Papers by Cristian Radu Barna

Tourisme(s) et Adaptation(s), 2019
Si la montagne a longtemps été réservée à une élite d'initiées, petit à petit elle s'est ouverte ... more Si la montagne a longtemps été réservée à une élite d'initiées, petit à petit elle s'est ouverte au tourisme de masse, d'abord par la création des stations thermales ensuite et surtout par la création des stations de ski. L'alpinisme, comme activité ludique principale en montagne, a quand à lui progressé en parallèle, d'abord par la construction des refuges et ensuite par l'ouverture à d'autres pratiques. Les deux caractéristiques, massification et diversification s'orientent aujourd'hui vers des pra-tiques plus « libres », plus « aventureuses » et plus « émotionnelles » (Corneloup, 2003). Elles marquent un nouveau rapport socio-spatial des individus avec la montagne, lié à une grande variété de motivations. Celles-ci modifient l'approche de la montagne et sa gestion ce qui modifie à nouveau son image. Ainsi, l'augmentation de l'intérêt pour la randonnée (AFIT et SEATM, 2001) serait-elle due notamment au changement de certaines caractéristiques comportementales et cultu-relles des randonneurs. Mais si les usagers de la montagne changent, comment adapter les services dont-ils ont besoin ? Dans cette perspective, nous allons aborder le concept d'accessibi-lité à partir de ses dimensions « non-spatiales », afin de comprendre l'accessibilité subjective des randonneurs itinérants aux services de la haute montagne. Nous allons premièrement préciser le cadre concep-tuel de cette recherche émergente et ensuite, éprouver le cadre métho-dologique proposé pour poursuivre les travaux. Après une enquête exploratoire conduite auprès d'une quinzaine d'experts et de témoins privilégiés, les sentiers de grande randonnée GR10 et le HRP (Haute Route Pyrénéenne) ont été choisis pour nourrir cette réflexion. Le dis-positif d'enquête est basé sur une combinaison de méthodes qui vise à renseigner les caractéristiques socioculturelles et comportementales des randonneurs itinérants. Ce matériau vise à mieux comprendre le besoin d'adaptation de ces services à leur localisation en haute montagne.

Le cas du projet de Rosia-Montana dépasse largement le cadre d’un investissement au sein duquel l... more Le cas du projet de Rosia-Montana dépasse largement le cadre d’un investissement au sein duquel l’intérêt d’une compagnie multinationale s’oppose à l’intérêt de la population vivant sur place. C’est en effet un cas très clair de jeu de pouvoirs, dans lequel l’environnement tend à être réduit, comme d’ailleurs les êtres humains, à un simple facteur de production éternellement reproductible. Mettant en avant le dommage écologique historique causé à cette région, le projet d’exploitation prévu à Rosia-Montana se présente comme unique solution pour l’environnement : l’exploitation à mine ouverte avec une technologie à base de cyanure. Dans ce contexte, les données techniques de l’exploitation ne comptent plus, la seule chose qui compte étant la façon dont le projet est « vendu » au public. Le but de cet article est de déceler ce jeu de « ventes », afin de montrer que la réparation des dommages écologiques est, d’une part, plus complexe qu’on ne le croit et, d’autre part, que l’écologie ne peut être dissociée du jeu des pouvoirs, surtout dans les projets d’exploitation de ressources naturelles, où de nombreux coûts liés à l’environnement peuvent être socialisés.
The studies on consumer behavior target the identification of man’s weak parts in order to better... more The studies on consumer behavior target the identification of man’s weak parts in order to better incite them to purchase their products. The new techniques of selling a product consists in the creation of a frustration, the product being bought for the lack it promises to fill in. In the mass consumption era, advertising creates the modern people, entirely dependents on consumption. Functioning like an ideology, consumption has its temples, its shrines, its bible and its priests. Due to the fact that mass consumption needs persons without well-defined reference points and critical sense, thinking represents a hindrance in the way of this global ideology.

