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      Virtual WorldsIntelligent AgentUser Generated ContentSearch Engine
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      Computer ScienceVirtual WorldsDatabasesIntelligent Agent
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      Information RetrievalUser eXperienceDecision Tree ClassificationUser profile
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      Information RetrievalDecision Support SystemsStatistical SignificanceWeb Crawlers
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      Network AnalysisVirtual WorldsUser eXperienceWorld Wide Web
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      Distributed ComputingAugmented RealityInternet of ThingsSemantic Web
When consumers purchase expensive products, they want to receive a reliable information about products. So, the manufacturer of the expensive products made the anticounterfeiting devices, which can be used to prevent the forgery. But,... more
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— Recently sensor technology has drawn greater attention in ubiquitous computing by deploying huge amount of sensor tags in supply chain, harbor logistics, healthcare management etc. Sensor tags are capable to provide the sensing... more
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— The EPCglobal has defined the standard for sharing the tagged product information among the enterprises, which are mainly the product level information rather than event level information. Now the EPCglobal aims at provide visibility in... more
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Weed infestation is a common problem in agriculture that adversely affects crop production. Given severe constraints on the budget of many land-grant universities due to the economic downturn, outreach services have taken a hit. To adapt... more
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Weed infestation is a common problem in agriculture that adversely affects crop production. Given severe constraints on the budget of many land-grant universities due to the economic downturn, extension services or agencies responsible... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceCrowdsourcingWeed
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are low-cost devices that are used to uniquely identify the objects to which they are attached. Due to the low cost and small size that are driving the technology, a tag has limited computational... more
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      Distributed ComputingNetwork SecurityPervasive ComputingWireless Sensor Networks
Privacy threats by radio frequency identification (RFID) are categorized using the security-oriented STRIDE model. Categorizing the privacy threats with STRIDE identifies potential strategies for mitigating them. Preliminary results for... more
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    • Radio Frequency Identification
Pervasive computing devices such as radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags and wearable computing devices will require ownership transfer. Ownership transfer is a method to transfer a device to a new owner which prevents the previous... more
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      Security ManagementRfid Tag
We investigate the state change behavior of one-dimensional cellular automata during the solution of the binary density-classification task. Update rules of high, low and unknown fitness are applied to cellular automata, thereby providing... more
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    • Cellular Automata
The genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing algorithm (SA) are empirically compared for the problem of optimizing the topological design of a network. In addition to the usual problem of optimizing only the placement of links, in... more
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      Distributed ComputingGenetic AlgorithmsSimulated AnnealingGenetic Algorithm
brought together academic, industry, and government experts working on radio frequency identification (RFID), biometrics, sensors, animal identification, identity cards, RFID-enabled passports, identity theft, terrorism, retail and... more
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      Distributed ComputingSupply ChainIdentity managementLegislation
Service restorability is a network-wide parameter for a specific failure scenario that is dependent on the physical topology of the network. Previously network topology generator models for generating random models were based on... more
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    • Network Topology
Message Authentication Codes (MAC) are used to ensure the integrity of digital content is not compromised and to authenticate the sender. A MAC can be constructed by using a message digest and a shared secret value. Two different digital... more
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      Digital ContentMessage Authentication Code