dictionary with 100 personalities from Sebeş was made, a work that aims to discover/rediscover, to capitalize those personalities who have identified themselves with their native lands. Returning the course of those 100 personalities from Sebeş, in the form of a dictionary, represents a sui generis contribution in local historiography, marking at the same time the beginning of a long-lasting research which, hopefully, will, in the years to come, materialize in a much wider dictionary, much more documented and as complete as possible. In the context of the Great Union Centenary celebrations, only 100 personalities from Sebeş were included. Future research will supplement the information provided. In other words, the personalities included in this dictionary, originate from Sebeş and neighboring areas. There have been included personalities born here or whose roots originate from the area, those who have written about these lands, those who were involved in certain historical events (such as the Revolution of 1848/1849, World War I or the Great Union). We were forced, through the funding project, to follow a certain template. We dedicated one page for each personality (although their activity is infinitely richer), the bibliographic information synthesized being accompanied by a portrait or a representative image. For the same reasons, we chose to replace the critical apparatus, with a final bibliographic list, of all the documents, memoirs, working tools, volumes, studies and articles that formed the basis of those 100 biographical sheets (we mention that portraits and rendered images were taken from those works). We also want to point out that our dictionary was not designed as a purely scientific, rigid work, but rather one accessible to any type of lecturer.

In the year of the centenary of Great Union, Sebeş is one of the cities that can praise that it i... more In the year of the centenary of Great Union, Sebeş is one of the cities that can praise that it is between the ones who did this union. Indeed! Both from the number of adhesions to the act from 1st of December 1918 (2422 signatures), or through the delegation who participated to the Great National Assembly from Alba-Iulia (according to the investigated documents, the second one as average, after the on from Sălişte), but also through the "Union Hymn", composed by a man from Sebeş, Ioan Băilă. Counscious of this fact, since 2014, ASTRA Association, Sebeş Department, have initiated a real cultural and editorial program dedicated to the commemoration of the First World War and to the celebration of Great Union. Here there have been organized several editions of "Vasile Moga" colloquium and it has been initiated a series of conferences entitled: "Sebeş has made the Union too!". There have also been published several thematically numbers of "Astra Sabesiensis" yearbook, edited or re-printed documentary sources or memorial ones and s. o. The book: Sebeşul şi Marea Unire: memorii, acte şi documente (Sebeşul and the Great Union: memories, acts and documents), it is also part of the series of documents published by the aforementioned assotiation. We would even dare to say that, its publication, in such an important year represents a "coronation" of the efforts made in the last years. Through the book: Sebeşul şi Marea Unire: memorii, acte şi documente (Sebeşul and the Great Union: memories, acts and documents),we offer and release inside the historiographical circuit a series of confessions and documents related with the contribution of Sebeş city at the realisation of the event from 1st of December 1918. If in its first part we have anthologised five memorialistic texts dedicatet to the implication of people from Sebeş in the Great War (written by the poet and philosopher Lucian Blaga, captain Ilie Stricatu, engineer Dorin Pavel and the Lieutenant Colonel Ioan Guţia), in the second one, we have realised a selection of the documents elaborated or received by the Romanian National Council from Sebeş (identified in the collections of Alba Departmental Service of National Archives), while in the 3rd one, we have included the documents that certifies the adhesion of people from Sebeş at the act of the Great Union, but also the credentials of people who participated at the Great National Assembly from Alba-Iulia from 1st of December 1918. The anthologised documents are accompanied by two consistent introductory studies, dedicated to the memorials of war elaborated by Romanians from Sebeş and to their contribution at the act of Great Union. Through them, we consider that we succeeded to surprise the definitory aspects of the implication of people from Sebeş in the First World War and to speak about their efforts for the sustainment of War activity, their drama, but also the joy generated by the accomplishment of National ideal in the Winter of 1918. All of them, as an answer to the wish to show that Sebeş did the Great Union too. In an anniversary moment, as a pious tribute,Sebeşul şi Marea Unire: memorii, acte şi documente (Sebeşul and the Great Union: memories, acts and documents),is dedicated to the generations of lecturers, clergyman, teachers, politicians or simple people who realized the Great Romania.

