Papers by Lucia Elizabeth Cruz-Suarez

La digestibilidad aparente de materia seca, proteina cruda y aminoacidos individuales de 6 subpro... more La digestibilidad aparente de materia seca, proteina cruda y aminoacidos individuales de 6 subproductos de rastro fue determinada in vivo al incluir los subproductos al 30% en dietas prueba para alimentar juveniles de camaron blanco del Pacifico (peso inicial 5g), el 70% restante siendo la mezcla de referencia, constituida de una dieta comercial molida suplementada con 1% de alginato de sodio como aglutinante, y 1% de oxido de cromo como marcador inerte. El estudio se llevo a cabo con dos harinas de subproductos de pollo grado mascota (72.3 y 68.6% PC = proteina cruda en base seca), dos harinas de pluma (85.5 y 86.7% PC), una harina de sangre de pollo (94.5%PC) y una harina de subproductos de cerdo (58.5% PC), procedentes de diferentes procesadoras de EUA. La digestibilidad de materia seca fue significativamente mayor en las harinas de pollo o de cerdo (69-73%) que en harinas de sangre o pluma (57-62%), pero fue menor en todos los productos que en la dieta de referencia (78%), formu...

The beta-propeller phytases are structurally different from the commercially available phytases, ... more The beta-propeller phytases are structurally different from the commercially available phytases, possess high thermal stability, an optimal temperature of 55 to 70°C, unique Ca2+-dependent catalytic properties, a pH optimum close to 7, and exhibit activity within a range of pHs that is broader than those of the histidine acid phytases. In this work, the performance of FTEII, a new beta-propeller phytase, was compared with those of three commercial phytases in terms of thermostability at 99°C, resistance to proteolysis by digestive enzymes, and their effectiveness for phosphorus (P) release from two feed ingredients. FTEII showed the highest thermostability with residual activity of 82±3 after 1.5 min treatment at 90°C. All phytases were resistant to shrimp digestive enzymes and to porcine trypsin, residual activities showed values higher than 60% in all cases. Total phosphorus released from each phytase-treated ingredient was time, temperature and type of ingredient dependent. FTEII...

Hidrobiológica, 2017
Antecedentes. Debido a que no existen estudios sobre el lixiviación de nutrientes de las heces de... more Antecedentes. Debido a que no existen estudios sobre el lixiviación de nutrientes de las heces de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei, se diseñó el presente estudio. Objetivos. Estimar la pérdida de nutrientes de las heces del camarón blanco del Pacífico (Litopenaeus vannamei). Métodos. Se utilizaron 15 juveniles de 4.9 ± 1.0 g de peso por cada uno de cuatro acuarios replicados por tratamiento. En un ensayo de alimentación con una dieta de referencia comercial, la cual fue reprocesada para añadir 1% de óxido de cromo como marcador inerte y 1% de alginato de sodio (aglutinante). El tratamiento 1(T1) consistió en que las heces permanecieron en agua marina durante 3 horas después de su colecta, mientras en el tratamiento 2 (T2), las heces fueron colectadas y congeladas inmediatamente después de su emisión. Además existió alternancia de los tratamientos en las réplicas. Resultados. El contenido de materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC) y aminoácidos totales en heces fue muy similar para los dos tratamientos. El mismo efecto se presentó para los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente de MS, PC y aminoácidos. Conclusiones. Con base en lo anterior podemos inferir que la lixiviación de nutrientes (MS, PC y AA) de las heces de camarones no se ve afectada por efecto del tiempo de colecta en un lapso igual o menor a 3 horas después de su emisión y por lo tanto, no es necesario ajustar los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente de materia seca, proteína cruda y aminoácidos.

Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019
Ag-based nanoparticles (NPs) were successfully produced through green synthesis using an aqueous ... more Ag-based nanoparticles (NPs) were successfully produced through green synthesis using an aqueous extract from the cultivated seaweed Ulva clathrata as the reducing and stabilizing agent. The biosynthesized NPs had spherical to polymorphic shapes with an average size of 9.5 nm. Microstructural and compositional studies revealed that these particles contained face-centred cubic crystallites of metallic Ag and AgCl. Characteristic peaks in the Fourier-transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) and Raman studies revealed the presence of functional bioactive metabolites from the seaweed extract, such as proteins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols, which are responsible for forming and stabilizing Ag/AgCl NPs. The biosynthesized Ag/AgCl NPs exhibited an important in vitro antibacterial effect against three Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from farmed shrimp affected with acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) in northwestern Mexico. Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp were exposed for 7 days to feeds supplemented with Ag/AgCl NPs at 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 ppm (Ag nominal dietary concentrations). Dietary NP supplement did not affect shrimp survival, growth, or feed conversion ratio, but high concentrations (1000 and 10,000 ppm) decreased the hepatosomatic index significantly. The short-term consumption of Ag/AgCl NPs produced a significant dosedependent bioaccumulation of Ag in the hepatopancreas and to a lesser extent in the cuticle, while bioaccumulation in the muscle was not significant. The depuration study confirmed a fast Ag assimilation in shrimp's hepatopancreas and showed a fast depuration rate in the hepatopancreas as well.

