Papers by Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte, PhD

Department for Education, 2014
and members of the project Steering Group. We, RM and DfE thank members of an Advisory Group draw... more and members of the project Steering Group. We, RM and DfE thank members of an Advisory Group drawn from external bodies representing schools, teachers, and governors in both the independent and state-funded sectors. The group played an important role advising on the implementation of TALIS in England and ensuring awareness of the survey and endorsing participation in it, thereby encouraging response. We are grateful to the TALIS International Consortium for its leadership of the survey and for providing clean and documented data for us to use. We are also grateful for early access to draft material from the OECD's international report for the survey (OECD, 2014). Helpful comments on parts or all of drafts of the report were made by staff at DfE, in particular Natasha Calvert and Emily Knowles, and by David Budge and Robin Griffiths. At IOE, we also thank Dick Wiggins for advice on sample design, Alexandria Horton and Pamela Gilmore for assistance with the final layout of the report, Helen Casey and colleagues for help setting up the project, and Peter Earley for carrying out the focus group research which formed the pilot study for the survey. Last but not least, we thank the respondents to TALISthe headteachers and teachersfor taking part in the survey, whether the main survey in 2013, the field trial in 2012, or the pilot study in 2011, and for thereby providing the data that has made this report possible. Table 1.2 Countries in TALIS 2013and performance of secondary school pupils Performance Countries High Performers
Today marks World Teacher’s Day, which aims to address the challenge of mobilising a roadmap for ... more Today marks World Teacher’s Day, which aims to address the challenge of mobilising a roadmap for teachers towards 2030. UNESCO acknowledges that a considerable intensification of effort is needed to provide ...

This paper examines the contribution of high-quality teacher professional development (TPD) to th... more This paper examines the contribution of high-quality teacher professional development (TPD) to the strategies teachers report using to improve students’ learning in the classroom. What was taught in this TPD, and how it was delivered to teachers is compared across the 35 educational systems with available data in TALIS 2013. Results suggest that teachers who take part in curriculum-focused TPD are more likely to report using a variety of the instructional methods considered in this study. Furthermore, TPD delivered with greater levels of teacher collaboration, active learning and longer duration also increases, in many countries and economies, the likelihood of teachers reporting using a large number of these strategies. In contrast, teachers’ exposure to TPD involving other teachers from the school (i.e. with collective participation) seems to be specifically detrimental for active teaching methods. The paper discusses the prevalence of these features, national gaps in their exposu...

This thesis ponders three theory-based aspects of the relationship between quality features of te... more This thesis ponders three theory-based aspects of the relationship between quality features of teacher professional development (TPD) and national educational outcomes by using comparable data from the United States (US), England, Japan and Finland. Studies carried out in the US and England have suggested that TPD delivered with content focus, coherence, active learning, collective participation and longer duration is linked with better teaching practices and student achievement. However, there has been no systematic examination of the generalisability of this association into different contexts, thus data from Japan and Finland is used here to explore this aspect. Firstly, I analyse whether student achievement in mathematics is associated with TPD which is either focused on content (Chapter 2) or managed coherently by head-teachers (Chapter 3). Then, I examine whether active teaching practices are associated to TPD with greater degrees of active learning, collective participation a...
