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La proteína testicular CRISP2 (Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein 2) se encuentra presente en el acrosoma y la cola de los espermatozoides de mamíferos y participa en el proceso de fertilización. El estudio de animales knockout (KO) para el... more
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    • Sperm
La utilización de semen enfriado en inseminación artificial (IA) porcina sigue siendo una limitante, ya que la respuesta frente a temperaturas menores a 16 °C es aleatoria entre cerdos, y aún entre eyaculados del mismo cerdo. El objetivo... more
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      ReproductionAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesPig FarmingSpermatology
El potencial fecundante del semen depende tanto de la movilidad espermática como de la integridad y funcionamiento de sus membranas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar mediante una triple tinción fluorocrómica (Hoechst 33342,... more
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      ReproductionFluorescence MicroscopyAssisted Reproductive TechnologyPig Farming
La utilización de la inseminación artificial en la especie porcina se ha incrementado enormemente en los últimos años. Cuando se utiliza semen congelado se obtienen bajos porcentajes de concepción en comparación con los obtenidos con... more
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      Pig FarmingSpermatologySperm Cryopreservation
La vitrificación de tejido ovárico permite conservar gran cantidad de ovocitos contenidos en folículos preantrales (FPA). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el efecto de distintas combinaciones de crioprotectores en la... more
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      Pig FarmingCryoprotectantsOvarian Tissue VitrificationVitrification
La inseminación artificial bovina ha sido la técnica de reproducción asistida de mayor difusión por las ventajas que presenta en el mejoramiento genético, la prevención y control de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, la posibilidad de... more
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      Artificial inseminationSpermatologyFluorescent probesSperm Cryopreservation
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      MorphologySemen Analysis
de batido flagelar está relacionada tanto con la velocidad del espermatozoide como con la potencia generada por el flagelo. Los sistemas CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) permiten evaluarla en forma objetiva mediante la frecuencia... more
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      SpermSemen Analysis
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      ReproductionBiologyAnimal ProductionAssisted Reproductive Technologies
High levels of fluoride in freshwater ecosystems are harmful for humans and animals, particularly, aquatic biota. In this paper, the concentrations of fluoride in arsenic-rich lotic ecosystems of the Pampa Plain, Argentina, were recorded.... more
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      ArsenicArgentinaEnvironmental MonitoringRisk assessment
Work on acute models of cortical injury has revealed a population of small GABAergic interneurons that are induced to increase their low constitutive expression of neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS). In some cases, this activation... more
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      Neuronal cell deathSignal TransductionTemporal LobeGABA receptors
The definitive Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis requires postmortem confirmation of neuropathological hallmarks-amyloid-b (Ab) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). The advent of radiotracers for amyloid imaging presents an... more
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      NeuroimagingPositron Emission TomographyClinical SciencesAged
To investigate the relation between the loss of substantia nigra (SN) neurons in normal ageing and Parkinson's disease (PD), we measured the total number and the cell body volume of pigmented (neuromelanin) neurons in the SN. We examined... more
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      AgingAdolescentSubstantia nigraNeurons
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      Cognitive ScienceDementiaBrainClinical Sciences
effect of loss of cell cycle control in post-mitotic neurons. Markers of cell cycle and neurodgeneration were examined and their relationships were further analyzed. Results: In our animal model, the loss of Rb in postmitotic neurons,... more
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      Cell CycleClinical SciencesNeurosciences
Parkinson disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability. Post-mortem examination shows loss of neurons and Lewy bodies, which are cytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions,... more
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      GeneticsNatureAlpha SynucleinBiological Sciences
Perturbations in the microtubule-associated protein tau occur in several human neurodegenerative diseases. In Alzheimer's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), tau proteins assemble into straight and paired helical filaments... more
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      Progressive Supranuclear PalsyBrainPolymerase Chain ReactionClinical Sciences
We investigated the cleavage of caspase-3, a marker of apoptosis, in the medial temporal lobe of older subjects with minimal cognitive deficits and low CERAD/intermediate Braak scores, that is, clinicopathological descriptors of early... more
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      Mass SpectrometryImmunohistochemistryApoptosisCaspases
We report on the neuropathological examinations of a 74-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and of her 47-year-old nondemented daughter. The brain of the mother showed fully developed pathological changes of AD. By contrast, the... more
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      AmyloidClinical SciencesAgedFamily Health
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      MultidisciplinaryBrain DeathDogsBrain