Papers by Antonina Levatino

European Educational Research Journal
The widespread adoption of school autonomy with accountability reforms in education has generated... more The widespread adoption of school autonomy with accountability reforms in education has generated debate regarding the relationship between autonomy, innovation and accountability. While at the policy design level, these three elements are highly related, several authors highlight the contradictions among them. By analyzing key documents and interviews, this paper aims to identify the program ontology behind the current Italian National Evaluation System (SNV), with a focus on the way in which autonomy, accountability and innovation have been conceptualized and linked together. The paper also aims to explore whether pitfalls and/or tensions exist that might hamper the achievement of the SNV goals. The findings highlight the peculiarities of the Italian autonomy with accountability system, which has resulted from the involvement of different stakeholders in the design and implementation of the reforms. The findings also reveal contradictions regarding some of its premises. Various ra...
Educational Policy
Under test-based accountability, side-effects —including practices to inflate test results, often... more Under test-based accountability, side-effects —including practices to inflate test results, often seen as cheating—are usually associated to so-called high-stakes policies. However, the influence of different types of stakes in the generation of this type of practices has been overlooked in education research. Based on a survey experiment, our results indicate that the type and level of stakes of accountability systems (e.g., high- vs. low-stakes, material vs. symbolic) do not differ in triggering side-effects. Counterintuitively, individual symbolic consequences trigger similar reactions among teachers than material incentives. In-depth interviews give insights into the social mechanisms that lead to symbolic effects having such an influence in understanding teachers’ reactivity to accountability.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Oct 29, 2022
Teaching as affective labour in a datafied world: a scoping review of the relationship between pe... more Teaching as affective labour in a datafied world: a scoping review of the relationship between performance-based accountability and teachers' emotions. Foro de Educación, 20(2).
![Research paper thumbnail of Étudiants Étrangers : Des Migrants Comme Les Autres ? : Les Migrations Pour Études Au Prisme Des Mobilités Sociales [Dossier]](
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Les migrations étudiantes se déploient aujourd'hui selon des modalités liées aux dynamiques r... more Les migrations étudiantes se déploient aujourd'hui selon des modalités liées aux dynamiques récentes de la mondialisation néolibérale, au développement d'un marché du travail toujours plus tertiarisé et à la place qu'y tiennent désormais les étrangers. Les étudiants internationaux, dans ce qui est devenu un marché très stratifié et relativement complexe de l'enseignement supérieur mondial, forment néanmoins une population socialement hétérogène. En remettant la classe sociale au centre de l'analyse, ce dossier vise à rendre compte de la diversité de leurs trajectoires et de repenser l'articulation entre les études supérieures, la mobilité géographique et la mobilité sociale. En s'inscrivant dans le cadre des réflexions menées depuis 2016 par le collectif de chercheurs MobElites, il a pour objectif de montrer comment et jusqu'à quel point les migrations pour études peuvent générer, ou non, une mobilité sociale et, à un autre niveau, reproduire ou engendrer de nouvelles inégalités pendant, mais aussi après les études. Ce faisant, ce dossier interroge les inégalités liées à la globalisation, en multipliant les approches disciplinaires et théoriques, et à travers des terrains et des méthodologies variés
Plein droit, 2021
Dans Plein droit Plein droit 2021/3 (n° 130) 2021/3 (n° 130), pages 3 à 6 Éditions GISTI GISTI

Cahiers d'Études africaines, 2014
Migration-related issues have, since approximately 2000, been the object of increased attention a... more Migration-related issues have, since approximately 2000, been the object of increased attention at the international level. This has led, among other things, to the production of international dialogues, which aim both at understanding migration and at proposing policy recommendations on how to address it, with the objective of improving the governance of migration at the global level. But this implies overcoming dilemmas stemming from the diverging interests of states and other actors (such as NGOs and the private sector). This article examines the way in which international migration dialogues address skilled migration, which is characterized by some of the clearest political trade-offs between stakeholders. It argues that these dialogues attempt to speak to all parties and conciliate contradictory arguments about what should be done to discursively overcome policy dilemmas and create a consensus. Although this is in line with the mandate of international organizations, it depolit...
