Papers by Alexandra Hidalgo

Alexandra, 2024
CAT: L’estudi de les biblioteques personals és un camp amb moltes possibilitats d’ésser estudiat ... more CAT: L’estudi de les biblioteques personals és un camp amb moltes possibilitats d’ésser estudiat que, recentment, s’ha començat a explotar, amb molt poques investigacions referents a biblioteques del segle XIX. Aquest treball consisteix en la comparativa de dues biblioteques personals que van ser cedides al poble com a fons original de dues biblioteques públiques, en un context històric revolucionari tant a nivell polític com cultural, sota la premissa de què volien transmetre a la societat a través dels seus fons personals.
ENG: The study of the personal libraries is an investigation field with a lot of possibilities that has been recently started to work on –but with just a few investigations about the personal libraries in the 19th Century. This academic work is about a comparison between two personal libraries that were given to the people as the original bibliographic funds of two public libraries, in a revolutionary historical context both at a political and cultural level, under the premise of what they wanted to transmit to society through their personal libraries.
Cuando se habla de Cervantes, se empieza hablando de su propuesta trágica y se termina hablando d... more Cuando se habla de Cervantes, se empieza hablando de su propuesta trágica y se termina hablando de su propuesta cómica, de sus Entremeses.
Papers by Alexandra Hidalgo
ENG: The study of the personal libraries is an investigation field with a lot of possibilities that has been recently started to work on –but with just a few investigations about the personal libraries in the 19th Century. This academic work is about a comparison between two personal libraries that were given to the people as the original bibliographic funds of two public libraries, in a revolutionary historical context both at a political and cultural level, under the premise of what they wanted to transmit to society through their personal libraries.
ENG: The study of the personal libraries is an investigation field with a lot of possibilities that has been recently started to work on –but with just a few investigations about the personal libraries in the 19th Century. This academic work is about a comparison between two personal libraries that were given to the people as the original bibliographic funds of two public libraries, in a revolutionary historical context both at a political and cultural level, under the premise of what they wanted to transmit to society through their personal libraries.