The volume entitled The Great War in the Romanians’ Memoirs from Sebeş has been written both due ... more The volume entitled The Great War in the Romanians’ Memoirs from Sebeş has been written both due to the author’s love for his birthplace as well as to the desire of celebrating the generation of the Great Union. From a structural point of view it consists of six studies, published in the pages of some journals and volumes or in course of being published, dedicated to the general analysis of the memoirs elaborated by the Romanians from Sebeş, and also to the specific analysis of each individual text (belonging to the philosopher Lucian Blaga, to captain Ilie Stricatu, priest Sebastian Stanca, engineer Dorin Pavel and lieutenant-colonel Ioan Guţia). If the sources have allowed us, we have inserted in the studies photos or various epochal reproductions, while in some cases (Sebastian Stanca, Dorin Pavel and Ioan Guţia), our contribution has been enriched by the documentary annexes. From the pages of this volume, the reader can take a series of information related to the memoirs of the Great War elaborated by the Romanians from Sebeş, to the faces and the particularities illustrated, to the political, military, economic and cultural history of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, to the images or the events presented which describe the image of a harsh period, to the experiences or the feelings proved by the authors mentioned above. At the same time, the present volume has been thought as a starting point for researching the memoirs, in which one can find the beginnings of a historiography of the Great War, as the historian Valeriu Leu has precisely mentioned. Our volume is published in the year of the centenary of the Great Union and aims at celebrating a series of remarkable personalities from Sebeş who have provided us with very important memoirs referring to the First World War. We have tried and we think that we have succesfully outlined the major aspects of the memoirs dedicated to the First World War elaborated by the Romanians from Sebeş, our research being situated at the borderline between history, philology, theology and social psychology. Due to this study we have managed to reduce a lack in the cultural history of Sebeş and also to emphasize another perspective of some remarkable personalities, we mean the authors of memoirs of the Great War.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României GROZA, MIHAI OCTAVIAN Un ierarh transilvănean ş... more Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României GROZA, MIHAI OCTAVIAN Un ierarh transilvănean şi epoca sa / viaţa şi activitatea episcopului Vasile Moga : (1774-1845) / Mihai-Octavian Groza ; pref.: conf. univ. dr. Florin Dobrei. -Dej : Astra-Dej, 2018 Conţine bibliografie. -Index ISBN 978-973-1942-54-4 I. Dobrei, Florin (pref.) 28 929

Remarkable personality of the town of Sebeş, coming from a family of rich peasants, Ilie Stricatu... more Remarkable personality of the town of Sebeş, coming from a family of rich peasants, Ilie Stricatu was one of those characters that have identified themselves with the native town, playing an important role both as a teacher and a scholar as well as a mayor (during the period 1927-1930 and 1932-1938). Living the experience of the Great War, he provided us with a legacy consisting of memoirs of an exceptional value, totally unknown till our days (Pe cãrãrile destinului. Romanul unei vieţi trãite/On the paths of the destiny. The novel of a lived life, published in the year 1940) which completed the well-known notes belonging to the philosopher Lucian Blaga, the scholar-priest Sebastian Stanca and to the lieutenant-collonel Ioan Guţia, coming from Sebeş. Living the horrors of the Second World War, Ilie Stricatu left in a hand-written form for the followers two more papers (notes and a history of the War, unpublished because of the violences directed against him beginning with the year 1948), one paper getting lost, whereas the other one being hidden from interests that cannot be explained in a personal collection from Sebeş. Re-editing the volume Pe cãrãrile destinului. Romanul unei vieţi trãite/On the paths of the destiny. The novel of a lived life, published in the year 1940 by captain Ilie Stricatu is an initiative related to the collection ,,Remarkable personalities of the town of Sebeş”, inaugurated in the year 2016 with the purpose of restoring such an important fount of memoirs regarding the participation of the Romanians from Sebeş in the Great War. The memoirs elaborated by captain Ilie Stricatu referring to the experience lived during the year of the First World War constitute a historical source of great interest, while re-editing the memoirs is more than necessary if we take into account the fact that not only the academic sphere is preparing to celebrate 100 years from the Great Union. The memoirs present the internal conflicts of a young soldier of the Austro-Hungarian army, who has recently graduated from the Pedagogical Institute from Sibiu and who is forced to fight for a foreign cause. In addition to this, the memoirs outline his struggle to cross the Carpathian Mountains and to join his co-nationals from the Romanian Kingdom, his enrollment as a volunteer in the Romanian army, the experience of the Transylvanian campaign from the autumn of the year 1916, the experience as a prisoner, the contact with the camps of prisoners and also the moment of returning home and of meeting again his family. The complete war experience of captain Ilie Stricatu can be compared to Rafila (Firuca) Sãliştean’s experience, his future wife, originary from Sebeş, who has participated in the war as a medical nurse. The notes of captain Ilie Stricatu, conserved initially in a hand-written form, then published in the year 1940 represent an important source, we could even say foundamental for the involvement and the participation of the Romanians from Sebeş in the Great War. The representations, the emotions, the experiences of the author outline a part of the internal conflicts, of the chaos and of the passions generated by the outburst of the First World War, a conflict for which the humanity has not been prepared yet.