Journal of Applied Phycology, 2016
Next-generation massive parallel sequencing and bioinformatic techniques were applied to observe ... more Next-generation massive parallel sequencing and bioinformatic techniques were applied to observe the differences in the transcriptome of Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles that were fed with a control diet (T1) or the same diet plus a live Ulva clathrata supplement (T2). The average size of the libraries was of 271 bp for T1 and 275 bp for T2. A total of 7, 706,527 raw reads were obtained with a total of 6,591,856 reads after filtering through Q30, from which 3,855,181 corresponded to T1 and 2,736,675 corresponded to T2. Assembled contigs of each library were annotated using BLASTx from NCBI [obtaining 15,861 (42.77 %) unigenes for T1 and 14,246 (45.06 %) for T2]. In addition, the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database (KEGG) as well as the Gene Ontology database (GO) were employed. The differential expression analysis generated a total of 396 transcripts with different expression levels between the two treatments, and these were classified into 4 groups in accordance to their possible function; among others, it identified a percentage of transcripts associated with: immune response (12 %), lipid metabolism (34 %), oxidation-reduction processes (34 %), and stress responses (20 %). The study shows a systematic description of the transcriptome analysis of L. vannamei and provides valuable genetic information required for studying the molecular mechanisms operating when shrimp are fed with macroalgae U. clathrata.

A nivel mundial, los alimentos para camarón incluyen harina y aceite de pescado en niveles de 25 ... more A nivel mundial, los alimentos para camarón incluyen harina y aceite de pescado en niveles de 25 y 3% respectivamente (Chamberlain, 1993) con un posible incremento a 5% para el aceite en los próximos años. En consecuencia, los alimentos para camarón consumen aproximadamente 25% de las 1.7 millones de toneladas de harina de pescado utilizadas en acuacultura, que a su vez corresponde al 25% de la producción mundial anual. La harina de pescado aporta proteína de alta calidad con un balance de aminoácidos y de ácidos grasos adecuado para el rápido crecimiento de organismos marinos (especialmente carnívoros) y el uso de sustitutos ha sido menos exitoso en camarones y salmónidos que en animales terrestres. De ahí que, la disponibilidad y calidad de la harina de pescado sean determinantes para la obtención de alimentos acuáticos de buena calidad. En México, este problema ha sido identificado tanto por las compañías de alimentos balanceados como por los productores de camarón.
Se evaluó la contribución relativa de nitrógeno (N) dietario de las harinas de chícharo y pescado... more Se evaluó la contribución relativa de nitrógeno (N) dietario de las harinas de chícharo y pescado al carcas de Litopenaeus vannamei. A pesar de las diferencias en el perfil de aminoácidos (AA) aportado por las dos fuentes, la contribución de N de las harinas de chícharo y pescado al N en el carcas de camarón es semejante; lo cual contrasta con lo reportado para el aislado de soya. Sin embargo el pescado presentó los mejores resultados de crecimiento y únicamente la combinación de 40% de nitrógeno dietario del chícharo y 60% del pescado mostró resultados semejantes. Por otro lado, una sustitución de 30% de proteína de pescado (PP) mejoró el perfil de AA de la proteína de chícharo (PCh) incrementando el crecimiento en el camarón.
El cultivo de camarón es una actividad muy importante en México y representa una alternativa para... more El cultivo de camarón es una actividad muy importante en México y representa una alternativa para elevar la producción de dicho crustáceo, ya que nuestro país cuenta con características adecuadas para esta actividad (terreno, clima y especie). ...
Food Chemistry, 2006
... The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for dry matter, protein, carbohydrate, phosphor... more ... The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for dry matter, protein, carbohydrate, phosphorus and calcium were determined using the following formulas (Maynard, Loosli, Hintz, & Warner, 1981): ADC of dry matter (%) = 100 − [(%Cr 2 O 3 in feed/%Cr 2 O 3 in feces) × 100]. ...
Aquaculture Nutrition, 2009
Three experimental diets were formulated to contain 33 g kg− 1 seaweed meals, made of wild brown ... more Three experimental diets were formulated to contain 33 g kg− 1 seaweed meals, made of wild brown algae (kelps) Macrocystis pyrifera (MAC) and Ascophyllum nodosum (ASC) or of a cultivated green alga Ulva clathrata (ULVA). The diets were fed to juvenile white shrimp ...

