Papers by Jacinto Treviño Carreón
CienciaUAT, 2011
It presents information on the knowledge of maguey from the ecological point of view and its use ... more It presents information on the knowledge of maguey from the ecological point of view and its use by local communities with an emphasis in Tamaulipas. The information was obtained from literature sources, review of plant collections, interviews and field verification.
We report the first observations of partial leucism in Columbina inca and Quiscalus mexicanus, an... more We report the first observations of partial leucism in Columbina inca and Quiscalus mexicanus, and also present the first record of albinism in Mexico for Q....

revista Bio ciencias, 2019
Las avispas parasitoides de la familia Ichneumonidae forman uno de los grupos mas grandes de inse... more Las avispas parasitoides de la familia Ichneumonidae forman uno de los grupos mas grandes de insectos del orden Hymenoptera, algunas especies son agentes de control biologico de plagas agricolas o forestales, otras bioindicadoras y algunas polinizadoras. Los objetivos de esta investigacion fueron conocer la riqueza, diversidad y equidad de los icneumonidos colectados en un bosque de alta montana en Miquihuana, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Se colectaron icneumonidos desde agosto de 2011 hasta agosto de 2012 con una trampa Malaise instalada en un bosque de Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. y un chaparral denso de Quercus miquihuanensis Nixon y Muller a 2,550 msnm. Se encontraron 13 subfamilias, 63 generos y 133 especies. Existe alta riqueza, pero baja diversidad de especies. Diez generos son nuevos registros para Mexico: Aclastus F o erster , Arotrephes Townes , Distathma Townes, Gnypetomorpha F o erster , Pleurogyrus Townes , Lysibia F o erster , Stiboscopus F o erster y Tricholinum F o erster de Cr...
The study focused on the Agave gentryi kind with quiropterofilo pollination. The goal was to char... more The study focused on the Agave gentryi kind with quiropterofilo pollination. The goal was to characterize the floral biology of the Agave gentryi kind in La Marcela, Miqihuana, Tamaulipas. The hypothesis that says that if most of the Agave kind plants are pollinated by quiropteros, then the Agave gentryi will present more production of nectar and the sugar concentration during the night, also the receptivity of the night belief. Various parameters were set for the floral biology like the antithesis of the nectar production in milligrams and the sugar concentration in Brix degrees and floral visitors. The results proved that the nectar production (1.82 milligrams per flower) and the sugar concentration (11.52 Brix degrees) increases during the night.

RESUMEN La variabilidad temporal de la precipitación influye en múltiples actividades humanas, so... more RESUMEN La variabilidad temporal de la precipitación influye en múltiples actividades humanas, sobre todo en la gestión y manejo de los recursos hídricos, la prevención de inundaciones y sequías, la planificación y operación de actividades agrícolas, la generación hidroeléctrica y el abastecimiento de agua a la población humana. El objetivo del estudio fue generar la cartografía de lluvias torrenciales para Tamaulipas, para lo cual se utilizaron 14o estaciones meteorológicas, las que se ubicaron geográficamente utilizando tecnología GPS. Se capturó la información de lluvias torrenciales (máxima en 24 horas) en archivos en formato digital. Para la transformación y análisis de datos geográficos se creó una imagen grid (raster) con un área específica por píxel (1 km2), basada en la cobertura de las estaciones climatológicas y área de estudio total del proyecto. En la creación de la cartografía temática, se utilizó el método de interpolación espacial Kriging Universal. El peligro potenc...

La microempresa constituida por nueve mujeres inició su actividad a finales de 2002 con la fabric... more La microempresa constituida por nueve mujeres inició su actividad a finales de 2002 con la fabricación artesanal de champú. La demanda en los mercados regionales propició la diversificación de productos naturales de limpieza corporal y obligó a diseñar prototipos para tecnificar y mejorar puntos estratégicos del proceso de producción que permitieran disminuir el tiempo y los costos de fabricación. En el estudio se plantea que la producción tecnificada es más rentable que la tradicional y se realiza un análisis económico del ingreso bruto y neto, así como de la rentabilidad comparada del sistema de producción artesanal con respecto la fabricación tecnificada del champú de sangre de drago, sábila y nopal, crema de sábila y talco de gobernadora en la microempresa rural denominada Aloenogal, El Nogal de Tula S. C. de R. L., ubicada en el Ejido Francisco Medrano en el municipio de Tula Tamaulipas, México. La producción tecnificada consideró el diseño y la construcción de prototipos de mo...
Al escuchar la palabra “chochas” inmediatamente viene a la mente un suculento platillo regional, ... more Al escuchar la palabra “chochas” inmediatamente viene a la mente un suculento platillo regional, el cual se puede consumir de diferentes formas. Muchas personas saben cocinarlas y casi todos las han comido, pero… ¿Se sabe de dónde provienen? ¿Dónde se pueden encontrar? o ¿Cuántas variedades existen de chochas?
Silvicultura e Manejo Florestal: Técnicas de Utilização e Conservação da Natureza - Volume 2

