Papers by Oana-Cristina MODOI
Alternative de nchidere a Depozitelor de De?euri Municipale. Studiu de Caz: Depozitul de De?euri Al Municipiului Media?, Jude?ul Sibiu

Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2011
This study aims at to investigate the environmental impact caused by heavy metal contamination fr... more This study aims at to investigate the environmental impact caused by heavy metal contamination from the waste disposal facilities in rural areas and depending on soil pollution, the possible future uses of these lands. In addition, we have studied the heavy metal contamination of the surface waters from the vicinity of these disposal facilities. The heavy metals influence was investigated by analyzing various water and soil samples collected from two county areas where more rural disposal facilities were functioned. ZeEnit 700 atomic absorption spectrometer was used for the analysis of metals and the collected soil samples were mineralized according to ISO 11466, by extraction with aqua regia (3 parts HCl: 1 part HNO3). The evaluation of the soil analysis results from the area No. 1 proves that there is no potential impact, because the studied metals concentrations are below the alert threshold. Water analysis results from area No. 1, shows a quality class V for lead and nickel, whi...

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015
Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) were used a... more Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) were used as investigation techniques in the assessment of soils contaminated with metals such as Pb, Cu and Zn. The investigation focused on the comparability of the concentrations determined by the two methods, in order to identify the most suitable approach for Pb, Cu and Zn quantification, with respect to metal monitoring in brownfields. Generally, the concentrations obtained through FAAS were comparable with those given by XRF, indicating the suitability of both techniques for contamination monitoring. FAAS proved to be a precise method for the quantification of metal concentrations in soil and had lower limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), but was more laborious and required sample processing, while XRF was a faster and practical tool for the metal monitoring in the investigated brownfield.

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2009
The methods generally used for developing these studies are the assessment and investigation. Ass... more The methods generally used for developing these studies are the assessment and investigation. Assessment-all methods used for measuring, reckoning, modeling, forecasting or estimating the presence of a pollutant in the environment. Investigation-the process of identifying the presence of pollutants in the environment, the spatial dispersion of these pollutants, the level of their concentration, as well as the analysis of the environment's structure. The steps that were followed during the development of these case studies are: the analysis and interpretation of the existing data, followed by investigation and assessment. The objectives of the investigation and assessment are to establish the existence and intensity of pollution, spatial dispersion of the polluted area, the pathways and transport of pollutants, the assessment of the ecological risk and the risk for the human health, as well as the necessary data for developing programs or projects for environmental remediation. The assessment was carried out on two sites, Site 1 (a former facility in the automotive industry), respectively, Site 2 (a former facility from the chemical industry). The two areas were assessed for different types of pollutants that are Site 1 for heavy-metal content and hydrocarbons and Site 2 for mercury and hexaclorcyclohexane.

On the Importance of Public Views Regarding the Environmental Impact of Plastic Pollution in Cluj County, Romania
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM .., Dec 27, 2022
Plastic in the environment poses significant problems for the present, as well as for future gene... more Plastic in the environment poses significant problems for the present, as well as for future generations. The consequences and the exposure of living organisms to plastic pollution are not yet fully understand. The risks to health, environment and climate, due to the ubiquity and persistence of plastic are of great interest. The current study analyzes the perception of the Romanians regarding plastic pollution, in order to determine any pro-recycling behaviour of the local people and to recommend specific actions to reduce plastic pollution and the environmental risks associated with the studied region. The population is an important agent in waste management, in addition to local and central authorities, sanitation and recycling companies and/or public institutions. In order to achieve our goals, we developed a questionnaire that includes a series of questions related to people-s behaviour, knowledge, perceptions and feelings about waste management in relation to the environment, reducing single-use plastic and plastic hazards. The results demonstrated that 95.6% of the interviewees agreed that the use of plastic bags is harmful to the environment, 87.9% consider that plastic packaging of some products is sometimes unnecessary, 88.5% believe that recycling is the solution for removing plastic from the environment, and only 59.3% believe that the sanitation company is able to collect the waste selectively. The average of the answers related to the use of recyclable packaging shows that people are more and more concerned about the packaging of the purchased products, their recyclability, and the risks posed by plastic in the environment. Based on the people-s responses and willingness to get involved in reducing environmental plastic pollution, some measures adapted to the region have been recommended as useful for increasing the plastic recycling rate and reducing risks to the environment.

