Papers by Bárbara Díaz Kayel
Prudentia Iuris, 2024
In recent decades, accompanying the theoretical deepening on the subjects concerning empires and ... more In recent decades, accompanying the theoretical deepening on the subjects concerning empires and imperialism, an interpretation of Vitorian thought has been developed, particularly based on the Relectiones De Indis and De Iure Belli, that considers the Salamancan author an ideologist of Spanish imperialism, and his famous relectiones as a set of arguments that allowed Spain to exercise its power over American territories and Indians.
Some of these interpretations arise from postcolonial studies and others come from critical currents of International Law, particularly the so-called TWAIL (Third World Approach to International Law). This paper aims to present the core of these interpretations, conduct a critical analysis, and finally propose a reading of Vitorian texts under other hermeneutical keys.

Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 2017
The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at the similitudes between the ideas of Paweł Włod... more The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at the similitudes between the ideas of Paweł Włodkowic (Paulus Vladimiri) and Francisco de Vitoria concerning the relations between Christians and infidels, especially on the issue of just war, and to advance a hypothesis to explain such similarities.
Both scholars come from “frontier States” in the process of expansion and in close contact with non-Christian peoples. They had therefore direct knowledge of these different human groups. The equality between Christians and infidels, the right of all men to property and
self-rule as well as their freedom to accept faith, the idea of a community of mankind, are some of the concepts developed by both thinkers. That is why they have been pointed out as beginners of the modern ius gentium. At the end of the paper, I will advance a hypothesis
on the influence of Włodkowic on Vitoria.
Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos, 2018
The purpose of this article is to spread the work of Pawel Wlodkowic
(Paulus Vladimiri), Polish l... more The purpose of this article is to spread the work of Pawel Wlodkowic
(Paulus Vladimiri), Polish late-medieval canonist, who developed the law of the nations, especially the non-Christian nations and religious freedom. The article begins by introducing the author and his historical context,then Wlodkowic’s ideas regarding the fundamental equality of all human beings, their freedom, especially religious freedom and the right of pagan nations to exist. This paper will show that evangelizing pagan nations are the author’s concern, which drives him to study people and communities’ rights and freedoms, and therewith the development of the ius gentium.
Revista chilena de Estudios Medievales, 2022
During the last centuries of the Middle Ages, law had great development and canonists had an impo... more During the last centuries of the Middle Ages, law had great development and canonists had an important role in it. Ius gentium was not an exception, on the contrary, the opening of Western Europe to other peoples was a reason for the study of the rules that could favour
mutual relations. On the other hand, it was necessary for Western Europe to push the evangelization beyond the frontiers of the Christendom. Bearing in mind both factors, it is possible to
hypothesize if the concern for the conversion of pagans can be accounted for as a motivation for the development of ius gentium.
Humanidades, 2022
The question of truth in historical knowledge has had different solutions in the course of time. ... more The question of truth in historical knowledge has had different solutions in the course of time. There is a whole range of opinions, from those who consider it possible to revive the past and tell it as it was, to those who deny every possibility of truthfulness and think that history is a kind of fictional text. In this paper, I propose to analyse the problem from a philosophical point of view, starting from the theory of knowledge, but counting also with the reflections of some historians. I will begin with the problem of the reality of the past (I). I will then analyse knowledge as a relation between the thing known and the person who knows (II-IV) and address the issue of truth in history (V), and I will conclude with an answer to the posed question (VI).
Intus Legere (Historia), 2022
Modernity is a central concept in Alberto Methol Ferre’s thought. What is its role in Latin Ameri... more Modernity is a central concept in Alberto Methol Ferre’s thought. What is its role in Latin American history? One or multiple modernities? Which is the relationship between Catholic Church and modernity? These are questions present in the intellectual itinerary of this Latin American thinker of the twentieth century. In search of answers, he studied a variety of authors and reflected on universal and Latin American history. A fundamental discovery was the Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce, whose ideas were useful to refine his intuitions. In this paper, after a short introduction, we will revise some of Methol Ferre’s writings from the 60s and 70s, in which he puts down his main theses concerning modernity and its links with Catholic Church and Latin American history; we will analyse his reading of Del Noce, and we will end with some conclusions.

