Investigación histórico-iconográfica sobre la serie de la vida de San Francisco, compuesta por cincuenta y cuatro pinturas realizada durante el siglo XVII en el taller cuzqueño de Basilio Santa Cruz, que hoy están expuestas en el Museo de... more
Este es un apartado del libro "Patrimonio Conventual Femenino en la Zona Central de Chile" (32-54), que fue publicado el 2023 y realizado por Io Contreras, Claudio Díaz Vial y Elisabeth Stephens, en el marco de una investigación... more
PALABRAS CLAVE: Maquiavelo; Erasmo; Tomás Moro; buen gobierno Resumen:
Enfrentarnos a exponer sobre una parte del pensamiento de Methol Ferré es, indudablemente, correr un gran riesgo. Porque Methol es un pensador eminentemente totalizador, en quien se funden, en una lógica que él sabía hacer comprender, la... more
El presente trabajo aborda un tema estudiado por el pensador uruguayo Alberto Methol Ferré, fallecido en 2009: la Modernidad cristiana. En este trabajo se ha buscado presentar la cuestión incluyendo también los puntos de vista que sobre... more
Both Pawel Wlodkowic, a Polish canonist from the fifteenth century, and Francisco de Vitoria, a Spanish theologian of the sixteenth century, were interested in the developing of just relations between Christians and "infidels". This is a... more
Henri-Irénée Marrou (1904-1977) is a French Historian who specialized in Late Antiquity, but also devoted himself to the study of Epistemology and Theology of History. The aim of this paper is to describe Marrou’s vision of the meaning of... more
During the last 500 years, Catholics and Protestants have been separated from one another, and have been frequently hostile. A deep change occurred with Vatican II. The Latin-American contemporary thinker Alberto Methol Ferré considers... more
El presente artículo procura analizar el aporte de la revista Víspera a las redes y la circulación del pensamiento católico latinoamericano postconciliar. Dirigida por Héctor Borrat y editada en Montevideo entre 1967-1975, la publicación... more
Modernity is a central concept in Alberto Methol Ferre’s thought. What is its role in Latin American history? One or multiple modernities? Which is the relationship between Catholic Church and modernity? These are questions present in the... more
The question of truth in historical knowledge has had different solutions in the course of time. There is a whole range of opinions, from those who consider it possible to revive the past and tell it as it was, to those who deny every... more
During the last centuries of the Middle Ages, law had great development and canonists had an important role in it. Ius gentium was not an exception, on the contrary, the opening of Western Europe to other peoples was a reason for the... more
The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at the similitudes between the ideas of Paweł Włodkowic (Paulus Vladimiri) and Francisco de Vitoria concerning the relations between Christians and infidels, especially on the issue of just... more
In recent decades, accompanying the theoretical deepening on the subjects concerning empires and imperialism, an interpretation of Vitorian thought has been developed, particularly based on the Relectiones De Indis and De Iure Belli, that... more