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2021

Migrations Société, 2020
Les migrations etudiantes se deploient aujourd’hui selon des modalites liees aux dynamiques recen... more Les migrations etudiantes se deploient aujourd’hui selon des modalites liees aux dynamiques recentes de la mondialisation neoliberale, au developpement d’un marche du travail toujours plus tertiarise et a la place qu’y tiennent desormais les etrangers. Les etudiants internationaux, dans ce qui est devenu un marche tres stratifie et relativement complexe de l’enseignement superieur mondial, forment neanmoins une population socialement heterogene. En remettant la classe sociale au centre de l’analyse, ce dossier vise a rendre compte de la diversite de leurs trajectoires et de repenser l’articulation entre les etudes superieures, la mobilite geographique et la mobilite sociale. En s’inscrivant dans le cadre des reflexions menees depuis 2016 par le collectif de chercheurs MobElites, il a pour objectif de montrer comment et jusqu’a quel point les migrations pour etudes peuvent generer, ou non, une mobilite sociale et, a un autre niveau, reproduire ou engendrer de nouvelles inegalites pendant, mais aussi apres les etudes. Ce faisant, ce dossier interroge les inegalites liees a la globalisation, en multipliant les approches disciplinaires et theoriques, et a travers des terrains et des methodologies varies.
Cahiers d'études africaines, 2014
Cahiers d'études africaines 213-214 | 2014 Les mots de la migration Une analyse du discours inter... more Cahiers d'études africaines 213-214 | 2014 Les mots de la migration Une analyse du discours international sur la « fuite des cerveaux ». Un consensus en trompel'oeil An Analysis of International Narratives on the "Brain Drain"
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2018
C (2018) Opening or closing borders to international students? Convergent and divergent dynamics ... more C (2018) Opening or closing borders to international students? Convergent and divergent dynamics in France, Spain and the UK. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16 (3). pp. 366-380.

Questo articolo analizza il discorso internazionale sulla migrazione qualificata, fenomeno che da... more Questo articolo analizza il discorso internazionale sulla migrazione qualificata, fenomeno che da decenni suscita accesi dibattiti e solleva dilemmi economici, morali e politici di difficile soluzione. In particolare, esso esamina le proposte contenute nei rapporti delle Organizzazioni Internazionali su tale questione, per facilitare la comprensione della loro logica interna, delle contraddizioni e delle posizioni ideologiche in essi contenute. Ne emerge un quadro caratterizzato dalla tensione tra preoccupazioni umanitarie per lo sviluppo dei Paesi d´origine e il supporto neoliberista alla migrazione qualificata in linea con le esigenze del mercato globale del lavoro. L´analisi mostra come l´obiettivo principale delle Organizzazioni Internazionali sia quello di conciliare, almeno sul piano del discorso, posizioni conflittuali, per superare ogni dilemma e creare un consenso che legittimi il loro operato e le loro raccomandazioni. Questo approccio, seppur in linea con il loro mandato, spoliticizza, in ultima istanza, le questioni migratorie.

Cahiers québécois de démographie, 2013
Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons aux migrations internationales étudiantes ghanéennes et s... more Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons aux migrations internationales étudiantes ghanéennes et sénégalaises. L’utilisation de données d’enquêtes quantitatives sociodémographiques rétrospectives, collectées dans le cadre du projet Migrations entre l’Afrique et l’Europe (MAFE), nous permet de comparer les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les profils scolaires, professionnels et migratoires des étudiants du supérieur, nationaux et internationaux. Les typologies des parcours nous indiquent que les étudiants du supérieur ne constituent pas un groupe homogène et que les étudiants internationaux sont composés de deux groupes aux parcours distincts. L’analyse biographique en temps discret permet de montrer que les individus qui accèdent à l’éducation supérieure, au Ghana comme au Sénégal, sont fortement sélectionnés selon le genre et le niveau d’éducation du père. Si les déterminants de l’accès à l’éducation supérieure à l’étranger sont différents pour les Ghanéens et les Sénégalais...

