La miastenia gravis (MG) es una enfermedad autoinmune de la placa neuromuscular, que se caracteriza por debilidad y fatiga progresivas debido a la existencia de niveles elevados de anticuerpos contra los receptores de acetilcolina o... more
- by Nan Barrios
Background: Compare the differences between proteins, glucose, and morphological cellular counts from ventricular cerebrospinal fluid obtained by neuroendoscopy and lumbar puncture. Methods: This was a retrospective, transversal study.... more
Background: An early virological response to interferona treatment is a strong predictor of sustained response, but it has never been exploited to stratify patients in clinical trials. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of amantadine plus... more
Early virological response to antiviral treatment is a strong predictor of sustained response, yet it is not used to stratify patients in clinical trials. Aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of mono-versus combination... more
Background: Adjuvant chemotherapy is not indicated in lymph node-negative colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC), even though some cases will present recurrent disease. It is important to identify a subgroup of patients with the highest risk of... more
Melasma is an acquired hypermelanosis on sun-exposed areas. Its pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. Using histochemistry (Giemsa, Verhoeff–van Gieson and Fontana–Masson staining), we evaluated melasma lesions and compared them... more
background:Cutaneous malignant melanoma is a common and frequently lethal neoplasm with increasing worldwide incidence. It metastasizes thorough dermal blood and lymphatic vessels. The induction of angiogenesis by the tumor provides... more
Schwannoma is a benign neurogenic tumor of slow growing. Fourty-five percent of cases occur in head and neck region; its origin on nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is not common, about 4%. We report the case of a nasal septum... more
Background:Axillary hyperpigmentation is a frequent cause of cosmetic consultations in dark-skinned women from tropical areas, including Latin America. Currently, there is no widely accepted treatment for the disorder, but it is usually... more
Summary The twenty-fourth case of primary renal angiosarcoma is described, according to the available internacional literature, this present in a 71-year-old male, a mechanic by trade, without carcinogenic antecedents. Hematuria, pain in... more
Resumen El schwannoma es un tumor neurogénico benigno de crecimiento lento. El 45% de los casos ocurren en la región de la cabeza y el cuello; su origen en la cavidad nasal y los senos paranasales es poco común: aproximadamente 4%. Se... more
Hypercalcemia in children with malignancy is an uncommon condition. It has been described in leukemia patients with impaired renal excretion of calcium or osteolytic lesions. Metastatic calcinosis cutis (MCC) may develop if hypercalcemia... more
Purpose: To improve the quality of cervical screening done by nursing interns. Methods: A quasi-experimental, longitudinal, prospective study. A non-probability sampling was applied for convenience. 23 interns participated in a public... more
Tesis para obtener el grado de Médico Psiquiatra en la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
Diciembre 2013.
Diciembre 2013.
Agradecemos a Miguel Gómez Barrantes haber realizado el diseño muestra]. 4. Solamente la encuesta de Costa Rica fue realizada en 1998.