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 2018
Cross-cultural comparability of noncognitive constructs in TIMSS and PISA Jia He a,b , Fabián Bar... more Cross-cultural comparability of noncognitive constructs in TIMSS and PISA Jia He a,b , Fabián Barrera-Pedemonte c and Janine Buchholz a a German institute for international educational research, Frankfurt am main, Germany; b department of methodology and statistics, tilburg university, tilburg, the netherlands; c center for Advanced research in education, universidad de chile, santiago, chile

Professional Development in Education, 2018
This paper presents a methodology for the developmental evaluation of a lesson study programme in... more This paper presents a methodology for the developmental evaluation of a lesson study programme in primary and secondary schools. Our approach combined the principles of, i) user-focused evaluation, in which as evaluators we acted as participatory members of the innovation team and sought to involve users in the design and implementation of evaluation tools, ii) a multi-level logical model to guide data collection and impact measurement, and iii) an 'improving rather than proving' approach to evaluation. The evaluation tools were used on a programme to promote lesson study in London schools involving 133 teachers and 33 schools. The evaluation methodology included outcomes at school leadership, teacher and student levels. Issues of internal and external validity are discussed and strengths and weaknesses are described. Findings showed promise in the use of our scale to measure changes in teacher pedagogical outcomes and in the recording of qualitative changes to both teachers and students as a result of the lesson study cycles. Suggestions for the future use and development of this methodology are proposed, including better use of control groups and quantitative measures to record changes in learning outcomes for students.
Teaching in Focus, 2017
How can professional development enhance teachers' classroom practices? • Teacher professional de... more How can professional development enhance teachers' classroom practices? • Teacher professional development is deemed to be high quality when it includes opportunities for active learning methods, an extended time period, a group of colleagues, and collective learning activities or research with other teachers. The higher the exposure of teachers to high-quality professional development, the more likely they are to use a wide variety of teaching practices in the classroom. • Professional development activities that focus on curriculum knowledge (rather than subject knowledge or pedagogy) and that involve collaborating with other teachers seem particularly well suited to enhancing teachers' classroom practices. However, these types of professional development are not those that are most widely used around the world.

OECD Education Working Papers, 2016
Complete document available on OLIS in its original format This document and any map included her... more Complete document available on OLIS in its original format This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. EDU/WKP(2016)15 Unclassified English-Or. English EDU/WKP(2016)15 2 OECD EDUCATION WORKING PAPERS SERIES OECD Working Papers should not be reported as representing the official views of the OECD or of its member countries. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein are those of the author(s). Working Papers describe preliminary results or research in progress by the author(s) and are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works. Comments on Working Papers are welcome, and may be sent to the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD,

Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social
El artículo aborda los factores que inciden en que distintas escuelas públicas tengan una diferen... more El artículo aborda los factores que inciden en que distintas escuelas públicas tengan una diferente capacidad de absorción de un proyecto de mejora escolar. Se estudiaron los efectos de un proyecto de asistencia técnica impulsado por un centro universitario que buscó fortalecer la confianza relacional en diez escuelas básicas públicas de dos municipios de Chile durante los años 2020 y 2021.Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa, basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas y revisión documental. Un primer hallazgo consistió en que las escuelas estudiadas presentaban niveles diferenciados de absorción de conocimientos, pudiendo clasificarse en los tres siguientes: cambios en creencias y/o competencias de directivos, desarrollo de nuevas prácticas de gestión y relación, e institucionalización de nuevas prácticas. Un segundo hallazgo fue la utilidad de contar con un dispositivo de análisis que considere las características de la escuela que absorbe, así como las del socio externo y el tipo ...

Noncognitive assessments in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in I... more Noncognitive assessments in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study share certain similarities and provide complementary information, yet their comparability is seldom checked and convergence not sought. We made use of student self-report data of Instrumental Motivation, Enjoyment of Science and Sense of Belonging to School targeted in both surveys in 29 overlapping countries to (1) demonstrate levels of measurement comparability, (2) check convergence of different scaling methods within survey and (3) check convergence of these constructs with student achievement across surveys. We found that the three scales in either survey (except Sense of Belonging to School in PISA) reached at least metric invariance. The scale scores from the multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and the item response theory analysis were highly correlated, pointing to robustness of scaling methods. The correlations between each construct and achievement was generally positive within each culture in each survey, and the correlational pattern was similar across surveys (except for Sense of Belonging), indicating certain convergence in the cross-survey validation. We stress the importance of checking measurement invariance before making comparative inferences, and we discuss implications on the quality and relevance of these constructs in understating learning.

