Papers by Fernando Althabe

PLOS ONE, 2015
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a leading cause of maternal death. Despite strong evidence showing... more Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a leading cause of maternal death. Despite strong evidence showing the efficacy of routine oxytocin in preventing PPH, the proportion of women receiving it after delivery is still below 100%. The Uniject injection system prefilled with oxytocin (Uniject) has the potential advantage, due to its ease of use, to increase oxytocin utilization rates. We aimed to assess its cost-effectiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). We used an epidemiological model to estimate: a) the impact of replacing oxytocin in ampoules with Uniject on the incidence of PPH, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and costs from a health care system perspective, and b) the minimum increment in oxytocin utilization rates required to make Uniject a cost-effective strategy. A consensus panel of LAC experts was convened to quantify the expected increase in oxytocin rates as a consequence of making Uniject available. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. In the base case, the incremental cost of Uniject with respect to oxytocin in ampoules was estimated to be USD 1.00 (2013 US dollars). In the cost-effectiveness analysis, Uniject ranged from being cost-saving (in 8 out of 30 countries) to having an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of USD 8,990 per QALY gained. In most countries these ICERs were below one GDP per capita. The minimum required increment in oxytocin rates to make Uniject a cost-effective strategy ranged from 1.3% in Suriname to 16.2% in Haiti. Switching to Uniject could prevent more than 40,000 PPH events annually in LAC. Uniject was cost-saving or very cost-effective in almost all countries. Even if countries can achieve only small increases in oxytocin rates by incorporating Uniject, this strategy could be considered a highly efficient use of resources. These results were robust in the sensitivity analysis under a wide range of assumptions.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Jan 20, 2015
To identify factors associated with the increasing incidence of preterm birth in northern Argenti... more To identify factors associated with the increasing incidence of preterm birth in northern Argentina. In an observational study, data were reviewed from a prospective, population-based registry of pregnancy outcomes in six cities in 2009-2012. The primary outcome was preterm birth (at 20-37weeks). Bivariate tests and generalized estimating equations were used within a conceptual hierarchical framework to estimate the cluster-corrected annual trend in odds of preterm birth. The study reviewed data from 11 433 live births. There were 484 (4.2%) preterm births. The incidence of preterm births increased by 38% between 2009 and 2012, from 37.5 to 51.7 per 1000 live births. Unadjusted risk factors for preterm birth included young or advanced maternal age, normal body mass index, nulliparity, no prenatal care, no vitamins or supplements during pregnancy, multiple gestation, and maternal hypertension or prepartum hemorrhage. The prevalence of many risk factors increased over the study period...

PloS one, 2015
Neonatal mortality associated with preterm birth can be reduced with antenatal corticosteroids (A... more Neonatal mortality associated with preterm birth can be reduced with antenatal corticosteroids (ACS), yet <10% of eligible pregnant women in low-middle income countries. The inability to accurately determine gestational age (GA) leads to under-identification of high-risk women who could receive ACS or other interventions. To facilitate better identification in low-resource settings, we developed a color-coded tape for uterine height (UH) measurement and estimated its accuracy identifying preterm pregnancies. We designed a series of colored-coded tapes with segments corresponding to UH measurements for 20-23.6 weeks, 24.0-35.6 weeks, and >36.0 weeks GA. In phase 1, UH measurements were collected prospectively in the Democratic Republic of Congo, India and Pakistan, using distinct tapes to address variation across regions and ethnicities. In phase 2, we tested accuracy in 250 pregnant women with known GA from early ultrasound enrolled at prenatal clinics in Argentina, India, Pak...