Due to the advantages offered by agglomerations, human activities have always concentrated, and c... more Due to the advantages offered by agglomerations, human activities have always concentrated, and cities have become multifunctional places: living places, places where goods and services are produced, culture and socialisation places. Nowadays however, the negative effects produced by agglomerations often get to overbalance the positive effects and to repel people and activities. Agglomerations often become impersonal and unfamiliar. They are no longer a “lived space” and people can hardly wait to “evade” at least during the weekend. Among the development factors for which a city should be attractive, Qualified Workforce (QwF) has become the main one, due to the knowledge society we live in. In the Western societies, the QwF has met its basic, material needs, also aiming to meet the others that are linked to the Quality of Life (QoL) (safety, health, mobility, leisure, etc.). That is why the attractiveness for the development factors is more and more linked to the QoL that a city offers, the bicycle being able to bring a large number of answers in this direction.
By means of this study, we will try to show the influence that the bicycle has on the urban attractiveness factors. We will find out that the bicycle influences them all and, moreover, without producing any drawbacks in other domains. It exercises however the most powerful effects on two of the most important soft factors of attractiveness, namely QoL and image. By noting the increasing importance of the soft factors in relation to the hard factors, we will be able to sustain the opportunity of investing in facilities for bicycle. Moreover, we will show that a city which aims to remain competitive on the global market of the development factors has no more choices and has to become bicycle-friendly.
Regionalizarea ar trebui să fie o bucurie – descentralizarea unui stat prea închistat, prea centr... more Regionalizarea ar trebui să fie o bucurie – descentralizarea unui stat prea închistat, prea centralizat şi prea omniprezent, ar putea fi ocazia unei noi relaţii a puterii cu cetăţenii

Romania is known as a highly centralized country, where regional identities were strongly subject... more Romania is known as a highly centralized country, where regional identities were strongly subject to uniformization. Cultural differences and identities have although survived even to the communist regime, often in an altered form. After 1989, in many parts of the country people began to rediscover their roots and the meaning of their local and regional identities. In the same time, the temptation and the benefits to takeover European values and behaviors were extremely high and therefore Romanians oriented their identification needs towards Europe. One of Romania’s region imbedded with a strong local identity, due to its mountainous specificity and its historical poverty, is the Ţara Moţilor (The Land of Moţi). Through this study we propose an analysis of the extent to which European values have influenced Romanian local values, in particular in the Land of Moţi, on the premise that the specific situation of this region predisposes to an orientation towards traditional values on the one hand, and to more openness and Europeanization, on the other hand. Both aspects are visible in the area, our analysis intending to clarify the reasons for one and the other orientations, in order to understand the identity issues of the area.
Nom de la these: "Developpement regional en Europe au XXeme siecle. Evolution historique"
In the global context of personal identity development, regionalism is one of the solutions at ha... more In the global context of personal identity development, regionalism is one of the solutions at hand capable of stimulating sustainable human development of the regions, by engagement in the regional and community problems through the sense of solidarity and identity it confers. Based on the assumption that regionalism is one of the basic factors of development and vice-versa, that regionalisms need proper development conditions, this paper intends to outline why regionalisms are extremely poor in Romania. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify the bases for the formation of various types of regionalism, and then understand how these work and what their functions are. The subsequent analysis of the conditions and conditionings of the Romanian context will enable us to identify what causes the difficulty of regionalisms consolidation in Romania.
Papers by Cristian Radu Barna
By means of this study, we will try to show the influence that the bicycle has on the urban attractiveness factors. We will find out that the bicycle influences them all and, moreover, without producing any drawbacks in other domains. It exercises however the most powerful effects on two of the most important soft factors of attractiveness, namely QoL and image. By noting the increasing importance of the soft factors in relation to the hard factors, we will be able to sustain the opportunity of investing in facilities for bicycle. Moreover, we will show that a city which aims to remain competitive on the global market of the development factors has no more choices and has to become bicycle-friendly.
By means of this study, we will try to show the influence that the bicycle has on the urban attractiveness factors. We will find out that the bicycle influences them all and, moreover, without producing any drawbacks in other domains. It exercises however the most powerful effects on two of the most important soft factors of attractiveness, namely QoL and image. By noting the increasing importance of the soft factors in relation to the hard factors, we will be able to sustain the opportunity of investing in facilities for bicycle. Moreover, we will show that a city which aims to remain competitive on the global market of the development factors has no more choices and has to become bicycle-friendly.