Caderno de Letras, 2021
El presente artículo procura analizar el aporte de la revista Víspera a las redes y la circulació... more El presente artículo procura analizar el aporte de la revista Víspera a las redes y la circulación del pensamiento católico latinoamericano postconciliar. Dirigida por Héctor Borrat y editada en Montevideo entre 1967-1975, la publicación reunió a un conjunto de intelectuales
católicos de izquierda en torno de un proyecto que buscó intervenir en el debate teológico y político latinoamericano. El trabajo comienza por proponer una breve historización de la revista con la finalidad de reconstruir sus condiciones de producción y circulación y una breve
biografía colectiva de su núcleo editor, para concentrarse luego en el estudio de la sección Lecturas, considerándola como herramienta de mediación e intervención cultural. El estudio de la selección de reseñas bibliográficas revela el compromiso de la publicación con el desarrollo de
una filosofía y teología locales y con el debate sobre las vías hacia la liberación e integración latinoamericanas.
Franciscanum, 2017
During the last 500 years, Catholics and Protestants have been separated from one another, and ha... more During the last 500 years, Catholics and Protestants have been separated from one another, and have been frequently hostile. A deep change occurred with Vatican II. The Latin-American contemporary thinker Alberto Methol Ferré considers that, though the Catholic Church was, at first, defensive in the face of two great challenges of Modernity, Reformation and Enlightenment, this attitude changed since the Second Vatican Council, when Catholicism assumed the most valuable contributions of both traditions. In this article we will analyze Methol Ferre’s thesis in reference to Reformation, especially the following issues: Church and baptism, laity and common priesthood of the faithful.

Henri-Irénée Marrou (1904-1977) is a French Historian who specialized in Late Antiquity, but also... more Henri-Irénée Marrou (1904-1977) is a French Historian who specialized in Late Antiquity, but also devoted himself to the study of Epistemology and Theology of History.
The aim of this paper is to describe Marrou’s vision of the meaning of history, a vision that takes its fundamental elements from his Catholic faith, but is also shaped by his personal commitments as a citizen in his own time and place. After a short introduction sketching Marrou’s life and work, I will explain his critiques to those who forget the eschatological dimension of faith and to some philosophers, who pretend
to know the laws of history or, on the contrary, think that history is nonsensical. Secondly, I will develop the main lines of Marrou’s arguments: the responsibility in the building of the civitas terrena; the coexistence of good and evil in this world; and the renewal of eschatology. In all of these, the influence of Augustine’s teachings is clear and acknowledged by Marrou.
Both Pawel Wlodkowic, a Polish canonist from the fifteenth century, and Francisco de Vitoria, a S... more Both Pawel Wlodkowic, a Polish canonist from the fifteenth century, and Francisco de Vitoria, a Spanish theologian of the sixteenth century, were interested in the developing of just relations between Christians and "infidels". This is a preliminary advance of a long-term research about a possible relationship between both authors.
Actas I Congreso de la Sociedad Filosófica del Uruguay, 2012
El presente trabajo aborda un tema estudiado por el pensador uruguayo Alberto
Methol Ferré, fall... more El presente trabajo aborda un tema estudiado por el pensador uruguayo Alberto
Methol Ferré, fallecido en 2009: la Modernidad cristiana. En este trabajo se ha
buscado presentar la cuestión incluyendo también los puntos de vista que sobre ella
tienen Augusto del Noce y Mariano Fazio. Los tres autores, desde diversas
perspectivas, han afirmado la existencia de esta corriente que llamo Modernidad
trascendente. La originalidad de Methol Ferré radica por un lado, en su preocupación
por reconstruir una visión cristiana del sentido de la historia y, por otro, en su
perspectiva latinoamericana.

