Papers by Luis Alberto Borrero

Entendiendo a los paisajes como el producto de la relación dialéctica entre el hombre y su entorn... more Entendiendo a los paisajes como el producto de la relación dialéctica entre el hombre y su entorno, relación en la cual el entorno se constituye en paisaje, los paisajes fósiles fueguinos presentan una interesante variabilidad desde el punto de vista arqueológico. Al hablar de paisajes fósiles o arqueológicos entramos en una dimensión particular del concepto paisaje, lo situamos en el pasado. Un paisaje ancestral al que sólo es posible acceder a través de la arqueología o los relatos mitológicos.
En Tierra del Fuego las investigaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas durante más de cuatro décadas a ambos lados de la frontera, ponen de manifiesto una larga historia de presencia humana, así como la coexistencia de dos trayectorias culturales bien definidas: los cazadores pedestres y los canoeros. Sus representantes recientes, Selk’nam y Haush para el caso de los primeros y los Yámanas canoeros, son bien conocidos a través de la literatura etnográfica. Los cazadores recolectores tienen mitos para explicar la formación del relieve actual, sobre todo de las formas más salientes o visibles, aquí la información etnográfica juega un papel muy importante a la hora de rescatar significados.
El litoral atlántico fueguino, presenta una serie de particularidades que lo posicionan como un paisaje arqueológico singular, albergando gran riqueza y variabilidad de configuraciones en sus dimensiones naturales y culturales. La creciente actividad antrópica y diversos agentes naturales amenazan la preservación de este valioso registro. El potencial científico y la ausencia de relevamientos intensivos del estado del registro arqueológico en esta región motivaron una acción de relevamiento y puesta en valor destinada a la preservación de registro y su significación.
Los resultados obtenidos en el marco del Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica (PACA), ponen de manifiesto la riqueza arqueológica del litoral atlántico fueguino su densidad y diversidad le otorgan gran importancia patrimonial, científica y comunitaria. El Programa fue desarrollado por el Museo del Fin del Mundo de Ushuaia, con la participación de diversas instituciones del ámbito público y privado. Los trabajos de campo se iniciaron en la temporada estival 2009-2010, hasta el momento fueron realizadas ocho campañas, cubriendo aproximadamente un total de 160 kilómetros de costa.
Las evidencias sugieren un patrón de ocupaciones relativamente extendido a toda la fachada atlántica fueguina y donde parece afirmarse algunas tendencias propuestas previamente. Esto es, la presencia en determinados sectores litorales de sitios de grandes dimensiones o concentraciones de yacimientos, que denotan una cierta redundancia ocupacional, donde la abundancia de recursos marinos indica la importancia de los espacios costeros en la cultura de los grupos humanos que habitaron Tierra del Fuego. En este sentido, los objetivos de esta presentación son la interpretación de estos resultados de campo, en conjunción con la información etnográfica disponible.
Palabras Clave: Tierra del Fuego, litoral atlántico, paisajes arqueológicos, patrimonio.

The discovery of a primary
source of two lithic raw materials (ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff... more The discovery of a primary
source of two lithic raw materials (ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff) in Chorrillo Miraflores Valley (Tierra del
Fuego province, Chile) promoted the development of joint multidisciplinary research between archaeological
teams working in the North of the Grande Island. This research program included the systematic survey
of the Miraflores source, petrographic and geochemical characterization of the two available rock types
and their identification in several archaeological sites of Tierra del Fuego. Recent projects have revealed
their presence in other extant archaeological lithic collections of southern Patagonia, enhancing the role
of Miraflores rocks in discussions on technological, cultural interaction, circulation and use issues by
southernmost Patagonia hunter-gatherers. This paper summarizes the contribution of this research program.
First, Miraflores ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff are widely distributed within Grande Island archaeological
record and they are also represented at sites outside the island. Secondly, indirect available dates indicate
that Miraflores rocks were used by human populations during the last 3000 yr. Finally, ICP-MS analyses
of natural and archaeological samples show that, although Miraflores geochemical signal is relatively
homogeneous, slight variations allow the identification of three geochemical subgroups.

Throughout south-central Patagonia, at the southern tip of South America, artifacts of black obsi... more Throughout south-central Patagonia, at the southern tip of South America, artifacts of black obsidian and marine materials
are found at sites far from their sources. This distribution is often attributed to the existence of exchange systems among hunter-
gatherer groups occupying the region in the late Holocene. In this article, we analyze distance-decay patterns in the frequencies
of both items. We explore the use of decay curves for explaining the existence of exchange systems. We also discuss
the notion of exchange as a means of obtaining exotic goods. We conclude that there is much intermediate variation that is not
explained by the ideal extremes of exchange or mobility (i.e., direct acquisition mode). This variation includes possible visits
or other types of social interaction associated with open social formations. We argue that these mechanisms are relevant to
understanding the distributional patterns of goods with known source locations recorded in south-central Patagonia.
Current Anthropology, Jan 1, 1985
RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS1 [The Editor welcomes short statementsnormally from 300 to 1,000 wordsof r... more RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS1 [The Editor welcomes short statementsnormally from 300 to 1,000 wordsof research results and conclusions. Such statements should not include detailed supporting data but should make clear reference to the location of such data (published ...

South America lost around 52 genera of mammals during a worldwide event known as the Late Quatern... more South America lost around 52 genera of mammals during a worldwide event known as the Late Quaternary Extinction episode. More than 80% of South American mammals weighing > 44 kg succumbed. Analysis of the megafaunal extinction chronology in relation to human arrival and major climate changes have revealed slightly different extinction patterns in different eco-regions of the continent, highlighting the importance of detailed regional analysis in order to understand how the possible drivers of extinction operated. Here we present an analysis of the megafaunal extinction in the Última Esperanza (UE) area of southwestern Patagonia, Chile. We have compiled a comprehensive chronology of megafaunal extinctions and earliest human occupation between 18–7 cal ka BP, based on radiocarbon dates from published literature. We calculated confidence intervals using the GRIWM method to estimate the times of human arrival and megafaunal local extinctions, and then compared these events to the timing of major climate and vegetation changes, fire frequency increase, and the Reclús volcanic eruption. Our results suggest that a combination of human impacts and climate–vegetation change drove megafaunal extinctions in the UE area, with the balance of factors being taxon specific; the volcanic eruption does not seem to have exacerbated extinctions. Competition between humans and mega-carnivores seems to be the most plausible cause for the extinction of the mega-carnivores. Coexistence of humans with extinct horses, extinct camels, and mylodonts for several thousand years rules out a scenario of blitzkrieg overkill of megafauna by humans. The transition of vegetation from cold grasslands to Nothofagus forests corresponds with the disappearance of Hippidion saldiasi and Lama cf. owenii. The later full establishment of Nothofagus forests and an increasing fire frequency coincided with the disappearance of mylodonts. A climate-driven reduction of open environments plausibly reduced herbivore's populations making them susceptible to local extinction.

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2003
Ethnohistoric records from Tierra del Fuego suggest that precontact Fuegians could be subdivided ... more Ethnohistoric records from Tierra del Fuego suggest that precontact Fuegians could be subdivided into three major groups: the Yamana, maritime hunter-gatherers of the Beagle Channel and islands to the south; the SelkÕnam, terrestrial hunter-gatherers of southernmost Patagonia; and the Haush, a little-known group that seems to have combined elements of both Yamana and SelkÕnam lifeways. However, the observed ethnographic patterns reflect societies whose way of life was significantly altered by European contact, habitat alteration, and exploitation of some of the key resources upon which Fuegian peoples were historically dependent. To test the linkage between ethnohistorically recorded subsistence patterns and prehistoric lifeways in the region, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were assayed from human burials that date within the last 1500 years before European contact. Isotopic analyses substantially confirm the ethnohistorically documented patterns, but also reveal some anomalies, such as Yamana populations who may have been more dependent on terrestrial resources (i.e., guanaco). Data from the Haush region suggest primary dependence on marine resources, like the Yamana, while the SelkÕnam demonstrate limited use of such resources. Stable isotopic analysis can thus be used to test hypotheses concerning the validity of archaeological and ethnohistoric data.
The supposed evidence Site Vizcaino Arroyo are discussed. Research on this site has serious metho... more The supposed evidence Site Vizcaino Arroyo are discussed. Research on this site has serious methodological problems, such as no efforts to recover the human artifacts, they are excavating in the stream bed and there are serious doubts as to the cut-marks have a human origin.