Plant Ecology
Understanding how microclimate and vegetation are associated during secondary succession is of pr... more Understanding how microclimate and vegetation are associated during secondary succession is of primary importance for plant conservation in the face of the increasing land cover modification. However, these patterns are still unstudied for many plant communities. This study aimed to evaluate the structure (species richness, Shannon's diversity index, Simpson´s dominance index, abundance of each species, average height of species, species cover (%), species composition, and indicator values) of a low thorn forest fragment and to analyze its relation with microclimate along a successional gradient. Four stages of succession were delimited by the analysis of Landsat images, in the state of Tamaulipas, northeast Mexico. Statistical models incorporated species richness, diversity indices, abundance, height, and cover, as variables for searching differences between stages, or to evaluate microclimate associations. A total of 70 species, 54 genera, and 27 families were determined. Height of tree layer was the most important variable for discrimination of the successional stages. Conserved areas differed floristically from other stages, associated mainly with the lowest values of wind speed originated by tree layer characteristics. A significant association between species and microclimate was found, being wind speed and relative humidity the most important variables. Some species, due to their high importance values and their patterns of association with microclimate, may be considered as key taxa for low thorn forest, which is a threatened semitropical community in northeast Mexico. Conserved and late successional areas account for climatic regulation of this plant community, and the importance of these forest patches may be considered when establishing biodiversity protection areas.

Natural Science
Studies conducted in northeastern Mexico have not provided information on the flora and vegetatio... more Studies conducted in northeastern Mexico have not provided information on the flora and vegetation associated with Dichromanthus cinnabarinus. Therefore, it is necessary to study the areas where this orchid is distributed to understand the plant vegetation interaction. Research questions: What plant species are associated with Dichromanthus cinnabarinus? What is the degree of similarity among the plant communities with which Dichromanthus cinnabarinus is associated? Study site: Northeastern Mexico, comprehending the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. Methods: The study sites were selected consider-ing the presence of Dichromanthus cinnabarinus. Regarding the study of the plant struc-ture, the tree, shrub, and herbaceous strata were obtained by the methodology of quad-rants. Data were collected in April and August 2017. The results were analyzed using the Importance Value Index (IVI) for each stratum present and a Parsimony Analysis of En-demicity (PAE) for the plant communities. Results: In the study area, a total of 33 families, 60 genera and 69 species were registered. The representative families are Asteraceae with eight species, Asparagaceae with six, Fabaceae with five, followed by Cactaceae, Poaceae and Roasaceae with four species each. Regarding endemic species, a total of 11 species distributed in nine genera were registered in the study sites. Conclusions: In northeastern Mexico, Dichromanthus cinnabarinus is found associated with Aristida adscensionis L., Agave lechuguilla Torr. Bouteloua sp., Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc., Agave striata var. striata (Salm-Dyck) and Rhus virens Lindh. ex A. Gray. Moreover, Dichromanthus cin-nabarinus is observed in some sites with contrasting flora, according to the resulting list of endemic species. It is important to establish priority areas for wildlife conservation in northeastern Mexico.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, May 15, 2018

Revista de Biología Tropical
Global increase in land cover change and deforestation bring about fragmentation of a high propor... more Global increase in land cover change and deforestation bring about fragmentation of a high proportion of native vegetation areas. Microclimate is among the first modified factors after vegetation loss, effects of such disturbances are critical for species performance. However, both secondary succession and seasonality provoke further modifications in abiotic environment after disturbances. Although microclimate patterns during succession are well studied for several ecosystems, they are practically unknown for low thorn forests. In Northern Mexico, this is an endangered ecosystem characterized by harboring a high percentage of endemics. Measurement of microclimatic factors is crucial for understanding possible consequences of post-disturbance time on species inhabiting this ecosystem. This work aimed to assess seasonal variation of microclimatic patterns in a succession gradient of four categories (conserved areas, 31, 17 and four years of succession). The study area was delimited u...