Aquaculture, 2010
Juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (3.5 g initial weight) and green seaweed Ulva clathrata were... more Juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (3.5 g initial weight) and green seaweed Ulva clathrata were cocultured in outdoors tanks (2000 L) for 45 days; co-cultured Ulva was suspended on a mesh stretched on the water surface. Four dietary treatments were evaluated: Ulva alone, Ulva + 55% feed ration, Ulva + 90% feed ration, and 100% feed ration (control group without co-cultured Ulva). The control group was fed a commercial pellet (30% protein, 8% fat) at a daily ration of 3.5% shrimp biomass. Water turbidity in co-culture tanks was lower than that in control group. Survival was similar among the experimental groups (>80%). The Ulva intake by shrimp improved the artificial feed conversion ratio and the growth rate: with 10 or 45% less commercial feed, growth rate improved by 60%. Additionally, U. clathrata intake diminished lipids content in shrimp carcass and also modified the fatty acids profile. Shrimp body carotenoids content was significantly higher in the co-culture groups, suggesting that Ulva carotenoids were efficiently assimilated and metabolized, and also may be involved in growth enhancement.
Aquaculture, 1994
... Aquaculture, 101: 241-250. Sick, LV and Andrews, JW, 1973. The effect of selected dietary lip... more ... Aquaculture, 101: 241-250. Sick, LV and Andrews, JW, 1973. The effect of selected dietary lipids, carbohydrates and proteins 360 LE Cruz-Sudrez et al. /Aguaculture 123 (1994) 349-360 on the growth, survival and body composition of Penaeus duorarum. Proc. World Maricult. ...
Ricque Marie, D., LE Cruz Suárez, M. Camarena Conchas y AL Melo del Angel. 2000. Uso de coextruíd... more Ricque Marie, D., LE Cruz Suárez, M. Camarena Conchas y AL Melo del Angel. 2000. Uso de coextruídos de subproductos de camarón en dietas para camarón. pp 366-397 En: Civera-Cerecedo, R., Pérez-Estrada, CJ, Ricque-Marie, D. y Cruz-Suárez, LE (Eds.) ...

Ciencias Marinas, 2014
Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein (CP), and amino acids (AA)... more Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein (CP), and amino acids (AA) were evaluated in diets with six rendered by-products used to feed juvenile Pacific white shrimp: two poultry meals (poultry meal 1, 69% CP; poultry meal 2, 72% CP), two feather meals (89% CP), one blood meal (96% CP), and one pork meal (57% CP). Experimental diets were formulated with 30% of the test ingredient and 70% of a commercial diet supplemented with 1% of chromium oxide as inert marker. AA contents in ingredients, diets, leached diets, and feces were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Preprandial AA losses attributed to leaching were higher in the blood meal diet (15%) and pork meal diet (10%). Poultry meal diets 1 and 2 showed mean AA losses of 3% and 5%, respectively, while the reference diet had a mean AA leaching of 6%. The AA that had the highest leaching rates were lysine (21%), methionine (15%), and histidine (12%). The ADC of dry matter was higher for...

Ronald William Hardy was born in 1947 in Vancouver, Canada. He comes from a very academically abl... more Ronald William Hardy was born in 1947 in Vancouver, Canada. He comes from a very academically able Canadian/Scottish family. His grandparents came from Scotland and moved to Vancouver in 1909. In his father´s family there were doctors, nurses and also missionaries in Canada near Alaska. Ron´s father worked in agriculture communities around Seattle (an expert in poultry science), and used to take his 6 years old son salmon fishing, that was Ron´s first connection with salmon and trout. His mother came from a family of Scottish farmers, and then scientists; she was a Microbiologist and worked on tuberculosis. Ron took pre-medicine curriculum for 4 years, receiving his BS in Zoology in 1969 at the University of Washington. He took many jobs, including on farms and railroads, to pay for his college education. In 1970 he married Elizabeth the future mother of his daughters (Anna and Clare). Then in 1973, he obtained a M.S. in Animal Sciences/Nutrition at Washington State University; his ...
Microbial Cell Factories, 2021
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.

Algal Research, 2020
Seaweeds can generate changes in metabolism of lipids and consequently diminish cholesterol and o... more Seaweeds can generate changes in metabolism of lipids and consequently diminish cholesterol and other serum lipids in mammals. However, the consumption of marine algae may also alter function of other organs. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the metabolism of lipids as well as the liver steatosis of Wistar male rats fed for two months with hyperlipidic diets composed of 20% of fat supplemented with 2.5% of seaweeds Ecklonia arborea or Silvetia compressa. Blood total cholesterol, lipoproteins, triglycerides and key hepatic enzymes were determined and liver histologies were also assessed. The two algae produced different results, while S. compressa reduced 18% total cholesterol, E. arborea increased it 5.8% compared to the animals fed the positive control. Rats fed the S. compressa supplemented diet comparatively had lower serum low density lipoproteins (54%) and triglycerides (69%) levels compared to counterparts fed the high-fat diet. Livers histologies of rats fed with the high-fat diets showed an evident lipid accumulation. However, the consumption of S. compressa diminished liver steatosis compared to E. arborea. Results herein indicate that S. compressa is a promising resource to decrease serum total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins and hepatic tissue damage. Further investigations should be made to find out if the ingestion of marine algae extracts would decrease the accumulation of hepatic fat and consequently affects positively liver physiology.
Papers by Lucia Elizabeth Cruz-Suarez