Papers by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias

Politics and Governance, 2020
Latin America is one of the regions facing many disasters with some of the worse impacts. The cur... more Latin America is one of the regions facing many disasters with some of the worse impacts. The current governance model has not proven successful in disaster risk reduction. This article aims to theoretically analyse the relationship between ideal regional disaster risk governance (DRG) and the actual production of disaster risk in Latin America. From the so-called ‘vulnerability paradigm’ and a regional standpoint, this analysis contributes to the debate with a specific focus on ‘neo-extractivism.’ Pointing mainly to sociopolitical processes triggered as of the early 2000s in Latin America, ‘neo-extractivism’ relates to a regional ecological-political pattern of intensive natural resource exploitation. The first part of this article presents a regional overview of DRG and its scope in disaster risk reduction, analysing its ineffectiveness through the lens of the neoliberal governmentality problem. The second part deals with the issue of ‘neo-extractivism’ to outline the actual links...
Aisthesis, 2010
El trabajo ensaya una aproximación teorética sobre ciertas prácticas de teatralidad desarrolladas... more El trabajo ensaya una aproximación teorética sobre ciertas prácticas de teatralidad desarrolladas por jóvenes mapuches urbanos desde fi nes del siglo XX. Para ello, desde un enfoque socio-estético, se analiza un discreto corpus de obras correspondiente a la

Disaster Prevention and Management, 2021
Purpose — Based on the research, the authors identify how four key concepts in disaster studies-a... more Purpose — Based on the research, the authors identify how four key concepts in disaster studies-agency, local scale, memory and vulnerability-are interrupted, and how these interruptions offer new perspectives for doing disaster research from and for the South. Design/methodology/approach — Meta-analysis of case studies and revision of past and current collaborations of authors with communities across Chile.
Findings — The findings suggest that agency, local scale, memory and vulnerability, as fundamental concepts for disaster risk reduction (DRR) theory and practice, need to allow for ambivalences, ironies, granularization
and further materializations. The authors identify these characteristics as the conditions that emerge when doing disaster research from within the disaster itself, perhaps the critical condition of what is usually known
as the South.
Originality/value — The authors contribute to a reflexive assessment of fundamental concepts for critical disaster studies. The authors offer research-based and empirically rich redefinitions of these concepts. The
authors also offer a novel understanding of the political and epistemological conditions of the “South” as both a geography and a project.
Disaster Prevention and Management, 2021
Purpose-Based on the research, the authors identify how four key concepts in disaster studies-age... more Purpose-Based on the research, the authors identify how four key concepts in disaster studies-agency, local scale, memory and vulnerability-are interrupted, and how these interruptions offer new perspectives for doing disaster research from and for the South. Design/methodology/approach-Meta-analysis of case studies and revision of past and current collaborations of authors with communities across Chile.
Dilemas Contemporáneos, 2021
El artículo desarrolla una reflexión en torno al problema de los desastres y su política a partir... more El artículo desarrolla una reflexión en torno al problema de los desastres y su política a partir de la noción de Antropoceno y del escenario catastrófico que refiere, especialmente amenazante para el modo de vida occidental. Se presenta un entramado de narrativas globales y latinoamericanas en tanto respuestas a lo que se identifica como la pregunta filosófico-política más radical que plantea: «qué hacer» ante los crecientes desastres, considerando que el «sujeto» de la acción y la libertad moderna es parte fundamental del problema. Se expone así la elaboración de una imaginación sobre otros modos de ser de la política, desde vertientes teoréticas que buscan desplazar y superar al sujeto como único polo agencial, así como tensionar geopolíticamente esta problemática.