Ponencia en las Jornadas Académicas "Alberto Methol Ferré", 2010
Enfrentarnos a exponer sobre una parte del pensamiento de Methol Ferré es, indudablemente, correr... more Enfrentarnos a exponer sobre una parte del pensamiento de Methol Ferré es, indudablemente, correr un gran riesgo. Porque Methol es un pensador eminentemente totalizador, en quien se funden, en una lógica que él sabía hacer comprender, la teología, la filosofía pura, la filosofía y la teología de la historia, la filosofía y la sociología de la cultura, la geopolítica, la historia… En un homenaje que se le hizo el año pasado, contaban que uno de sus grandes amigos, Luis Vignolo, hablaba de él como de "Hegel de cabecita negra". Sin duda es acertada la comparación con Hegel. Por momentos, como dice José Rilla "el lector atento queda disminuido ante el espectáculo de una historia enorme, dibujada a partir de una lógica fundante -son sus palabras-en la que los primeros trazos devienen decisivos. La historia es desarrollo -lo que ya es decir-y lo es a partir de un núcleo" (J. Rilla, 2008: 392).
Maquiavelo intemporal: a 500 años de El Príncipe , 2015
PALABRAS CLAVE: Maquiavelo; Erasmo; Tomás Moro; buen gobierno Resumen:
Papers by Bárbara Díaz Kayel
Some of these interpretations arise from postcolonial studies and others come from critical currents of International Law, particularly the so-called TWAIL (Third World Approach to International Law). This paper aims to present the core of these interpretations, conduct a critical analysis, and finally propose a reading of Vitorian texts under other hermeneutical keys.
Both scholars come from “frontier States” in the process of expansion and in close contact with non-Christian peoples. They had therefore direct knowledge of these different human groups. The equality between Christians and infidels, the right of all men to property and
self-rule as well as their freedom to accept faith, the idea of a community of mankind, are some of the concepts developed by both thinkers. That is why they have been pointed out as beginners of the modern ius gentium. At the end of the paper, I will advance a hypothesis
on the influence of Włodkowic on Vitoria.
(Paulus Vladimiri), Polish late-medieval canonist, who developed the law of the nations, especially the non-Christian nations and religious freedom. The article begins by introducing the author and his historical context,then Wlodkowic’s ideas regarding the fundamental equality of all human beings, their freedom, especially religious freedom and the right of pagan nations to exist. This paper will show that evangelizing pagan nations are the author’s concern, which drives him to study people and communities’ rights and freedoms, and therewith the development of the ius gentium.
mutual relations. On the other hand, it was necessary for Western Europe to push the evangelization beyond the frontiers of the Christendom. Bearing in mind both factors, it is possible to
hypothesize if the concern for the conversion of pagans can be accounted for as a motivation for the development of ius gentium.
católicos de izquierda en torno de un proyecto que buscó intervenir en el debate teológico y político latinoamericano. El trabajo comienza por proponer una breve historización de la revista con la finalidad de reconstruir sus condiciones de producción y circulación y una breve
biografía colectiva de su núcleo editor, para concentrarse luego en el estudio de la sección Lecturas, considerándola como herramienta de mediación e intervención cultural. El estudio de la selección de reseñas bibliográficas revela el compromiso de la publicación con el desarrollo de
una filosofía y teología locales y con el debate sobre las vías hacia la liberación e integración latinoamericanas.
The aim of this paper is to describe Marrou’s vision of the meaning of history, a vision that takes its fundamental elements from his Catholic faith, but is also shaped by his personal commitments as a citizen in his own time and place. After a short introduction sketching Marrou’s life and work, I will explain his critiques to those who forget the eschatological dimension of faith and to some philosophers, who pretend
to know the laws of history or, on the contrary, think that history is nonsensical. Secondly, I will develop the main lines of Marrou’s arguments: the responsibility in the building of the civitas terrena; the coexistence of good and evil in this world; and the renewal of eschatology. In all of these, the influence of Augustine’s teachings is clear and acknowledged by Marrou.
