Papers by Juan J. Durán-Herrera
Emprendimiento y negocios internacionales, 2019
Emprendimiento y negocios internacionales, Oct 25, 2022

European Journal of Tourism Research, 2016
Co-evolution as an approach to tourism sustainability has been under-researched in the tourism li... more Co-evolution as an approach to tourism sustainability has been under-researched in the tourism literature, which has mainly focused on the more natural evolutionary principles. Relevant questions about the co-evolutionary process remain understudied, especially in the case of multinational companies (MNCs) involved in tourism that coevolve with local authorities in developing African countries. This paper delves into the co-evolutionary process in order to identify the main challenges and key factors that condition the reciprocal interactions that give rise to co-evolution between local authorities and foreign MNCs in Africa. We apply a qualitative methodology based on a single and in-depth case study to examine the relationship between a Spanish hotel chain and local authorities in an African country. We find that a co-evolutionary approach based on cooperative interactions between tourism MNCs and local authorities may contribute towards guaranteeing sustainable tourism. Our findi...

Revista Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales, 2018
En el estudio de la internacionalización hacia países en desarrollo de la empresa turística radic... more En el estudio de la internacionalización hacia países en desarrollo de la empresa turística radicada en países desarrollados frecuentemente se analizan los retos que tal internacionalización comporta a los dos partes implicadas-la empresa turística extrajera y la comunidad local-, y desde dos perspectivas diferentes: (1) los retos que las multinacionales turísticas afrontan para operar con éxito en un país africano, y (2) los problemas concretos afrontados por las autoridades y la población local debido a las actividades llevadas a cabo por las multinacionales turísticas. Dado que una relación fructífera entre ambas partes puede ser muy beneficiosa, en este trabajo vamos más allá de las perspectivas de análisis individualizadas para tratar de responder a las dos cuestiones siguientes: (i) ¿cuáles son los mecanismos disponibles para que la empresa turística interactúe con las autoridades locales y los posibles efectos de éstos?; y (ii) ¿cuáles son los factores clave que facilitan una interacción de éxito con el gobierno de un país africano? Respondemos a estas preguntas a partir del estudio de un caso.
Revista Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales, 2017
La internacionalización de la empresa turística hacia países en desarrollo suele conllevar retos ... more La internacionalización de la empresa turística hacia países en desarrollo suele conllevar retos especiales. Se describe los problemas encontrados por una cadena hotelera española que opera en un país africano desde 2005. Se identifican los retos basados en la información obtenida de dos extensas entrevistas a dos consultores públicos independientes que habían intermediado en las relaciones y conflictos entre la empresa y las autoridades locales. Se encontraron problemas relacionados con la ineficacia del gobierno, el deficiente sistema regulatorio del país, y el estilo completamente diferente de negociación.
Revista Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales, 2017
Resumen ¿Condiciona la motivación emprendedora del fundador de una empresa las decisiones de inte... more Resumen ¿Condiciona la motivación emprendedora del fundador de una empresa las decisiones de internacionalización empresarial que éste adopta para su Pyme? Para responder a este interrogante, analizamos el caso de 296 emprendedores que han fundado sus empresas en Brasil. Los resultados indican que la motivación por oportunidad del individuo emprendedor condiciona la decisión de acometer operaciones internacionales, incluso años después de que éste haya fundado la empresa. Estos resultados apuntan hacia la necesidad de que los actores políticos no solo traten de fomentar la creación de más empresas, sino que acometan esfuerzos para generar un tipo particular de motivación emprendedora, esto es, la orientada a la búsqueda de oportunidades.

