Tolini Diego
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Papers by Tolini Diego
This work tries to show how Freud would have exerted two distinctive operations on the Cartesian " ego " concept so as to discuss some assumed ideas on the matter, along with the " subject " and " object " positions used by the Cartesian metaphysics when dealing with the ego-world relationship. Then, it tries to show how Lacan would have reasserted this double operation by introducing the ego notion as a fi ction. The fi ction topic let us question to what it could be thought as its foundation and possibility status: the truth of the Freudian discovery, the ex-centric spot where the subject of the unconscious is placed.
problemática conforma el tercer y último eje de esta relación, el eje político-institucional. este recorrido nos otorga nuevos elementos para analizar el trabajo teórico que Lacan hace de Balint, al tiempo que nos permite observar la sintonía que Lacan encuentra, a través de Balint, con respecto a algunas de los principios de la escuela de Budapest erigida en torno a Sándor Ferenczi.
This work tries to show how Freud would have exerted two distinctive operations on the Cartesian " ego " concept so as to discuss some assumed ideas on the matter, along with the " subject " and " object " positions used by the Cartesian metaphysics when dealing with the ego-world relationship. Then, it tries to show how Lacan would have reasserted this double operation by introducing the ego notion as a fi ction. The fi ction topic let us question to what it could be thought as its foundation and possibility status: the truth of the Freudian discovery, the ex-centric spot where the subject of the unconscious is placed.
problemática conforma el tercer y último eje de esta relación, el eje político-institucional. este recorrido nos otorga nuevos elementos para analizar el trabajo teórico que Lacan hace de Balint, al tiempo que nos permite observar la sintonía que Lacan encuentra, a través de Balint, con respecto a algunas de los principios de la escuela de Budapest erigida en torno a Sándor Ferenczi.