This article presents a methodology for the developmental evaluation of a lesson study programme ... more This article presents a methodology for the developmental evaluation of a lesson study programme in primary and secondary schools. Our approach combined the principles of (i) user-focused evaluation, in which, as evaluators, we acted as participatory members of the innovation team and sought to involve users in the design and implementation of evaluation tools, (ii) a multi-level logical model to guide data collection and impact measurement and (iii) an ‘improving rather than proving’ approach to evaluation. The evaluation tools were used on a programme to promote lesson study in London schools involving 133 teachers and 33 schools. The evaluation methodology included outcomes at school leadership, teacher and student levels. Issues of internal and external validity are discussed and strengths and weaknesses are described. Findings showed promise in the use of our scale to measure changes in teacher pedagogical outcomes and in the recording of qualitative changes to both teachers and students as a result of the lesson study cycles. Suggestions for the future use and development of this methodology are proposed, including better use of control groups and quantitative measures to record changes in learning outcomes for students.
Las recientes políticas de mejoramiento del sistema público de educación están introduciendo múlt... more Las recientes políticas de mejoramiento del sistema público de educación están introduciendo múltiples requerimientos al ejercicio del liderazgo educativo. La complejidad y profundidad que ha tenido en
los últimos años este conjunto de reformas, junto a la multiplicación de las exigencias del Sistema de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, hacen necesario revisar el cúmulo de demandas que se hacen a los equipos directivos escolares, que afectan negativamente la efectividad de su liderazgo.
Este segundo Informe CEDLE de Política Educativa conceptualiza los diversos requerimientos actuales a los equipos directivos y ofrece una serie de proposiciones en la línea de fortalecer el ejercicio del liderazgo educativo de los equipos directivos escolares en los establecimientos subvencionados, en general, y públicos, en particular. more
Las recientes políticas de fortalecimiento del liderazgo educativo están acertadamente promoviendo una creciente diversificación de las instancias de desarrollo de estas capacidades en el sistema público. No obstante, dada la envergadura y perdurabilidad de los cambios
que se están impulsando, se hace necesario controlar que los efectos de la actual implementación no afecten negativamente las necesidades de formación de liderazgos en el mediano y largo plazo.
El Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo (CEDLE) ha desarrollado una experiencia única para apreciar la sustentabilidad de estas políticas y cumplir así su compromiso de orientar los lineamientos del Ministerio
de Educación en esta área. En tal sentido, el presente informe ofrece una serie de recomendaciones a la política pública en la línea de asegurar la sustentabilidad del conjunto de estrategias para el desarrollo de
capacidades de liderazgo educativo.
Estas sugerencias apuntan a generar una reflexión oportuna sobre este tema, en la perspectiva de continuar apoyando a quienes tienen (o tendrán) la importante misión de liderar los procesos de mejoramiento escolar en el contexto de reforma de la educación.
Today marks World Teacher’s Day, which aims to address the challenge of mobilising a roadmap for ... more Today marks World Teacher’s Day, which aims to address the challenge of mobilising a roadmap for teachers towards 2030. UNESCO acknowledges that a considerable intensification of effort is needed to provide ...

This paper examines the contribution of high-quality teacher professional development (TPD) to th... more This paper examines the contribution of high-quality teacher professional development (TPD) to the strategies teachers report using to improve students’ learning in the classroom. What was taught in this TPD, and how it was delivered to teachers is compared across the 35 educational systems with available data in TALIS 2013. Results suggest that teachers who take part in curriculum-focused TPD are more likely to report using a variety of the instructional methods considered in this study. Furthermore, TPD delivered with greater levels of teacher collaboration, active learning and longer duration also increases, in many countries and economies, the likelihood of teachers reporting using a large number of these strategies. In contrast, teachers’ exposure to TPD involving other teachers from the school (i.e. with collective participation) seems to be specifically detrimental for active teaching methods. The paper discusses the prevalence of these features, national gaps in their exposure and policy implications derived from these findings.