Discourse. Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2021
In the education sector, media outlets have been increasingly active in reporting on standardized... more In the education sector, media outlets have been increasingly active in reporting on standardized testing. The purpose of this paper is to identify the most recurrent discursive frames used by the Norwegian regional and local press when informing their readers about national standardized testing, and to explore whether differences over time and across geographical localities exist in the pervasiveness of frames. Our analysis is guided by framing theory, and builds on a corpus of 3,046 articles that focus on national testing, published by 155 Norwegian regional and local newspapers between 2004 and 2018. The analysis identifies four different discursive frames within Norwegian press coverage, namely the frame of ‘performance’, ‘transparency and empowerment’, 'misinterpretation and misuse’, and ‘criticism’. The four frames convey highly distinct causal and normative beliefs and realities about national standardized testing. While the dominance of the frames varies over time and across Norwegian counties, the frame of ‘performance’ is increasingly pervasive, something that potentially contributes to naturalize performative-oriented reporting and competition in education. The study highlights the importance of systematic media analyses to identify circulating principle beliefs on education, and of not
limiting research to national newspapers in order to grasp geographical variation in media coverage.

Dossier thématique, 2020
Les migrations étudiantes se déploient aujourd’hui selon des modalités liées aux dynamiques récen... more Les migrations étudiantes se déploient aujourd’hui selon des modalités liées aux dynamiques récentes de la mondialisation néolibérale, au développement d’un marché du travail toujours plus tertiarisé et à la place qu’y tiennent désormais les étrangers. Les étudiants internationaux, dans ce qui est devenu un marché très stratifié et relativement complexe de l’enseignement supérieur mondial, forment néanmoins une population socialement hétérogène. En remettant la classe sociale au centre de l’analyse, ce dossier vise à rendre compte de la diversité de leurs trajectoires et de repenser l’articulation entre les études supérieures, la mobilité géographique et la mobilité sociale. En s’inscrivant dans le cadre des réflexions menées depuis 2016 par le collectif de chercheurs MobElites, il a pour objectif de montrer comment et jusqu’à quel point les migrations pour études peuvent générer, ou non, une mobilité sociale et, à un autre niveau, reproduire ou engendrer de nouvelles inégalités pendant, mais aussi après les études. Ce faisant, ce dossier interroge les inégalités liées à la globalisation, en multipliant les approches disciplinaires et théoriques, et à travers des terrains et des méthodologies variés.
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2018
While attracting international students is the declared objective of many countries of the global... more While attracting international students is the declared objective of many countries of the global North, the regulation of movements of this migrant group does not escape the tensions that characterise policymaking on migration. This paper compares the evolution of student migration policies in three major European destinations – France, Spain and the UK – since the late 1990s. The aim is to evaluate whether policies in this area have converged or not, and the factors behind their evolution. Our findings suggest that despite common forces encouraging convergence, country-specific factors, such as countries’ migration history and the political force in power, seem crucial in explaining important differences in actual policies across the three countries.

Transnational higher education (TNE) is one of the most important, even if often neglected, aspec... more Transnational higher education (TNE) is one of the most important, even if often neglected, aspects in the internationalisation of higher education. TNE constitutes a strategy for universities to expand recruitment. Nonetheless, it is often argued that TNE could constitute a way for the countries where it is implemented to retain their students and to become themselves destinations for students from abroad. Numerous questions about TNE‟s potential to substitute traditional international student mobility currently feed the debate among scholars and stakeholders. The scarcity of data makes it difficult to answer these questions. This paper offers a macro level panel data analysis of enrolment in Australian higher education within Australia, i.e. onshore, and abroad, i.e. offshore. Two goals are pursued: first, to investigate whether and to what extent the macro determinants of traditional student mobility, as identified by previous research, are also related to offshore enrolment, and second, to examine the relation between the two phenomena in order to assess whether they could be considered substitutes. The results indicate that the macro factors which influence onshore enrolment are also related to offshore enrolment, even if some of these relations occur in different ways and with different strengths. Studying abroad seems to be connected particularly with the lack of labour market opportunities in the home country. No substitutive linkage is found between offshore and onshore enrolment, confirming, as hypothesized by previous research, that the two types of enrolment are absorbing different segments of international students.
International Journal of Educational Development, Jan 2015
This paper presents empirical evidence regarding the relationship between enrolment in transnatio... more This paper presents empirical evidence regarding the relationship between enrolment in transnational
higher education (TNE) and skilled migration into the country of the institution which provides
educational services. Based on macro-level panel data, the analysis shows a link between skilled
immigration and offshore enrolment in Australian higher education within the previous years,
suggesting that the provision of higher education offshore can constitute a successful strategy to enlarge
skilled migrants’ recruitment. The results also indicate that more caution should be devoted to this kind
of issue by developing countries when opening their education market to foreign providers.
Papers by Antonina Levatino
limiting research to national newspapers in order to grasp geographical variation in media coverage.
higher education (TNE) and skilled migration into the country of the institution which provides
educational services. Based on macro-level panel data, the analysis shows a link between skilled
immigration and offshore enrolment in Australian higher education within the previous years,
suggesting that the provision of higher education offshore can constitute a successful strategy to enlarge
skilled migrants’ recruitment. The results also indicate that more caution should be devoted to this kind
of issue by developing countries when opening their education market to foreign providers.
limiting research to national newspapers in order to grasp geographical variation in media coverage.
higher education (TNE) and skilled migration into the country of the institution which provides
educational services. Based on macro-level panel data, the analysis shows a link between skilled
immigration and offshore enrolment in Australian higher education within the previous years,
suggesting that the provision of higher education offshore can constitute a successful strategy to enlarge
skilled migrants’ recruitment. The results also indicate that more caution should be devoted to this kind
of issue by developing countries when opening their education market to foreign providers.
Abstract : This chapter offers a range of reflections on the mobility of skilled professionals and students. It stresses the need to take into account the changes that are currently impacting the higher education sector around the world, including the Mediterranean region, in the analysis of these two types of mobility. By focusing on the countries of the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean, this chapter provides some brief thoughts on these issues, which lead to insights for future research. Important considerations on broader issues are also emerging, such as, for example, that of the multifaceted nature of mobility, as well as the related fluctuating character of the categories we use when talking about migration.
The role of transnational education as a way to decrease skilled emigration from one country is however far to be clear. According to Levy (2002), transnational programs mainly limit their offers to first-level teaching and training. This means that those people who wish to pursue post-graduate studies have to emigrate. Nussbaum and Mollis (2007) are furthermore convinced that people trained within a foreign institution will be more projected in a foreign context, thus easily attracted by the perspective to emigrate. Thus, Stein et al. (1996) argues that the participation in international education and training “has stimulated, rather then disminish, the interest of young scientists to work abroad (Stein et al. 1996)”.
Despite the interest devoted to the phenomenon of skilled migration by policymakers and scholars and the continuous increase of transnational education, the relationship between these two phenomena has not been empirically investigated yet. This study fills this gap using data on offshore enrolments in Australian offshore universities and skilled immigration to Australia.
