Papers by Teresa Rosales Tham

La metodología en el análisis ictioarqueológico y las consecuencias para el conocimiento de la hi... more La metodología en el análisis ictioarqueológico y las consecuencias para el conocimiento de la historia de la pesca prehispánica en el Perú-Revisión Resumen Se hace una revisión de los diversos enfoques metodológicos de los especialistas en ictioarqueología en cuanto al análisis de los restos de peces óseos y cartilaginosos. La revisión es desde el proceso de identificación taxonómica y cuantificación, poniendo énfasis en los restos de vértebras de tiburones, indicándose las recomendaciones de los especialistas. Teniendo en cuenta que hay una proliferación de analistas de restos de peces en nuestro medio, el riego de malas identificaciones taxonómicas y el mal uso de la metodología correcta, se realizan observaciones que están basadas en los lineamientos de los especialista en ictioarqueología, cuya finalidad es que los futuros profesionales en arqueología, biología y otros afines, no cometan los mismos errores y por lo tanto distorsionar las interpretaciones sobre la historia de la pesca prehispánica y la reconstrucción correcta de los ecosistemas marinos explotados, el análisis de las cadenas tróficas y el estudio de tecnología de pesca en las épocas prehispánicas. Palabras clave: Número Mínimo de Individuos, vértebras, pesca prehispánica, cadenas tróficas. Abstract A review is made of the various methodological approaches of specialists in ichthyology and archeology regarding the analysis of bone and cartilaginous fish remains. The review is the process of taxonomic identification and quantification, emphasizing the remains of shark vertebrae, indicating the recommendations of the specialists. Bearing in mind that there is a proliferation of analysts of fish remains in our environment, the risk of bad taxonomic identifications and the misuse of the correct methodology, observations are made that are based on the guidelines of the specialist in ichthyoarchaeology, whose purpose is that future professionals in archeology, biology and other related fields, do not comment on the same mistakes and therefore distort interpretations on the history of pre-Hispanic fishing and the correct reconstruction of exploited marine ecosystems, the analysis of trophic chains and the study of fishing technology in pre-Hispanic times.
Revista Archaeobios, 2017
La tecnología microscópica USB Dino-Lite o microscopía digital esta
demostrando su funcionalidad ... more La tecnología microscópica USB Dino-Lite o microscopía digital esta
demostrando su funcionalidad y muchos profesionales de diferentes
especialidades utilizan mas de 150 modelos diferentes de Dino-Lite. Esta
tecnología ha desarrollado una variedad de productos que pueden utilizarse en
las ciencias médicas y ciencias biológicas. También la arqueología ahora utiliza
esta tecnología para estudios de fragmentos de cerámica, y en el caso que
presentamos, su utilidad y resultado ha sido exitosa con la captura de
imágenes de la anatomía vascular de carbones modernos y arqueológicos.
Latin American Antiquity, Jan 1, 2008
A number of sites in the Andean region have yielded sizable samples of human remains from differe... more A number of sites in the Andean region have yielded sizable samples of human remains from different contexts. These sites offer researchers a unique opportunity to study the mortuary practices of various cultures in a specific region through time. Among the most notable cultures whose mortuary practices have been extensively studied are both the Moche (ca. A.D.

Simple pebble tools, ephemeral cultural features, and the remains of maritime and terrestrial foo... more Simple pebble tools, ephemeral cultural features, and the remains of maritime and terrestrial foods are present in undisturbed Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene deposits underneath a large human-made mound at Huaca Prieta and nearby sites on the Pacific coast of northern Peru. Radiocarbon ages indicate an intermittent human presence dated between ~15,000 and 8000 calendar years ago before the mound was built. The absence of fishhooks, harpoons, and bifacial stone tools suggests that technologies of gathering, trapping, clubbing, and exchange were used primarily to procure food resources along the shoreline and in estuarine wetlands and distant mountains. The stone artifacts are minimally worked unifacial stone tools characteristic of several areas of South America. Remains of avocado, bean, and possibly cultivated squash and chile pepper are also present, suggesting human transport and consumption. Our new findings emphasize an early coastal lifeway of diverse food procurement strategies that suggest detailed observation of resource availability in multiple environments and a knowledgeable economic organization, although technologies were simple and campsites were seemingly ephemeral and discontinuous. These findings raise questions about the pace of early human movement along some areas of the Pacific coast and the level of knowledge and technology required to exploit maritime and inland resources.
Quaternary Research, 2012
Archaeological excavations in deep pre-mound levels at Huaca Prieta in northern Peru have yielded... more Archaeological excavations in deep pre-mound levels at Huaca Prieta in northern Peru have yielded new evidence of late Pleistocene cultural deposits that shed insights into the early human occupation of the Pacific coast of South America. Radiocarbon dates place this occupation between~14,200 and 13,300 cal yr BP. The cultural evidence shares certain basic technological and subsistence traits, including maritime resources and simple flake tools, with previously discovered late Pleistocene sites along the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile. The results help to expand our knowledge of early maritime societies and human adaption to changing coastal environments.