We are getting closer to the year 2018, an extremely important year for Romania, year that marks ... more We are getting closer to the year 2018, an extremely important year for Romania, year that marks a century since the realization of the complete state unity (through the union of Basarabia-on the 27th of March 1918, of Bukovina-on the 28th of November 1918, and of Transylvania, Banat, Crişana and Maramureş-on the 1st of December 1918 with the Kingdom of Romania), an ephemeral union as the history would prove (on the 26th of June 1940 following an ultimatum launched by the Soviet Union, Romania was constrained to cede Basarabia and North Bukovina in its favor). Although the Romanian historiography includes a rich documentary material dedicated to the events that led to the realization of the Romanian national unitary state (the entrance of the Romanian Kingdom in the war against the Central Powers, the dissolution of the Czarist and of the Austro-Hungarian Empires, the affirmation of the self-determination principle), the particular aspects are still absent from the historical discourse, waiting to be discovered and analyzed through their introduction to the scientific circuit (national and international). Such an example is represented by the topic of the present volume dedicated to the foundation and the activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate of the Officers and Soldiers from Vienna, organism that functioned between the 31st of October and the 27th of November 1918. Founded with the purpose of concentrating, organizing and sending the Romanian soldiers from the former Austro-Hungarian army to Bukovina, Transylvania and Banat, this organism (recognized by the Austrian authorities) due to its leaders, understood and assumed this mission, collecting information related to the Romanian soldiers who were turning home (and who inevitably were passing through Vienna, the main railroad center of the Empire), organizing them in national military unities, ensuring the safety, the peace and the public order in Vienna and editing even a newspaper (suggestively entitled ,,Timpul Nou”/,,The New Time”). Our volume presents the context, the phases of the constitution, the structure and the activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate, the role played by general Ioan Boeriu, the relations with the Romanian Legion from Prague, the role played by the Romanians in ensuring the peace and the public order in Vienna, the impact of this Romanian national organism along with an interesting documentary material (the verbal processes registered by the military priest Gheorghe Oprean). In spite of its ephemeral existence (28 days), the Romanian Military Senate of the Officers and Soldiers from Vienna managed to fulfill its mission, that of concentrating, organizing and sending the Romanian soldiers to Bukovina, Transylvania and Banat and putting them into the service of the national movement, being active during a period defined by significant military, political and social changes whose peak was the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. We hope that the information and the documents reproduced by our volume, published in a language of international circuit, will provide the reader with a more complete and complex image of the Romanian Military Senate of the Officers and Soldiers from Vienna as a consequence of the First World War.

Prin publicarea acestui volum, dedicat memoriei preotului cãrturar Sebastian Stanca, Despãrţãmânt... more Prin publicarea acestui volum, dedicat memoriei preotului cãrturar Sebastian Stanca, Despãrţãmântul ASTRA ,,Vasile Moga” Sebeş iniţiazã colecţia ,,Personalitãţi marcante ale Sebeşului”, o colecţie pe care ne-o dorim de prestigiu şi cât mai longevivã. Gândul iniţierii acestei colecţii a plecat de la constatarea cã existã foarte puţine informaţii atât la nivelul comunitãţii locale, cât şi la nivel naţional, cu privire la personalitãţile marcante ale Sebeşului, personalitãţi ce au reuşit sã-şi punã amprenta asupra culturii, literaturii, politicii, economiei române, influenţând, într-o manierã pozitivã, destinul celor din jurul lor. Oraşul Sebeş se poate înscrie cu succes în categoria celor mai importante oraşe din Transilvania atât datoritã bogatei istorii, cât şi datoritã personalitãţilor care s-au ridicat din aceastã comunitate, ducându-i faima în ţarã şi strãinãtate. În aceastã categorie intrã episcopul Lucas Unglerus, episcopul Daniel Georg Neugeboren, episcopul Vasile Moga, prefectul Dionisie Pop Marţian, muzicianul Karl Filtsch, exploratorul şi diplomatul Franz Binder, preotul cãrturar Sebastian Stanca, dramaturgul Radu Stanca, scriitorul Horia Sebastian Stanca, cântãreaţa Veturia Goga, economistul şi omul politic Petre Sebeşanul Aurelian, academicianul Alexandru Roman (originar din pãrţile bihorene, înmormântat la Sebeş), preotul Ioan Tipeiu, preotul Ioan Moga, preotul Sergiu Medean, preotul Vasile Oanã, preotul, profesorul şi latinistul Silviu Cãrpinişianu, primarul Ilie Stricatu, episcopul Albert Klein, istoricul Theobald Streitfeld, scriitoarea Olga Caba şi mulţi alţii. Fiindcã orice comunitate