Papers by Isabel Verdaguer
Corpus Linguistics Applications For the Study of English 2006 Isbn 3 03910 675 9 Pags 417 428, 2006
De Clasicos Y Traducciones Versiones Inglesas De Clasicos Espanoles 1987 Isbn 84 7665 175 9 Pags 115 128, 1987
Anuario De Filologia, 1982
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 1998

The combination of a diachronic and a synchronic approach has proved to be very fruitful in recen... more The combination of a diachronic and a synchronic approach has proved to be very fruitful in recent linguistic research. Whereas until relatively recently historical studies had been ignored by the most prominent linguistic theories, such as Government and Binding (GB), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), which carried out their analyses from an exclusively synchronic point of view, it is now accepted that only by reference to earlier historical periods can we find an explanation to the present state of the language. Sweetser, Traugott, Hopper and Bybee among others have emphasized the importance of diachronic studies. The need of a historical perspective is especially evident in the study of polysemy, because it can bring to light not only the interrelationship of the different subsenses, which are apparently unrelated from a synchronic point of view, but also the importance of the complementation in determining and disambiguating its main senses.
Bells: Barcelona English …, 1997
Page 1. Polyseiny and Default Iidieritaiice. A ~ iacluonic Approach Anna Poch Isabel Verdaguer ..... more Page 1. Polyseiny and Default Iidieritaiice. A ~ iacluonic Approach Anna Poch Isabel Verdaguer ... 192 Page 7. A. Poch and 1. Vei-daguer Thus long have we stood to watch the fearefull bending of thy hee W. Shakespeare, Richard II, 111, iii ...
E Lexicography in the 21st Century New Challenges New Applications Proceedings of Elex 2009 Louvain La Neuve 22 24 October 2009 2010 Isbn 978 2 87463 211 2 Pags 325 334, 2010
... This justifies the inclusion of this information in our SciE-Lex database by means of a Bund... more ... This justifies the inclusion of this information in our SciE-Lex database by means of a Bundle button in the entry screen. By clicking on this button, the user is redirected to another page where the bundles appear on the left of the screen. ... Bern: Peter Lang: 85-105. ...
Page 1. Polyseiny and Default Iidieritaiice. A ~ iacluonic Approach Anna Poch Isabel Verdaguer ..... more Page 1. Polyseiny and Default Iidieritaiice. A ~ iacluonic Approach Anna Poch Isabel Verdaguer ... 192 Page 7. A. Poch and 1. Vei-daguer Thus long have we stood to watch the fearefull bending of thy hee W. Shakespeare, Richard II, 111, iii ...
Abstract The aim of this paper is to present the theoretical principles underlying the making of ... more Abstract The aim of this paper is to present the theoretical principles underlying the making of a lexical database of English collocations of non-specialized words used in scientific language. This project was prompted by the shortage of reference tools providing ...
Hace ya algunos años, en la defensa de mi tesis de licenciatura acerca de la etimología popular e... more Hace ya algunos años, en la defensa de mi tesis de licenciatura acerca de la etimología popular en la lengua inglesa, la Dra. MacDermott, presidente del Tribunal, me sugirió una idea que este estudio revelará muy fructífera y que puede ser el punto de partida de una amplia labor investigadora: el empleo de palabras afectadas por este fenómeno en obras literarias. Hoy, con ocasión del homenaje que le tributamos, me place dedicarle un estudio sobre la etimología popular en la obra de Shakespeare.

The combination of a diachronic and a synchronic approach has proved to be very fruitful in recen... more The combination of a diachronic and a synchronic approach has proved to be very fruitful in recent linguistic research. Whereas until relatively recently historical studies had been ignored by the most prominent linguistic theories, such as Government and Binding (GB), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), which carried out their analyses from an exclusively synchronic point of view, it is now accepted that only by reference to earlier historical periods can we find an explanation to the present state of the language. Sweetser, Traugott, Hopper and Bybee among others have emphasized the importance of diachronic studies. The need of a historical perspective is especially evident in the study of polysemy, because it can bring to light not only the interrelationship of the different subsenses, which are apparently unrelated from a synchronic point of view, but also the importance of the complementation in determining and disambiguating its main senses.
Papers by Isabel Verdaguer