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 2008
We conducted a cross-sectional study of Chagas disease in five endemic areas in Argentina, Bolivi... more We conducted a cross-sectional study of Chagas disease in five endemic areas in Argentina, Bolivia, Honduras, and México to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi-specific antibodies in pregnant women, and to assess the use of a rapid test (Chagas Stat-Pak) to screen for T. cruzi infection at the time of delivery. The prevalence of antibodies to T. cruzi measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in maternal blood was 5.5% (a range of 0.8-28.8% among the countries) in 2,495 women enrolled. Compared with ELISA in maternal blood samples, the Chagas Stat-Pak rapid test sensitivity and specificity in umbilical cord blood were 94.6% and 99.0%, respectively. These results show the ability for a rapid determination of the presence of T. cruzi-specific antibodies in umbilical cord blood as a pragmatic strategy to screen for infection in pregnant women.
Background: A significant proportion of the health care administered to women in Latin American m... more Background: A significant proportion of the health care administered to women in Latin American maternity hospitals during labor and delivery has been demonstrated to be ineffective or harmful, whereas effective interventions remain underutilized. The routine use of episiotomies and the failure to use active management of the third stage of labor are good examples.
![Research paper thumbnail of A cluster randomized controlled trial of a behavioral intervention to facilitate the development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Latin American maternity hospitals: the Guidelines Trial: Study protocol [ISRCTN82417627]](
BMC women's health, Jan 11, 2005
BACKGROUND: A significant proportion of the health care administered to women in Latin American m... more BACKGROUND: A significant proportion of the health care administered to women in Latin American maternity hospitals during labor and delivery has been demonstrated to be ineffective or harmful, whereas effective interventions remain underutilized. The routine use of episiotomies and the failure to use active management of the third stage of labor are good examples. METHODS/DESIGN: The aim of this trial is to evaluate the effect of a multifaceted behavioral intervention on the use of two evidence-based birth practices, the selective use of episiotomies and active management of the third stage of labor (injection of 10 International Units of oxytocin). The intervention is based on behavioral and organizational change theories and was based on formative research. Twenty-four hospitals in three urban districts of Argentina and Uruguay will be randomized. Opinion leaders in the 12 intervention hospitals will be identified and trained to develop and implement evidence-based guidelines. Th...
Current Women's Health Reviews, 2006
... Giselle Tomasso*, Fernando Althabe, María L. Cafferata, Alicia Alemán and Claudio Sosa ... in... more ... Giselle Tomasso*, Fernando Althabe, María L. Cafferata, Alicia Alemán and Claudio Sosa ... incision was done in Hapsbrug, Germany in 1799 [2]. A report [3] described that of mediolateral episiotomy was proposed in France around 1847 and 10 years later, Carl Braun was the ...

Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica-pan American Journal of Public Health, 1999
Todos los años nacen en el mundo alrededor de 13 millones de niños prematuros. La mayor parte de ... more Todos los años nacen en el mundo alrededor de 13 millones de niños prematuros. La mayor parte de esos niños nacen en países en desarrollo y constituyen el componente principal de la morbilidad y la mortalidad perinatales. En el presente estudio de revisión se analizaron los datos científicamente validados sobre las intervenciones que se emplean con la intención de evitar al menos una parte de los partos pretérmino y disminuir su impacto en la salud neonatal. Se consultaron las bases de datos Biblioteca Cochrane y Medline y se estudiaron 50 trabajos de revisión y artículos de investigación relacionados con el tema del parto pretérmino en sus siguientes aspectos: factores de riesgo y detección precoz del riesgo de parto pretérmino; prevención de la amenaza de parto pretérmino; tratamiento del parto pretérmino iniciado, y prevención del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria neonatal. Se encontraron pocos medios ensayados con éxito para predecir, prevenir o detectar precozmente la amenaza de parto pretérmino. Solo el tamizaje y tratamiento de la bacteriuria asintomática pueden recomendarse para todas las embarazadas como parte del control prenatal. El tamizaje de la vaginosis bacteriana y su tratamiento ulterior y el cerclaje profiláctico reducen, respectivamente, la incidencia de nacimientos adelantados en embarazadas con antecedentes de parto prematuro y en las que tienen antecedentes de más de tres partos pretérmino. Como tratamiento del parto iniciado antes de tiempo, con o sin rotura prematura de membranas, las intervenciones que han mostrado eficacia son la administración de betamiméticos a la parturienta para prolongar por 48 horas el período de latencia del parto y de indometacina con el mismo objetivo como medicamento de segunda elección. La administración prenatal de corticoides a la embarazada puede inducir la maduración pulmonar del feto y reducir el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria y la hemorragia ventricular, reduciendo así la mortalidad neonatal. Se recomienda continuar y apoyar las investigaciones básicas y epidemiológicas sobre la prevención para adquirir más conocimientos sobre las causas y mecanismos del parto pretérmino y cómo prevenir la morbilidad y mortalidad que produce.
The Lancet, 2007
Health inequality in Latin America. By - José M Belizán, María L Cafferata, María Belizán, Fernan... more Health inequality in Latin America. By - José M Belizán, María L Cafferata, María Belizán, Fernando Althabe.
Objectives To estimate the incidences of caesarean sections in Latin American countries and corre... more Objectives To estimate the incidences of caesarean sections in Latin American countries and correlate these with socioeconomic, demographic, and healthcare variables. Design Descriptive and ecological study. Setting 19 Latin American countries. Main outcome measures National estimates of caesarean section rates in each country. Results Seven countries had caesarean section rates below 15%. The remaining 12 countries had rates above 15%