Etnoarqueología de asentamientos Aché [Cazadoresrecolectores del Paraguay oriental] In: Journal d... more Etnoarqueología de asentamientos Aché [Cazadoresrecolectores del Paraguay oriental] In: Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Tome 75, 1989. pp. 7-33. Abstract Ethnoarchaeology of Ache settlements. Hunting-gatherers of Eastern Paraguay.There is a growing interest in archaeology for studying human behavior in contemporary societies with the purpose of formulating theoretical models to aid in explaining certain archaeological data. The aim of this paper is to elaborate hypotheses having a degree of causality concerning the process of formation of small archaeological sites in hunting-gathering societies. In order to accomplish this goal we studied a community of Aché foragers in Eastern Paraguay with three types of settlement types : transient camps, central camps and semi-permanent camps.
Journal de la Société des Américanistes, Jan 1, 1989
Ethnoarchéologie de l'habitat Aché. Chasseurs-collecteurs du Paraguay Oriental.Il existe un ... more Ethnoarchéologie de l'habitat Aché. Chasseurs-collecteurs du Paraguay Oriental.Il existe un intérêt croissant, en archéologie, pour l'étude des sociétés actuelles afin d'établir des modèles théoriques qui pourraient aider à expliquer certaines données archéologiques. Le propos ...

We synthesize and discuss available isotopic data on Holocene guanaco samples from southern South... more We synthesize and discuss available isotopic data on Holocene guanaco samples from southern South America, extending from Tierra del Fuego Island to northern Patagonia and the Pampean region. We evaluate temporal and spatial tendencies on the basis of 91 samples (mainly based on δ13Ccollagen values), presenting implications for paleodietary research in archaeology. We conclude that there are no strong correlations with latitude in the macro-spatial scale, while there is a set of interesting patterns at smaller regional scales. These patterns lead us to evaluate the role of ecologic and topographic variables (e.g. canopy effect, variations in altitude, ecotones) in structuring isotopic variability. Finally, on the basis of the present analysis we suggest a number of hypotheses and perspectives for the use of stable isotopes as geographic tracers of guanaco distribution in the past, and specific implications for the paleodietary study of human samples.

Interactions between human societies and the environment that they inhabit have been a controvers... more Interactions between human societies and the environment that they inhabit have been a controversial topic in archaeology for at least the past fifty years. Currently, modern theoretical approaches take this subject as a key issue in their research agenda. This paper presents a review of the main outcomes of several archaeological and multidisciplinary South American projects related to this theme. The case-studies discussed here are all located within arid settings, and can be grouped into three broad geographic areas: Puna (or Altiplano) of northwestern Argentina, Cuyo (west-central Argentina), and southern Patagonia. These regions cover a wide latitudinal range extending from 22° to 52° S. They were selected for comparison due to environmental similarities, and a common record of past climate impacts mainly related to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). Although the impacts of these climatic changes were locally heterogeneous in their intensity and the quality of the available information is regionally variable, they provide a base-line for comparison and supra-regional integration. The integration of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data on this broad supra-regional spatial scale allows us to identify interesting historical trajectories associated with particular time periods. As an example, there are some spatial rearrangements of large populations during the MCA, in the three areas. Additionally, there are variable patterns in the changes associated with the different social contexts that impose specific demographic and economic constraints. Finally, this study sets the basis for new questions and provides a guide to the methodological and theoretical issues that we need to address in order to answer them.

Journal of Anthropological …, Jan 1, 2003
Ethnohistoric records from Tierra del Fuego suggest that precontact fuegians could be subdivided ... more Ethnohistoric records from Tierra del Fuego suggest that precontact fuegians could be subdivided into three major groups: the Yamana, maritime hunter-gatherers of the Beagle Channel and islands to the south; the Selknam, terrestrial hunter-gatherers of southernmost Patagonia; and the Haush, a little-known group that seems to have combined elements of both Yamana and Selknam lifeways. However, the observed ethnographic patterns reflect societies whose way of life was significantly altered by European contact, habitat alteration, and exploitation of some of the key resources upon which Fuegian peoples were historically dependent. To test the linkage between ethnohistorically recorded subsistence patterns and prehistoric lifeways in the region, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were assayed from human burials that date within the last 1500 years before European contact. Isotopic analyses substantially confirm the ethnohistorically documented patterns, but also reveal some anomalies, such as Yamana populations who may have been more dependent on terrestrial resources (i.e., guanaco). Data from the Haush region suggest primary dependence on marine resources, like the Yamana, while the Selknam demonstrate limited use of such resources. Stable isotopic analysis can thus be used to test hypotheses concerning the validity of archaeological and ethnohistoric data.