Politics and governance, 2020
Latin America is one of the regions facing many disasters with some of the worse impacts. The cur... more Latin America is one of the regions facing many disasters with some of the worse impacts. The current governance model has not proven successful in disaster risk reduction. This article aims to theoretically analyse the relationship between ideal regional disaster risk governance (DRG) and the actual production of disaster risk in Latin America. From the so-called 'vulnerability paradigm' and a regional standpoint, this analysis contributes to the debate with a specific focus on 'neo-extractivism.' Pointing mainly to sociopolitical processes triggered as of the early 2000s in Latin America, 'neo-extractivism' relates to a regional ecological-political pattern of intensive natural resource exploitation. The first part of this article presents a regional overview of DRG and its scope in disaster risk reduction, analysing its ineffectiveness through the lens of the neoliberal governmentality problem. The second part deals with the issue of 'neo-extractivism' to outline the actual links between the political arena, the development discourse, and the creation of vulnerability and new hazards in the region's contemporary social processes. We show a correlation between political arrangements and environmental degradation that brings about both disasters and an increase in disaster risk. 'Neo-extractivism' foregrounds the political conditions for the implementation of regional DRG and reveals how its projections within the development discourse relate incongruously with the essential factors of disaster risk.
Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores, 2018
Un modo de entender la naturaleza impulsado por hacer del modelo económico la forma de relacionar... more Un modo de entender la naturaleza impulsado por hacer del modelo económico la forma de relacionarnos con ella, no solo desencadena un proceso continuo de explotación y vaciamiento de la misma, sino también de la psiquis de los individuos. En base a la noción de suicidio individual como preludio para comprender lo que está en juego en los escenarios de
desastre ecológico a nivel social y político, la actual devastación planetaria puede ser concebida no solo como una forma de destrucción sino también de autodestrucción. Una genealogía del Antropoceno ayuda a repensar las formas habituales de comprender la ética y la política frente a situaciones de desastre en aras de buscar contener la pulsión eco(sui)cida y construir condiciones de supervivencia. Este artículo es fruto del Proyecto FONDECYT no.1181322.

Athenea Digital , 2018
En este artículo desarrollo algunas coordenadas sociohistóricas y político-culturales
para compr... more En este artículo desarrollo algunas coordenadas sociohistóricas y político-culturales
para comprender críticamente las condiciones de emergencia de procesos de
subjetividad mapuche en las ciudades, en el entramado de la “hegemonía cultural”
de Chile postdictadura. A partir de una aproximación interdisciplinaria al fenómeno
de la migración mapuche, de su situación urbana y de retorno de la “cuestión
indígena” en los años noventa en América Latina, discuto acerca de la trama
estructural que está a la base de estos procesos. Identifico así la relación necesaria
entre la violencia constitutiva de la soberanía del Estado-nación chileno y el despliegue
del patrón de acumulación capitalista. Sostengo desde allí que es posible
observar en las condiciones de aparición de los procesos de autosubjetivación indígena
urbana, tensiones de la actualización de dicho vínculo operando como matriz
de territorialización, alterización y desposesión, a la luz del multiculturalismo
como su dispositivo ideológico de legitimación y dominación.
This article develops some socio-historical and political-cultural coordinates
which allow for a critical understanding of the conditions of subjectivity process
emergence of indigenous Mapuche from the city, within a framework of the postdictatorship
"cultural hegemony" in Chile. Starting with an interdisciplinary approach
to the phenomenon of forced migration, to the situation of the Mapuche in
the city, and to the return of the “Indigenous Question” during the nineties in
Latin America, it interrogates the structural framework these urban process were
based on. Thus, it identifies the "necessary" conjunction between the constitutive
violence of the Chilean nation-state sovereign with the ever-increasing advancement
of the pattern of capital accumulation. From there, it argues that it is possible
to be observed in the conditions of irruption of these urban indigenous processes,
tensions of the continual renovation of the mentioned link that operates as
a matrix of territorialization, “othering”, and dispossession. This in light of multiculturalism
as its ideological device of legitimation and domination.