are nevoie de memorie, de exemple, intenţionãm, prin intermediul acestei colecţii, sã recuperãm fragmente din istoria Sebeşului, sã comemorãm activitatea acestor personalitãţi marcante cãrora noi, cei din prezent, le datorãm recunoştinţã. Volumul dedicat preotului cãrturar Sebastian Stanca (1878-1947) se deschide prin redarea unei fişe bibliografice care prezintã, într-o manierã selectivã, volumele, studiile şi articolele publicate de acesta de-a lungul vieţii (cu excepţia materialelor politice, poeziilor şi articolelor publicate sub pseudonimul ,,Ibis”). Ţinând cont de faptul cã din casa Stanca s-au ridicat adevãraţi bãrbaţi ai culturii româneşti, ,,apostoli” ai neamului, am considerat necesar ca primul studiu sã fie dedicat preotului Avram Stanca, tatãl celui evocat, iar ultimul celor doi urmaşi ai acestuia: Radu şi Horia Stanca. Reperele bio-bibliografice sunt însoţite de materiale privind contribuţiile preotului cãrturar Sebastian Stanca la apariţia gazetei ,,Luceafãrul” din Budapesta şi relaţia sa cu aşa-numita ,,generaţie a revistei Luceafãrul”, privind calitatea sa de memorialist al Primului Rãzboi Mondial, privind activitatea literarã, teologicã şi istoricã reflectatã în opera sa publicisticã, privind colaborarea sa cu ,,Revista Teologicã”, precum şi calitatea sa de istoric al Bisericii Ortodoxe din Sebeş. Investigaţiile realizate de-a lungul ultimilor ani atât în marile biblioteci ale ţãrii, cât şi în arhivele naţionale, ori arhiepiscopale (din Cluj-Napoca), ne-au permis ca, în încheierea acestui volum, sã publicãm şi o anexã care prezintã o serie de fotografii a cãror personaje principale sunt preotul Sebastian Stanca şi familia acestuia. Sperãm cã materialele publicate în acest prim volum al colecţiei ,,Personalitãţi marcante ale Sebeşului”, a cãrui continuitate ne-o asumãm, prin bogatele informaţii şi surse documentare oferite, sã redea oraşului imaginea unuia dintre cei mai importanţi reprezentanţi ai sãi în viaţa bisericeascã, cultura, literatura, politica românã din prima jumãtate a secolului al XX-lea. De asemenea, ne dorim ca volumele ce vor fi publicate în cadrul colecţiei ,,Personalitãţi marcante ale Sebeşului” sã constituie punctul de plecare şi baza documentarã pentru realizarea unui dicţionar al personalitãţilor locale, personalitãţi din domenii variate care au însemnat oraşul nostru pe harta României.

Identifying, retrieving, processing and (re)publishing of texts regarding the memoirs from the Fi... more Identifying, retrieving, processing and (re)publishing of texts regarding the memoirs from the First World War, the participation of the Transylvanian Romanians in this conflict, is an attempt to reconstruct the collective memory of an event with major impact on the Romanian society. On the same line of the recovery of the collective memory of those who experienced the horrors of war on both the front and especially behind it, submits also the republishing of the work Contribuţia preoţimii române din Ardeal la războiul pentru întregirea neamului (1916-1919), first published in 1925 by Sebastian Stanca. By the republishing of the work signed by Sebastian Stanca, we aimed to reintroduce this book in the historiographical debate, considering that we are commemorating the beginning of the First World War and the reopening of the so-called ,,cultural border”. In the context of the entry of the Romanian State in the Triple Entente, in the campaign in Transylvania and the multiple desertions over the Carpathian Mountains, beginning with the summer of 1917 in the border area of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire with Romania, from Orşova to Vatra Dornei, the Ministry of Public Instructions promulgated a decree, regarding the transformation of the Romanian, confessional schools in public schools (where the teaching should be in Hungarian) under the pretext of ,,non-patriotic” attitudes of Romanian teachers and priests during the attack of the Romanian Army in Transylvania. The second stage of the measures of the Hungarian government had a repressive character, because they consisted of the arrest, incarceration and deportation of the intellectuals: Romanian priests, teachers, notaries, advocates and journalists, who were accused of ,,betrayal”, ,,sympathy with the Romanian State”, ,,instigation against the authorities”, ,,espionage for Romania”. In other words, the Hungarian authorities intended to chase away the leaders from the communities, especially the priests. The arrest and the deportation of the intellectuals concerned not only the intracarpathian region, where the military engagements took place, but also the whole region occupied from the Romanians living in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Moreover, the documents dating from that period, reveal the fact that the internment of the Romanian leaders was not made on some clear evidence, or as a result of legal proceedings or some verdicts of the competent authorities, being in the most cases the result of a general abuse due to the heated tension of the war, as well as the overzealous pursuit of uncloaking possible ,,traitors” by the Hungarian authorities.
Sebastian Stancas work, strictly referring to Romanian Transylvanian priests, based on information gathered from the imprisoned, hospitalized or refugee priests, presents the following statistics: 16 priest’s wives and 252 Orthodox and Greek-Catholic priests from Transylvania and Banat. Because of the fact that this statistic is incomplete, it was resorted to completing the statistic from the work of priest Grigore N. Popescu, Preoţimea română şi întregirea neamului. Temniţe şi lagăre, volume II, published in 1940. Further completion of this information was provided by the following works: Sebastian Stanca, ,,Carmen saeculare. Preoţimea română din Ardeal în slujba idealului naţional” (conference sustained in the year 1927 and published in the magazine Renaşterea), Roman Ciorogariu, Zile trăite (chapter ,,Internările intelectualităţii şi preoţimii româneşti”) and Romulus Cândea, ,,Biserica ardeleană în anii 1916-1918. Internările şi întemniţările preoţilor” (published in the magazine Candela), texts that have been relayed at the end of the present edition, as an addendum. Following the example of the historians Valeriu Leu and Nicolae Bocşan, which have released 3 massive volumes dedicated to the memoirs from Banat relative to the First World War, in 2012, 2013 and 2015, we wished to re-launch the forgotten volume of the priest Sebastian Stanca, which we publish now, in the centenary years of the Great War and the Great Union, in a critical edition, completed by more addendums which enhance the editorial contents and the historiographical message. We consider that this stage, of recovering and valuing documents related to the implication of Transylvanian Romanians in the events of the First World War and the events leading up to the Great Union, constitutes a duty of historians, in order to get to know the people involved, as well as create a nuanced image of them (sadly, the funding of such endeavors is lacking and the institutions that keep such documents forbid the research of these documents by people outside of the respective institutions, almost altogether).

The current volume presents a significant portion of documents and texts on the work of the Roman... more The current volume presents a significant portion of documents and texts on the work of the Romanian Central Military Senate of Officers and Soldiers of Vienna between 31 October to 27 November 1918, which enabled the body to function in a period of profound political and military mutations generated at end of the First World War. This study presents both the documents issued by the Romanian Central Military Senate (Senate protocols) as well as a number of documents relating to its work memoirs and the numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the newspaper “New Time” (unfortunately only these numbers could be found in the collections of the National Library of Austria). Amid the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian army, leaders of the national movement in Transylvania were confronting a national problem: Romanian soldiers that were at different points of the Monarchy had to be reorganized and directed. Setting up a military unit was meant to create among the civilian population, a sense of security and trust, which would facilitate the preparation for the time of the state union. Such a body was created in Vienna, one of the main centers of reinforcement and concentration convoys of returning soldiers from the front, especially after the collapse of the Italian front. The mission of reorganizing in the capital of the empire the Romanian soldiers that were returning from the front, has been entrusted by the leadership of the Romanian National Party to Iuliu Maniu, who as lieutenant of artillery, went to Vienna, after leaving the Italian front, despite the orders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On 31 October 1918, after several meetings of officers and soldiers in Vienna, the Romanian Central Military Senate will be created and it shall act as the supreme military forum for all officers and all soldiers that are in the western parts of the Monarchy and on the western fronts. Throughout its work, the Romanian Central Military Senate was concerned with receiving, quartering, organizing and sending to Transylvania, Romanian soldiers, as well as creating an active propaganda to fulfill its goals by the publication of a periodical, to ensure public order in the capital of the empire. The Romanian Central Military Senate sent from Vienna, one by one, all Romanian soldiers, only a small group remained in the capital of the monarchy led by Professor Constantin Isopescu-Grecu. Despite the difficulties encountered during their return, most of the officers and soldiers arrived in Transylvania near the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Alba Iulia. After December 1, 1918, the majority of Romanian soldiers and officers have joined the National Guards in Transylvania, serving the Romanian nation. This present study focuses on a significant part of the documents related to the establishment and work of the Romanian Central Military Senate of Officers and Soldier of Vienna, is intended as a humble contribution to the national activity and a segment of national history. We believe that this process of recovery of documents relating to the Transylvanian Romanians involvement in World War I battles and events is a duty of historians in order to understand the full events and characters involved in this global conflagration. Equally, this book is intended as a research tool, which will later serve to develop a necessary synthesis of the activity of national bodies during 1917-1918.