Lichenometry has great potential for its application in archeology. However, there are many metho... more Lichenometry has great potential for its application in archeology. However, there are many methodological and ecological aspects that have to be considered before using it as an absolute dating method. In this study we summarize the results of previous applications of lichenometry to archaeological research and estimate growth rates of the lichens Rhizocarpon subgenus Rhizocarpon for its application in the southern Patagonia steppe. In addition, we evaluate the influence of environmental variability created by the east-west precipitation gradient across the Andes on lichen growth and its implications for obtaining reliable lichenometric dates in the region. Diametral growth rates of the Rhizocarpon subgenus in the southern Patagonia steppe are between 0.061 y 0.184 mm yr-1. Growth rates increase significantly and monotonically with total annual precipitation amounts.
The papers in this volume cover issues related with the human
colonization of South America. The... more The papers in this volume cover issues related with the human
colonization of South America. They derive from the Symposium
held at the XVIII INQUA Congress, in Bern, on 21–27 July 2011 entitled
“Multidisciplinary Research on the Late Quaternary of South
America: Humans, Animals, and Paleoenvironments” which aimed
to integrate recently accumulated information concerning the
availability of space and animals for the first human explorers of
South America. It is true that the breadth of studies on multidisciplinary
collaboration is great, but very few are applied to the human
colonization of South America. INQUA offered the perfect
framework for a Symposium on multidisciplinary studies with
the capacity to cover this issue. Fifteen papers were presented
and, of them, updated versions of several appear in this volume.
Other papers along the same lines were also added.
Clusters of cairns located on the southwestern margin of the upper Santa Cruz river basin (Argent... more Clusters of cairns located on the southwestern margin of the upper Santa Cruz river basin (Argentina), at Estancia Bon Accord are characterized in this paper. The minimum age of these structures is estimated by lichenometric analysis. Similar lithic features recorded in Patagonia are addressed and compared with those found at Bon Accord. Finally, several hypotheses about their function are evaluated using previous regional and worldwide research.
Quaternary International, Jul 1, 2015
This paper focuses on Late Holocene coastal occupations of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the no... more This paper focuses on Late Holocene coastal occupations of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the northern steppes of Grande Island of Tierra del Fuego. Available archaeological data produced by our previous research in the Argentine portion of the island located north of San Sebastian Cape is discussed
from a regional taphonomy perspective. Our approach is based on the characterization of the main taphonomic modes recognized in the region. Preservational and other patterns for bones and lithics are presented and discussed. Based on the comparative study of isotaphonomic assemblages, general trends in human coastal occupations are discussed.

El registro arqueológico costero de Tierra del Fuego incluye una importante variabilidad de sitio... more El registro arqueológico costero de Tierra del Fuego incluye una importante variabilidad de sitios,
expresada tanto en cronologías diversas como en características de los yacimientos, condiciones de
emplazamiento, etc. Esta variabilidad de condiciones implica, a su vez, una diversidad igualmente
amplia en cuanto a potenciales problemas de conservación que podrían afectar a los sitios. Estos
factores de destrucción o de pérdida de información histórico-arqueológica incluyen agentes naturales,
como la erosión en cualquiera de sus formas, y agentes culturales relacionados con actividades
económicas como la ganadería, la explotación forestal, la actividad petrolífera y el turismo. Los
trabajos de campo sistemáticos, iniciados en 2010 por el (Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica)
PACA, hasta el momento dieron como resultado el registro de 252 emplazamientos (entre sitios y
concentraciones) y más de 300 hallazgos aislados. Estas localizaciones no están dispersas en el terreno
en forma homogénea, dado que se destacan sectores con mayor densidad de hallazgos y, por ende, con
un potencial de pérdida patrimonial muy alto frente a cualquier tipo de acción u obra que modiique
el paisaje. En este trabajo se presentan los objetivos y alcances del Programa, así como los resultados
obtenidos hasta el momento, y se discuten algunas de sus implicancias.
