Papers by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero

Revista Española de Lingüística, 44: 2, Dec 2014
This paper offers a review on what the lexicon is and how the lexicon-syntax interface works acco... more This paper offers a review on what the lexicon is and how the lexicon-syntax interface works according to the neo-constructivist approach, in opposition to the lexicalist approach. In this sense, we revisit the concept of root ─which in the neo-constructivist frameworks does not encode any grammatical information─ and we study the mechanisms that regulate the insertion of the lexical items into the syntactic structure, in order to check that there are divergences within the neo-constructivist approach. At the same time, we will see how and where the Argument Structure and the Event Structure of the verbal predicates and several deverbal formations are defined for different non-lexicalist theoretical frameworks ─Distributed Morphology, Borer 2005a, b, 2012, 2013 or Ramchand 2008, among others─, with the intention of returning to the issue raised by every neo-constructivist theory, which is to determine the limits of the syntactic and semantic specification of the structures and the aspects accounted for by the encyclopedia and the particular use of each language.

Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 2013
In this paper, we discuss the restriction on the realization of non-agentive causers in nominaliz... more In this paper, we discuss the restriction on the realization of non-agentive causers in nominalizations (see Adultery separated Jim and Mary. vs. ??the separation/*the separating of Jim and Mary by adultery). By comparing English to German and Romanian, we show that this restriction may have two sources: the event complexity of the nominalization or the lexical semantics of the preposition that introduces the external argument. First, the realization of non-agentive causers requires the presence
of a result state component that is absent in German nominal infinitives and English ing-of gerunds. This leads to the inability of these nominalizations to host non-agentive external arguments. Second, the prepositions that introduce external arguments have a
restricted distribution in Romanian and English nominalizations with the effect that the restriction appears in all Romanian nominalizations and in English derived nominals. The corresponding preposition in German is unrestricted, which explains why -ung nominals, which project a result state component, can realize non-agentive external arguments.

Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, 2014
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the direct participation effect in Eng... more The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the direct participation effect in English. Section 3 presents the lexical-semantic account based on event complexity proposed in Sichel (2010, 2011). In Section 4 we discuss some aspects of English nominalizations that make Sichel's accountproblematic. In Section 5, we provide a cross-linguistic landscape of the distribution of the direct participation effect. We show that one has to differentiate between a direct participation effect and an agent exclusivity effect. Next, we
show that neither of the two effects is strongly correlated to the nominal vs. verbal contrast: on the one hand, we find languages where the syntactically least verbal
nominalization does not show any such restriction on the external argument and, on the other hand, we find languages where even verbal/sentential constructions such as passive and active clauses show a restriction. In section 6, we conclude and sketch the lines of a proposal that we think could account for this variation.
Categorization and category change, 2013
Los límites de la morfología, 2012
1. Las paradojas: tres desajustes entre forma y significado en morfología Las teorías morfológica... more 1. Las paradojas: tres desajustes entre forma y significado en morfología Las teorías morfológicas que reconocen una estructura interna para las palabras hacen una predicción inmediata: esa estructura ha de dar cuenta simultáneamente de las relaciones formales entre los morfemas y del significado de la palabra. Aunque habría varias cosas que precisar en esta afirmación -¿de qué tipo de significado estamos hablando, estructural o conceptual? (Mateu 2002); ¿de qué naturaleza es dicha estructura, sintáctica o de otro orden? (Marantz 1997)-incluso enunciada de forma neutral con respecto a estas cuestiones tiene contraejemplos aparentes, entre ellos los mostrados en (1).
Estudios de Lingüística, 2009
The present paper argues for the grammaticality
in Spanish of constructions constituted by a man... more The present paper argues for the grammaticality
in Spanish of constructions constituted by a manner
of motion verb such as walk, and a directional phrase
referring to the source or the goal of the motion. The
aim is to examine and to explain these constructions
in terms of the Generative Lexicon (within the theoretical
framework of Pustejovsky 1995); that is, in sublexical
terms. In other words, the legitimization and
interpretation of such constructions are determined by
the Qualia Structure of those words. The sub-lexical
information encoded partly in the Qualia Structure of
the verbs and their complements interacts within the
lexicon with the Event Structure of the verb in order to
generate certain aspectual specifications which determine
its syntactic behavior.
Teoría morfológica y morfología del español, 2011
En este artículo se examina la formación de verbos de movimiento denominales a través del sufijo ... more En este artículo se examina la formación de verbos de movimiento denominales a través del sufijo -ear, como en "conguear". El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar cómo la representación semántica y aspectual de los verbos de movimiento denominales en -ear permite explicar las restricciones sintácticas que se producen en las oraciones en que dichos elementos aparecen como núcleos del predicado. El segundo objetivo concreto es estudiar y valorar la relevancia de las propiedades léxicas que se pueden atribuir al sufijo -ear en la formación de dichos verbos.
Teoría morfológica y morfología del español, 2011
Hesperia. Anuario de Filología Hispánica, 2010
Características temporales y aspectuales de los adjetivos deverbales en -nte no predicativos 1 M.
Actas electrónicas 39 Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, 2010
El sufijo español -nte procede de la desinencia -ns/-ntis, que era el morfema latino usado para f... more El sufijo español -nte procede de la desinencia -ns/-ntis, que era el morfema latino usado para formar participios de presente (AMANS, AMANTIS), por tanto, una forma del paradigma verbal. En español -a diferencia de otras lenguas romances 1 como el italiano o el francésel participio de presente latino perdió pronto sus usos verbales y pasó a tener una función meramente adjetival. No obstante, este morfema adjetivo, aunque no forma ya parte del paradigma verbal, se afija a temas verbales y conserva vestigios de su origen verbal, particularidad bien conocida en el caso de otros deverbales.
Conference Presentations by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero
Título: "Niveles de estatividad en español en la derivación morfológica deverbal" Objetivos (Plan... more Título: "Niveles de estatividad en español en la derivación morfológica deverbal" Objetivos (Planteamiento, actualidad e importancia del problema estudiado. max.

The focus of this presentation is the study of several Spanish deverbal formations. Specifically,... more The focus of this presentation is the study of several Spanish deverbal formations. Specifically, we attend to differences in the aspectual interpretation of such formations, namely, their ability to encode either eventive or stative values. We account for this fact from a difference between two patterns of suffixation: weak suffixes and strong suffixes. The former type does not select any particular aspectual reading on its predicate, whereas the latter always do. We adopt a syntactic approach in order to explain the data. That is, nominals associated with verbal predicates contain functional projections that allow them to have an eventive interpretation: AspP, VoiceP, vP, etc. In this presentation, we extend the idea of shared functional projections to the domain of nominals with a stative interpretation. We expect to show that different aspectual interpretations are determined by the presence of different functional projections.
Thesis by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero
Esta tesis trata de arrojar luz sobre la naturaleza de los procesos de formación de palabras, los... more Esta tesis trata de arrojar luz sobre la naturaleza de los procesos de formación de palabras, los factores estructurales y conceptuales a los que son sensibles y, en definitiva, la consideración que un hipotético componente morfológico deba tener en la arquitectura de la gramática.
Papers by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero
of a result state component that is absent in German nominal infinitives and English ing-of gerunds. This leads to the inability of these nominalizations to host non-agentive external arguments. Second, the prepositions that introduce external arguments have a
restricted distribution in Romanian and English nominalizations with the effect that the restriction appears in all Romanian nominalizations and in English derived nominals. The corresponding preposition in German is unrestricted, which explains why -ung nominals, which project a result state component, can realize non-agentive external arguments.
show that neither of the two effects is strongly correlated to the nominal vs. verbal contrast: on the one hand, we find languages where the syntactically least verbal
nominalization does not show any such restriction on the external argument and, on the other hand, we find languages where even verbal/sentential constructions such as passive and active clauses show a restriction. In section 6, we conclude and sketch the lines of a proposal that we think could account for this variation.
in Spanish of constructions constituted by a manner
of motion verb such as walk, and a directional phrase
referring to the source or the goal of the motion. The
aim is to examine and to explain these constructions
in terms of the Generative Lexicon (within the theoretical
framework of Pustejovsky 1995); that is, in sublexical
terms. In other words, the legitimization and
interpretation of such constructions are determined by
the Qualia Structure of those words. The sub-lexical
information encoded partly in the Qualia Structure of
the verbs and their complements interacts within the
lexicon with the Event Structure of the verb in order to
generate certain aspectual specifications which determine
its syntactic behavior.
Conference Presentations by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero
Thesis by Mariangeles Cano Cambronero
of a result state component that is absent in German nominal infinitives and English ing-of gerunds. This leads to the inability of these nominalizations to host non-agentive external arguments. Second, the prepositions that introduce external arguments have a
restricted distribution in Romanian and English nominalizations with the effect that the restriction appears in all Romanian nominalizations and in English derived nominals. The corresponding preposition in German is unrestricted, which explains why -ung nominals, which project a result state component, can realize non-agentive external arguments.
show that neither of the two effects is strongly correlated to the nominal vs. verbal contrast: on the one hand, we find languages where the syntactically least verbal
nominalization does not show any such restriction on the external argument and, on the other hand, we find languages where even verbal/sentential constructions such as passive and active clauses show a restriction. In section 6, we conclude and sketch the lines of a proposal that we think could account for this variation.
in Spanish of constructions constituted by a manner
of motion verb such as walk, and a directional phrase
referring to the source or the goal of the motion. The
aim is to examine and to explain these constructions
in terms of the Generative Lexicon (within the theoretical
framework of Pustejovsky 1995); that is, in sublexical
terms. In other words, the legitimization and
interpretation of such constructions are determined by
the Qualia Structure of those words. The sub-lexical
information encoded partly in the Qualia Structure of
the verbs and their complements interacts within the
lexicon with the Event Structure of the verb in order to
generate certain aspectual specifications which determine
its syntactic behavior.