Documente privind activitatea Consiliului National Roman din Alba-Iulia;, Jan 11, 2013
Cartea aduce în atenţia cititorului avizat, şi nu numai, un adevăr istoric al evenimentelor din a... more Cartea aduce în atenţia cititorului avizat, şi nu numai, un adevăr istoric al evenimentelor din anii 1918-1919. În paginile sale sunt redate documente sugestive pentru activitatea Consiliului Național Român din Alba Iulia și pentru contribuția adusă la buna desfășurare a Marii Adunări Naționale de la 1 decembrie 1918.
Papers by Groza Mihai-Octavian

Journal of Church History, volum 1, număr 1, 2019, pp. 61-74 (ISSN 2668-7674)-în colaborare cu Diana-Maria Dăian, 2019
The subject regarding the participation of Romanian prisoner soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Arm... more The subject regarding the participation of Romanian prisoner soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army in theaters of operations of the Romanian Kingdom’s Army is very extensive and of great interest. General and specialty literature, memoirs, studies, articles, collections of documents, etc. issued during the war and, above all, in the post-war period, as well as rich archive sources allow a relatively original approach on this phenomenon. Starting from the contact with various archives, memoirs, and secondary sources, the present paper is an attempt to retrace the setup stages of the first Transylvanian and Bukovinian Romanian Volunteer Corps in Russia and the activity of Vicar Iacob Popa in enlisting and enrolling volunteers. Iacob Popa is an almost unknown and equally unstudied figure of historical Blaj. He lived and worked in a time of great national and political unrest for the Romanians in Transylvania in the first half of the 20th century. We attempted to outline several stages of his activity, starting with the moment he volunteered for the enlistment commissions in Russia and continuing with his propaganda work for enlisting prisoners from Transylvania, Bukovina and Banat in the Romanian Army, as well as with the records of his successes and failures in the mission he was entrusted with. The last part of the study is dedicated to the events that marked the end of the volunteer enlistment activity.

Astra Sabesiensis, număr 5, 2019, pp. 105-113 (ISSN 2457-8150, ISSN-L 2457-8150), 2019
In the autumn of the year 1918, in imperial Vienna, on the background of the collapse of the Aust... more In the autumn of the year 1918, in imperial Vienna, on the background of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, the Romanian Central Military Senate of Officers and Soldiers, an organism constituted as a result of Iuliu Maniu’s effort, coordinated the action of concentrating, organizing and sending the Romanian soldiers back home. At the same time, it contributed to maintaining the security and the public policy, saving the town from aggressions, robberies, brigandage as well as from the spread of the ideas promoted by the Bolshevik Revolution. The activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate during the period of October-November 1918 was supported by the „Timpul Nou/New Time” journal, the publication of this organism. Due to this journal, the Romanian officers and soldiers could be informed about the activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate and could be mobilized with the intention of supporting it, could be informed about the political events from Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina, about the activity of the national councils from Arad and Cernăuţi etc. Published with the financial support of the Romanian officers and soldiers, the „Timpul Nou/New Time” journal represented the unique modality for disseminating the pieces of information regarding the organization and the dispatch of the Romanian soldiers, the evolution of the military and political events as well as the main modality for persuading the Romanian soldiers to obey the Romanian Central Military Senate.