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2016
Institutional studies based on crosscountry comparisons and founded on a determinist perspective ... more Institutional studies based on crosscountry comparisons and founded on a determinist perspective analyse the behaviour in emerging economies. The current research, in contrast, looks to neo-institutionalism and the literature on entrepreneurship to pose two research questions based on individuals' discretion: (1) How does the entrepreneur's perception of the institutional dimensions influence their decision to involve their SME in international operations? (2) What role does opportunity motivation play in the impact of those perceptions on the internationalisation decision? We analyse a sample of 296 entrepreneurs who had founded their businesses in Brazil (Federal State of Sergipe), and our results confirm that the individual's perception of the normative and regulative aspects of institutions, the interaction between the two, and the interaction between the normative and cognitive aspects of institutions, explain the decision to embark on international operations. Opportunity motivation mediates the impact of the normative aspects of institutions on that decision.
Springer proceedings in business and economics, 2023
Revista Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales, 2019
Universia Business Review, 2013

The accession of new countries from Eastern Europe to the European Union represents one of the mo... more The accession of new countries from Eastern Europe to the European Union represents one of the most significant challenges currently facing this political institution. With respect to foreign direct investment (FDI), this enlargement should promote and attract investment and lead to greater uniformity in the factors that motivate it. However, when decisions are taken over FDI location, it cannot be affirmed yet that no differences exist in relation to the region to which the country belongs. This paper, by using a Nested Logit Model and a Conditional Logit Model, studies the existence of an East-West structure in the location of FDI, perceived by multinational enterprises (MNEs) from a late investor country in Europe. The results confirm the existence of such a regional distinction and also the role of political risk, the quality of institutions and host country macroeconomic variables; such as GDP growth, unemployment and population.
Annals of Tourism Research, 2014
The aims of this study are to analyze the relevance of political risk in the foreign location of ... more The aims of this study are to analyze the relevance of political risk in the foreign location of Spanish mul- tinational firms and if its importance differs depending on the concrete geographical area where the companies try to enter. Specifically, economic freedom, corruption and government restrictions are analyzed in a sample of 1773 Spanish subsidiaries all around the world. Our results show important differences in the significant variables for each region.
Corporate governance theory predicts that leverage affects agency costs and thereby influences fi... more Corporate governance theory predicts that leverage affects agency costs and thereby influences firm performance. Agency costs represent important problems in corporate governance in both financial and non-financial industries. Prior evidences have demonstrated an association between ownership structures, capital structure, and firm performance.

Sustainability, 2022
Company-specific assets, especially those of an intangible nature, are sources of value for the f... more Company-specific assets, especially those of an intangible nature, are sources of value for the firm; consequently, the company should carry out a good management of them to increase the firm’s competitiveness, accesses to financing, reduce risks and improve its reputation. However, no attention has been paid to the concept of intangible liabilities that a company may create or develop and its effects on the value of the firm, and the relationship with its competitiveness and reputation, with reputation being considered as the public recognition (perception) of the quality of activities of the firm by both internal and external stakeholders of the organization. The right identification of them should allow us to better manage companies. Through literature analysis and empirical observations, we identify different sources of intangible liabilities and their effect on the value of the firm, highlighting those of them that implies a negative impact in the firm reputation. We identified...
Informacion Comercial Espanola Ice Revista De Economia, 1984
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2005
According to foreign direct investment (FDI) path theory, developed countries are grouped into tw... more According to foreign direct investment (FDI) path theory, developed countries are grouped into two phases, known as the fourth and fifth phases. Fourth-phase countries (newly developed economies) show a technological and institutional "gap" in comparison with fifth-phase economies, which explains their lesser capacity to generate direct investment. We found that these countries, which were less developed economies in the 1980s,
ICE, Revista de Economía
La evolución de la IDE ha ido conformando una geografía de las empresas multinacionales con nuevo... more La evolución de la IDE ha ido conformando una geografía de las empresas multinacionales con nuevos inversores, entre los que se encuentran multinacionales de países menos desarrollados (emergentes) y multinacionales de propiedad estatal y fondos soberanos. Se ha ido construyendo así una estructura institucional de gobernanza global que se asimila a una economía mixta, que abre oportunidades para el avance de políticas públicas y de cooperación internacional en el cumplimiento de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.
European Management Journal
European Management Journal, 2016
Papers by Juan J. Durán-Herrera