Dentro del movimiento sociopolítico mapuche por la autodeterminación que surge en Chile en la déc... more Dentro del movimiento sociopolítico mapuche por la autodeterminación que surge en Chile en la década de los noventa, una generación de mapuches de las ciudades comienzan a llevar a cabo proyectos de comunicación y cultura. Allí se vuelve relevante el desarrollo de producciones audiovisuales, estas han jugado un rol fundamental en la disputa por el derecho a la elaboración y circulación de sus propias imágenes y representaciones. El presente trabajo busca establecer el estatuto crítico de algunas de estas imágenes en tanto dispositivos de pensamiento, para abordar la potencia afirmativa e inmanente que implica su irrupción estético-política, y plantearla como contracara de un historicismo teleológico Estado-nacional y como suspensión proliferante de la violencia biopolítica funcional al patrón económico regional de acumulación por desposesión.
Within the Mapuche sociopolitical movement for self-determination (autonomy) which rose in Chile in the nineties, a generation of urban Mapuche began to undertake projects of communication and culture. The development of audiovisual productions, which have played a fundamental role in the struggle for the right to do and to spread their own images and representations, has become relevant there. This paper seeks to establish the status of these images as devices of critical thought in order to address the affirmative and immanent power which this aesthetic-political breakthrough implies. In this way it is stated as a counterpart of the teleological nation-state historicism and as proliferating suspension of the consubstantial biopolitics sacrificial violence of the regional economic pattern of accumulation by dispossession.
Notas críticas a propósito de la huelga de hambre de presos políticos mapuche en el bicentenario ... more Notas críticas a propósito de la huelga de hambre de presos políticos mapuche en el bicentenario de Chile

El trabajo se propone abordar las producciones audiovisuales de mapuche del Gulumapu (par... more Resumen
El trabajo se propone abordar las producciones audiovisuales de mapuche del Gulumapu (parte del territorio mapuche emplazado en Chile), desarrolladas desde fines del siglo XX en el marco de los procesos de resistencia y reivindicación socioterritorial indígena que emergen en Chile durante el período de transición postdictatorial; en relación a un contexto más amplio de conflictividad socioambiental, consecuencia del avance del modelo económico extractivista en la región. Mediante el recurso a herramientas de la teoría del documental y de la estética del cine, se despliega una caracterización general de estas realizaciones, identificando el modo de representación predominante y los discursos que entraman estos procesos.
Palabras clave: medios comunitarios; análisis del discurso cinematográfico; movimiento social; documental; cuestiones étnicas; Latinoamérica.
This paper focuses on the audiovisual productions of Gulumapu Mapuche (the Mapuche territory located in Chile), developed since the late twentieth century in the context of indigenous processes of socioterritorial resistance and struggle emerged in Chile during the period of postdictatorial transition; in relation to a wider context of socio-environmental conflicts, due to the advancement of extractive economic model in the region. Through tools of documentary film theory and cinema aesthetics, a general description of these film works is displayed, identifying the predominant mode of representation and the discourses interweaving these processes.
Keywords: community media; analysis of cinematographic discourse; social movements; documentary films; ethnic questions; Latin America.
O documento considera as produções audiovisuais Mapuche do Gulumapu (o território Mapuche localizado no Chile), desenvolvido desde o final do século XX, no contexto de processos indígenas de resistência e luta socioterritorial, emergente no Chile durante o período de pós-ditatorial de transição; em relação a um contexto mais amplo de conflito sócio-ambiental, devido ao avanço do modelo econômico extrativista na região. Através do uso de ferramentas da teoria do documentario e do estética de cinema, uma descrição geral destas formas de realização é apresentado para identificar o modo dominante de representação e discursos nesses processos.
Palavras-chave: mídia comunitária; análise dos discursos cinematográficos; movimiento social; documentário; questões étnicas; América Latina.
En Carmen Guarini - Marina G. De Angelis (Eds.). Antropología e imagen. Pensar los visual. Sans S... more En Carmen Guarini - Marina G. De Angelis (Eds.). Antropología e imagen. Pensar los visual. Sans Soleil: Buenos Aires, 2014,
The paper proposes theoretical coordinates to interpret, in a political and symptomatic sense, wo... more The paper proposes theoretical coordinates to interpret, in a political and symptomatic sense, works by young theatrical creatives that during the first decade of this century have developed sophisticated aesthetic joints on the dominant discourses of Chilean culture: National identity and neoliberalism. Artistic proposals that could be understood as symbolic threatening returns of naturalized violence, founding of the cultural hegemony in Chile today. Based on these assumptions an approach is being rehearsed on the works Simulacro of the Colectivo Teatral La Resentida and H.P. (Hans Pozo) of the company La Nacional.
Interviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
El desconcierto, 31 de julio de 2016
El problema de la comunidad. Marx, Tönnies, Weber (Prometeo, 2015) es la reciente publicación del... more El problema de la comunidad. Marx, Tönnies, Weber (Prometeo, 2015) es la reciente publicación del investigador del CONICET y docente de la facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, doctor Daniel Alvaro (UBA /Université Paris 8), que desde una perspectiva deconstructiva aborda el aporte de los discursos inaugurales de la sociología al concepto de comunidad tal como lo pensamos hoy en día y devela los fundamentos metafísicos incuestionados sobre los que se han construido y sostienen las ciencias sociales. Conversamos
con el autor a propósito de este trabajo.
Own Book Reviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
El Desconcierto, 7/8/2016
Book Reviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
Papers by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
Findings — The findings suggest that agency, local scale, memory and vulnerability, as fundamental concepts for disaster risk reduction (DRR) theory and practice, need to allow for ambivalences, ironies, granularization
and further materializations. The authors identify these characteristics as the conditions that emerge when doing disaster research from within the disaster itself, perhaps the critical condition of what is usually known
as the South.
Originality/value — The authors contribute to a reflexive assessment of fundamental concepts for critical disaster studies. The authors offer research-based and empirically rich redefinitions of these concepts. The
authors also offer a novel understanding of the political and epistemological conditions of the “South” as both a geography and a project.
desastre ecológico a nivel social y político, la actual devastación planetaria puede ser concebida no solo como una forma de destrucción sino también de autodestrucción. Una genealogía del Antropoceno ayuda a repensar las formas habituales de comprender la ética y la política frente a situaciones de desastre en aras de buscar contener la pulsión eco(sui)cida y construir condiciones de supervivencia. Este artículo es fruto del Proyecto FONDECYT no.1181322.
para comprender críticamente las condiciones de emergencia de procesos de
subjetividad mapuche en las ciudades, en el entramado de la “hegemonía cultural”
de Chile postdictadura. A partir de una aproximación interdisciplinaria al fenómeno
de la migración mapuche, de su situación urbana y de retorno de la “cuestión
indígena” en los años noventa en América Latina, discuto acerca de la trama
estructural que está a la base de estos procesos. Identifico así la relación necesaria
entre la violencia constitutiva de la soberanía del Estado-nación chileno y el despliegue
del patrón de acumulación capitalista. Sostengo desde allí que es posible
observar en las condiciones de aparición de los procesos de autosubjetivación indígena
urbana, tensiones de la actualización de dicho vínculo operando como matriz
de territorialización, alterización y desposesión, a la luz del multiculturalismo
como su dispositivo ideológico de legitimación y dominación.
This article develops some socio-historical and political-cultural coordinates
which allow for a critical understanding of the conditions of subjectivity process
emergence of indigenous Mapuche from the city, within a framework of the postdictatorship
"cultural hegemony" in Chile. Starting with an interdisciplinary approach
to the phenomenon of forced migration, to the situation of the Mapuche in
the city, and to the return of the “Indigenous Question” during the nineties in
Latin America, it interrogates the structural framework these urban process were
based on. Thus, it identifies the "necessary" conjunction between the constitutive
violence of the Chilean nation-state sovereign with the ever-increasing advancement
of the pattern of capital accumulation. From there, it argues that it is possible
to be observed in the conditions of irruption of these urban indigenous processes,
tensions of the continual renovation of the mentioned link that operates as
a matrix of territorialization, “othering”, and dispossession. This in light of multiculturalism
as its ideological device of legitimation and domination.
