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Aunque tradicional, la sociedad mexicana está lejos de ser estacionaria. Las reformas en México durante la última década ha comenzado a cambiar las relaciones cotidianas de los mexicanos con el gobierno, las agencias y entre ellos mismos.... more
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Una de las indicaciones más frecuentes para la toma de muestras renales mediante biopsia es el síndrome nefrótico, que es definido en los adultos como la aparición conjunta de edema, proteinuria (en un rango mayor de 3-3,5 g en 24 horas),... more
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      Statistical SignificanceRenal biopsyRetrospective StudyImmune Complex
La Anetodermia corresponde a un proceso infrecuente que afecta las fibras elásticas, desapareciendo casi en su totalidad tanto en la dermis papilar como reticular. Su etiología y patogenia permanecen desconocidas. Clásicamente se las ha... more
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Edición, diseño de cubierta, preprensa y prensa digital: Proceditor ltda.
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      Energy EconomicsUrban DevelopmentPayment for Environmental ServicesContingent valuation
Allelic frequencies and haplotypic composition of 305 male unrelated individuals from the Caribbean Colombian states of Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, Guajira, Magdalena and Sucre, were determined using 16 Y-chromosome STR loci. Two... more
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      GeographyForensic ScienceColombiaPopulation Genetics
Short Abstract: Scattered residential development is explained using a theoretical model of residential location in which household interactions generate externalities that determine location choices. Results demonstrate the role of... more
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      MeetingResearch MethodLocation ChoiceTheoretical Model
In developing countries, informal waste pickers (known as scavengers) play an important role in the solid waste management system, acting in a parallel way to formal waste collection and disposal agents. Scavengers collect, either from... more
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      Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementDeveloping CountrySolid waste
Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPRs) threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPAs). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEGs), we investigate the effects of internal... more
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      Experimental EconomicsEcological EconomicsMarine Protected AreasGovernance
The aim of this work was to establish the possible involvement of mitochondria in the apoptotic event triggered by nitric oxide (NO) in chromaffin cells. Using bovine chromaffin cells in primary culture and several NO donors (SNP, SNAP,... more
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Edición, diseño de cubierta, preprensa y prensa digital: Proceditor ltda.
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A continuación se muestra componentes del un Estudio de Pre-Inversión a nivel de Perfil.
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