Over the years, policy making has been globally concerned about the degree of effectiveness of Te... more Over the years, policy making has been globally concerned about the degree of effectiveness of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) on teacher practices and student achievement. Educational research has contributed by identifying core features of these activities that are relevant to generate positive impacts. According to empirical evidence, one feature of TPD learning activities (focus on content knowledge, instead of generic behaviours for teaching) is likely to be particularly important for student achievement. However, this interaction may be sensitive to contextual conditions, therefore larger scale and comparative designs are needed to estimate this association across multiple contexts. This study explores the specific contribution of TPD focused on mathematics content knowledge on student achievement. Through a secondary analysis of cross-national data produced in the context of the recent "Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)" 2011, this link is examined with focus on US data. Following and Ordinary Least Squares strategy, the analysis explores contrasts with Japan, Finland and England, while student and teacher characteristics are used as control variables. Findings indicate that TPD focused on mathematics content is rather innocuous to student achievement in the US and that in countries such as England and Japan, the association can be even negative, though with small effect sizes.
The current Chilean discussion on education again calls the attention in regard to the value of t... more The current Chilean discussion on education again calls the attention in regard to the value of the role of teachers. The new General Law on Education proposes to open the field of teaching to professionals with no formation on pedagogy. In answer to this situation, this paper develops the particular value of the pedagogical knowledge in its close relationship with the educational practice. Based on the knowledge built with the experience of the exercise of the teaching profession as well as that generated through the reflexive action concerning its practice, the specificity of the knowledge of teaching imposes a necessary coherence of all the policies of development of teachers, both in the recognition of their knowledge as well as in the conditions that are necessary for their progress.
La discusión chilena actual sobre educación dirige de nuevo la atención sobre la valoración del rol profesional docente. La nueva Ley General de Educación propone abrir el campo de la docencia a profesionales que no se hayan formado en pedagogía. Frente a esta tensión, este trabajo desarrolla el valor particular del saber pedagógico, en su estrecha vinculación con la práctica educativa. A partir del saber construido tanto en la experiencia del ejercicio de la profesión como por el generado a través de la acción reflexiva en torno a la práctica, la especificidad del saber de la enseñanza impone la necesaria coherencia de toda política de desarrollo del profesorado, lo mismo en el reconocimiento de su saber, como en las condiciones necesarias para su progreso.
Papers by Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte, PhD
los últimos años este conjunto de reformas, junto a la multiplicación de las exigencias del Sistema de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, hacen necesario revisar el cúmulo de demandas que se hacen a los equipos directivos escolares, que afectan negativamente la efectividad de su liderazgo.
Este segundo Informe CEDLE de Política Educativa conceptualiza los diversos requerimientos actuales a los equipos directivos y ofrece una serie de proposiciones en la línea de fortalecer el ejercicio del liderazgo educativo de los equipos directivos escolares en los establecimientos subvencionados, en general, y públicos, en particular.
Las recientes políticas de fortalecimiento del liderazgo educativo están acertadamente promoviendo una creciente diversificación de las instancias de desarrollo de estas capacidades en el sistema público. No obstante, dada la envergadura y perdurabilidad de los cambios
que se están impulsando, se hace necesario controlar que los efectos de la actual implementación no afecten negativamente las necesidades de formación de liderazgos en el mediano y largo plazo.
El Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo (CEDLE) ha desarrollado una experiencia única para apreciar la sustentabilidad de estas políticas y cumplir así su compromiso de orientar los lineamientos del Ministerio
de Educación en esta área. En tal sentido, el presente informe ofrece una serie de recomendaciones a la política pública en la línea de asegurar la sustentabilidad del conjunto de estrategias para el desarrollo de
capacidades de liderazgo educativo.