Sargeția. Acta Musei Devensis, serie nouă, număr X, 2019, pp. 189-197 (ISSN 1013-4255), 2019
In the autumn of the year 1918, in imperial Vienna, on the background of the collapse of the Aust... more In the autumn of the year 1918, in imperial Vienna, on the background of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, the Romanian Central Military Senate of Officers and Soldiers, an organism constituted as a result of Iuliu Maniu’s struggle, coordinated the action of concentrating, organizing and sending the Romanian soldiers back home. At the same time, it contributed to maintaining the security and the public policy, saving the town from aggressions, robberies, brigandages as well as from the advance of the ideas promoted by the Bolshevik Revolution. The activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate during the period of October-November 1918, was supported by the Timpul Nou [New Time] journal, the publication of this organism. At the leadership of this journal was nominated Filimon Taniac from Bukovina as chief-editor, followed by Ioan Brotea, Gavril Alvirescu, Dumitru Gavrilescu and George Halaverici as editors. For editing this journal in optimal graphic conditions, following the same captain Crişan’s proposal, the Romanian section of the national typography from Vienna was subordinated to the Romanian Central Military Senate, while for the editing fund there were initiated more collections among the soldiers, being added the sums deriving from previous donations belonging to particular persons. Due to this journal, the Romanian officers and soldiers could be informed about the activity of the Romanian Central Military Senate and could be mobilized with the intention of supporting it, could be informed about the political events from Transylvania, Banat and Bucovina, about the activity of the national councils from Arad and Chernivtsi etc. The Timpul Nou [New Time] journal represented the unique modality for spreading the pieces of information regarding the organization and the dispatch of the Romanian soldiers, the evolution of the military and political events as well as the main modality for persuading the Romanian soldiers to obey the Romanian Central Military Senate.

Duh și adevăr. Lucrările Simpozionului „Centenarul bănățean. Un secol de administrație românească la fruntariile României” (27-29 iulie 2019), coordonat de Daniel Alic, Cluj-Napoca/Timișoara, Presa Universitară Clujeană/Editura Partoș, 2019, pp. 294-305 (ISBN 978-606-37-0609-7/978-606-040-011-0), 2019
This approach aims to realize a short biographical portret of the Greek-Catholic Dean of Sebeş, I... more This approach aims to realize a short biographical portret of the Greek-Catholic Dean of Sebeş, Ioan Simu (1875-1948), an important local personality that participated to the events from the autumn and winter of 1918. We investigated the period of his intellectual formation, his implication in the national movemnt from Transylvania (since he was still a student), his activity as a clergyman (in Abrud, Luna and Sebeş), his cultural, editorial and political activity (with an emphasis on the rich political activity that he developed during the interwar period). Therefore, the biographical note, realized on the basis of the documentary sources that are known until now, offers new information about a less known personality, deeply implied in the realization of the Great Union.

Centenarul Unirii 1918-2018. Maramureșul înainte și după Marea Unire a românilor, coordonat de Marius Câmpeanu, Baia Mare, Editura Eurotip, 2019, pp. 162-176 (ISBN 978-606-617-394-0), 2019

Astra Salvensis, an VII, număr 14, pp. 355-361 (ISSN 2393-4727, ISSN-L 2344-1887), 2019
Sebastian Stanca (1878-1947), theologian, author, journalist, historian, was one of the researche... more Sebastian Stanca (1878-1947), theologian, author, journalist, historian, was one of the researchers who introduced into the historiographical debate the period of Bishop Vasile Moga’s pastorate (18101845), a historical phase preparing for the future achievements belonging to the bishop and metropolitan Andrei Şaguna. Following the research done in the archives of Sibiu, Cluj, Sebeş, Sebastian Stanca published in 1938 the first and only monography dedicated to the life and activity of Bishop Vasile Moga, a paper doubled by a series of articles and studies found in the pages of some publications of the time. All this aspects emphasize the outline of a research site, followed, in a consistent manner, by Sebastian Stanca until the end of his life. The present research aimes at providing a historiographical analysis of the researches carried out by him, researches that, based on the studied documents, have rejected a series of theories and cliches regarding the period of the bishop Vasile Moga.
