Papers by Gustavo Daujotas
Enseñar y dominar: las estrategias preceptivas en Roma, 2007, ISBN 978-987-1450-06-0, págs. 99-116, 2007
Fil: Daujotas, Gustavo A.. Universidad de Buenos Aire
Resumen Frente a la afirmación tradicional que clasifica el Culex como parodia del género épico y... more Resumen Frente a la afirmación tradicional que clasifica el Culex como parodia del género épico y al aporte de Ross (1975), para quien el poema parodia, saturándolos, los clichés narrativos neotéricos, el trabajo postula, mediante el análisis de los versos 15 del proemio y de su lineamiento argumental, que el poema se presenta y se desarrolla como una combinación lúdica de los géneros asociados al hexámetro (bucólico, épico, didácticogeórgico). En este sentido, la construcción de la vejez del protagonista que es sucesivamente pastor, guerrero, campesino se apoya en un diálogo con sus emblemáticas contrapartidas virgilianas: Títiro, Príamo, el viejo de Tarento.
IX Jornadas de Estudios Clásicos y Medievales (Ensenada, 28 al 30 de agosto de 2019), 2019
Annotation: This article describes the role of investment in ensuring high economic growth, as we... more Annotation: This article describes the role of investment in ensuring high economic growth, as well as investment policy in Uzbekistan and the implementation of projects to restructure the economy, modernize industries, technical and technological renewal.

Background: Pressing issues, like financial concerns, may outweigh the importance people attach t... more Background: Pressing issues, like financial concerns, may outweigh the importance people attach to health. This study tested whether health, compared to other life domains, was considered more important by people in high versus low socioeconomic positions, with future focus and financial strain as potential explanatory factors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2019 among N=1,330 Dutch adults. Participants rated the importance of two health-related domains (not being ill, living a long life) and seven other life domains (e.g., work, family) on a five-point scale. A latent class analysis grouped participants in classes with similar patterns of importance ratings. Differences in class membership according to socioeconomic position (indicated by income and education) were examined using structural equation modelling, with future focus and financial strain as mediators. Results: Three classes were identified, which were defined as: neutralists, who found all domains neutral or unimportant (3.5% of the sample); hedonists, who found most domains important except living a long life, work, and religion (36.2%); and maximalists, who found nearly all domains important, including both health domains (60.3%). Of the neutralists, 38% considered not being ill important, and 30% considered living a long life important. For hedonists, this was 92% and 39%, respectively, and for maximalists this was 99% and 87%, respectively. Compared to belonging to the maximalists class, a low income predicted belonging to the neutralists, and a higher educational level and unemployment predicted belonging to the hedonists. No mediation pathways via future focus or financial strain were found. Conclusions: Lower income groups were less likely to consider not being ill important. Those without paid employment and those with a higher educational level were less likely to consider living a long life important. Neither future focus nor financial strain explained these inequalities. Future research should investigate socioeconomic differences in conceptualisations of health, and if inequalities in the perceived importance of health are associated with inequalities in health. To support individuals dealing with challenging circumstances in daily life, health-promoting interventions could align to the life domains perceived important to reach their target group and to prevent widening socioeconomic health inequalities.
Discursos del cuerpo en Roma, 2011, ISBN 978-987-1785-21-6, págs. 131-158, 2011