Papers by Luis Alberto Borrero
En Tierra del Fuego las investigaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas durante más de cuatro décadas a ambos lados de la frontera, ponen de manifiesto una larga historia de presencia humana, así como la coexistencia de dos trayectorias culturales bien definidas: los cazadores pedestres y los canoeros. Sus representantes recientes, Selk’nam y Haush para el caso de los primeros y los Yámanas canoeros, son bien conocidos a través de la literatura etnográfica. Los cazadores recolectores tienen mitos para explicar la formación del relieve actual, sobre todo de las formas más salientes o visibles, aquí la información etnográfica juega un papel muy importante a la hora de rescatar significados.
El litoral atlántico fueguino, presenta una serie de particularidades que lo posicionan como un paisaje arqueológico singular, albergando gran riqueza y variabilidad de configuraciones en sus dimensiones naturales y culturales. La creciente actividad antrópica y diversos agentes naturales amenazan la preservación de este valioso registro. El potencial científico y la ausencia de relevamientos intensivos del estado del registro arqueológico en esta región motivaron una acción de relevamiento y puesta en valor destinada a la preservación de registro y su significación.
Los resultados obtenidos en el marco del Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica (PACA), ponen de manifiesto la riqueza arqueológica del litoral atlántico fueguino su densidad y diversidad le otorgan gran importancia patrimonial, científica y comunitaria. El Programa fue desarrollado por el Museo del Fin del Mundo de Ushuaia, con la participación de diversas instituciones del ámbito público y privado. Los trabajos de campo se iniciaron en la temporada estival 2009-2010, hasta el momento fueron realizadas ocho campañas, cubriendo aproximadamente un total de 160 kilómetros de costa.
Las evidencias sugieren un patrón de ocupaciones relativamente extendido a toda la fachada atlántica fueguina y donde parece afirmarse algunas tendencias propuestas previamente. Esto es, la presencia en determinados sectores litorales de sitios de grandes dimensiones o concentraciones de yacimientos, que denotan una cierta redundancia ocupacional, donde la abundancia de recursos marinos indica la importancia de los espacios costeros en la cultura de los grupos humanos que habitaron Tierra del Fuego. En este sentido, los objetivos de esta presentación son la interpretación de estos resultados de campo, en conjunción con la información etnográfica disponible.
Palabras Clave: Tierra del Fuego, litoral atlántico, paisajes arqueológicos, patrimonio.
source of two lithic raw materials (ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff) in Chorrillo Miraflores Valley (Tierra del
Fuego province, Chile) promoted the development of joint multidisciplinary research between archaeological
teams working in the North of the Grande Island. This research program included the systematic survey
of the Miraflores source, petrographic and geochemical characterization of the two available rock types
and their identification in several archaeological sites of Tierra del Fuego. Recent projects have revealed
their presence in other extant archaeological lithic collections of southern Patagonia, enhancing the role
of Miraflores rocks in discussions on technological, cultural interaction, circulation and use issues by
southernmost Patagonia hunter-gatherers. This paper summarizes the contribution of this research program.
First, Miraflores ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff are widely distributed within Grande Island archaeological
record and they are also represented at sites outside the island. Secondly, indirect available dates indicate
that Miraflores rocks were used by human populations during the last 3000 yr. Finally, ICP-MS analyses
of natural and archaeological samples show that, although Miraflores geochemical signal is relatively
homogeneous, slight variations allow the identification of three geochemical subgroups.
are found at sites far from their sources. This distribution is often attributed to the existence of exchange systems among hunter-
gatherer groups occupying the region in the late Holocene. In this article, we analyze distance-decay patterns in the frequencies
of both items. We explore the use of decay curves for explaining the existence of exchange systems. We also discuss
the notion of exchange as a means of obtaining exotic goods. We conclude that there is much intermediate variation that is not
explained by the ideal extremes of exchange or mobility (i.e., direct acquisition mode). This variation includes possible visits
or other types of social interaction associated with open social formations. We argue that these mechanisms are relevant to
understanding the distributional patterns of goods with known source locations recorded in south-central Patagonia.