Huitzil, Revista Mexicana de Ornitología, Apr 2, 2017
Las anormalidades pigmentarias en aves han adquirido mayor importancia e interés entre la comunid... more Las anormalidades pigmentarias en aves han adquirido mayor importancia e interés entre la comunidad ornitológica; sin embargo, resulta necesario contar con una herramienta de diagnóstico apropiada que brinde los criterios para lograr un sistema de identificación entre los distintos tipos de anormalidades. Para ello, proponemos una clave dicotómica para su identificación en campo con base en terminología obtenida de literatura especializada y una asociación de caracteres fenotípicos de aves. También, reportamos la presencia de anormalidades pigmentarias en la coloración corporal y de plumaje de cinco especies de aves que han sido observadas de forma ocasional en áreas perturbadas por impacto antropogénico en Tamaulipas, México: melanismo en la tortolita mexicana (Columbina inca), aberración ino en la paloma turca (Streptopelia decaocto), aberración ino en el correcaminos norteño (Geococcyx californianus), leucismo parcial en el pijuy (Crotophaga sulcirostris) y leucismo parcial en el tordo de ojo rojo (Molothrus aeneus). Las evidencias de casos actuales sugieren un aparente aumento de especies en vida libre con variación en la pigmentación. Las causas que lo provocan aún son discutibles, por lo cual, relacionar qué factores naturales o artificiales están involucrados en estos padecimientos podrá contribuir a determinar su origen y detectar problemas a nivel de poblaciones. La clave dicotómica propuesta en la identificación de anormalidades pigmentarias puede ser una herramienta continua en contextos modernos, si se unifica la terminología empleada.

Open Journal of Forestry
The blue agave (Agave tequilana Weber variety azul) is a species that is widely used to produce t... more The blue agave (Agave tequilana Weber variety azul) is a species that is widely used to produce tequila. For this reason, in the last decade, large extensions of terrain have been established for its cultivation. However, much of this land has been abandoned in a short time because at the beginning it was not known that at least six years were needed before the agave could be harvested. However, when the growers wanted to reintegrate some of these crops into the productive process, their exact age and the cultural activities needed for harvesting the agave were unknown because information regarding its vegetative development relative to its age was lacking. The hypothesis of this work was: If the morphological properties reflect the development state of the population individuals, then the properties height, basal area, rosette diameter, the north, south, east and west leaf, leaves number and foliar verticil will help to characterize the age categories in Agave tequilana Weber variety azul population under cultivated conditions. To this end, six plots with plants of different ages (one to six years) were selected in the municipality of Llera, Tamaulipas, Mexico. In each plot, 60 individuals were selected at random, and their morphological properties (height, basal area, rosette diameter, northern leaf, southern leaf, eastern leaf, western leaf; number of leaves and leaf whorl) were measured. With these data, a principal component analysis was performed to determine which of these properties explains the most variation of the data. The results indicate that height and basal area are the properties that

Journal of Insect Conservation
Disturbance caused by loss of vegetal cover modifies interactions between abiotic environment and... more Disturbance caused by loss of vegetal cover modifies interactions between abiotic environment and species, including phytophagous insects such as leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera). Furthermore, secondary succession changes both resource availability and microclimatic conditions after disturbance, thus influencing species niche requirements. However, despite this importance, effects of such modifications on phytophagous insects remain almost unknown. Therefore, in this study we compared microclimatic niche parameters of leaf beetle communities in a successional gradient of low thorn forest in northeastern Mexico. A chronosequence of four categories with different succession time was delimited (conserved areas, 31, 17 and 4 years) through the analysis of Landsat satellite images (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005 and 2015). In each category, we systematically sampled leaf beetles (using sweep nets) and recorded seven microclimatic variables monthly, during the wet season of 2016 (May–October). In total, 66 species of Chrysomelidae were found, distributed in the four successional categories. Association between communities and microclimatic variables, as well as the number of species significantly related with these changes, decreased with successional time. Relative humidity, temperature and heat index were variables mainly related to these changes, and their specific contributions changed with time. Results suggest that microclimate influences the structuration of the phytophagous insect community after disturbance, but only in areas of recent succession; thus, other factors are operating in conserved areas. Therefore, secondary vegetation areas of different recovery time constitute unique microclimate niches for leaf beetle species, and as such, these need to be accounted for when delimiting conservation areas.

Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo
La microempresa constituida por nueve mujeres inició su activi-dad a finales de 2002 con la fabri... more La microempresa constituida por nueve mujeres inició su activi-dad a finales de 2002 con la fabricación artesanal de champú. La demanda en los mercados regionales propició la diversificación de productos naturales de limpieza corporal y obligó a diseñar prototipos para tecnificar y mejorar puntos estratégicos del pro-ceso de producción que permitieran disminuir el tiempo y los costos de fabricación. En el estudio se plantea que la producción tecnificada es más rentable que la tradicional y se realiza un aná-lisis económico del ingreso bruto y neto, así como de la rentabili-dad comparada del sistema de producción artesanal con respecto la fabricación tecnificada del champú de sangre de drago, sábila y nopal, crema de sábila y talco de gobernadora en la microem-presa rural denominada Aloenogal, El Nogal de Tula S. C. de R. L., ubicada en el Ejido Francisco Medrano en el municipio de Tula Tamaulipas, México. La producción tecnificada consideró el diseño y la construcción de prototipos ...
Papers by Jacinto Treviño Carreón