Papers by Dănuţ Ioan CRAŞOVAN
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 2021
The study lists a series of research on the particularities of psychic adaptation in depressive d... more The study lists a series of research on the particularities of psychic adaptation in depressive disorders, respectively psychological defense mechanism and coping mechanisms. At the same time, the study analyzes the existing relationships, in depressive disorders case, between coping and variables such as tools and the methodology for assessing the coping process, the relevance and usefulness of the coping process in the clinic and the treatment of psychopathology as information processing, the personality and typology of the human subject, the type of disorder diagnosed, age of the human subject, locus of control, parental style, life events, personal experience, adherence to medication, gender, economic situation, profession, culture/environment, presence or absence of depressive disorders.

ABSTRACTThe purpose of the present study was to validate the Romanian version of the 60 item COPE... more ABSTRACTThe purpose of the present study was to validate the Romanian version of the 60 item COPE Questionnaire (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989), which includes 15 coping strategies. The adaptation of COPE was conducted on a nonprobabilistic, non-clinic, convenience sample of 1009 participants. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the factorial structure of the COPE, on litereature-based hypothetisized models. The results support a solution with four correlated factors, as most appropriate to describe the structure of the Romanian version for the COPE. These four factors are: problem focused coping, emotion focused coping, social support focused coping, and avoidant coping. Supplimentary, for both four-factor solutions, and the initial 15-scales internal consistency coefficients were computed. The internal consistency values range between .72 to .84 for the 4-factor solution, and between .48 and .92 for the 15 initial scales.KEYWORDS: coping, COPE, confirmatory ...
The Romanian version of the COPE Questionnaire (the version with 60 items and 15 coping strategie... more The Romanian version of the COPE Questionnaire (the version with 60 items and 15 coping strategies) elaborated by Carver, Scheier, Weintraub (1989), was culturally adapted on a convenience sample of 1009 adults by Craşovan and Sava (2013) from general population (non-clinical sample). This study aims to identify gender differences in the usage of coping mechanisms, using a heterogeneous (N = 770) sample composed of different age groups with different social and educational backgrounds. The results show that a number of four coping mechanisms out of the 15 operationalized by COPE are more specific to women, respectively mental disengagement, focus on and venting of emotions, religious coping and use of emotional social support, while only one coping mechanism was identified as more specific to men, namely substance use.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The nature of this profession requires the development of adequate defensive and coping styles. A... more The nature of this profession requires the development of adequate defensive and coping styles. Also to have chosen this for your career might mean to have some particularities in these areas. The evaluation of coping and defense style mechanisms for residents in psychiatry that conduct clinical work. A descriptive study was developed to determine and evaluate defensive and coping styles for residents in psychiatry. DSQ-60 and COPE scales were applied on a 31 willing resident in psychiatry from approximate 50 residents in total from the center in which the study was conducted. The most frequent mechanisms found on the evaluated group are: "Altruism", "Self-observation"-superior defense styles and "Positive interpretation and growth"-an emotion focused coping style and "Planning"-a problem focused coping style. The chosen profession can be a factor that underlines some inborn abilities but also a modulating factor for one's structure. The developing of adequate coping and defense styles might be a requirement for becoming a psychiatrist or it might be a gain for someone working in this field day by day.

ABSTRACTObjective. The study aims to identify the relationship between some psychological defense... more ABSTRACTObjective. The study aims to identify the relationship between some psychological defense mechanisms considered specific to depressive disorders and dysfunctional attitudes in non-psychotic major depressive disorder.Method. The clinical sample used includes 103 adult patients diagnosed with non - psychotic major depressive disorder (N = 103) hospitalized in the Psychiatry Clinics Timi?oara and other psychiatric clinics in western Romania and the private practice medical offices of psychotherapy and psychiatry in Timi?oara. In line with the objective of the study, the following tools were used: Defense Style Questionnaire - 60/DSQ 60 (Romanian version [Cra?ovan & Maricu?oiu, 2012]), Beck Questionnaire (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979; Beck, Ward,& Mendelson, 1981), Zung Questionnaire (Biggs, Wylie, & Ziegler, 1978; Zung, 1965) and Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, Vesions A (Weissman & Beck, 1978, as cited in David, 2006b).The results show the existence of positive correlations:...