Methol Ferré, fallecido en 2009: la Modernidad cristiana. En este trabajo se ha
buscado presentar la cuestión incluyendo también los puntos de vista que sobre ella
tienen Augusto del Noce y Mariano Fazio. Los tres autores, desde diversas
perspectivas, han afirmado la existencia de esta corriente que llamo Modernidad
trascendente. La originalidad de Methol Ferré radica por un lado, en su preocupación
por reconstruir una visión cristiana del sentido de la historia y, por otro, en su
perspectiva latinoamericana.
Some of these interpretations arise from postcolonial studies and others come from critical currents of International Law, particularly the so-called TWAIL (Third World Approach to International Law). This paper aims to present the core of these interpretations, conduct a critical analysis, and finally propose a reading of Vitorian texts under other hermeneutical keys.
Both scholars come from “frontier States” in the process of expansion and in close contact with non-Christian peoples. They had therefore direct knowledge of these different human groups. The equality between Christians and infidels, the right of all men to property and
self-rule as well as their freedom to accept faith, the idea of a community of mankind, are some of the concepts developed by both thinkers. That is why they have been pointed out as beginners of the modern ius gentium. At the end of the paper, I will advance a hypothesis
on the influence of Włodkowic on Vitoria.
(Paulus Vladimiri), Polish late-medieval canonist, who developed the law of the nations, especially the non-Christian nations and religious freedom. The article begins by introducing the author and his historical context,then Wlodkowic’s ideas regarding the fundamental equality of all human beings, their freedom, especially religious freedom and the right of pagan nations to exist. This paper will show that evangelizing pagan nations are the author’s concern, which drives him to study people and communities’ rights and freedoms, and therewith the development of the ius gentium.
mutual relations. On the other hand, it was necessary for Western Europe to push the evangelization beyond the frontiers of the Christendom. Bearing in mind both factors, it is possible to
hypothesize if the concern for the conversion of pagans can be accounted for as a motivation for the development of ius gentium.
católicos de izquierda en torno de un proyecto que buscó intervenir en el debate teológico y político latinoamericano. El trabajo comienza por proponer una breve historización de la revista con la finalidad de reconstruir sus condiciones de producción y circulación y una breve
biografía colectiva de su núcleo editor, para concentrarse luego en el estudio de la sección Lecturas, considerándola como herramienta de mediación e intervención cultural. El estudio de la selección de reseñas bibliográficas revela el compromiso de la publicación con el desarrollo de
una filosofía y teología locales y con el debate sobre las vías hacia la liberación e integración latinoamericanas.
The aim of this paper is to describe Marrou’s vision of the meaning of history, a vision that takes its fundamental elements from his Catholic faith, but is also shaped by his personal commitments as a citizen in his own time and place. After a short introduction sketching Marrou’s life and work, I will explain his critiques to those who forget the eschatological dimension of faith and to some philosophers, who pretend
to know the laws of history or, on the contrary, think that history is nonsensical. Secondly, I will develop the main lines of Marrou’s arguments: the responsibility in the building of the civitas terrena; the coexistence of good and evil in this world; and the renewal of eschatology. In all of these, the influence of Augustine’s teachings is clear and acknowledged by Marrou.
Methol Ferré, fallecido en 2009: la Modernidad cristiana. En este trabajo se ha
buscado presentar la cuestión incluyendo también los puntos de vista que sobre ella
tienen Augusto del Noce y Mariano Fazio. Los tres autores, desde diversas
perspectivas, han afirmado la existencia de esta corriente que llamo Modernidad
trascendente. La originalidad de Methol Ferré radica por un lado, en su preocupación
por reconstruir una visión cristiana del sentido de la historia y, por otro, en su
perspectiva latinoamericana.