Within the Mapuche sociopolitical movement for self-determination (autonomy) which rose in Chile in the nineties, a generation of urban Mapuche began to undertake projects of communication and culture. The development of audiovisual productions, which have played a fundamental role in the struggle for the right to do and to spread their own images and representations, has become relevant there. This paper seeks to establish the status of these images as devices of critical thought in order to address the affirmative and immanent power which this aesthetic-political breakthrough implies. In this way it is stated as a counterpart of the teleological nation-state historicism and as proliferating suspension of the consubstantial biopolitics sacrificial violence of the regional economic pattern of accumulation by dispossession.
El trabajo se propone abordar las producciones audiovisuales de mapuche del Gulumapu (parte del territorio mapuche emplazado en Chile), desarrolladas desde fines del siglo XX en el marco de los procesos de resistencia y reivindicación socioterritorial indígena que emergen en Chile durante el período de transición postdictatorial; en relación a un contexto más amplio de conflictividad socioambiental, consecuencia del avance del modelo económico extractivista en la región. Mediante el recurso a herramientas de la teoría del documental y de la estética del cine, se despliega una caracterización general de estas realizaciones, identificando el modo de representación predominante y los discursos que entraman estos procesos.
Palabras clave: medios comunitarios; análisis del discurso cinematográfico; movimiento social; documental; cuestiones étnicas; Latinoamérica.
This paper focuses on the audiovisual productions of Gulumapu Mapuche (the Mapuche territory located in Chile), developed since the late twentieth century in the context of indigenous processes of socioterritorial resistance and struggle emerged in Chile during the period of postdictatorial transition; in relation to a wider context of socio-environmental conflicts, due to the advancement of extractive economic model in the region. Through tools of documentary film theory and cinema aesthetics, a general description of these film works is displayed, identifying the predominant mode of representation and the discourses interweaving these processes.
Keywords: community media; analysis of cinematographic discourse; social movements; documentary films; ethnic questions; Latin America.
O documento considera as produções audiovisuais Mapuche do Gulumapu (o território Mapuche localizado no Chile), desenvolvido desde o final do século XX, no contexto de processos indígenas de resistência e luta socioterritorial, emergente no Chile durante o período de pós-ditatorial de transição; em relação a um contexto mais amplo de conflito sócio-ambiental, devido ao avanço do modelo econômico extrativista na região. Através do uso de ferramentas da teoria do documentario e do estética de cinema, uma descrição geral destas formas de realização é apresentado para identificar o modo dominante de representação e discursos nesses processos.
Palavras-chave: mídia comunitária; análise dos discursos cinematográficos; movimiento social; documentário; questões étnicas; América Latina.
Interviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
con el autor a propósito de este trabajo.
Own Book Reviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
Book Reviews by Andrés Pereira Covarrubias
Findings — The findings suggest that agency, local scale, memory and vulnerability, as fundamental concepts for disaster risk reduction (DRR) theory and practice, need to allow for ambivalences, ironies, granularization
and further materializations. The authors identify these characteristics as the conditions that emerge when doing disaster research from within the disaster itself, perhaps the critical condition of what is usually known
as the South.
Originality/value — The authors contribute to a reflexive assessment of fundamental concepts for critical disaster studies. The authors offer research-based and empirically rich redefinitions of these concepts. The
authors also offer a novel understanding of the political and epistemological conditions of the “South” as both a geography and a project.
desastre ecológico a nivel social y político, la actual devastación planetaria puede ser concebida no solo como una forma de destrucción sino también de autodestrucción. Una genealogía del Antropoceno ayuda a repensar las formas habituales de comprender la ética y la política frente a situaciones de desastre en aras de buscar contener la pulsión eco(sui)cida y construir condiciones de supervivencia. Este artículo es fruto del Proyecto FONDECYT no.1181322.
para comprender críticamente las condiciones de emergencia de procesos de
subjetividad mapuche en las ciudades, en el entramado de la “hegemonía cultural”
de Chile postdictadura. A partir de una aproximación interdisciplinaria al fenómeno
de la migración mapuche, de su situación urbana y de retorno de la “cuestión
indígena” en los años noventa en América Latina, discuto acerca de la trama
estructural que está a la base de estos procesos. Identifico así la relación necesaria
entre la violencia constitutiva de la soberanía del Estado-nación chileno y el despliegue
del patrón de acumulación capitalista. Sostengo desde allí que es posible
observar en las condiciones de aparición de los procesos de autosubjetivación indígena
urbana, tensiones de la actualización de dicho vínculo operando como matriz
de territorialización, alterización y desposesión, a la luz del multiculturalismo
como su dispositivo ideológico de legitimación y dominación.
