Papers by Isabel Pavez Andonaegui

Signo y Pensamiento, 2020
is paper explores how social networks allow that migrants and their transnational families may c... more is paper explores how social networks allow that migrants and their transnational families may control when and how communicate in order to keep in contact in real time with their homeland communities, as well as preserving their traditions and practices. is way, they keep a copresentiality (Baldassar, 2016). is work is conducted under a qualitative methodology including dyadic interviews to twenty subjects from different Colombian families who experienced that one of their family members went to Chile. e results show noticeably that WhatsApp is the most frequently used social network due to its assorted features for getting connected both synchronically and diachronically. e subjects reported an increase in the feeling of distancing and separation despite the digitally-enabled closeness. e evidence also shows some efforts by the migrants to maintain their roles as a mother, a brother or a son thanks to the use of social networks.

Telecommunications Policy, 2017
A B S T R A C T Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geograp... more A B S T R A C T Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geographical context in the digital inclusion process. Thus, based on a relational and resource-based model as well as diffusion research, this study explored personal, positional factors, as well as material and social resources of household Internet connection in remote communities that received infrastructure access for the first time between 2010 and 2011 in Chile. A face-to-face representative survey conducted in 22 communities revealed that, among personal variables, age and innovative personality played a role in household Internet adoption. Material resources such as income and transport connectivity were also relevant. However, social resources were among the most significant predictors. That is, the presence of children in the household and larger social networks were associated with greater chances of Internet connection.

Telecommunications Policy, 2017
A B S T R A C T Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geograp... more A B S T R A C T Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geographical context in the digital inclusion process. Thus, based on a relational and resource-based model as well as diffusion research, this study explored personal, positional factors, as well as material and social resources of household Internet connection in remote communities that received infrastructure access for the first time between 2010 and 2011 in Chile. A face-to-face representative survey conducted in 22 communities revealed that, among personal variables, age and innovative personality played a role in household Internet adoption. Material resources such as income and transport connectivity were also relevant. However, social resources were among the most significant predictors. That is, the presence of children in the household and larger social networks were associated with greater chances of Internet connection.

Resumen La publicidad en la web ha adoptado nuevas formas (Malin, 2011; Susarla, Oh & Tan, 2012).... more Resumen La publicidad en la web ha adoptado nuevas formas (Malin, 2011; Susarla, Oh & Tan, 2012). En este contexto, los vídeos de apariencia lúdica, pero con objetivo publicitario se han posicionado como la nueva tendencia (Craig & Duncan, 2017; Marsh, 2015). En un número cada vez mayor de usuarios de Internet, especialmente entre los niños y niñas (Davies, Coleman & Livingstone, 2014), este tipo de vídeos han penetrado en el espacio web. Sin embargo, aún no está claro qué tipo y variedad de vídeos con intención publicitaria es posible acceder al buscar contenido audiovisual genérico para audiencia infantil en YouTube. Con la aplicación de métodos mixtos, este artículo presenta un análisis de contenido y visual de vídeos con enfoque publicitario encubierto de una muestra de 143 vídeos arrojados por las palabras claves Soy Luna, una popular serie de Disney Channel. Los principales hallazgos indican que hay tres tipologías de fuentes que proporcionan este tipo de contenido, siendo los canales oficiales, los canales de YouTubers y en mayor medida canales dedicados exclusivamente a la exhibición de juguetes. También, que la apariencia y características de este formato dificultan al usuario la distinción de publicidad, puesto que se presentan con una narrativa distinta, toques lúdicos y asociados a la serie, y que van más allá del empleo de formatos publicitarios estandarizados de Youtube como son los anuncios gráficos, superpuestos o los spots que se pueden omitir.
Cuadernos Sitial, 2016
Las ideas y las opiniones expresadas en este documento son propias de las autoras y no representa... more Las ideas y las opiniones expresadas en este documento son propias de las autoras y no representan necesariamente los puntos de vista de la UNESCO, del IIPE y/o de la OEI. Las designaciones empleadas y la presentación de material no implican la expresión de ninguna opinión, cualquiera que esta fuere, por parte de la UNESCO, del IIPE, o de la OEI, concernientes al status legal de cualquier país, territorio, ciudad o área, o de sus autoridades, fronteras o límites.
Serie Políticas Sociales, 2014

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2016
This study explored the interplay between contextual and individual factors related to Internet a... more This study explored the interplay between contextual and individual factors related to Internet adoption in isolated rural communities. By investigating 10 remote villages throughout Chile that received Internet access infrastructure in 2010–2011, we identified 3 areas in which contextual and individual factors are intertwined. First, the geographical isolation shaped people's personality and attitudes towards new experiences, including digital technologies. Second, the communities' aging population also represented a strong challenge because they lack young people, a relevant technology socialization agent. Finally, jobs and economic activities are related to people's (lack of) motivations and needs towards digital technologies. When the Internet has reached the vast majority of the population, isolated communities confront specific challenges that we need to consider in policy-making decisions.

Poetics, 2017
While public policy worldwide has focused on providing digital connectivity infrastructure in re... more While public policy worldwide has focused on providing digital connectivity infrastructure in remote areas, there remain people who are digitally excluded. Hence, it is important to explore why people, despite having access to a digital connection, do not go online. As the third part of a three-year project on digital inclusion in isolated communities in Chile, this study draws on findings from focus groups conducted with non-Internet users who live in three remotes but digitally connected villages, to unravel the elements associated with their decision to remain digitally excluded. The main findings indicate that strong ties within the community shelter their sense of isolation providing a feeling of closeness, whereas the internet is perceived as disruptive. In addition, negative attitudes about the Internet emerge from the discussions: the internet is associated with addiction and isolation. Finally, the absence of digital skills makes smartphones and computers unknown entities, a black box people feel unable to or overwhelmed at the thought of learning how to use. However, many are facing a hard choice due to their need to remain in contact with those outside the community as well as promote and develop their small business ventures. Therefore, there is a cultural construction of the internet as a required form of progress that nonetheless does more harm than good to a tight-knit community.

Telecommunications Policy , 2017
Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geographical context in... more Isolated rural communities face specific challenges associated with their geographical context in the digital inclusion process. Thus, based on a relational and resource-based model as well as diffusion research, this study explored personal, positional factors, as well as material and social resources of household Internet connection in remote communities that received infrastructure access for the first time between 2010 and 2011 in Chile. A face-to-face representative survey conducted in 22 communities revealed that, among personal variables, age and innovative personality played a role in household Internet adoption. Material resources such as income and transport connectivity were also relevant. However, social resources were among the most significant predictors. That is, the presence of children in the household and larger social networks were associated with greater chances of Internet connection.
Books by Isabel Pavez Andonaegui

Chile has undergone numerous technology policy-making initiatives that have progressively diminis... more Chile has undergone numerous technology policy-making initiatives that have progressively diminished the internet connection gap. However, isolated rural areas are the Achilles' heel because, despite having access infrastructure, households' internet connection remain scarce. At the same time, the evidence shows that children and youth, particularly from lower socioeconomic status, may have a key role in their families' digital inclusion process. Therefore, this chapter explores the role that young people play in the digital inclusion of isolated rural families, but also the tensions that emerge in the process. Through qualitative methods that included 48 interviews and six focus groups, the findings indicate that the presence of young people at home is a relevant factor in internet adoption. However, the scenario is complex as the internet is mainly perceived as a disruptive element that threatens communication within the family and the traditional values of those tight-knit communities.
Papers by Isabel Pavez Andonaegui
Books by Isabel Pavez Andonaegui