Papers by Adriana Granero
Dentro del modelo proyectivo incitativo (Doberti, 2008), PreMedITar (Precisar/Medir/Investigar/Tr... more Dentro del modelo proyectivo incitativo (Doberti, 2008), PreMedITar (Precisar/Medir/Investigar/Trazar/ Cotejar y la técnica de repaso espaciado como proceso de consolidación de conocimientos) es el método propuesto sobre el que se debiera efectuar la acción como actividad lúdica para llegar al conocimiento a través de atajos holísticos donde el alumno aprende por utilidad práctica, apoyando sus resultados en las potencialidades y probabilidades, en función del riesgo y la productividad del juego
Universidad de Belgrano . Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología Informática, Aug 28, 2012
Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2016

Esta investigación responde a la problemática del diseño arquitectónico sustentable, con una búsq... more Esta investigación responde a la problemática del diseño arquitectónico sustentable, con una búsqueda en los antecedentes y en las herramientas que admitan el concepto de una envolvente arquitectónica, con un sistema de construcción inspirado en la biomimética y organizando un límite arquitectónico a partir de una estructura celular, como propuesta que desafía el mejoramiento de los modelos; se busca el equilibrio entre el diseño y el uso de los recursos. El objetivo es realizar un análisis de antecedentes metodológicos y de las herramientas de diseño para crear una envolvente arquitectónica, inspirada en la biomimética y que reduzca el consumo de energía de un edificio diseñado para el clima de Buenos Aires, Argentina; con diseño pasivo y para responder a los efectos de la insolación e iluminación.This research responds to the problem of sustainable architectural design, with a search in the background and tools that support the concept of an architectural shell, with a building sy...

Topico: Teoria y Educacion Multidisciplinariedad y tranversalidad disciplinar ANTECEDENTES Fue es... more Topico: Teoria y Educacion Multidisciplinariedad y tranversalidad disciplinar ANTECEDENTES Fue estructurado el material didactico para presentar contenidos teoricos y practicos en un Taller de ensenanza-aprendizaje de Grafica Digital en la modalidad a distancia equivalente a 2,5 creditos ECTS como parte de la oferta academica de un Seminario Internacional con estudiantes de diferentes areas profesionales. OBJETIVO Presentar la Grafica Digital como objeto de conocimiento, a partir de la produccion de imagenes digitales bi y tridimensionales para contribuir a los procesos de resolucion de problemas en diversas areas profesionales construyendo conocimiento en forma colaborativa y multidisciplinar. METODOLOGIA En la plataforma de aprendizaje WebCT, utilizada por el Proyecto, fue dispuesta una serie de practicas que en algunos momentos requerian de trabajo compartido y presentadas en material de contextualizado para el grupo de alumnos. Los contenidos teoricos tenian recursos de apoyo a ...

Achieving sustainable architecture requires, among other aspects, the incorporation of energy con... more Achieving sustainable architecture requires, among other aspects, the incorporation of energy considerations in the early stages of architectural designs. Environmental definitions mainly involve numerical and temporal analysis and the detailing of variables normally defined in the advanced stages of a project, far from the spatial resolutions of the initial design concept, especially during early architectural education. This technical knowledge can be applied with students in the early stages of projects, in accordance with theories on meaningful learning and perception which suggest that information technology and graphic simulations enhance cognitive relational capabilities. This article proposes a sequence of pedagogical experiences with models for the integrated resolution of architectural design, which focuses on the creation of progressive spatial views with energy values. This strategy is exemplified by the sizing of windows for natural lighting in a home work space, which ...
Esta investigacion responde a la problematica del diseno arquitectonico sustentable, con una busq... more Esta investigacion responde a la problematica del diseno arquitectonico sustentable, con una busqueda en los antecedentes y en las herramientas que admitan el concepto de una envolvente arquitectonica, con un sistema de construccion inspirado en la biomimetica y organizando un limite arquitectonico a partir de una estructura celular, como propuesta que desafia el mejoramiento de los modelos; se busca el equilibrio entre el diseno y el uso de los recursos. El objetivo es realizar un analisis de antecedentes metodologicos y de las herramientas de diseno para crear una envolvente arquitectonica, inspirada en la biomimetica y que reduzca el consumo de energia de un edificio disenado para el clima de Buenos Aires, Argentina; con diseno pasivo y para responder a los efectos de la insolacion e iluminacion.