This article develops some socio-historical and political-cultural coordinates
which allow for a critical understanding of the conditions of subjectivity process
emergence of indigenous Mapuche from the city, within a framework of the postdictatorship
"cultural hegemony" in Chile. Starting with an interdisciplinary approach
to the phenomenon of forced migration, to the situation of the Mapuche in
the city, and to the return of the “Indigenous Question” during the nineties in
Latin America, it interrogates the structural framework these urban process were
based on. Thus, it identifies the "necessary" conjunction between the constitutive
violence of the Chilean nation-state sovereign with the ever-increasing advancement
of the pattern of capital accumulation. From there, it argues that it is possible
to be observed in the conditions of irruption of these urban indigenous processes,
tensions of the continual renovation of the mentioned link that operates as
a matrix of territorialization, “othering”, and dispossession. This in light of multiculturalism
as its ideological device of legitimation and domination.
Within the Mapuche sociopolitical movement for self-determination (autonomy) which rose in Chile in the nineties, a generation of urban Mapuche began to undertake projects of communication and culture. The development of audiovisual productions, which have played a fundamental role in the struggle for the right to do and to spread their own images and representations, has become relevant there. This paper seeks to establish the status of these images as devices of critical thought in order to address the affirmative and immanent power which this aesthetic-political breakthrough implies. In this way it is stated as a counterpart of the teleological nation-state historicism and as proliferating suspension of the consubstantial biopolitics sacrificial violence of the regional economic pattern of accumulation by dispossession.
El trabajo se propone abordar las producciones audiovisuales de mapuche del Gulumapu (parte del territorio mapuche emplazado en Chile), desarrolladas desde fines del siglo XX en el marco de los procesos de resistencia y reivindicación socioterritorial indígena que emergen en Chile durante el período de transición postdictatorial; en relación a un contexto más amplio de conflictividad socioambiental, consecuencia del avance del modelo económico extractivista en la región. Mediante el recurso a herramientas de la teoría del documental y de la estética del cine, se despliega una caracterización general de estas realizaciones, identificando el modo de representación predominante y los discursos que entraman estos procesos.
Palabras clave: medios comunitarios; análisis del discurso cinematográfico; movimiento social; documental; cuestiones étnicas; Latinoamérica.
This paper focuses on the audiovisual productions of Gulumapu Mapuche (the Mapuche territory located in Chile), developed since the late twentieth century in the context of indigenous processes of socioterritorial resistance and struggle emerged in Chile during the period of postdictatorial transition; in relation to a wider context of socio-environmental conflicts, due to the advancement of extractive economic model in the region. Through tools of documentary film theory and cinema aesthetics, a general description of these film works is displayed, identifying the predominant mode of representation and the discourses interweaving these processes.
Keywords: community media; analysis of cinematographic discourse; social movements; documentary films; ethnic questions; Latin America.
O documento considera as produções audiovisuais Mapuche do Gulumapu (o território Mapuche localizado no Chile), desenvolvido desde o final do século XX, no contexto de processos indígenas de resistência e luta socioterritorial, emergente no Chile durante o período de pós-ditatorial de transição; em relação a um contexto mais amplo de conflito sócio-ambiental, devido ao avanço do modelo econômico extrativista na região. Através do uso de ferramentas da teoria do documentario e do estética de cinema, uma descrição geral destas formas de realização é apresentado para identificar o modo dominante de representação e discursos nesses processos.
Palavras-chave: mídia comunitária; análise dos discursos cinematográficos; movimiento social; documentário; questões étnicas; América Latina.
con el autor a propósito de este trabajo.