Estas sugerencias apuntan a generar una reflexión oportuna sobre este tema, en la perspectiva de continuar apoyando a quienes tienen (o tendrán) la importante misión de liderar los procesos de mejoramiento escolar en el contexto de reforma de la educación.
La discusión chilena actual sobre educación dirige de nuevo la atención sobre la valoración del rol profesional docente. La nueva Ley General de Educación propone abrir el campo de la docencia a profesionales que no se hayan formado en pedagogía. Frente a esta tensión, este trabajo desarrolla el valor particular del saber pedagógico, en su estrecha vinculación con la práctica educativa. A partir del saber construido tanto en la experiencia del ejercicio de la profesión como por el generado a través de la acción reflexiva en torno a la práctica, la especificidad del saber de la enseñanza impone la necesaria coherencia de toda política de desarrollo del profesorado, lo mismo en el reconocimiento de su saber, como en las condiciones necesarias para su progreso.
los últimos años este conjunto de reformas, junto a la multiplicación de las exigencias del Sistema de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, hacen necesario revisar el cúmulo de demandas que se hacen a los equipos directivos escolares, que afectan negativamente la efectividad de su liderazgo.
Este segundo Informe CEDLE de Política Educativa conceptualiza los diversos requerimientos actuales a los equipos directivos y ofrece una serie de proposiciones en la línea de fortalecer el ejercicio del liderazgo educativo de los equipos directivos escolares en los establecimientos subvencionados, en general, y públicos, en particular.
Las recientes políticas de fortalecimiento del liderazgo educativo están acertadamente promoviendo una creciente diversificación de las instancias de desarrollo de estas capacidades en el sistema público. No obstante, dada la envergadura y perdurabilidad de los cambios
que se están impulsando, se hace necesario controlar que los efectos de la actual implementación no afecten negativamente las necesidades de formación de liderazgos en el mediano y largo plazo.
El Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo (CEDLE) ha desarrollado una experiencia única para apreciar la sustentabilidad de estas políticas y cumplir así su compromiso de orientar los lineamientos del Ministerio
de Educación en esta área. En tal sentido, el presente informe ofrece una serie de recomendaciones a la política pública en la línea de asegurar la sustentabilidad del conjunto de estrategias para el desarrollo de
capacidades de liderazgo educativo.
Estas sugerencias apuntan a generar una reflexión oportuna sobre este tema, en la perspectiva de continuar apoyando a quienes tienen (o tendrán) la importante misión de liderar los procesos de mejoramiento escolar en el contexto de reforma de la educación.
La discusión chilena actual sobre educación dirige de nuevo la atención sobre la valoración del rol profesional docente. La nueva Ley General de Educación propone abrir el campo de la docencia a profesionales que no se hayan formado en pedagogía. Frente a esta tensión, este trabajo desarrolla el valor particular del saber pedagógico, en su estrecha vinculación con la práctica educativa. A partir del saber construido tanto en la experiencia del ejercicio de la profesión como por el generado a través de la acción reflexiva en torno a la práctica, la especificidad del saber de la enseñanza impone la necesaria coherencia de toda política de desarrollo del profesorado, lo mismo en el reconocimiento de su saber, como en las condiciones necesarias para su progreso.
A set of empirically tested features of effective TPD has been proposed by Desimone (2009) on the basis of extensive research in the US (Birman et al., 2000; Desimone et al., 2002; Garet et al., 2001). One of these attributes (e.g. coherence) is informed by the theory of context (Hendriks et al., 2010; Van Veen, Zwart and Meirink, 2012), which explains student and teacher learning as a function of school and system conditions that sustain TPD activities. Coherence refers to the extent to which TPD activities are consistent with the goals of schools for teachers and students’ learning. It is usually measured using teachers’ perception about recent experiences of in-service training (Desimone et al., 2002; Penuel et al., 2007), and has been found to be associated to better school outcomes at the national level in the US (Garet et al., 2001).
