Papers by Albert Amani NIANGUI

RÉSUMÉ Les conflits sont prégnants pour ainsi dire immanents aux sociétés humaines. En fait, leur... more RÉSUMÉ Les conflits sont prégnants pour ainsi dire immanents aux sociétés humaines. En fait, leur foyer d'émergence est l'homme lui-même qui est aux yeux de Hobbes, un naturel loup pour son semblable. Si en effet, les oppositions des uns aux autres sont le point de commencement des conflits sociaux, force est de savoir que la formation endogène des identités individuelle et collective opposées, en est leur raison justificative. Mais, en soumettant cet état de fait à une lecture bergsonienne, il apparaît que la construction des identités individuelle et collective relève de notre intelligence dès lors qu'elle est foncièrement spatialisante et séparatrice. Comment cela peut-il se saisir ? Et comment faire en sorte que les identités individuelle et collective bien que différentes ne soient pas porteuses de différends, mais qu'elles parviennent à l'unité pour donner à l'harmonie sociale d'être un fait ? Tel est le point d'ancrage heuristique de notre article.
ABSTRACT : Conflicts are dominant just to say inherent to human societies. In fact, their heart of emergence is man himself who is according to Hobbes, a natural wolf for his like. Indeed, the oppositions of the ones to the others are at the beginning of the social conflicts, it is worth saying that the birth of opposed endogenous individual and collective identities is their justifying reason. By submitting this irrefutable fact to a bergsonian point of view, it appears that the construction of individual and collective identities sterms from our intelligence since it is fundamentally spatializing and separating. How can that be seized? How to do so that individual and collective identities although different do not cause disagreements, but to reach unity in order to give social harmony to be a fact ? such is the heuristic point that triggers this article.
Drafts by Albert Amani NIANGUI

RÉSUMÉ Les conflits sont prégnants pour ainsi dire immanents aux sociétés humaines. En fait, leur... more RÉSUMÉ Les conflits sont prégnants pour ainsi dire immanents aux sociétés humaines. En fait, leur foyer d'émergence est l'homme lui-même qui est aux yeux de Hobbes, un naturel loup pour son semblable. Si en effet, les oppositions des uns aux autres sont le point de commencement des conflits sociaux, force est de savoir que la formation endogène des identités individuelle et collective opposées, en est leur raison justificative. Mais, en soumettant cet état de fait à une lecture bergsonienne, il apparaît que la construction des identités individuelle et collective relève de notre intelligence dès lors qu'elle est foncièrement spatialisante et séparatrice. Comment cela peut-il se saisir ? Et comment faire en sorte que les identités individuelle et collective bien que différentes ne soient pas porteuses de différends, mais qu'elles parviennent à l'unité pour donner à l'harmonie sociale d'être un fait ? Tel est le point d'ancrage heuristique de ABSTRACT : Conflicts are dominant just to say inherent to human societies. In fact, their heart of emergence is man himself who is according to Hobbes, a natural wolf for his like. Indeed, the oppositions of the ones to the others are at the beginning of the social conflicts, it is worth saying that the birth of opposed endogenous individual and collective identities is their justifying reason. By submitting this irrefutable fact to a bergsonian point of view, it appears that the construction of individual and collective identities sterms from our intelligence since it is fundamentally spatializing and separating. How can that be seized? How to do so that individual and collective identities although different do not cause disagreements, but to reach unity in order to give social harmony to be a fact ? such is the heuristic point that triggers this article.
Papers by Albert Amani NIANGUI
ABSTRACT : Conflicts are dominant just to say inherent to human societies. In fact, their heart of emergence is man himself who is according to Hobbes, a natural wolf for his like. Indeed, the oppositions of the ones to the others are at the beginning of the social conflicts, it is worth saying that the birth of opposed endogenous individual and collective identities is their justifying reason. By submitting this irrefutable fact to a bergsonian point of view, it appears that the construction of individual and collective identities sterms from our intelligence since it is fundamentally spatializing and separating. How can that be seized? How to do so that individual and collective identities although different do not cause disagreements, but to reach unity in order to give social harmony to be a fact ? such is the heuristic point that triggers this article.
Drafts by Albert Amani NIANGUI
ABSTRACT : Conflicts are dominant just to say inherent to human societies. In fact, their heart of emergence is man himself who is according to Hobbes, a natural wolf for his like. Indeed, the oppositions of the ones to the others are at the beginning of the social conflicts, it is worth saying that the birth of opposed endogenous individual and collective identities is their justifying reason. By submitting this irrefutable fact to a bergsonian point of view, it appears that the construction of individual and collective identities sterms from our intelligence since it is fundamentally spatializing and separating. How can that be seized? How to do so that individual and collective identities although different do not cause disagreements, but to reach unity in order to give social harmony to be a fact ? such is the heuristic point that triggers this article.