Alas Peruanas
Congress and its current representations about gender are crucial spaces in feminist political struggles, but where there are few female voices. In these spaces, we can observe the limitations that the dynamics of the political field... more
- by Luis Miguel
En octubre de 1962, aviones espías norteamericanos U2 detectaron la construcción de rampas de misiles y la presencia de tropas soviéticas. El 22 de octubre, con el apoyo claro de sus aliados occidentales, Kennedy toma una medida de gran... more
- by Jasmin Lok
v CAPÍTULO 8 Rehabilitación de pavimentos existentes 8.1 Pavimentos flexibles 8.2 Pavimentos rígidos 8.3 Sobrecarpetas (Recapeos) 8.4 Diseño de recapeos por el método AASHTO CAPITULO 9 Descripción de procedimientos analíticos, empíricos y... more
Infografía resumen acerca de la intervención del doctor Ignacio Morgado en la escuela de verano del Instituto Tomás Pascual ¿QUÉ SON LAS EMOCIONES? Son un conjunto de respuestas neuroendocrinas que aparecen frente a un estimulo relevante... more
- by Maja Zaïtut
Breve información precisa sobre tamizaje neonatal.
Recent efforts to translate basic research to the treatment of clinical disorders have led to a growing interest in exploring mechanisms for diminishing fear. This research has emphasized two approaches: extinction of conditioned fear,... more
extinction suggest that it is not a process of "unlearning" but rather is a process of new learning of fear inhibition. New York University New York, New York 10003 This view of extinction as an active learning process is supported by... more
Studies examining memories of arousing 'real-life' events show that emotion heightens the feeling of remembering, without necessarily enhancing the objective accuracy of the memories. We measured brain activity associated with the feeling... more