Books by Luis Unceta Gómez
Edited Volumes by Luis Unceta Gómez
The first major study of politeness in Ancient Greece and Rome, introducing the linguistic
frame... more The first major study of politeness in Ancient Greece and Rome, introducing the linguistic
framework and showcasing a range of methods, topics, and genres. The individual chapters focus on canonical authors as well as on under-studied texts by ancient scholars and court proceedings.

En los márgenes del mito. Hibridaciones de la mitología clásica en la cultura de masas contemporánea, 2022
Quizás uno de los rasgos más distintivos de los mitos, aquello que los convierte en “clásicos”, e... more Quizás uno de los rasgos más distintivos de los mitos, aquello que los convierte en “clásicos”, es el de su capacidad para ser reinterpretados por culturas y sociedades diferentes de aquellas que los crearon, abriéndose a nuevos contextos y significados. ¿De qué modo los mitos grecorromanos sirven para explicar y reflexionar sobre aspectos de nuestro mundo contemporáneo? ¿Cómo se usan, reelaboran y reformulan en la actual cultura de masas? A partir del concepto de “hibridación”, este volumen se propone indagar en la amplia variedad de identidades liminales y en los márgenes que nos ofrece la cultura clásica: las de los seres monstruosos (Medusa, Medea, Lamia), en la frontera entre lo animal y lo humano (sátiros), lo masculino y lo femenino (Endimión, Tiresias), la vida y la muerte (Perséfone). Además, la mitología proporciona interesantes ejemplos de lo que hoy llamamos “sexualidades alternativas”, “géneros fluidos” y “utopías de género”. Una hibridación que también se refleja en la multitud de formatos explorados en este libro, tomando como referentes obras inspiradas en la mitología clásica: cine, series de televisión y fanfictions, puestas en escena, danza y performance, artes plásticas, literatura juvenil, cómic y novela gráfica, videojuegos y redes sociales. Con ello se ha querido poner de relieve las interferencias entre alta y baja cultura, entre cultura dominante y contracultura, entre normatividad y transgresión, y cómo esta condición híbrida puede ayudarnos a comprender qué pueden decirnos los modelos clásicos sobre nosotros mismos.
Madrid, UAM Ediciones, 2021
Reservados todos los derechos. Está prohibido, bajo las sanciones penales y el resarcimiento civi... more Reservados todos los derechos. Está prohibido, bajo las sanciones penales y el resarcimiento civil previsto en las leyes, reproducir, registar o transmitir esta publicación, íntegra o parcialmente (salvo en este último caso, para su cita expresa en un texto diferente, mencionando su procedencia), por cualquier sistema de recuperación y por cualquier medio, sea mecánico, electrónico, magnético, electroóptico, por fotocopia o cualquier otro, sin la autorización prevista por

Madrid, Catarata-UAM Ediciones, 2019
La antigua Roma y su civilización ha ejercido a lo largo de los siglos una importante influencia ... more La antigua Roma y su civilización ha ejercido a lo largo de los siglos una importante influencia en la conformación de la cultura occidental y europea -desde instituciones y regímenes políticos hasta manifestaciones artísticas y distintas formas de entretenimiento- y hoy sigue teniendo un peso decisivo tanto en los ámbitos eruditos y canónicos como en los más populares. Así, si los estudios de tradición clásica se han desarrollado en torno a obras y autores vinculados a la "alta cultura" y a su influjo posterior como "modelos venerables", solo más recientemente una nueva disciplina, la recepción clásica, se ha ocupado de las diversas reinterpretaciones y apropiaciones del acervo clásico, reflejo de los intereses e inquietudes cambiantes de las sociedades, y por ello a menudo con finalidades muy distintas a las que tuvieron en el momento de su creación. Algo que atestiguan muchas de las manifestaciones de la llamada "cultura de masas". Desde esta perspectiva, la selección de textos de este volumen pretende ser ilustrativa de la recepción de Roma en la cultura popular contemporánea y representativa de la multiplicidad de reelaboraciones, apropiaciones y reinterpretaciones que ha tenido y sigue teniendo la civilización romana. De este modo, se sirve de los ejemplos extraídos de las literaturas populares (histórica, de terror, infantil y juvenil), el cine y la televisión, el cómic, los videojuegos, la música e incluso de la interpretación de los héroes romanos desde la perspectiva empresarial. Con ello se quiere también contribuir a superar la distancia que suele haber entre los estudios dedicados a la Antigüedad clásica, de corte más académico, y el gran público.
Latin Linguistics by Luis Unceta Gómez

A. M.ª Martín Rodríguez (ed.), Linguisticae Dissertationes. Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 17-21, 2019). Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, pp. 733-746, 2021
From their very beginning, politeness theories have been interested in the ways speakers refer to... more From their very beginning, politeness theories have been interested in the ways speakers refer to (and manipulate) common ground with their addressees, in order to achieve prosocial behaviour. Taking into account the “emergent” nature of politeness as well as the negotiated building of common ground, this paper explores positive politeness strategies based on common ground management in the comedies of Plautus, paying special attention to the stock characters that make use of them, and the kind of social relationships in which such strategies are preferentially deployed. This study also claims that the verbal form scis has undergone pragmaticalization and serves as a grounding device which allows the use of mutual knowledge as a positive politeness strategy.
Gunter Martin, Federica Iurescia, Sebastian Hof & Giada Sorrentino (eds.), Pragmatic Approaches to Drama. Studies in Communication on the Ancient Stage, Leiden/Boston, Brill, pp. 291-316, 2021

Journal of Pragmatics 170, pp. 231-244, 2020
The concept of “Discernment politeness” stems from research undertaken in the 1980s on the Japane... more The concept of “Discernment politeness” stems from research undertaken in the 1980s on the Japanese phenomenon of wakimae. Since the earliest work on the phenomenon by Hill et al. (1986) and Ide (1989, 1992), many scholars have looked to further explore Discernment across cultures (i.e. Kádár and Mills, 2013; Kádár and Paternoster, 2015; Ridealgh and Jucker, 2019). Fundamentally, Discernment has been approached as expected (and quasi-mandatory) behavioural norms used by subordinates towards their superiors within a communicative act, dictated by the socio-cultural context of the interaction (Ridealgh and Jucker, 2019). What becomes apparent, when studying ancient languages, is that due to the hierarchical nature of remote societies, Discernment includes a complementary dimension, an opposing phenomenon to deference, equally visible in interpersonal interactions, which has its foundation within the Power variable. This paper explores this opposing phenomenon (i.e. expected or permitted language used by superiors to their subordinates as a manifestation of their Power), which we call “Potestas”, within the context of Late Egyptian and Old Latin, in order to highlight the phenomenon, its forms of expression in these two languages, the gaps in regards to the Power variable within traditional politeness approaches, and its relationship with (Im)politeness Research.
L’Antiquité Classique 89, pp. 135-155, 2020
This paper explores the possibility of applying the concept of ‘indexicality’ to the study of lin... more This paper explores the possibility of applying the concept of ‘indexicality’ to the study of linguistic politeness in Latin. For this purpose, it chooses as a case study a sample of non-literary Latin, three private letters from the archive of Claudius Tiberianus in Karanis, and it focuses on three main features: the language chosen for the letter, pater as a term of endearment, and the expression of directive speech acts. Through this analysis, the main goal of this research is to progress in the development of a comprehensive framework, that allows us to overcome the difficulties posed by the study of linguistic politeness in Latin.
Lidewij van Gils, Caroline Kroon & Rodie Risselada (eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina, vol. II. Clause and Discourse, Berlín/Boston, De Gruyter, pp. 393-412, 2019
This chapter aims at contributing to the study of linguistic politeness in the comedies of Plautu... more This chapter aims at contributing to the study of linguistic politeness in the comedies of Plautus and Terence, through offering an overview of the expressions of happiness that are found in small talk, greetings and welcomes, congratulations and other speech acts. All these emotional expressions function as face-enhancing devices and convey positive politeness. In the consideration of these expressions, a difference is made between politic and polite behaviour, thus trying to apply first-order politeness approaches to the study of politeness phenomena in Latin.
Dionysus ex Machina 10, pp. 283-311, 2019
This paper offers an analysis of the speech act of compliment in the comedies of Plautus, and of ... more This paper offers an analysis of the speech act of compliment in the comedies of Plautus, and of its contribution to the expression of linguistic politeness, taking into account the linguistic structure of compliments, their communicative functions and their gender distribution. Compliments serve a number of different communicative goals (creating and reinforcing solidarity, approval, thanking, greeting…), and are a typically masculine speech act in that corpus.
Rosario López Gregoris (ed.), Drama y dramaturgia. III Encuentro Internacional de Teatro Latino, Zaragoza, Libros Pórtico pp. 311-332, 2019
Studi e Saggi Linguistici 56/2, pp. 9-37, 2018
In the last years, the burgeoning research field of linguistic im/politeness in Classical languag... more In the last years, the burgeoning research field of linguistic im/politeness in Classical languages, specially in Latin, has received a great deal of attention and has become an important research area, with promising and enriching results for our knowledge of ancient languages. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the state of the art of the research on Latin linguistic im/politeness. It offers a critical revision of its main advances, as well as perspectives for future research.

Camille Denizot & Olga Spevak (eds.), Pragmatic Approaches to Latin and Ancient Greek, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 63-82, 2017
The Latin particle em, mainly attested in Archaic Latin, is the shortened form of eme, the impera... more The Latin particle em, mainly attested in Archaic Latin, is the shortened form of eme, the imperative of the verb emere ‘to take, acquire, purchase’. The traditional understanding of this element has been that of a secondary interjection. This interpretation, however, presents a number of problems that can be traced to the lack of a pragmatic perspective. In a corpus as old as the comedies of Plautus (ca. 254-184 BC), em seems completely grammaticalized and paired with procedural meanings. This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the various discursive and pragmatic functions of em, mainly addressee-oriented and used to regulate the communicative exchange, and compares this Latin unit with similar ones in certain modern languages. In this way, this study not only helps us better understand the procedural meanings of this particular unit, but also offers a diachronic perspective of pragmaticalization phenomena.
Onomázein. Revista de Lingüística, Filología y Traducción 38, pp. 107-146, 2017
Este trabajo, el tercero de una serie, presenta un análisis comparativo de los principales valore... more Este trabajo, el tercero de una serie, presenta un análisis comparativo de los principales valores que desarrollan las interjecciones en los corpus teatrales de las comedias de Terencio y las tragedias de Séneca, agrupándolas según los distintos contenidos que expresan. Se reflexiona además sobre la función de la interjección en el género analizado.
Graeco-Latina Brunensia 22/1, pp. 205-220, 2017
This paper aims at offering an analysis of the pragmatic functions developed by the Latin particl... more This paper aims at offering an analysis of the pragmatic functions developed by the Latin particle abi, originally the imperative of the verb abeo ('to leave', 'to go away'): discourse marker of conversation closing, directive pragmatic marker, expression of disagreement and expression of congratulation. Based specially on the evidences of Roman Comedy, a proposal of pragmatic evolution is offered, in agreement with similar pragmaticalization paths in other languages.
Books by Luis Unceta Gómez
Edited Volumes by Luis Unceta Gómez
framework and showcasing a range of methods, topics, and genres. The individual chapters focus on canonical authors as well as on under-studied texts by ancient scholars and court proceedings.
Latin Linguistics by Luis Unceta Gómez
framework and showcasing a range of methods, topics, and genres. The individual chapters focus on canonical authors as well as on under-studied texts by ancient scholars and court proceedings.