colonization of South America. They derive from the Symposium
held at the XVIII INQUA Congress, in Bern, on 21–27 July 2011 entitled
“Multidisciplinary Research on the Late Quaternary of South
America: Humans, Animals, and Paleoenvironments” which aimed
to integrate recently accumulated information concerning the
availability of space and animals for the first human explorers of
South America. It is true that the breadth of studies on multidisciplinary
collaboration is great, but very few are applied to the human
colonization of South America. INQUA offered the perfect
framework for a Symposium on multidisciplinary studies with
the capacity to cover this issue. Fifteen papers were presented
and, of them, updated versions of several appear in this volume.
Other papers along the same lines were also added.
from a regional taphonomy perspective. Our approach is based on the characterization of the main taphonomic modes recognized in the region. Preservational and other patterns for bones and lithics are presented and discussed. Based on the comparative study of isotaphonomic assemblages, general trends in human coastal occupations are discussed.
expresada tanto en cronologías diversas como en características de los yacimientos, condiciones de
emplazamiento, etc. Esta variabilidad de condiciones implica, a su vez, una diversidad igualmente
amplia en cuanto a potenciales problemas de conservación que podrían afectar a los sitios. Estos
factores de destrucción o de pérdida de información histórico-arqueológica incluyen agentes naturales,
como la erosión en cualquiera de sus formas, y agentes culturales relacionados con actividades
económicas como la ganadería, la explotación forestal, la actividad petrolífera y el turismo. Los
trabajos de campo sistemáticos, iniciados en 2010 por el (Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica)
PACA, hasta el momento dieron como resultado el registro de 252 emplazamientos (entre sitios y
concentraciones) y más de 300 hallazgos aislados. Estas localizaciones no están dispersas en el terreno
en forma homogénea, dado que se destacan sectores con mayor densidad de hallazgos y, por ende, con
un potencial de pérdida patrimonial muy alto frente a cualquier tipo de acción u obra que modiique
el paisaje. En este trabajo se presentan los objetivos y alcances del Programa, así como los resultados
obtenidos hasta el momento, y se discuten algunas de sus implicancias.
En Tierra del Fuego las investigaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas durante más de cuatro décadas a ambos lados de la frontera, ponen de manifiesto una larga historia de presencia humana, así como la coexistencia de dos trayectorias culturales bien definidas: los cazadores pedestres y los canoeros. Sus representantes recientes, Selk’nam y Haush para el caso de los primeros y los Yámanas canoeros, son bien conocidos a través de la literatura etnográfica. Los cazadores recolectores tienen mitos para explicar la formación del relieve actual, sobre todo de las formas más salientes o visibles, aquí la información etnográfica juega un papel muy importante a la hora de rescatar significados.
El litoral atlántico fueguino, presenta una serie de particularidades que lo posicionan como un paisaje arqueológico singular, albergando gran riqueza y variabilidad de configuraciones en sus dimensiones naturales y culturales. La creciente actividad antrópica y diversos agentes naturales amenazan la preservación de este valioso registro. El potencial científico y la ausencia de relevamientos intensivos del estado del registro arqueológico en esta región motivaron una acción de relevamiento y puesta en valor destinada a la preservación de registro y su significación.
Los resultados obtenidos en el marco del Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica (PACA), ponen de manifiesto la riqueza arqueológica del litoral atlántico fueguino su densidad y diversidad le otorgan gran importancia patrimonial, científica y comunitaria. El Programa fue desarrollado por el Museo del Fin del Mundo de Ushuaia, con la participación de diversas instituciones del ámbito público y privado. Los trabajos de campo se iniciaron en la temporada estival 2009-2010, hasta el momento fueron realizadas ocho campañas, cubriendo aproximadamente un total de 160 kilómetros de costa.
Las evidencias sugieren un patrón de ocupaciones relativamente extendido a toda la fachada atlántica fueguina y donde parece afirmarse algunas tendencias propuestas previamente. Esto es, la presencia en determinados sectores litorales de sitios de grandes dimensiones o concentraciones de yacimientos, que denotan una cierta redundancia ocupacional, donde la abundancia de recursos marinos indica la importancia de los espacios costeros en la cultura de los grupos humanos que habitaron Tierra del Fuego. En este sentido, los objetivos de esta presentación son la interpretación de estos resultados de campo, en conjunción con la información etnográfica disponible.