AES Bioflux, 2013
The environmental impact of waste is a function of different strategies used for municipal solid ... more The environmental impact of waste is a function of different strategies used for municipal solid waste management. At Cluj-Napoca, the landfill of waste is the predominant strategy used for the municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Considering the environmental impact, landfill is one of the least desirable option, because in terms of limited control possibilities of emissions, it is an "end-of-pipe" treatment option. Other options as, recovery, recycling or waste treatment or other methods for waste management can also produce environmental impact, but as different as simple storage, they present some positive aspects, such as: reducing natural resources consumption, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), reducing all of emission directly related to the environmental impact, and better land use planning possibilities. To do an accurate analysis of the environmental impacts resulted by the different management strategies of municipal solid waste, the life cycle as...
Analysis of the Near Infrared (Nir) Spectroscopy Method Used for Textile Waste Sorting
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference EXPO Proceedings

Energies, 2022
E-waste and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are fast-growing waste streams in the EU and beyond that ... more E-waste and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are fast-growing waste streams in the EU and beyond that require specific collection and treatment activities to avoid environmental pollution and resource depletion fed by the linear economy model. This paper aims to investigate the links between e-waste and ELVs streams and the circular economy approach of the EU. Romania is examined as a relevant case study for the central and eastern European Region regarding: (i) the current e-waste and ELVs management deficiencies and challenges in line with circular economy principles promoted by EU; (ii) analysis of E-waste and ELVs flows data; and (iii) best circular economy initiatives related to e-waste and ELVs in Romania, including the opportunity to create new jobs in treatment activities that the simple operations from the first stages of e-waste recycling can produce locally and regionally in Romania. This work points out the current knowledge gaps and future research directions for these speci...

Economia liniară bazată pe combustibili fosili, consumul excesiv de materiale și resurse naturale... more Economia liniară bazată pe combustibili fosili, consumul excesiv de materiale și resurse naturale, generarea de deșeuri, poluarea mediului, inegalități socio-economice reprezintă o paradigmă depășită în secolul XXI în contextul schimbărilor climatice și obiectivelor de dezvoltare durabilă asumate prin Agenda 2030. România se confruntă cu probleme critice de mediu, inegalități socio-economice severe, disparități urban-rurale și regionale mai ales la periferia UE. Tranziția României către o economie circulară este un obiectiv prioritar asumat prin intermediul politicelor de mediu ale UE. Această lucrare analizează pe de o parte, deficiențile sistemelor actuale bazate pe economia liniară (deșeuri solide, ape uzate, energie, resurse naturale, inechități socio-economice, consum iresponsabil) precum și modele de bune practici în diferite sectoare economice care pot stimula progresul României către o economie circulară și o societate mai rezilientă. Acest demers se bazează pe un suport int...
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011
Sites contaminated with hazardous material are a topical and urgent problem all over the world. R... more Sites contaminated with hazardous material are a topical and urgent problem all over the world. Risk based remediation is used to develop maximum safety cost effective sanitation methods for future land users. The analyzed site lays within the North Western region of Romania, in the vicinity of Baia Mare, the main city in Maramures County. Taking into account the former activities conducted on the site, as well as future demolishing works and future developments, analyses to certain contaminants in soil, groundwater and building materials were performed. The level of pollution based on Romanian regulations was established. The paper further presents a human health risk assessment and determines the contaminated area on the site. Two most suitable riskbased remediation actions for the site were proposed.

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2009
The Arieş River, due to its geographic position and its significance in the Mureş -Tisza Basin, h... more The Arieş River, due to its geographic position and its significance in the Mureş -Tisza Basin, has a major impact on environmental media, influencing their quality. In the Middle Catchment Basin the main industrial activity is mining, since the Roman times, when the first mines were opened. The mining operations in the region generated a severe pollution of all the environmental media. The paper identifies the risk areas in the middle Aries River in terms of surface water pollution based on analyses performed in the autumn of 2006 and spring of 2007. The content of heavy metals has been analyzed in sampling points upstream and downstream of the main mining operations in the middle segment of the river. The results illustrate the fact that the waters generated from the mining sediments and storage facilities affect the ecosystem on significant surfaces after the closure of the mining exploitations, if not subjected to an appropriate management and to the best available technologies.
The Recycling of the Rubber Waste by Incorporation into the Cement Matrices
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ambientum, 2017
Management of risks associated to mining wastes (tailings dams and waste heaps)
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011
The paper presents the waste management of tailing dam facilities from Baia Mare area, Romania, a... more The paper presents the waste management of tailing dam facilities from Baia Mare area, Romania, an old mining region where the extraction and the processing of gold-silver ore and the complex ore is a tradition. The main characteristic of tailing dam facilities from that area is that they are in the final phase of their life cycle, respectively in the closure, post-closure or conservation phase. This is one of the reasons why implementing the suitable management for those mining facilities represents a challenge, in terms of enhancing the environmental performances and providing economical benefits. In order to adopt the adequate management techniques, the paper analyses the chemical contents of tailings from the studied facilities, the geological particularities of rocks in that area and the characteristics of the drainage collected in the ditches from the base of tailings dam facilities. The purpose of mine waste management proposed for the tailing dams of Baia Mare region is to reduce the environmental impact generated by tailing dam facilities and maximize the environmental performances in the region.

