Papers by Claudia Septimia Sabau
Magyari-Vincze, E. (2003). Studiile de gen la Cluj [Gender Studies in Cluj]. In Băluță, I., Cîrst... more Magyari-Vincze, E. (2003). Studiile de gen la Cluj [Gender Studies in Cluj]. In Băluță, I., Cîrstocea, I. (coord.), Direcții și teme de cercetare în studiile de gen din România. Atelier (pp. 213-220).
Perspectives on Gender in Romania (edited by Claudia Septimia Sabău and Oana-Ramona Ilovan), 2022
This research aimed to identify the key themes related to representations of women in Romania (a ... more This research aimed to identify the key themes related to representations of women in Romania (a case study on Bistrița-Năsăud County) and in the mass media discourse on International Women’s Day, a decade before (1979-1989) and one after 1989 (1990-2000), the year of the Romanian Revolution, using the theoretical and methodological framework proposed by the concept of representation (as a cultural product) and by the field of gender studies.
Perspectives on Gender in Romania (edited by Claudia Septimia Sabău and Oana-Ramona Ilovan), 2022
The aim of this first chapter is to set the framework for the entire collective volume. At the sa... more The aim of this first chapter is to set the framework for the entire collective volume. At the same time, it assesses the present situation of gender studies in Romania in an attempt to argue why we still need to further develop this field. As such, this study is structured in three parts: general remarks on the evolution of gender studies in Romania, gender and development in the Romanian society, and proposing an agenda for further research.

Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu”. Series Historica. Supliment nr. LXI, 2021
The teacher Virginia Grivase (1883-1950) is a special figure in the circles of intellectuals in N... more The teacher Virginia Grivase (1883-1950) is a special figure in the circles of intellectuals in Năsăud, at the beginning of the 20th century. After having completed her studies in Năsăud, and continued in Dej and Blaj, she was a teacher at the school in Tiha Bârgăului and Nepos (currently villages in Bistrița-Năsăud County) for more than two decades. Documents from her personal collection, kept at the Bistrița-Năsăud County National Archives Service, but also from other funds and collections, as well as her literary activity (poems and essays published in magazines) prove that Virginia Grivase was not just a teacher. The friendly relationship with the writer Liviu Rebreanu and her personification in the novel „Ion” under the pseudonym Virginia Gherman confirms the above statement.
This study has a double aim. On the one hand, by reconstructing the biography of this „forgotten writer”, as Teodor Tanco names her, we aim to present some aspects regarding the place, role and status of the educated woman in the society of Năsăud at the beginning of the 20th century. On the other hand, we aim to find the answer to the following question: was Virginia Grivase the prototype of the Romanian woman from Transylvania, emancipated through education, or not?
![Research paper thumbnail of “And the Image of the Emperor [...] I Have Torn Itinto a Thousand Pieces.” Mental Frontiers in the Năsăud Region at the End of the Great War](
The First World War and the events concluding 1918, namely the unification of Transylvania with t... more The First World War and the events concluding 1918, namely the unification of Transylvania with the old Kingdom of Romania, changed not only the geographical frontiers of the former Austrian-Hungarian province, but also the mental ones, which are less evident from the official documents of the era. The purpose of our exploratory study is to use edited archival documents, memoirs, and parochial chronicles in order to reconstruct the local context in which the transition from the ‘old’ to the ‘new order’ unfolded. The study focuses on a clearly delimited geographical area with a distinctive historical evolution: the region of Năsăud. Using the memoirs of veterinarian Pavel Tofan as a case study, we focused on identifying the symbolic gestures which mentally transformed the inhabitants of this region from loyal subjects of the Emperor in Vienna to Romanian citizens, loyal to the King of United Romania.

Revista Istorică, 2019
In Transylvania, during the entire 19th century, civil authorities have implemented special provi... more In Transylvania, during the entire 19th century, civil authorities have implemented special provisions for controlling the activity of midwives by trying to impose medically trained midwives especially in villages, to the disadvantage of the so-called "skilled" women. The latter ones benefited from empirical medical knowledge, and given their status and experience, they were inducing a feeling of safety in the members of their communities. But who was assisting in fact births in the world of the Transylvanian villages in the second half of the 19th century, the medically trained midwives or those lacking medical instruction but possessing "life" experience? Our attempt to answer this question has led to research that focuses on a well-delimited geographic region – the Năsăud District – an administrative territorial unit consisting of 44 villages (the majority of these is today included in the Bistrița-Năsăud County) that has functioned in the North-Eastern part of Transylvania between 1861-1876, with the town of Năsăud as its capital.
By analyzing and interpreting mostly unpublished documents of the Năsăud District (judicial and civil ones) kept at the National Archives, the Bistriţa-Năsăud County Service (abortion trials, official notifications, meeting protocols, local community decisions, etc.) we intend to reveal the profile of the "certified" midwife as well as that of the "skilled", "empirical" one. At the same time, we would like to identify the status of the midwife in the community microcosm, the way she was seen and accepted by communities and local authorities. The conclusions confirm the fact that in the studied villages, the birth act was primarily assisted by the "empirical" midwife, lacking medical studies and fulfilling the following requirements clearly defined in the mentality of the people of Năsăud living in the second half of the 19th century: age (she was never young), domicile (she had to be a local), status (she always belonged to an honorable family), morality (a convinced family woman and with unstained reputation), experience (more important than any other medical qualification) and local prestige.