As the question remains in relation to the pertinence of this feature to assess the quality of TPD in other countries, this study uses Exploratory and Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (EFA/MG-CFA) (Byrne, 2012; Desa, 2014) to detect the presence of an unidimensional latent construct related to coherence’s concept in each of the four key countries of this study (e.g. the US, UK, Japan and Finland). Once the initial structure of the latent dimension is examined by means of eigenvalues, scree plots and parallel analyses, configural, weak and strong invariance across these countries will be evaluated. All the analysis are executed with Mplus v. 7 (Muthén and Muthén, 1998-2011).
The coherence of TPD within schools (for teachers of Mathematics) is operationalised by asking headteachers to rate a group of items included in the PISA school questionnaire (PISA Consortium, 2011). The analysis uses data from the US, England, Japan and Finland.
The underlying dimensionality of the initial scale based on five items was examined in each country using an EFA with orthogonal rotation and maximum likelihood estimation with robust standard errors (MLR). Results suggest an interpretable unique factor solution only in the US sample (Model 0), considering criteria such as factors with eigenvalues greater than 1, scree plots, parallel analyses and saliency of factor loadings. In turn, results from a second EFA performed under similar specifications on four of the items also indicate a unidimensional solution for the US and UK data (Model 1). Finally, a third EFA executed on only three relevant items, also revealed that one factor can be satisfactorily extracted from the US, UK, Japan or Finland (Model 2).
Results from a CFA indicate a good adequacy of the fit of Model 0 (CFI = .97, TLI = .94, RMSEA = .04), which makes of this scale a valid measure of the construct in the US. Furthermore, a MG-CFA indicate that weak measurement invariance is met by Models 1 (CFI = 1, TLI = 1.02, RMSEA = 0) and 2 (CFI = 1, TLI = 1.04, RMSEA = 0), which indicates that each set of items measures a similar construct across the corresponding countries of each model. In this sense, this study provides evidence of an equivalent measure of coherence in TPD across the key countries analysed in this study.
The impact of any strategy orientated to improve schools through TPD would be constrained to the coherence between the planning and implementation of such activities (Borko, 2004; Villegas-Reimers, 2003). This is relevant for teachers because a consistent approach to such activities is likely to fulfil their demand for in-service training, a process which in turn could contribute to encourage retention in the system. Most importantly, the quality of teachers' performance could be boosted by this feature, given that coherent TPD is also likely to develop teachers’ skills according to what is specifically required in the school context in which they work. Despite its importance, it is worth noting that coherence in TPD has been so far only studied in the US context, so the question remains in relation to the pertinence of this construct to assess the quality of TPD in other countries. Certainly, cross-national comparisons in this area require that the meaning of the concept remains invariant over the analysed school systems.
Este informe contiene la descripción del proceso conducente a la construcción de una Ruta de Acompañamiento al Desarrollo Biopsicosocial desde la gestación a los 17 años 11 meses de edad, en la cual se identifiquen, describan y relacionen derechos, capacidades, y sus factores facilitadores y restrictivos en la búsqueda del desarrollo humano.
El insumo técnico resultado de este estudio ayudará a generar un sistema integral de acompañamiento a la trayectoria del desarrollo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes desde la gestación hasta los 17 años 11 meses de edad, para facilitar el máximo desarrollo de sus capacidades. Este insumo denominado Ruta de Acompañamiento aborda las áreas o dominios principales del desarrollo y propone intervenciones de impacto comprobado o altamente probable, que podrían extender y fortalecer las garantías que ofrece el Sistema de Protección a la Infancia Chile Crece Contigo y convertirse en la base de un “Sistema Integral de Garantías de Derechos para la Niñez y la Adolescencia”.
La ruta podrá ser considerada en el diseño de programas que formen parte de la Política Nacional de Infancia y Adolescencia 2015-2025 y su correspondiente Plan de Acción.
The survey included over 30 other countries or parts of countries.