Anales de Filología Clásica
En la elegía 3.7 de Amores de Ovidio el enunciador se queja porque, víctima de impotencia sexual,... more En la elegía 3.7 de Amores de Ovidio el enunciador se queja porque, víctima de impotencia sexual, no ha podido unirse con la joven. Más allá de estas vicisitudes, entendemos el episodio como una metapoética que escenifica el transitorio abandono de la práctica elegíaca y prefigura el abordaje de otros géneros poéticos. En el código elegíaco, donde se persigue un objetivo que no se alcanza (pues de resultar así se terminaría la práctica amatoria y escrituraria), el deseo por el cuerpo de la puella es equiparable al deseo de la práctica amatoria y poética. Consideramos que en esta elegía no solamente se encuentra implicado un anuncio del abandono de esta clase de poesía, sino que la vena poética del enunciador se ve fortalecida y, de este modo, preanuncia el cultivo de otros géneros, en los cuales subyacerá un estrato amoroso, tal como lo demuestra el resto de la producción ovidiana conservada.
The purpose of this paper is to trace, in the elegiac poems, those elements that, explicitly o im... more The purpose of this paper is to trace, in the elegiac poems, those elements that, explicitly o implicitly, make a kind of judgment, either negative or positive, about the rus or the urbs. We propose that such values may be considered as an axial system in which the rus is depicted as the space where people acts according to the mores maiorum, while the city is the space of moral corruption. We will demonstrate that it is possible to trace an evolution, in the elegiac texts, in which the representation of the spaces varies, so that at first place we found idyllic images of the rural scene that disappear up to the positive estimation of the urbs. We conclude that, since the moral of the ancestors does not fits with the new, Augustan, Rome, the literary agenda must justify the splendor that is showed in the city streets, so it should not be a target of moral condemnation.
Revista de Estudios Clásicos, 2003
To translate a text has always supposed the election of criteria related to the formal aspect of ... more To translate a text has always supposed the election of criteria related to the formal aspect of the work, as well as its contents, registry, technical words, its rhetoric and literary fashion, and, especially, of its reception. The case of the discourses of Cicero, whose translations to the Spanish language are numerous, cannot elude the problems of the options of a particular criterion as much as the social and cultural historical context in which the text would be read. Our purpose is to show the difficulties and its resolutions in the case of translate institutional lexicon, as much as the oratorical style. We have selected the Post Reditum of Cicero. We will intend to demonstrate some keys of how to translate this kind of discourse to the so called “rioplatense” language
... Cogis artem amatoriam dando tempos locumque: la construcción de la identidad de um novus homo... more ... Cogis artem amatoriam dando tempos locumque: la construcción de la identidad de um novus homo. Autores: Gustavo Daujotas; Localización: Revista de Estudios Clásicos , ISSN 0325-346, Nº. 31, 2003 , págs. 41-67. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...

In Cicero’s De Lege Agraria, the orator manifests himself, in his three discourses, against the l... more In Cicero’s De Lege Agraria, the orator manifests himself, in his three discourses, against the law proposed by Publio Servio Rulo. The first of them was delivered at the Senate; and, the other two, were performed at the people. In the second oratio he constructs himself as an orator who is also an homo novus, in order to persuade the audience of refusing the aims of such a law. Thus, he turns his logical arguments to manifest that he tends to benefit the social condition to which the audience belongs. So, he constructs his own identity as an homo novus to become a figure who is closer to the 1 UBA UBACyT PRI PICT 2 UBA PRI 3 UBA UBACyT PRI DAUJOTAS; ACERBI; RADIMINSKI Stylos. 2011; 20(20) 100 populus. The aim of this paper is to proove that, to achieve his purpose, the orator postulates himself as a consul popularis and, by so doing, he builds his auctoritas by embodying the republican ideals.
... | Ayuda. El control del mensaje poético como agente de poder en "Tristia" I... more ... | Ayuda. El control del mensaje poético como agente de poder en "Tristia" II de Ovidio. Autores:Gustavo Daujotas; Localización: Discurso, poder y política en Roma / coord. por Elisabeth Caballero del Sastre, Beatriz Rabaza, 2003, ISBN 950-808-371-9 , pags. 193-210. ...
The purpose of this paper is to trace, in the elegiac poems, those elements that, explicitly o im... more The purpose of this paper is to trace, in the elegiac poems, those elements that, explicitly o implicitly, make a kind of judgment, either negative or positive, about the rus or the urbs. We propose that such values may be considered as an axial system in which the rus is depicted as the space where people acts according to the mores maiorum, while the city is the space of moral corruption. We will demonstrate that it is possible to trace an evolution, in the elegiac texts, in which the representation of the spaces varies, so that at first place we found idyllic images of the rural scene that disappear up to the positive estimation of the urbs. We conclude that, since the moral of the ancestors does not fits with the new, Augustan, Rome, the literary agenda must justify the splendor that is showed in the city streets, so it should not be a target of moral condemnation.
Stylos, 2011
Información del artículo 'Consul Popularis', autoridad discursiva y preceptos rep... more Información del artículo 'Consul Popularis', autoridad discursiva y preceptos republicanos.
Revista De Estudios Clasicos, 2003
... Cogis artem amatoriam dando tempos locumque: la construcción de la identidad de um novus homo... more ... Cogis artem amatoriam dando tempos locumque: la construcción de la identidad de um novus homo. Autores: Gustavo Daujotas; Localización: Revista de Estudios Clásicos , ISSN 0325-346, Nº. 31, 2003 , págs. 41-67. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Papers by Gustavo Daujotas