The current archaeozoological knowledge in the Caribbean seems ill-matched and
fragmented, we sh... more The current archaeozoological knowledge in the Caribbean seems ill-matched and
fragmented, we should set the Caribbean archaeological research in its historical, epistemological
and economical context. Initially practiced by naturalists and scientists from Occident, then
by Caribbean, north-American and Europeans academics, this research reflects in one hand
the major occidental thoughts in anthropology and human sciences, but on the other hand the
political and economical regional diversity of the Caribbean. Indeed, since the beginning of
the XXth century, the Europe an excitement about the Tainos of the Greater Antilles allowed
both academic (governement and university) and rescue archaeology in the whole Caribbean.
It is based on survey and excavation techniques adapted to the tropical environments, as well
as on specialized studies, such as Archaeozoology, following European practices. Moreover, an
increasing number of excavations occurred in the Caribbean for the past decades. Regional
Museums have opened, and European and North American universities and academic institutions
have settled in several islands. Researches have developed on subsistence, on environmental
exploitation, on technology, on villages organization, on exchanges and chronocultural shifts.
Finally, a number of archaeozoological researchers provided micro-regional and regional
synthesis for the Caribbean.
This paper introduces the particular geography of the Caribbean, a brief history of the
pre-Columbian archaeology and archaeozoological researches in the Caribbean, and the major
cultural pre-Columbian changes found through Archaeozoology.

El estudio de los isótopos estables de Carbono y Nitrógeno de 11 entierros humanos recuperados de... more El estudio de los isótopos estables de Carbono y Nitrógeno de 11 entierros humanos recuperados del Conjunto Arquitectónico 3 de Santa Rita B, que datan para el Periodo Intermedio Tardío, indican que estos individuos consumían plantas C4 en este caso maíz. Adicionalmente, los resultados δ 15 N confirman que estos individuos consumían proteínas terrestres. El rango de los valores de Estroncio 87 con Estroncio 86 en cuatro entierros Chimú de CA3, indican que los valores fluctúan entre 0.705032 y 0.705223, valores que están comprendidos en el rango isotópico del área más cercana al valle de Chao. Por lo tanto, es obvio que estos individuos consumían alimentos de la misma zona geológica o de zonas geológicas con rangos isótopicos de estroncio similares. Estos resultados son un primer paso importante para entender el comportamiento humano en Santa Rita B, valle de Chao durante el Período Intermedio Tardío.
Talks by Teresa Rosales Tham

Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evi... more Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evidence obtained from macrobotanical remains here has been the primary sources of information on plant use. However, despite the richness of the macrobotanical record, the combination of arid conditions and the nature of many plants, such as potatoes and beans – which are consumed in their entirety – macrobotanical remains can only tell us so much. In this paper, we discuss some methodological issues in north coast Peruvian archaeobotany, specifically the over-reliance on macrobotanical analyses and the relative under-use of starch grain analysis. We discuss starch grain evidence from Wasi Huachuma (JE-64), a Late Moche site in the Jequetepeque Valley, including traces of potato from a grinding stone and a cooking pot. Prior to this, no physical evidence of potato had been recovered from Moche contexts despite Moche iconography featuring potatoes. This indicates that macrobotanical analyses alone are insufficient for uncovering the spectrum of foodstuffs utilized by the Moche. We argue for a more rigorous and consistent application of starch grain analysis, in order to obtain as much information as possible about past plant utilization, rather than relying on macrobotanical remains alone.
Technical Reports by Teresa Rosales Tham
Technical report submitted to the Ministry of Culture
Technical report submitted to the Ministry of Culture
Books by Teresa Rosales Tham
Journal Articles by Teresa Rosales Tham
Papers by Teresa Rosales Tham
demostrando su funcionalidad y muchos profesionales de diferentes
especialidades utilizan mas de 150 modelos diferentes de Dino-Lite. Esta
tecnología ha desarrollado una variedad de productos que pueden utilizarse en
las ciencias médicas y ciencias biológicas. También la arqueología ahora utiliza
esta tecnología para estudios de fragmentos de cerámica, y en el caso que
presentamos, su utilidad y resultado ha sido exitosa con la captura de
imágenes de la anatomía vascular de carbones modernos y arqueológicos.
fragmented, we should set the Caribbean archaeological research in its historical, epistemological
and economical context. Initially practiced by naturalists and scientists from Occident, then
by Caribbean, north-American and Europeans academics, this research reflects in one hand
the major occidental thoughts in anthropology and human sciences, but on the other hand the
political and economical regional diversity of the Caribbean. Indeed, since the beginning of
the XXth century, the Europe an excitement about the Tainos of the Greater Antilles allowed
both academic (governement and university) and rescue archaeology in the whole Caribbean.
It is based on survey and excavation techniques adapted to the tropical environments, as well
as on specialized studies, such as Archaeozoology, following European practices. Moreover, an
increasing number of excavations occurred in the Caribbean for the past decades. Regional
Museums have opened, and European and North American universities and academic institutions
have settled in several islands. Researches have developed on subsistence, on environmental
exploitation, on technology, on villages organization, on exchanges and chronocultural shifts.
Finally, a number of archaeozoological researchers provided micro-regional and regional
synthesis for the Caribbean.
This paper introduces the particular geography of the Caribbean, a brief history of the
pre-Columbian archaeology and archaeozoological researches in the Caribbean, and the major
cultural pre-Columbian changes found through Archaeozoology.
Talks by Teresa Rosales Tham
Technical Reports by Teresa Rosales Tham
Books by Teresa Rosales Tham
Journal Articles by Teresa Rosales Tham
demostrando su funcionalidad y muchos profesionales de diferentes
especialidades utilizan mas de 150 modelos diferentes de Dino-Lite. Esta
tecnología ha desarrollado una variedad de productos que pueden utilizarse en
las ciencias médicas y ciencias biológicas. También la arqueología ahora utiliza
esta tecnología para estudios de fragmentos de cerámica, y en el caso que
presentamos, su utilidad y resultado ha sido exitosa con la captura de
imágenes de la anatomía vascular de carbones modernos y arqueológicos.
fragmented, we should set the Caribbean archaeological research in its historical, epistemological
and economical context. Initially practiced by naturalists and scientists from Occident, then
by Caribbean, north-American and Europeans academics, this research reflects in one hand
the major occidental thoughts in anthropology and human sciences, but on the other hand the
political and economical regional diversity of the Caribbean. Indeed, since the beginning of
the XXth century, the Europe an excitement about the Tainos of the Greater Antilles allowed
both academic (governement and university) and rescue archaeology in the whole Caribbean.
It is based on survey and excavation techniques adapted to the tropical environments, as well
as on specialized studies, such as Archaeozoology, following European practices. Moreover, an
increasing number of excavations occurred in the Caribbean for the past decades. Regional
Museums have opened, and European and North American universities and academic institutions
have settled in several islands. Researches have developed on subsistence, on environmental
exploitation, on technology, on villages organization, on exchanges and chronocultural shifts.
Finally, a number of archaeozoological researchers provided micro-regional and regional
synthesis for the Caribbean.
This paper introduces the particular geography of the Caribbean, a brief history of the
pre-Columbian archaeology and archaeozoological researches in the Caribbean, and the major
cultural pre-Columbian changes found through Archaeozoology.