International Journal of Psychology, 2014
The present research study addresses the disparity between theoretical considerations and empiric... more The present research study addresses the disparity between theoretical considerations and empirical evidence regarding the relationships between coping strategies and defence mechanisms. Self-reported measures of coping and defences were administered to a Romanian adult sample (N = 542; 74.53% female, mean age = 31.28). Using structural equation modelling, models that assumed independence between coping and defences were compared with models that assumed the existence of relationships between the two concepts. Findings identified strong relationships between coping and defences, indicating large common variance between the two concepts. Furthermore, results suggested that coping and defences can be classified into two independent types of adaptation processes. Results of this research study suggested that coping and defences are facets of common adaptation processes.

The Romanian Journal of Psychology, 67, 1, pg 39 - 55, 2021
Related to the topic of the study, the first objective aims to identify the psychic defense mecha... more Related to the topic of the study, the first objective aims to identify the psychic defense mechanisms specific to major depressive disorder without psychotic elements, respectively, in the case of objective number two, to identify gender differences in the psychic defense mechanisms used by patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder without psychotic elements. Thus, the identification of psychic defense mechanisms specific to major depressive disorder without psychotic elements was performed by comparing two groups, clinically (N = 103; 42 male participants [40.8%] and 61 female participants [59.2 %], age = 51.16 years; 12.6% of participants are graduates of higher education) and non-clinical (N = 770; 330 male participants [42.86%] and 440 female participants [57, 14%], age = 31.16 years; 54.4% of participants are graduates of higher education). For this purpose, one used the only psychological defense analysis tool that includes all psychological defense mechanisms present in DSM IV R (APA, 2003/2000); and also one of the most common psychological defense analysis tools, namely Defense Style Questionnaire-60/DSQ 60 (Thygesen et al., 2008), the translated version being adapted to the Romanian sample (Crașovan & Maricuțoiu, 2012). The results confirm a number of five psychological defense mechanisms specific to non-psychotic major depressive disorder: passive-aggressive, projection, dissociation, withdrawal and help-rejecting complaining. Thus, the identification of patients' specific defense mechanisms may increase the efficiency of psychotherapeutic treatment. Keywords: non-psychotic major depressive disorder; psychological defense analysis; psychological defense mechanisms; DSQ-60, gender differences.

This second part of the study continues the inventory of the psychic defense mechanisms, adding a... more This second part of the study continues the inventory of the psychic defense mechanisms, adding another 78 psychic defense mechanisms to those 110 presented in the first part of the study (Crașovan, 2019). By this addition, the inventory of psychic defense mechanisms reaches the number of 187. Also, in this second part of the study, psychic defense mechanisms were included both from the Defense Functioning Scale (APA, 2000/2003) as well as psychic defense mechanisms operationalized and evaluated through one of the most used assessment tools of this topic – DSQ 60 (Crașovan, Maricuțoiu, 2012; Thygesen, Drapeau, Trijsburg, Lecours, de Roten, 2008) and also the self defense mechanisms theorized by different authors starting with Sigmund Freud and Ana Freud. Thus, by completing this retrospective on the evolution and diversification of the number of self- defense mechanisms, through which 187 psychic defense mechanisms were identified, the article also shows the difficulty of reaching the consensus on the number of psychic defense mechanisms to be introduced in the DSM V (Vaillant, 2012).
Keywords: psychological defense mechanisms, Sigmund Freud, DSM IV, DSM V.
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 2019
As a consequence of the stress increase during the exams session, the present study has as an obj... more As a consequence of the stress increase during the exams session, the present study has as an objective the identification of the ways of psychic adaptation used by the students. For the identification of the ways of psychic adaptation specific to the exam situation there were used the COPE Questionnaire and DSQ-60 Questionnaire. The results of this study show the absence of significant results regarding the mechanisms of psychic defense and coping strategies for the students studied in the two situations: the exam and nonexam situations. Relatively significant differences, in the limit of the statistical significance of .05 threshold, were identified only at the level of psychic defense mechanisms, i.e. for two of the 30 mechanisms of psychic defense, namely for devaluation/self and fantasy.