Palabras Clave: Tierra del Fuego, litoral atlántico, paisajes arqueológicos, patrimonio.
source of two lithic raw materials (ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff) in Chorrillo Miraflores Valley (Tierra del
Fuego province, Chile) promoted the development of joint multidisciplinary research between archaeological
teams working in the North of the Grande Island. This research program included the systematic survey
of the Miraflores source, petrographic and geochemical characterization of the two available rock types
and their identification in several archaeological sites of Tierra del Fuego. Recent projects have revealed
their presence in other extant archaeological lithic collections of southern Patagonia, enhancing the role
of Miraflores rocks in discussions on technological, cultural interaction, circulation and use issues by
southernmost Patagonia hunter-gatherers. This paper summarizes the contribution of this research program.
First, Miraflores ryolithic tuff and silicified tuff are widely distributed within Grande Island archaeological
record and they are also represented at sites outside the island. Secondly, indirect available dates indicate
that Miraflores rocks were used by human populations during the last 3000 yr. Finally, ICP-MS analyses
of natural and archaeological samples show that, although Miraflores geochemical signal is relatively
homogeneous, slight variations allow the identification of three geochemical subgroups.
are found at sites far from their sources. This distribution is often attributed to the existence of exchange systems among hunter-
gatherer groups occupying the region in the late Holocene. In this article, we analyze distance-decay patterns in the frequencies
of both items. We explore the use of decay curves for explaining the existence of exchange systems. We also discuss
the notion of exchange as a means of obtaining exotic goods. We conclude that there is much intermediate variation that is not
explained by the ideal extremes of exchange or mobility (i.e., direct acquisition mode). This variation includes possible visits
or other types of social interaction associated with open social formations. We argue that these mechanisms are relevant to
understanding the distributional patterns of goods with known source locations recorded in south-central Patagonia.
colonization of South America. They derive from the Symposium
held at the XVIII INQUA Congress, in Bern, on 21–27 July 2011 entitled
“Multidisciplinary Research on the Late Quaternary of South
America: Humans, Animals, and Paleoenvironments” which aimed
to integrate recently accumulated information concerning the
availability of space and animals for the first human explorers of
South America. It is true that the breadth of studies on multidisciplinary
collaboration is great, but very few are applied to the human
colonization of South America. INQUA offered the perfect
framework for a Symposium on multidisciplinary studies with
the capacity to cover this issue. Fifteen papers were presented
and, of them, updated versions of several appear in this volume.
Other papers along the same lines were also added.
from a regional taphonomy perspective. Our approach is based on the characterization of the main taphonomic modes recognized in the region. Preservational and other patterns for bones and lithics are presented and discussed. Based on the comparative study of isotaphonomic assemblages, general trends in human coastal occupations are discussed.
expresada tanto en cronologías diversas como en características de los yacimientos, condiciones de
emplazamiento, etc. Esta variabilidad de condiciones implica, a su vez, una diversidad igualmente
amplia en cuanto a potenciales problemas de conservación que podrían afectar a los sitios. Estos
factores de destrucción o de pérdida de información histórico-arqueológica incluyen agentes naturales,
como la erosión en cualquiera de sus formas, y agentes culturales relacionados con actividades
económicas como la ganadería, la explotación forestal, la actividad petrolífera y el turismo. Los
trabajos de campo sistemáticos, iniciados en 2010 por el (Programa Arqueológico Costa Atlántica)
PACA, hasta el momento dieron como resultado el registro de 252 emplazamientos (entre sitios y
concentraciones) y más de 300 hallazgos aislados. Estas localizaciones no están dispersas en el terreno
en forma homogénea, dado que se destacan sectores con mayor densidad de hallazgos y, por ende, con
un potencial de pérdida patrimonial muy alto frente a cualquier tipo de acción u obra que modiique
el paisaje. En este trabajo se presentan los objetivos y alcances del Programa, así como los resultados
obtenidos hasta el momento, y se discuten algunas de sus implicancias.