Energies, 2022
E-waste and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are fast-growing waste streams in the EU and beyond that ... more E-waste and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are fast-growing waste streams in the EU and beyond that require specific collection and treatment activities to avoid environmental pollution and resource depletion fed by the linear economy model. This paper aims to investigate the links between e-waste and ELVs streams and the circular economy approach of the EU. Romania is examined as a relevant case study for the central and eastern European Region regarding: (i) the current e-waste and ELVs management deficiencies and challenges in line with circular economy principles promoted by EU; (ii) analysis of E-waste and ELVs flows data; and (iii) best circular economy initiatives related to e-waste and ELVs in Romania, including the opportunity to create new jobs in treatment activities
that the simple operations from the first stages of e-waste recycling can produce locally and regionally in Romania. This work points out the current knowledge gaps and future research directions for
these special waste streams in Romania and beyond
Assessment of Heavy Metals Leaching from Different Types of Waste Mixed with Molasses

Risks associated to soil pollution in the proximity of tailing facilities in the western area of Baia Mare
Baia Mare town is situated in Northern side of Romania and it is well known for the old mining ac... more Baia Mare town is situated in Northern side of Romania and it is well known for the old mining activities deployed in the area. The hazardous waste landfills positioning directly on the soil without other protection it is known as being a source of pollution for the underground, and the wastes resulted from ore processing are included in the hazardous waste category, due to their hazardous substances content and their large quantities. This study presents the soil pollution in the near vicinity of the tailing dams: Aurul, Bozânta Nou and Bozânta Vechi. Soil samples located in the proximity of the tailing dams as well as samples from inside the tailing dams were analysed in order to determine the acid water drainage. For the soil samples were determined the concentrations for As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, total cyanide and the pH values. The results were compared with the maximum admissible threshold values in the Romanian environmental protection regulations, for less sensitive soils. Exc...

Environmental Sciences Proceedings
The involvement of the young people in adopting sustainable behaviors and their possible activiti... more The involvement of the young people in adopting sustainable behaviors and their possible activities as social entrepreneurs is important, in terms of the future adults who will make decisions on sustainable economic development. The objective of the study is to find out what are drivers, barriers and practices in the vision of young people and adolescents in Romania, in terms of social entrepreneurship. The study took place online and aimed to facilitate access to quality information related to the integration of the sustainable development principles in daily behaviors of young people, their willingness to become involved in social entrepreneurship activities. As a working methodology, a questionnaire is applied to adolescents and young people, before and after the seminars they participate, in which they are asked about how they see their involvement in some activities of the environmental protection and in social entrepreneurship activities or in what way they want to contribute ...

Environmental engineering and management journal
The mining waste facilities in the Baia Mare region, Romania, resulted from the extraction of pol... more The mining waste facilities in the Baia Mare region, Romania, resulted from the extraction of poly-metallic ores (including Au, Ag). Metal sulphide minerals from the mining waste facilities have a potential to produce acid rock drainage (ARD) and to generate risk for the environment, including for the water resources. Some of the mining waste deposits from the region are located near the town of Baia Mare, close to the residential areas, the agricultural lands and the surface water. The short migration path between the sources and the sensitive receptors is causing an increased environmental risk. The main contaminants found in the area are heavy metals and metalloids, such as: Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni and As. Their concentrations measured in the water samples from the area exceeded the pollution thresholds. Moreover, there were measured high concentrations of heavy metals in the groundwater from the wells in the villages located downstream of the mining waste facilities. This water is us...
The Arieş River, due to its geographic position and its significance in the Mureş –
Papers by Oana-Cristina MODOI
that the simple operations from the first stages of e-waste recycling can produce locally and regionally in Romania. This work points out the current knowledge gaps and future research directions for
these special waste streams in Romania and beyond
that the simple operations from the first stages of e-waste recycling can produce locally and regionally in Romania. This work points out the current knowledge gaps and future research directions for
these special waste streams in Romania and beyond