Josep Maria Solias
Phone: 0034655957125
Address: C/ Salvadors, 2, 5º 1ª
08902 L'Hospitalet
Address: C/ Salvadors, 2, 5º 1ª
08902 L'Hospitalet
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Books by Josep Maria Solias
The main lines of work are the homage and recognition to the victims and the fighters during the Civil War and the Franco regime; research and recovery of material heritage, and the dissemination and transmission of values and knowledge, particularly in the field of education.
heritage is wholly defined within the postmodern school of thought
that attempts to find the significance of things through a sense of
“authenticity” and the emotions they can generate. In this article
we review the philosophical roots of this framework of thought
and then try to explain the type of actions and groups that attempt
to submerge the spectator in a total experience of the past. Then we
explain how KuanUm was conceived with the aim of transmitting our
historical and archaeological heritage to people regardless of their
level of knowledge and cognitive abilities, attempting to combine the
potential of experimental archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, historical
re-enactments, living history and active education tools. To achieve
this we use the results of history and heritage research. The content we
wish to transmit belongs, in general, to the area of daily life and, more
specifically, to ancient diet or archaeogastronomy. These actions are
designed so that the user receives them with all five senses, attempting
to make learning about the past through heritage a sensorial
experience. Finally, a discussion is held about the role played –or rather
not played– by the profession of archaeology in the development of
heritage dissemination.
A casa nostra el primer contacte amb el món visigòtic tingué lloc l'any 415, quan el rei got Ataülf i la seva esposa Gal·la Placídia, filla de l'emperador romà Teodosi i germana d'Honori, s'establiren a Barcelona. El mateix any, però, Ataülf fou mort per una facció rival i la seva esposa desterrada a dotze milles de Barcelona, és a dir, al lloc anomenat en llatí Duodecimo i en català medieval Duisme, que era a Sant Pere de Romaní, a Molins de Rei, fins que fou retornada a Roma.