The Romanian Journal of Psychology, 2019
The article details one of the reasons for the lack of consensuality regarding maintaining the a... more The article details one of the reasons for the lack of consensuality regarding maintaining the analysis of the psychic defense, respectively of the mechanisms of psychological defense in DSM V (Vaillant, 2012). Thus, the article offers a retrospective on the evolution, number and conceptual diversification of one of the best known psychoanalytic concepts. clinical utility, respectively of the mechanisms of mental defense. The elimination of the psychological defense mechanisms from the last edition of the DSM caused by the lack of consensus regarding the number of adaptive levels and the number of psychological defense mechanisms (Vaillant, 2012), followed after the validation and introduction of the defense analysis in the previous edition of DSM IV (APA, 2000/2003) in the form of a scale – Psychic Defense Functioning Scale (APA, 2000/2003). Inventory of psychological defense mechanisms begins with the first psychological defense mechanisms, as defined by Sigmund Freud (Freud, A, 2002a) and until the elimination of the psychological defense mechanisms from DSM V (Vaillant, 2012). In this context, the present inventory of the number of psychological defense mechanisms provides an image for each psychological defense mechanism and their variants, as formulated by different authors from the appearance of the concept of psychological defense mechanism to the inclusion and validation of the psychological defense analysis in DSM IV (APA, 2000/2003), being identified a number of 110 psychological defense mechanisms in different forms as conceptualized by different authors from Sigmund Freud until DSM IV (APA, 2000/2003).
Editură acreditată de Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului prin Consiliul N... more Editură acreditată de Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului prin Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior, cod. 184. Dan Craşovan, Timişoara, 16 ianuarie, 2011. 9 Bazele psihologiei experimentale STRATEGII ŞI METODE DE CERCETARE ŞTIINŢIFICĂ ÎN I. PSIHOLOGIE Obiective:

Comparative study regarding firstly aggression and secondly, regarding the relationship between a... more Comparative study regarding firstly aggression and secondly, regarding the relationship between aggression and automatic, dysfunctional thoughts and the locus of control, applied on three categories of teenagers coming from: reeducation center, child protection center and non-institutionalized teenagers 1 Abstract Aggressive behavior can be considered both a means of expressing one's personality, and a means of communicating one's own exigency against peer pressure. In present time, mass-media, research and official statistics have shown a surge in school violence in more countries. This phenomenon has been advertised considerably in more countries: USA, France, UK and, recently, Romania. Aggressive behavior is an indicator of violence especially in males, teenage violence being also the expression of violence in society. In the same context, from the same study, the identification of possible differences on levels of physical and verbal aggression was monitored in three categories of teenagers, two of which comprising institutionalized teenagers (from a reeducation center and from a center of child protection), respectively one category of teens who are not institutionalized. Also, apart from identifying possible differences at the physical and verbal aggression, the study monitors the existent relation between aggression and two other dimensions: dysfunctional automatic thoughts and the locus of control. The three categories of teenagers are high school students, 14 to 18 years old. The participants come from institutions from the Western part of the country, Timis County.
Concepte, tehnici şi teorii fundamentale ale metodologiei cercetării în psihologie 1 Prefaţă Evol... more Concepte, tehnici şi teorii fundamentale ale metodologiei cercetării în psihologie 1 Prefaţă Evoluţia generală a societăţii umane, pe multiple planuri şi din diverse unghiuri percepută, a psihismului şi a comportamentului semenilor noştri au fost şi vor fi teme permanente de studiu, de aprofundări, de sistematizări şi de ierarhizări.