Achieving sustainable architecture requires, among other aspects, the incorporation of energy con... more Achieving sustainable architecture requires, among other aspects, the incorporation of energy considerations in the early stages of architectural designs. Environmental definitions mainly involve numerical and temporal analysis and the detailing of variables normally defined in the advanced stages of a project, far from the spatial resolutions of the initial design concept, especially during early architectural education. This technical knowledge can be applied with students in the early stages of projects, in accordance with theories on meaningful learning and perception which suggest that information technology and graphic simulations enhance cognitive relational capabilities. This article proposes a sequence of pedagogical experiences with models for the integrated resolution of architectural design, which focuses on the creation of progressive spatial views with energy values. This strategy is exemplified by the sizing of windows for natural lighting in a home work space, which ...
This research tries to open the debate about the possibility offered by Artificial Intelligence. ... more This research tries to open the debate about the possibility offered by Artificial Intelligence. Is there a possibility that AI will help us teach in the Architecture career? Can the student have an AI tutor? The architect's learning is carried out through University Education, which is a complex system of: physical spaces, duration and organization of studies, financing, diplomas and degrees, teaching staff and methods, population or applicants, admission requirements. How does AI affect University Education? Will it generate more opportunities? We proposed an experience with AI and images to evaluate this convergent culture.
Blucher Design Proceedings, 2016
This research explores the integration and use of applications, digital devices and social networ... more This research explores the integration and use of applications, digital devices and social networks for the creation of architectural design. We propose a teaching model for teaching morphological architectural representation with different models but integrated. On the study will show the sequence of activities linked to the different models and work on them. For activity using social networks of all kinds, the implementation of 3D printing peripherals, the use of own design uses three significant companies are encouraged: Autodesk, Graphisoft & Mc. Neel.

Sigradi 2007 Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics Mexico D F Mexico 23 25 October 2007 Pp 182 186, 2007
The educative proposal was based on the summary attained through experiences piled up during the ... more The educative proposal was based on the summary attained through experiences piled up during the 2 last semester courses, 2/2006-1/2007. This proposal corresponds to a mix of methodology (by personal attendance / by internet). Founding on the Theory of the Game (Eric Berne 1960) and on different theories such as: Multiple intelligences (Haward Gardner 1983), Emotional Intelligence (Peter Salowey and John Mayer 1990, Goleman 1998), Social Intelligence (Goleman 2006), the Triarchy of Intelligence (Stemberg, R.J. 1985, 1997), “the hand of the human power”, it´s established that the power of the voice, that of the imagination, the reward, the commitment and association produce a significant increase of the productivity (Rosabeth Moss Kanter 2000), aside from the constructive processes of the knowledge (new pedagogical concepts constructivista of Ormrod J.E. 2003 and Tim O´Reilly 2004).
Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - SIGraDi: Design in Freedom, 2014
In design courses in Argentina, "enchinchada" ("thumbtacking") is the name given to the education... more In design courses in Argentina, "enchinchada" ("thumbtacking") is the name given to the educational tool used for assessment of students' work. Every student's assignment is pinned around the classroom for students to enable, students and teachers to join into a formative dialogue thought observation and reflexion. This work presents the potential of IT in relation to the "enchinchada". It outlines a new use of a digital wall, and recovers and enriches this practice using a free cloud app, Popplet. The experience was carried out at the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2013 with students of fashion design and textile design.
Blucher Design Proceedings, 2016
BIM teaching technologies is going through a very interesting moment in its development. Various ... more BIM teaching technologies is going through a very interesting moment in its development. Various teaching methodologies have been used for implementation in universities. This paper discusses the implications of pedagogical practices accompanied by the incorporation of BIM, teaching strategy based on a reflection on display. It is shown that BIM technologies can be mediators instruments transduction activation in a model-checking, which causes reflection and useful technique for teaching architectural aesthetics.

We imagine the buildings of a not too distant future (constructions that we will inhabit) as the ... more We imagine the buildings of a not too distant future (constructions that we will inhabit) as the combination of digital design, additive manufacturing, advanced robotics, sensors, transmitters, information in the cloud, information of networks, information of other robot networks, etc. all interconnected and with autonomous response. We imagine the skin as a biomimetic envelope of autonomous response to environmental changes. We perceive that skin, or the envelope of the architectural construction made with personalized products, a physical object created by printing layer by layer of a three-dimensional model or 3D digital drawing, an additive manufacturing or 3D printing. We do not rule out that this physical object can be printed in 4D in a process in which the skin itself or envelope built by a process linked to advanced robotics and AI can generate products that modify themselves to respond to changes climatic.
Collaboration between government agencies and academia seeks to facilitate a comprehensive approa... more Collaboration between government agencies and academia seeks to facilitate a comprehensive approach by city representatives and stakeholders. Internet and social media connectivity may be applied as a self-organization tool. The response of architecture to the public space needs to consider hybrid spaces that combine digital and physical, representations, allowing urban experiences that are enhanced by virtual data imprinted on existing physical information. The study of these aspects may be the purpose of future city projects or become a form of communication of government proposals to the neighbors, beyond the scope of the discipline.
As educators, we have been witness and party of ICT's application in teaching architecture. From ... more As educators, we have been witness and party of ICT's application in teaching architecture. From computer assisted design, representation models, dynamic and interactive visualization, until the arrival of digital fabrication, the incorporation of augmented reality and the interaction on mobile devices. Reflections on digital technology have generated discussions on architectural theory in order to find the source of architectural language inspirations. We find ourselves today in a context of important intellectual renewal aimed at the design in freedom.
This present assay is a personal research the author to found the process of morphogenesis of arc... more This present assay is a personal research the author to found the process of morphogenesis of architectural space at the theoretical level. It follows earlier work that the current space demands require experiences that only you can answer the limit of a treaty as an architectural surface topological space. The space today is influenced by the concept of convergence, connectivity, continuity, neighborhood, etc.
Papers by Adriana Granero