Brukenthalia, Romanian Cultural History Review, no. 9, 2019
Considering World War I as a milestone in the way people perceived diverse practices in their liv... more Considering World War I as a milestone in the way people perceived diverse practices in their lives, our research is an exploratory study on perceptions, a subjective exercise of analyzing and interpreting people’s written “discourses”, while facing the crisis generated by World War I. Our research is focused on the communities of the former Military Border District of Năsăud and the challenge was to identify – in versified letters – what kind of feelings these communities developed, experienced and displayed, through individuals and families, during the war, taking into account the fact that they had been part of a militarized area. Using the discourse analysis method, the aim of our research was to identify mental structures revealed during the four years conflict, structures that were characteristic of the people in this area, which had been well defined during its history. Results showed a complex process of identity building and the coping mechanisms that the soldiers of Năsăud area developed during World War I.
Books by Claudia Septimia Sabau
Babeș-Bolyai. Toate drepturile rezervate. Reproducerea integrală sau parțială a textelor, fără ac... more Babeș-Bolyai. Toate drepturile rezervate. Reproducerea integrală sau parțială a textelor, fără acordul prealabil al Universității Babeș-Bolyai, este interzisă și se pedepsește în conformitate cu legislația în vigoare.
Papers by Claudia Septimia Sabau
This study has a double aim. On the one hand, by reconstructing the biography of this „forgotten writer”, as Teodor Tanco names her, we aim to present some aspects regarding the place, role and status of the educated woman in the society of Năsăud at the beginning of the 20th century. On the other hand, we aim to find the answer to the following question: was Virginia Grivase the prototype of the Romanian woman from Transylvania, emancipated through education, or not?
By analyzing and interpreting mostly unpublished documents of the Năsăud District (judicial and civil ones) kept at the National Archives, the Bistriţa-Năsăud County Service (abortion trials, official notifications, meeting protocols, local community decisions, etc.) we intend to reveal the profile of the "certified" midwife as well as that of the "skilled", "empirical" one. At the same time, we would like to identify the status of the midwife in the community microcosm, the way she was seen and accepted by communities and local authorities. The conclusions confirm the fact that in the studied villages, the birth act was primarily assisted by the "empirical" midwife, lacking medical studies and fulfilling the following requirements clearly defined in the mentality of the people of Năsăud living in the second half of the 19th century: age (she was never young), domicile (she had to be a local), status (she always belonged to an honorable family), morality (a convinced family woman and with unstained reputation), experience (more important than any other medical qualification) and local prestige.
Books by Claudia Septimia Sabau
This study has a double aim. On the one hand, by reconstructing the biography of this „forgotten writer”, as Teodor Tanco names her, we aim to present some aspects regarding the place, role and status of the educated woman in the society of Năsăud at the beginning of the 20th century. On the other hand, we aim to find the answer to the following question: was Virginia Grivase the prototype of the Romanian woman from Transylvania, emancipated through education, or not?
By analyzing and interpreting mostly unpublished documents of the Năsăud District (judicial and civil ones) kept at the National Archives, the Bistriţa-Năsăud County Service (abortion trials, official notifications, meeting protocols, local community decisions, etc.) we intend to reveal the profile of the "certified" midwife as well as that of the "skilled", "empirical" one. At the same time, we would like to identify the status of the midwife in the community microcosm, the way she was seen and accepted by communities and local authorities. The conclusions confirm the fact that in the studied villages, the birth act was primarily assisted by the "empirical" midwife, lacking medical studies and fulfilling the following requirements clearly defined in the mentality of the people of Năsăud living in the second half of the 19th century: age (she was never young), domicile (she had to be a local), status (she always belonged to an honorable family), morality (a convinced family woman and with unstained reputation), experience (more important than any other medical qualification) and local prestige.