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 2014
Active management of third stage of labor (AMTSL) Multifaceted intervention Nicaragua Oxytocin Po... more Active management of third stage of labor (AMTSL) Multifaceted intervention Nicaragua Oxytocin Postpartum hemorrhage Professional behavior change Selective episiotomy Uniject Objective: To assess the effect of a multifaceted intervention among skilled birth attendants on the use of oxytocin during the third stage of labor, the active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL), and the rate of routine episiotomy during vaginal births in two health districts in Nicaragua. Methods: An uncontrolled before-and-after study design was used. The rates of oxytocin use in the third stage of labor, AMTSL, and episiotomy were measured for vaginal births occurring in eight hospitals and health centers during 2011-2012, before and after implementation of a multifaceted facility-based intervention. The intervention involved the use of opinion leaders, interactive workshops to develop and implement evidence-based guidelines, academic detailing, the use of reminders, and feedback on the rates of oxytocin use and episiotomy. Results: Oxytocin use during the third stage of labor increased significantly from 95.3% to 97.4% (P = 0.003). The episiotomy rate dropped significantly from 31.2% to 21.2% overall, and from 59.6% to 40.5% in primiparous women (P b 0.001 for both comparisons). Conclusion: The multifaceted intervention improved the targeted care practices during childbirth. However, a further decrease in the routine use of episiotomy would be desirable.
The Lancet. Global health, 2014

