AKMEL Meless
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Papers by AKMEL Meless
caused by garbage management. Thereby, the work is undertaken in KOKO, one of the
Bouaké districts, our field of investigation. The study both qualitative and quantitative
presents the results of the field. It identifies the socio-technical causes of garbage
proliferation (financial, material problems, road degradation, social representation).
The study also describes diseases (malaria, typhoid fever...) caused by household waste,
and explains the recurrence of the pathologies. These problems show the need for a
critical analysis on the governance of garbage in Bouaké.
Keywords: Garbage management, Socio-technical cause, Proliferation, Disease
recurrence, Critical analysis
caused by garbage management. Thereby, the work is undertaken in KOKO, one of the
Bouaké districts, our field of investigation. The study both qualitative and quantitative
presents the results of the field. It identifies the socio-technical causes of garbage
proliferation (financial, material problems, road degradation, social representation).
The study also describes diseases (malaria, typhoid fever...) caused by household waste,
and explains the recurrence of the pathologies. These problems show the need for a
critical analysis on the governance of garbage in Bouaké.
Keywords: Garbage management, Socio-technical cause, Proliferation, Disease
recurrence, Critical analysis