Îndrumător Bisericesc pe anul de la Hristos 2019, număr 167, 2019 pp. 203-215 (ISSN 1842-7227), 2019
Pașii Profetului, număr XXXIX, 2019, pp. 33-38 (ISSN 1842-1628), 2019

Astra Salvensis, an VII, număr 13, 2019, pp. 101-121 (ISSN 2393-4727, ISSN-L 2344-1887), 2019
The Romanian Legion from Prague, founded on the 30th of October, 1918, on the background of the c... more The Romanian Legion from Prague, founded on the 30th of October, 1918, on the background of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian army and monarchy, was an organism that brought its contribution to supporting the actions coordinated by the Czech national-political militants, as well as to organizing the Romanian soldiers and officers of the Second Regiment Braşov, the 51st Cluj and the 37th Oradea, quartered in the Bohemian capital. Through the present study with the aim of providing the academic comunity with research material and not only with a series of fragments scored in the autumn and winter of the year 1918, especially in Prague, where a legion consisting of the former Romanian soldiers and officers of the Austro-Hungarian army was born, we analyze and restore three annotations of memoirs written by Gavril Câmpeanu, Gheorghe Repede and Horia-Petra Petrescu (members of the Romanian Legion from Prague), less known authors of memoirs. From our point of view, the three fragments of memoirs represent essential texts for studying the activity of the Romanian Legion from Prague which outline the contribution of this national organism to the proclamation and defence of the Czechoslovak state, founded in the autumn of the year 1918, and also the action of concentrating, organizing and sending to Transylvania the Romanian soldiers and officers of the former Austro-Hungarian army.
Books by Groza Mihai-Octavian
Sebastian Stancas work, strictly referring to Romanian Transylvanian priests, based on information gathered from the imprisoned, hospitalized or refugee priests, presents the following statistics: 16 priest’s wives and 252 Orthodox and Greek-Catholic priests from Transylvania and Banat. Because of the fact that this statistic is incomplete, it was resorted to completing the statistic from the work of priest Grigore N. Popescu, Preoţimea română şi întregirea neamului. Temniţe şi lagăre, volume II, published in 1940. Further completion of this information was provided by the following works: Sebastian Stanca, ,,Carmen saeculare. Preoţimea română din Ardeal în slujba idealului naţional” (conference sustained in the year 1927 and published in the magazine Renaşterea), Roman Ciorogariu, Zile trăite (chapter ,,Internările intelectualităţii şi preoţimii româneşti”) and Romulus Cândea, ,,Biserica ardeleană în anii 1916-1918. Internările şi întemniţările preoţilor” (published in the magazine Candela), texts that have been relayed at the end of the present edition, as an addendum. Following the example of the historians Valeriu Leu and Nicolae Bocşan, which have released 3 massive volumes dedicated to the memoirs from Banat relative to the First World War, in 2012, 2013 and 2015, we wished to re-launch the forgotten volume of the priest Sebastian Stanca, which we publish now, in the centenary years of the Great War and the Great Union, in a critical edition, completed by more addendums which enhance the editorial contents and the historiographical message. We consider that this stage, of recovering and valuing documents related to the implication of Transylvanian Romanians in the events of the First World War and the events leading up to the Great Union, constitutes a duty of historians, in order to get to know the people involved, as well as create a nuanced image of them (sadly, the funding of such endeavors is lacking and the institutions that keep such documents forbid the research of these documents by people outside of the respective institutions, almost altogether).
Papers by Groza Mihai-Octavian
Sebastian Stancas work, strictly referring to Romanian Transylvanian priests, based on information gathered from the imprisoned, hospitalized or refugee priests, presents the following statistics: 16 priest’s wives and 252 Orthodox and Greek-Catholic priests from Transylvania and Banat. Because of the fact that this statistic is incomplete, it was resorted to completing the statistic from the work of priest Grigore N. Popescu, Preoţimea română şi întregirea neamului. Temniţe şi lagăre, volume II, published in 1940. Further completion of this information was provided by the following works: Sebastian Stanca, ,,Carmen saeculare. Preoţimea română din Ardeal în slujba idealului naţional” (conference sustained in the year 1927 and published in the magazine Renaşterea), Roman Ciorogariu, Zile trăite (chapter ,,Internările intelectualităţii şi preoţimii româneşti”) and Romulus Cândea, ,,Biserica ardeleană în anii 1916-1918. Internările şi întemniţările preoţilor” (published in the magazine Candela), texts that have been relayed at the end of the present edition, as an addendum. Following the example of the historians Valeriu Leu and Nicolae Bocşan, which have released 3 massive volumes dedicated to the memoirs from Banat relative to the First World War, in 2012, 2013 and 2015, we wished to re-launch the forgotten volume of the priest Sebastian Stanca, which we publish now, in the centenary years of the Great War and the Great Union, in a critical edition, completed by more addendums which enhance the editorial contents and the historiographical message. We consider that this stage, of recovering and valuing documents related to the implication of Transylvanian Romanians in the events of the First World War and the events leading up to the Great Union, constitutes a duty of historians, in order to get to know the people involved, as well as create a nuanced image of them (sadly, the funding of such endeavors is lacking and the institutions that keep such documents forbid the research of these documents by people outside of the respective institutions, almost altogether).