Trois principales questions sont abordées dans cet article : Qui sont les étudiants du supérieur et parmi eux, qui sont les étudiants internationaux ? En quoi se distinguent les étudiants internationaux des autres étudiants en termes de caractéristiques sociodémographiques ? En quoi se distinguent-ils en termes de profils scolaires, professionnels et migratoires ? Pour y répondre, nous utilisons les données biographiques collectées à Dakar en 2008, à Accra et Kumasi en 2009 auprès de migrants de retour et de non migrants, ainsi qu’entre 2008 et 2010 dans les principaux pays de destination européens des migrants ghanéens et sénégalais. La méthodologie adoptée dans cet article est basée sur l’utilisation de l’analyse des séquences pour comparer les trajectoires scolaires, professionnelles et migratoires de différents groupes (étudiants/non étudiants ; étudiants nationaux/internationaux) ; ainsi que sur la construction d’une typologie des trajectoires des individus enquêtés (scolaires, professionnelles et migratoires)"
intergovernmental organisations. This is manifest in the organisation of high-level conferences (such as the
High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, at the UN in 2006, or the Global Forums on
Migration and Development, held yearly since 2007). A key condition for international discussions to take place
is to surmount South-North divisions; this implies in particular the so-called ‘triple-win’ objective, according to
which the proper ‘management’ or ‘governance’ of migration could be beneficial for both sending and
receiving countries, and for migrants themselves. This approach therefore fits into the broad ambition of
achieving globally fair migration policies in the interest of all parties involved.
Given the structural imbalances that characterise the migration process, both between and within states, this
ambition nevertheless seems hard to reach. To examine the complex elaboration of an internationally
consensual approach to migration, this contribution will analyse the discourses produced at the international
level on the topic. This includes reports published by institutions such as the World Bank, the International
Organisation for Migration, the UNDP, the ILO, the WTO or independent commissions (such as the Global
Commission for International Migration). Such reports cover a wide range of migration-related issues and this
contribution will focus on an issue that is of particular relevance to the question of international justice, namely
skilled migration and the possible ‘brain drain’ it leads to.
The core argument to conciliate skilled migration with triple-win objectives centres around the notion of brain
gain, which has become a buzzword in all debates on the topic. This paper systematically analyses all the
proposals contained in the above-mentioned reports to understand their internal logic, their contradictions,
and their ideological assumptions. In sheds light on the tension between neoliberal support to skilled migration
and ‘humanitarian’ concerns with the situation of left-behind populations; it further highlights the tension
between laissez faire and interventionist approaches, which leads in particular to a contradiction between a
desire for ‘orderly’ migration and the respect for labour market needs – thus leaving a complex room of
manoeuvre for governments. The analysis will also underscore the way in which international
recommendations attempt to democratically ground their proposed policy orientations, not least through
constant reference to civil society and NGOs’ role.
migration has changed in a substantial way. Concepts such as brain circulation, intellectual networks, nexus, or diaspora have extended to describe
a suppository situation of triple-win or rather, an excellent context of profit
for all the implied actors: countries of origin, countries of destinations and
migrants. It is argued, especially in terms of brain circulation, that globalization has deeply affected a change in the flow of highly skilled migrants:
previously, skilled emigration was permanent and unilateral, but now the
flows have become complex, polycentric, multidirectional and temporary.
The concepts of nexus and diaspora take into account emigrants from developing countries‟ and encourage links to be created among them, thus
forming networks between the native communities and associations, and
thereby contribute towards the development of their countries of origin
from abroad. These concepts undoubtedly have the merit of demonstrating
the complexity of migratory flows and the possibly positive aspects of the
internationalization of the knowledge and of scientific cooperation; nevertheless, they suggest the idea of an egalitarian, polycentric globalized phenomenon where all countries or implicated actors have the same importance. In the light of the network theory and the history of the information society, this paper shows that within a network not all the knots are
of key importance; a network is not a polycentric or de-structured system,
and all networks have a determinate structure. The main goal of this paper
is therefore, to demonstrate that there is a structure hidden behind the phenomenon of highly-skilled international migrations. If central and peripheral knots exist, the idea of an egalitarian globalization of highly skilled
migration reveals to be an illusion. In such a situation, the win-win panorama described by several reports or studies about this phenomenon becomes improbable. The new discourse concerning highly-skilled migration
hides the central point of who has the power to manage and determine the
migration flows, as it describes the process of “globalization of highlyskilled migrations” as a natural and a-cephalic. The paper develops around
some key-questions: What are the central knots of these nets of intellectuals? Who produces and who consumes knowledge? Where and by whom
are the symbolic values of the “globalized society” produced? It seems that
controversial matters such as the ownership of intellectual property and the
code war appear to be fundamental.