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      Ls-DynaUniversidad Nacional de ColombiaElectric Power SystemFault Localization
Every system is vulnerable to faults due to the physical nature of its components. These faults could cause severe damage. A way to reduce the effect of faults consist basically in two steps: first, in detect if they are present in a... more
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    • Ciencia
Robust and early detection of oscillatory failures in the electrical flight control system of an aircraft is a crucial issue. Oscillatory failures, if not detected and passivated in time, can lead to strong interactions with loads and... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamicsAeroelasticityAir traffic control
En este trabajo se considera el desarrollo de un esquema para el diagnóstico de fallas en los componentes de una Unidad Separadora con Fluido Catalítico (Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC)). El algoritmo considerado está basado en una... more
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This paper presents the development of a process control interface system (PCIS) for a distillation pilot plant that is based on the communication protocol called MODBUS. MODBUS communicates the computer (used as a control unit) with the... more
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      Process ControlDistillation columnsComputer SoftwareCommunication Protocol
Convergent systems constitute a practically important class of nonlinear systems that extends the class of asymptotically stable linear time-invariant systems. In this note, we extend frequency response functions defined for linear... more
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      Nonlinear systemFrequency Response FunctionFourier SeriesNon Linear System
This paper considers a general approach to fault diagnosis using a generalized Hamiltonian system representation. It can be considered that, in general, nonlinear systems still represent a problem in fault diagnosis because there are... more
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    • Applied Sciences
La representación Hamiltoniana generalizada de sistemas brinda una estructura que puede ser utilizada con ventaja en muchas ´areas, entre las cuales se puede mencionar el diseño de observadores y el diagnóstico de fallas basado en... more
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En el archivo se encuentran problemas resueltos de ecuaciones diferenciales
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We present results of experimental and theoretical studies of polarization-resolved light transmission through optical fiber with disorder generated in its germanium-doped core via UV radiation transmitted through a diffuser. In samples... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTheoretical AnalysisApplied OpticsOptical physics
We present results of experimental and theoretical studies of polarization-resolved light transmission through optical fiber with disorder generated in its germanium-doped core via UV radiation transmitted through a diffuser. In samples... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTheoretical AnalysisApplied OpticsOptical physics
Estudio de corrosión bajo tensión en los aceros inoxidables 17-4PH y 17-7PH en presencia de NaCI y NaOH (20 %) a 90 °CW
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Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) is a widely used method to protect steel reinforcements against corrosion. Bond degradation between concrete and steel at protection and overprotection levels was studied. Two types of... more
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      Civil EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyCathodic ProtectionElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
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OPEN ACCESS / Free download: Precipitation-hardening stainless steel is frequently utilized in a variety of aerospace applications. While the latter steel is employed in applications... more
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      Corrosion EngineeringAeronauticalElectrochemicalPassivation
OPEN ACCESS / Free download: Titanium and its alloys are employed as medical materials because of their low Young's modulus, excellent biocompatibility, and superior corrosion resistance. This work... more
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      TitaniumCorrosion EngineeringRinger solution
OPEN ACCESS / Free download: The present research objective is to evaluate microstructure's influence on corrosion behavior of a new series of Zn-Al-Sr alloys with possible coating applications.... more
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      MicrostructureCorrosion Engineering
A simplified kinetic model, coupled with the bed hydrodynamics and a volatile evolution region within the bed, was formulated to predict the extent of gas-phase combustion in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed coal combustor (FBC). A close... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryCombustion