Books by Adrian R Radillo

Aproximaciones diversas hacia el ordenamiento del territorio costero y marino en el departamento de La Guajira, 2018
Uno a uno la estructura y los componentes de los capítulos del presente libro, tratan del Derecho... more Uno a uno la estructura y los componentes de los capítulos del presente libro, tratan del Derecho al Territorio en contenido. El trabajo de edición que ha hecho el Grupo de Investigación Territorios Semiáridos del Caribe con base en los resultados del Proyecto Lineamientos para el ordenamiento territorial costero y marino del departamento de La Guajira desde la diversidad cultural, apuesta de manera directa por poner en evidencia este derecho desde su principio de conocimiento y actuación en todo el texto. Para ello, se abordan en el libro dos dimensiones centrales, la técnico-funcional y la estructural-epistémica en el ordenamiento territorial. Desde todos los contenidos los autores dan posibilidades conceptuales con datos in situ en lo fisiográfico, lo sociocultural y lo ecoambiental, para que “imaginemos” cómo se piensa y se modela el ordenamiento territorial en y desde la Guajira colombiana. Los pasos del proceso vuelto libro, dan cuenta de una postura conceptual y empírica sobre la consciencia global de la problemática marina y costera y de la puesta en evidencia de la necesidad de que los Estados Nacionales se acompañen de “efectivos procesos de concientización local y regional que aseguren la participación activa de los actores sociales a diferentes escalas, para que se haga evidente un verdadero compromiso que más allá del mar y la costa.
AGROECOLOGÍA Teoría y práctica para una agricultura sustentable, 2000
Im not the autor, I only share this because a think that this is an important work and must be s... more Im not the autor, I only share this because a think that this is an important work and must be share whit the academic world comunity. Thanks Mr Altieri
I'm not the autor. I only share this great work.
I'm not the autor, I'm just share the information.
Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, blue-green bacteria or cyanophyta, is a phylum of ... more Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, blue-green bacteria or cyanophyta, is a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis. They are a significant component of the marine nitrogen cycle and an important primary producer in many areas of the ocean, but are also found in habitats other than the marine environment; in particular, cyanobacteria are known to occur in both freshwater and hypersaline inland lakes. They are found in almost every conceivable environment, from oceans to fresh water to bare rock to soil. Cyanobacteria are the only group of organisms that are able to reduce nitrogen and carbon in aerobic conditions, a fact that may be responsible for their evolutionary and ecological success. Certain cyanobacteria also produce cyanotoxins. This new book presents a broad variety of international research on this important organism.
This book is intended to provide both students and researchers with a broad background to some of... more This book is intended to provide both students and researchers with a broad background to some of the fastest developing areas in current applied mycology. It was clearly not going to be practical to incorporate all of the different aspects and directions of such a broad area into a single volume,
and so we have brought together a range of contributions to highlight the diverse nature of current applied mycology research. Environmentally, fungi are of vital importance and their activities are closely linked with those of bacteria and lower plants in undertaking the nutrient and chemical cycles needed to maintain life on Earth. Despite such fundamental importance, mycology is frequently overlooked in many scientific courses and treatments.
Books by Adrian R Radillo
and so we have brought together a range of contributions to highlight the diverse nature of current applied mycology research. Environmentally, fungi are of vital importance and their activities are closely linked with those of bacteria and lower plants in undertaking the nutrient and chemical cycles needed to maintain life on Earth. Despite such fundamental importance, mycology is frequently overlooked in many scientific courses and treatments.
and so we have brought together a range of contributions to highlight the diverse nature of current applied mycology research. Environmentally, fungi are of vital importance and their activities are closely linked with those of bacteria and lower plants in undertaking the nutrient and chemical cycles needed to maintain life on Earth. Despite such fundamental importance, mycology is frequently overlooked in many scientific courses and treatments.