BMC Health Services Research, 2014
Background: Antenatal care (ANC) reduces maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality directly ... more Background: Antenatal care (ANC) reduces maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality directly through the detection and treatment of pregnancy-related illnesses, and indirectly through the detection of women at increased risk of delivery complications. The potential benefits of quality antenatal care services are most significant in low-resource countries where morbidity and mortality levels among women of reproductive age and neonates are higher. WHO developed an ANC model that recommended the delivery of services scientifically proven to improve maternal, perinatal and neonatal outcomes. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of an intervention designed to increase the use of the package of evidence-based services included in the WHO ANC model in Mozambique. The primary hypothesis is that the intervention will increase the use of evidence-based practices during ANC visits in comparison to the standard dissemination channels currently used in the country.
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 2008
Strategies for improving the quality of health care in maternal and child health in low-and middl... more Strategies for improving the quality of health care in maternal and child health in low-and middle-income countries: an overview of systematic reviews.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2014
To quantify maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries, to identi... more To quantify maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries, to identify when deaths occur and to identify relationships between maternal deaths and stillbirths and neonatal deaths. A prospective study of pregnancy outcomes was performed in 106 communities at seven sites in Argentina, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Zambia. Pregnant women were enrolled and followed until six weeks postpartum. Between 2010 and 2012, 214,070 of 220,235 enrolled women (97.2%) completed follow-up. The maternal mortality ratio was 168 per 100,000 live births, ranging from 69 per 100,000 in Argentina to 316 per 100,000 in Pakistan. Overall, 29% (98/336) of maternal deaths occurred around the time of delivery: most were attributed to haemorrhage (86/336), pre-eclampsia or eclampsia (55/336) or sepsis (39/336). Around 70% (4349/6213) of stillbirths were probably intrapartum; 34% (1804/5230) of neonates died on the day of delivery and 14% (755/5230) died the day after. Stillbirths were more common in women who died than in those alive six weeks postpartum (risk ratio, RR: 9.48; 95% confidence interval, CI: 7.97-11.27), as were perinatal deaths (RR: 4.30; 95% CI: 3.26-5.67) and 7-day (RR: 3.94; 95% CI: 2.74-5.65) and 28-day neonatal deaths (RR: 7.36; 95% CI: 5.54-9.77). Most maternal, fetal and neonatal deaths occurred at or around delivery and were attributed to preventable causes. Maternal death increased the risk of perinatal and neonatal death. Improving obstetric and neonatal care around the time of birth offers the greatest chance of reducing mortality.
We conducted a cross-sectional study of Chagas disease in five endemic areas in Argentina, Bolivi... more We conducted a cross-sectional study of Chagas disease in five endemic areas in Argentina, Bolivia, Honduras, and México to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi-specific antibodies in pregnant women, and to assess the use of a rapid test (Chagas Stat-Pak) to screen for T. cruzi infection at the time of delivery. The prevalence of antibodies to T. cruzi measured by

Reproductive Health, 2012
Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal mortality, responsible for 28% of neonatal deaths over... more Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal mortality, responsible for 28% of neonatal deaths overall. The administration of antenatal corticosteroids to women at high risk of preterm birth is a powerful perinatal intervention to reduce neonatal mortality in resource rich environments. The effect of antenatal steroids to reduce mortality and morbidity among preterm infants in hospital settings in developed countries with high utilization is well established, yet they are not routinely used in developing countries. The impact of increasing antenatal steroid use in hospital or community settings with low utilization rates and high infant mortality among premature infants due to lack of specialized services has not been well researched. There is currently no clear evidence about the safety of antenatal corticosteroid use for community-level births. We hypothesize that a multi country, two-arm, parallel cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate whether a multifaceted intervention to increase the use of antenatal corticosteroids, including components to improve the identification of pregnancies at high risk of preterm birth and providing and facilitating the appropriate use of steroids, will reduce neonatal mortality at 28 days of life in preterm newborns, compared with the standard delivery of care in selected populations of six countries. 102 clusters in Argentina, Guatemala, Kenya, India, Pakistan, and Zambia will be randomized, and around 60,000 women and newborns will be enrolled. Kits containing vials of dexamethasone, syringes, gloves, and instructions for administration will be distributed. Improving the identification of women at high risk of preterm birth will be done by (1) diffusing recommendations for antenatal corticosteroids use to health providers, (2) training health providers on identification of women at high risk of preterm birth, (3) providing reminders to health providers on the use of the kits, and (4) using a color-coded tape to measure uterine height to estimate gestational age in women with unknown gestational age. In both intervention and control clusters, health providers will be trained in essential newborn care for low birth weight babies. The primary outcome is neonatal mortality at 28 days of life in preterm infants.
Reproductive Health, 2009
Background Active management of the third stage of labour reduces the risk of post-partum haemorr... more Background Active management of the third stage of labour reduces the risk of post-partum haemorrhage. We aimed to assess whether controlled cord traction can be omitted from active management of this stage without increasing the risk of severe haemorrhage.
Papers by Fernando Althabe