Violence can be defined as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual a... more Violence can be defined as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation [1] . In this context, violence in school can take the following forms, from mental, or psychological, to physical violence: assaultphysical or sexual, bullying, drug trafficking and related violence, gangsterism, hazing or initiation, intimidation, murder, racially motivated violence, rape, robberies, sexual harassment, shootings, stabbings, theft of property and vandalism. The purpose of the present study is to identify the degree to which various factors, such as irrational and rational assessment cognitions, automatic dysfunctional and irrational thoughts, emotional growth, respectively, are associated with aggressive behaviour in high school students. The study also tracks possible gender differences in terms of the above-mentioned factors (irrational and rational assessment cognitions, automatic dysfunctional and irrational thoughts, emotional growth) in teenagers. The study participants, aged 16 to 19, attend high school classes in Timisoara.

Lately, and even now, the study of adaptive psychological processes, psychological defense mechan... more Lately, and even now, the study of adaptive psychological processes, psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms, was made from different theoretical and methodological perspectives. This is also evident in terms of the number of assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms, most assessment instruments for psychological defense being developed for psychological defense mechanisms. Despite the diversity and the considerable number, assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms have a number of limitations. The limitations of the assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms are determined by: the particularities of these psychological processes, primarily by their predominant unconscious character; the diversity and complexity of adaptive psychological processes of the human subject; the difficulty of capturing in good time the observable and measurable indicators of functioning of the defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms. Other limitations of psychological instruments for assessing psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms are determined by the type and the particular methodological instruments used for this purpose.

Objective. The study aims to identify the relationship between some psychological defense mechani... more Objective. The study aims to identify the relationship between some psychological defense mechanisms considered specific to depressive disorders and dysfunctional attitudes in non-psychotic major depressive disorder. Method. The clinical sample used includes 103 adult patients diagnosed with nonpsychotic major depressive disorder (N = 103) hospitalized in the Psychiatry Clinics Timișoara and other psychiatric clinics in western Romania and the private practice medical offices of psychotherapy and psychiatry in Timișoara. In line with the objective of the study, the following tools were used: Defense Style The results show the existence of positive correlations: in the male clinical group between denial and dysfunctional attitudes; in the female clinical group between self-devaluation and dysfunctional attitudes; for the entire clinical group between withdrawal and dysfunctional attitudes, and for the clinical group of men between repression and dysfunctional attitudes. In the case of non-psychotic major depressive disorder, positive correlations were found between some psychological defense mechanisms operationalized by DSQ 60 and dysfunctional attitudes which contribute to ongoing depression.
Objective. The study aims to identify the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms a... more Objective. The study aims to identify the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms considered specific to non-psychotic major depressive disorder. Method. The clinical sample used includes patients diagnosed with non-psychotic major depressive disorder hospitalized in the Psychiatry Clinics Timi oara and other psychiatric clinics in western Romania and the private practice medical offices of psychotherapy and psychiatry in Timisoara. In line with the objective of the study, the following tools were used: Demographic Questionnaire, COPE Questionnaire (Romanian version [Cra ovan & Sava, 2013]), and Defense Style Questionnaire -60/DSQ 60 (Romanian version [Cra ovan & Maricu oiu, 2012])
The Romanian version of the COPE Questionnaire (the version with 60 items and 15 coping strategie... more The Romanian version of the COPE Questionnaire (the version with 60 items and 15 coping strategies) elaborated by , was culturally adapted on a convenience sample of 1009 adults by Craşovan and Sava (2013) from general population (non-clinical sample). This study aims to identify gender differences in the usage of coping mechanisms, using a heterogeneous (N = 770) sample composed of different age groups with different social and educational backgrounds. The results show that a number of four coping mechanisms out of the 15 operationalized by COPE are more specific to women, respectively mental disengagement, focus on and venting of emotions, religious coping and use of emotional social support, while only one coping mechanism was identified as more specific to men, namely substance use.
Papers by Dănuţ Ioan CRAŞOVAN
Keywords: psychological defense mechanisms, Sigmund Freud, DSM IV, DSM V.
Keywords: psychological defense mechanisms, Sigmund Freud, DSM IV, DSM V.